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Gettin Dabby - 4000 Watt, 36 Plant Vertical Stadium Build/Grow


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These pics were taken thursday 3/21





This picture was taken today



Active member
The plants are looking happy happy happy. The t5 bulbs will need there own fixture, they are different. when you buy them get around 6500k for veg. Is your room sealed or is ventilated? How is the air conditioner installed? Just curious you said you had an extra fan for an intake to help heat and it looks like a bare bulb room with an a/c inside. I would plug the a/c into an outlet of it own and just set a temp and let it on all the time. i would recommend taping up any lighting on it once you got it set where you want it. Is the sentinel controller for the whole room, can you plug everything into it for your enviroment? how are you exhausting the heat from the a/c?

Right now, I dont have the A/C installed. With air temps outside being so low, i just use an 8'' intake fan to pull cool air from outside into the room.

The sentinel is for the whole room, and i have a humidifier, portable ceramic heater, and 2 8'' fans connected to it. I didnt think the thermostats on the little window A/C's were reliable enough to trust them in my room. I dont want it blasting the girls with cold ass air at night, getting my temps down to nothing...

As far as exhausting the heat from the a/c, i'll probably just nigrig a box around it, with the 8'' fan pulling the air out of the garage through 8'' flexible tubing.

Thanks for the reply!!!


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The problems pretty much corrected themselves while i was on vacation the last ten days of march. Heres some pics





Active member
Busy day over here in dabville... Finally got around to building the shelves for the stadium, and installing the air conditioner. Put pondliner on the shelves and gutters on the end for drainage, which will make watering these whores alot easier. Also light proofed everything a little bit better, and made a new door for the room with zippers instead of velcro...

If anyone is considering velcro, think again. That shit sucks.. Its not sticky enough, and light leaks like a motherfucker. I'll post pics when i get home



-waves- :wave:
I wanna pop in and tell you that there is someone out here that likes your updates! You seem a little lonely in your thread and I, myself, hate to be "ignored" just cus there is really nothing substential to say.. :)

You seem to go quite fine there. I got nothing really to add, more then say that they seem to have recovered from that overfeed quite nice.
I think you should had given them plain water for 2-3 days before going back on regular nutestrength tho.

Best of luck!
Keep those updates comming!


passing the gas
looks like your plants are healthy now, tough to tell with the HPS color.
your clones suffered from too much light while you were rooting. 25-30 watts of cfl is enough for the cloner.

having your pots on a concrete floor can keep the coco too cold and slow things down.
you got em eleveted now and that helped me, sometimes I use a little foam board.
smart pots are good with the coco. smaller is better, I'm down to 2 gallon and under.
I like to water every day but the plants have to get big in a 2 gallon to use that much.

I've had trouble with some bagged coco's not being washed well and transplants into it struggled with ph troubles for weeks after. I always soak a cup of bagged coco in some water and measure the ppms. if it's more than 200 ppms over my tap water I rinse it.

how's your water out of the tap? ppm's and ph?

your plants look like they are growing well. soon comes the bud parade, good luck!


Active member
Femora - Thanks yo, I'll be sure to do that! thanks for checkin it out!

ChunkyPigs - Healthy for the most part. A little yellowing because I was only using 2ml/gal of calmag.. I bumped it up to 5ml/gal and it has already started to get better.

Im taking clones for the next run today, because I'm flipping these girls tomorrow, so i'll keep the lighting in mind. I'll only turn on one of the shoplights...I need to go grab an aquarium heater today just to make sure my water temp stays 78-80*. I think this, as well as humidity was what caused my failure this first run. Hopefully things will run a bit smoother this time

Tap water ppm is 220
ph 7.8

I rinsed the shit out of the coco till runoff ppm was <150. Im turning the lights off tomorrow afternoon so the bud parade is on its way. Thanks for checking it out! Hoping for some big yields!


Active member
looking much better man!

the bottom plants are getting too tall for a 2 tier setup, the bottom plants will just stretch past and block the top row plants. i'm doing 1 level now because i let mine veg a bit long.

is putting the can filter on the ceiling an option?

muffin fans? when properly placed i can put my hand within a couple inches of a 1k and its just warm. will help make sure top colas never get burned post stretch.

racks look good, i like the stands. pondliner and a lil incline works perfectly.. just make sure there is room for water to flow all the way from the last pot to the drain, sometimes a pot would get nudged in just the right way to block the path and water would build up til i realized the drainage pump was sounding weird...

i like the use of plywood as sides for the pondliner too... shades and staples were not very secure in my room.


Active member
looking much better man!

the bottom plants are getting too tall for a 2 tier setup, the bottom plants will just stretch past and block the top row plants. i'm doing 1 level now because i let mine veg a bit long.

is putting the can filter on the ceiling an option?

muffin fans? when properly placed i can put my hand within a couple inches of a 1k and its just warm. will help make sure top colas never get burned post stretch.

racks look good, i like the stands. pondliner and a lil incline works perfectly.. just make sure there is room for water to flow all the way from the last pot to the drain, sometimes a pot would get nudged in just the right way to block the path and water would build up til i realized the drainage pump was sounding weird...

i like the use of plywood as sides for the pondliner too... shades and staples were not very secure in my room.

Even though the bottom plants are getting pretty big, I think the two tier will still work fine because i only have 3 plants per row per tier.
By staggering them, light should be able to penetrate to the back row just fine.

I started flowering these girls yesterday...I am going to install the trellis sometime this week and see how the girls stretch, and then see..I could always bring down the other 3 plants to do 6 plants per side on the lower row, but im thinking since these bitches are so bushy, the two tier would be better still..

What do you mean by muffin fans?? I know they kinda suck but when running lights during the night with a 15kbtu a/c, my temps have been fine...the closest plant is about 26 inches from the light right now, and with the trellis installed it should stay in this area.

Thanks for the comments on the racks..I didnt create enough downward slope in both directions, so i shimmed em up with some 2x4's and plywood to help the drainage...Still works pretty damn good though..

Heres an UPDATE:

PPM of the runoff was getting a bit high even though i have been doing like 25% runoff.. starting ppm around 1200, ending ppm 1600.. SO i flushed em until the runoff was less than 500 and threw them into flower.

Light cycle 12/12 On from 10:30pm - 10:30am.
Humidity around 40-60%
Temperature stays at 75*f during the day, 65*f at night.
Took 38 clones 3 days before the flip.
Havent noticed any bugs, i azatrolled the shit out of them when they were clones, and then did a couple cycles of azatrol foliar feed every 3 days for 9 days. Hoping this keeps the spider mites away.. Have found a few beetles in the clone room. Hmm.

Anyways heres some pics







Active member
Update: Day 23 Flower

Everything is going great, except it keeps fucking snowing once a week and fucks the climate right up. GG May snow.

There about 10-15 donkey dick sized nugs on every plant. These trees are huge..the stems are about twice the size of a bic lighter

First two pics from about 4 days ago


And From Last night/This morning




Hi dabs,

great grow, were all really impressed down here I can tell you. I am doing something similar except with more plants. I have major issues with humidity but thankfully winter is here and its starting to dry out a bit (i aint hijackin). Snow, uggh, I'm glad I don't get snow here, that sounds truly awful, are you on day 39 now? Anyway more pics give us an update, I know life gets busy and all but we is impatient to see the preciouses!