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can anybody help please

token joe

New member
20130324_212606.jpg hi to all you out there and thank you to all who try to help this is a bubba kush clone that I got from a friend I had problems with leaf curl through veg and continued into flower I was wondering if anybody out there could possibly let me know what is wrong I am using Fox farms ocean forest mixed with happy frogs 2 to 1 ratioadded extra perlite to soil in a bit of bat guanoI use earth Juice nutrients PH to 6.3 to6.5I am also using well water the TDS of the well water is 213 ppmthe temperature in the closet with lights on stage between 76 and 79 degrees in late lights off the temperature will be around 58 to67 degrees humidity always stays in the low thirties cannot get it to raise any higher..hopefully this is enough info and from the picture somebody can give me an idea on where to start to fix this problem but I can say other than the leaf curl she's been in flowering for 3 weeks now and she looks like she's doing pretty well


my strength is a number, and my soul lies in every
ICMag Donor
that (typically) is a nitrogen over fertilization {Indicas typically need little if any N during flower}... if that is the case in this instance... I would begin watering with straight water for a while until the new growth is normal then begin feeding with 1/4 strength bloom fertilizer and work your way up to 1/2 - 3/4 strength, also I believe that bubba is a bit Nute sensitive if I am not mistaken


Active member
View attachment 214131 ..I am also using well water the TDS of the well water is 213 ppm..

TDS implies a 500ppm scale, which means that's a pretty high ppm/EC for your starting water (EC would be around .45, which almost twice the recommended ceiling for base water).

Also, do you have a water softener? If so by pass it. And consider saving up up for an RO filter. I am very lucky to have excellent tap water so I don't need one.

This of course might not be related but it's the only thing that jumped w info given.

token joe

New member
thanks for the reply I'm going to water her with straight water for the next few feedings and then do what you said so with the nutrients and to the other gentleman I do not have a water softener just a small whole house filterand I'm looking into an RO system now


Looks like to much N to me also. Can you get a cpl of close up pics of the leaves? Your soil has plenty of N in it already probably and then adding the nutes is giving you to much N. I would as stated back off the nutes for a watering or 2 and then when you use the nutes again i would use 1/2 to a 1/4 of what the bottle says.

Your ppms to start with are pretty high. Can you filter your water to bring it down some? Want to get it below 100 ppm's preferably or even better down to between 20-60 ppms. Have you checked what the ppm's are after adding your nutes?

token joe

New member
Yes I checked it, ppm is usually 2275 when every thing is added to water. I'm going to start buying distilled water until I pick up ro system.


my strength is a number, and my soul lies in every
ICMag Donor
Yes I checked it, ppm is usually 2275 when every thing is added to water. I'm going to start buying distilled water until I pick up ro system.

I rarely ever even use Nutes... and never check PPM... but isn't 2275 REALLY high? :dunno:

token joe

New member
I'm not sure if that is even right because I use organic nutes and was told tds meter dose not read them accurate my last run with thc bomb ppm was the same as now and harvested 6 oz of dank nugs off 3 plants under 600 watt hps in 3×3×8 closet
if your using an organic regiment I don't think you need an ro system. I also use well water for mine. I recommend aerating your earthjuice products for 48 hrs before usage I use the complete line of the products with amazing results.
Your problem with that plant is definetly overfert. You need to use the feed,water,water,feed program. Those leaves may never fully uncurl but if your using anything with nitrogen this late in your flower immediatly discontinue its use .
Like you said they look fine except for a few leaves curled. Trust in aerated nuts before getting any ro system. I would simply aerate

token joe

New member
Thanks for the info, I aerated my last grow but I also used distilled water. I decided to use my well water this time and no aeration, looks like i better start doing it again. I'm guessing that transplanting in ffof a week before flower caused nitrogen toxicity I will srart f w w f schedule thanks again


Active member
Yes I checked it, ppm is usually 2275 when every thing is added to water. I'm going to start buying distilled water until I pick up ro system.

Not sure you need distilled just less nutes perhaps.

Also, check to make sure your ppm meter won't ef up w distilled watwer.

token joe

New member
How can I raise rh in small closet, I'm using a 600watt hps with bat wing reflector so it gets pretty hot in there. I keep exhaust fan running and a fan blowing on the light and one oscillating the plants 24/7
Simple you can't.. there's only so much you'll be able to accomplish in an area that small I have found that watering daily or every two days will help some. Other than that lower humidity willbe acceptable to the plants with higher temperature. High humidity and high heat spell powdery mildew and other pests for sure. Keep up the good work and good luck


my strength is a number, and my soul lies in every
ICMag Donor
I think that you may be able to increase it some by simply putting a small shallow container of water in the room, and the humidity should rise through evaporation of the water


my strength is a number, and my soul lies in every
ICMag Donor
are you able to cycle your exhaust with a thermostatic controller or timer?

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