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  • live happily ever after.

    Votes: 2 3.4%
  • divorced and broke starting from scratch.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • together for the kids sake, but miserable.

    Votes: 4 6.8%
  • joins john daly on the hooters tour.

    Votes: 2 3.4%
  • drug addict stuck inside watching cartoons eating cerial.

    Votes: 5 8.5%
  • shamed and over doses.

    Votes: 2 3.4%
  • divorced, wins masters, back on top of the world as americas number 1 bachelor.

    Votes: 44 74.6%

  • Total voters
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stoned agin ...
he's the greatest golfer of the 20th century, no doubt. he's greater than nicklaus, greater than palmer, watson, any of the post '50 ones; as for bobby jones etc., who knows, that's like secretariat vs. man o' war. only a career-stoppoing problem will keep him from topping them all.

that said, the pouty stuff is a turn-off. don't know what the other tour players think of him ... i know they all thought mickelson was a dick-head.

even though norman got the big CHOKE rap, i always liked him. remember when he threatened to clean that guy in the gallery's clock that was heckling him LOL


Well-known member
I, for one, won't support a company that condones cheating on ones wife.

I'm sure Nike & Gatorade are holding emergency board meetings right now, trying to figure-out how they will survive without Blue Dot's support. LOL!

You really are a mindless twit Blue Balls.

Your like a fool who knowingly plunges his hand into a box of poisonous snakes hoping to draw-forth an eel.



Well-known member
You're either a genius or an idiot.

I'm neither genius nor idiot, however, it doesn't take a rocket-scientist to figure-out your totally full-of-shit, and clueless about the game of golf. A fucking hacker that couldn't break 100 from the ladies-tees on a short, player-friendly resort course.

Of course if you were a +2 or better then you would have already tried to qualify for the US Open, right Roy McAvoy? lol

^^^Once again you prove how little you know about anything, you fluffy bunny douche-nozzle.

Even in my youth, I have never fooled myself into believing that I'm good enough to go to Q-school. I know to many better golfers than myself that chased that dream and failed. I would have thought you & your 300+ drive would have already been to Q-school and on tour with the big-boy's.

You obviously don't understand how many starving PGA card holders there are. The majority of PGA card holders have a difficult time making a living playing golf. For example, I have a 28 year-old kid working for me selling real estate, that pulled his card at Q-School 3 year ago. I know another one tending bar at nights at a local club. Hell, my area is full of PGA professionals struggling to make a living that couldn't pick-up my bar-tab.

Like I said before Blue Balls, any time you want to bring your 300+ yard drive down my way, and tee-it-up with me from the tip's, just send me a PM, and I'll make all the necessary arrangements. Your always welcomed here. Just bring cash or stay home.

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tiger gives us wood

tiger gives us wood

shit.. this is sickening.. we're on IC here (not pre-teen-book) and a Tiger Woods thread has more action than anything else - and most of you are just measuring dicks and fronting! Damn, just forget about it, leave the guy alone.. who cares about someone else's personal life? I know he has a wholesome, Disney-level image, but so what if he wants a little drinky drinky and some sucky sucky? WE make idols of these people and then expect them to be above temptation or above human-weakness..
Wheteher its a psycho mistress, a sleep-drive (luckily Ive only sleep-eaten, er, feasted, on the restorals, but it is possible however scary), a coke-run, whatever - he still has the driving record issue, any intoxication-while-driving, career (PGA) setbacks, sponsorship/ad revenue, and of course the family fallout which is personal but probably more damaging to him than even a career setback.. Even if he strayed, Im sure his wife and kids (does he have kids, I dont know? not important) are still of value..
With all of that I do not think he "got off easy" or anything like that.. Plus, I think that whatever people like us think and say about him is so far down on the nlist of important things to him that we are just wasting our time talking about it or looking for ways to punish his sponsors or lynch him..
Grow up.. (or grow weed.. :) thats what were here for, isnt it?


Nah dude, when mad hot chicks throw themselves on you because you have money/fame, cheating is hard to resist.

But, he's a doucher. BUSTED MUH FUCKA!

NO MORE GOLF 4 u!!!!


Well-known member
I don't fault Tiger for this.

Waking up next to the same woman for years sucks, truly.

I believe marriage to be a total sham...


Lammen Gorthaur
He's the only asshole in the world who cheats on his wife and gets punished by having to play golf. WTF kind of justice is that? He going for the O.J. Simpson Justice of the Piece Award?


Well-known member
I have never been one to get all excited, and gaga over celebrities of any kind, movie, sports, or otherwise, however, I must say after seeing photos of all the young hot girls claiming to have fucked Tiger, he's starting to become my hero.

You go Tiger! Get it while you can & bang them all if you can my boy!


Barney Fife

Tiger's 2009 Christmas cards:

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