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  • live happily ever after.

    Votes: 2 3.4%
  • divorced and broke starting from scratch.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • together for the kids sake, but miserable.

    Votes: 4 6.8%
  • joins john daly on the hooters tour.

    Votes: 2 3.4%
  • drug addict stuck inside watching cartoons eating cerial.

    Votes: 5 8.5%
  • shamed and over doses.

    Votes: 2 3.4%
  • divorced, wins masters, back on top of the world as americas number 1 bachelor.

    Votes: 44 74.6%

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way to keep it on track celtic, good call , i forgot rich fucks get legal drugs
seems you have a grudge against rich folk! in which case you should go and get rich and famous and then maybe you wont be mad at them for being sucessful at what they do. dude,lifes too short to be angry at things like this. just be glad and proud that you live the way you do and let the world be its self!


Pleasantly dissociated
dude ive been rich and ive been homeless so i can have an opinion on either, i took a vow of poverty after i saw what it takes to get rich and stay that way,

go troll someone elses thread , new info, 2 911 calls might be relevant on what happened, maybe we can hear these soon, maybe


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
This IS what happened. She was swinging at the SUV as he drove away and he was keeping an eye on her then hit the hydrant then the tree. Reports are that some of the scratches on his face were from HER not the crash,she freaked out regarding a possible affair attacked him and (props to Him on this one) realizing she's was gonna kill his cheatin ass tried to book and she chased him out of the house with the golf club.

I think it's nice to see that even Tiger is human everyone is ok but this is gonna drag on for a bit and more importantly he NEVER swung on her but she kicked the shit out of him.



Oh and you guys leave Karma Girl alone. Who do you think taught Tiger's wife how to handle a cheater?

This original statement is correct and to add to the story. The girl in question is Rachel Uchitel and the folks that tried to snitch her out to the press were paid 25,000 by the national Inquirer. He is waiting to heal up guys that is why the popo were turned away. If they see scratches or bruises that are not consistent with an automobile accident good ole wifey by Florida law would have to be arrested. Now we all know this won't happen. Tiger was taking some type of medication for an injury but alcohol WAS NOT A FACTOR.

She beat the shit out of Tiger Woods and he ran instead of doing it to her. I also believe they needed to get the window glass out of the driveway (smoking gun). He should be healed up by Sunday and they both can give a statement but damn man she went at TIGER FUGGIN WOODS with a golf club.

The Irony in that is not even funny.

During the phone conversation on Friday, Tiger told his friend, "I have to run to Zales to get a 'Kobe Special.'" The person on the other end of the phone asked Tiger what a "Kobe Special" was. The reply -- "A house on a finger."

During the conversation, Tiger said his wife had "gone ghetto" on him.

As we first reported, Tiger told the friend his wife had scratched his face up during an argument over a report that the golf great had cheated on her. The "other woman" named in the story -- Rachel Uchitel -- calls the report "bulls**t."

Of course, the Kobe reference is the now-famous house/ring he gave his wife Vanessa after the whole Colorado thing. We're assuming Tiger was joking, though he can certainly afford it.

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Pleasantly dissociated
no wags , thats what makes it super funny, i can see tiger correcting her on her grip while shes beating his ass," ouchie baby ,stop, stop, if ya dont stop please use the interlocking grip ,i dont want it to slip and hit my caddie," she said" oh ya dont want me to hit this fuckin caddie, POW"


dude ive been rich and ive been homeless so i can have an opinion on either, i took a vow of poverty after i saw what it takes to get rich and stay that way,

go troll someone elses thread , new info, 2 911 calls might be relevant on what happened, maybe we can hear these soon, maybe
aw man, i dont think he was bustin on ya like ya think.
aw man, i dont think he was bustin on ya like ya think.
indeed i wasnt. let me slpain.....i was wealthy until 2 years ago when i gave ALL my $ to a homless shelter in my area. why? cuz i could ride my bike down main st. at 80 miles an hour and the cop said....aw man,its you, just slow down! nice break but wrong none the less. i never knew who my true friends were. i found myself getting arrogant. people want to be your friend just cuz your rich and well known. i was embarrassed! i have raised five kids by myself and before i was successful in my income i was homeless with four of them and lived in a tent in the woods. we took baths and washed our clothes in a river. i never forgot that.
what i learned here was that being rich isnt allways a picnic,espeacily if you have honor and integrity,which i have. i aint heard shit bout tiger till i read this thread. but ill bet NO ONE knows the REAL story 'cept for tiger and his girl,so why be angry just cuz he is rich and famous? it just seems a wate of time and energy to me. so i am sorry if you were offended,i wasnt try to insult you.


cant stop wont stop
Almost Three years ago, in march.,,,...
I was Black out drunk, yeah im not proud but it happens.
Anyways, i was not conscious but yet my person was. I left a taxi for christ sake - heres the kicker.. i got in my car and made it down the block, hit a fire hydrant and a tree. what was left of my hardly running vehicle was spinning donuts on a highschool campus. allls i remember was loud noise, smoke and blue and red lights,
dpnt matter how fucked up you are when you wake up in that circumstance you RUN!!!!!!!
was instanlty followed by a aggravated police chase and about 3 more charges added to my alreadly horrible situation. hey before you talk shit its not like im here to advocate the use of alcohol i just like it :D

Long story short i wrecked a great car, i thank god i hurt no one else besides myself (and yeah the cops WHOOOPPPPPED the shit outta me by the time they caught up with my ass) (on foot that is)

wow anyways what can i say??
alchol's bad news
lost my train of thought but ehhh...

Fuck you Tiger Woods becuase now everone I know is now reffering me to you!!!

Blue Dot

This original statement is correct and to add to the story. The girl in question is Rachel Uchitel and the folks that tried to snitch her out to the press were paid 25,000 by the national Inquirer. He is waiting to heal up guys that is why the popo were turned away. If they see scratches or bruises that are not consistent with an automobile accident good ole wifey by Florida law would have to be arrested. Now we all know this won't happen. Tiger was taking some type of medication for an injury but alcohol WAS NOT A FACTOR.

She beat the shit out of Tiger Woods and he ran instead of doing it to her. I also believe they needed to get the window glass out of the driveway (smoking gun). He should be healed up by Sunday and they both can give a statement but damn man she went at TIGER FUGGIN WOODS with a golf club.

The Irony in that is not even funny.


you're right bro, she tried to drive him 320 yards down the driveway with that club (lol) and he hightailed it.

He made his bed now he's gotta lie in it.

IMG and NIKE have got to be fuming.

I see million upon millons in endorsement money just flying out the window of that cadillac.


Pleasantly dissociated
this shit usually happens at the trailer park, maybe they will laugh this off every thanksgiving, " member back in 09, tahahaha when ya caught me banging that chcick when i said i was hitting balls, lol i was hitting balls like you were hitting out my windows , love ya babe , happy thankgiving"


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
After speculation from several publications regarding her alleged affair with Tiger Woods, Rachel Uchitel has denied every bit on it!

According to the National Enquirer, Ashley Samson, a friend of Uchitel, confirmed the relationship. Rachel is claiming that her friend made the story up because she got paid $25,000 to spill, but it doesn't dismiss the facts. She was seen checking into the same Melbourne hotel that Tiger was staying at during the week of the Australian Masters.

“How is it possible that I walked up to the counter at [Woods’] hotel in Melbourne, asked for a room key, and went to the 35th floor? And that I would be dumb enough to let the Enquirer into the elevator and see me push the button saying ‘35?’” she said about the coincidence.

Yet, her stories went back and forth on why she was even in Melbourne. Uchitel originally said she was "on business," then was there with "a boyfriend" and eventually switched back to her original story.

She has also been linked the married actor David Boreanaz which prevents her from participating in these extra-marital affairs any longer.

“Other things have happened in my past that would prevent me from doing anything like this. I have traveled with men that are quietly more important than Tiger Woods and it is incredibly difficult to get to their hotel room,” said the homewrecker.

But, we've also heard reports that she's been "friends" with Ryan Seacrest as well!!!

She meets these celebs at her job as the Director of VIP services for Pink Elephant, a company that specializes in the NYC club scene.

“As part of my job, I have to keep many secrets about celebrities, so for [the Enquirer to report] me as going around telling people about something like this doesn’t make sense. I’m not that big of an idiot," the idiot continued.

“God forbid Tiger got into a car wreck because of this false report of him having an affair. Despite it being completely untrue, it still must have certainly caused some problems at home — if I was his wife, I probably would have killed him. This is nothing to do with me. We have never had an affair, and the claims we did are completely false. We have never had an affair, talked on the phone or sent any type of text, sexy or not,” Uchitel told the New York Post. “I am really upset about it because I am being portrayed as a homewrecker, when it simply isn’t true.”

Blue Dot

After speculation from several publications regarding her alleged affair with Tiger Woods, Rachel Uchitel has denied every bit on it!

According to the National Enquirer, Ashley Samson, a friend of Uchitel, confirmed the relationship. Rachel is claiming that her friend made the story up because she got paid $25,000 to spill, but it doesn't dismiss the facts. She was seen checking into the same Melbourne hotel that Tiger was staying at during the week of the Australian Masters.

“How is it possible that I walked up to the counter at [Woods’] hotel in Melbourne, asked for a room key, and went to the 35th floor? And that I would be dumb enough to let the Enquirer into the elevator and see me push the button saying ‘35?’” she said about the coincidence.

Yet, her stories went back and forth on why she was even in Melbourne. Uchitel originally said she was "on business," then was there with "a boyfriend" and eventually switched back to her original story.

She has also been linked the married actor David Boreanaz which prevents her from participating in these extra-marital affairs any longer.

“Other things have happened in my past that would prevent me from doing anything like this. I have traveled with men that are quietly more important than Tiger Woods and it is incredibly difficult to get to their hotel room,” said the homewrecker.

But, we've also heard reports that she's been "friends" with Ryan Seacrest as well!!!

She meets these celebs at her job as the Director of VIP services for Pink Elephant, a company that specializes in the NYC club scene.

“As part of my job, I have to keep many secrets about celebrities, so for [the Enquirer to report] me as going around telling people about something like this doesn’t make sense. I’m not that big of an idiot," the idiot continued.

“God forbid Tiger got into a car wreck because of this false report of him having an affair. Despite it being completely untrue, it still must have certainly caused some problems at home — if I was his wife, I probably would have killed him. This is nothing to do with me. We have never had an affair, and the claims we did are completely false. We have never had an affair, talked on the phone or sent any type of text, sexy or not,” Uchitel told the New York Post. “I am really upset about it because I am being portrayed as a homewrecker, when it simply isn’t true.”

I have yet to hear tiger deny this affair.

Has anyone read where he has denied this affair?

I don't think tigers wife would get THAT pissed if it were simply a fabricated story in the biggest rag ever, the Nat enquir.

Tiger's wife obviously confronted tiger and certainly didn't like the answer tiger gave her.
I am not defending Vick if that is what you were implying. All I was saying is this - normally someone who fights dogs , or even neglects and kills dogs- they simply get misdomenors or less. But I understand why people hate Vick so let me use another famous person I feel got hammered because they were famous.
Tommy Chong.
If he were not Tommy Chong he would had most likely gotten a fine-probation and or maybe even just ignored. But when you catch a big-name you get the chance to really put it to them in the name of "Deterence". Thier name is in the paper all the time so the Government likes to show thier power so others won't follow thier lead.
sentences in the USA are meant to punish and DETER. The punishment must punish the offender but it must be great enough to deter others from doing it.
Best way to deter others is to hammer a high profile offender- if T.Chong who's rich with a limited record can go to jail, what will happen to joe schmoe??? That is what they hope to accomplish.
That is all I was saying. I wasn't defending Vick.

IDK dude, I got out of what could have been a MONSTER heap of trouble for $3500 for the lawyer and about $3600 in restitution... I think I was lucky, however, if you play it smart Joe Schmoe can come fairly unscathed... Just my opinion.. You know what they say about opinions....:abduct:


"I'm Tiger "Eldrige" Woods and I can spike this golfball up your ass from 150 yards, but wifey cought me creepin in at 2:45. I had to tell her I was on my way to the club for an early round and to get my balls washed. She said,"Here's your favorite club," (gusssh) through the back window!" That's when I got all Super Dave Osbourne on the gas so it's okay officer..
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