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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Cabana’s bitch
I watched the very beginning of the race and then I decided that I didn’t want to sit in the chair any longer, and I went outsideen and fed the animals. I get out to the pigpen and three little pigs are running around the outside. I open up the gate to shoe them in and Bosco can flying out… Ivan helped me get them back into the pen and I noticed the damn pigs are ripping up the fence down at the ground…


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A company is interviewing applicants for an accountancy position, and the three finalists have been chosen. The first one is called in, and asked, "What is two plus two?" She answers, "Four," and is asked to leave. The second finalist is called in, and asked the same question, "What is two plus two?" He also answers, "Four," and is also asked to leave. The third and final applicant is called in, and yet again asked, "What is two plus two?" He answers, "What do you want it to be?"


On a mailtrain.
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A company is interviewing applicants for an accountancy position, and the three finalists have been chosen. The first one is called in, and asked, "What is two plus two?" She answers, "Four," and is asked to leave. The second finalist is called in, and asked the same question, "What is two plus two?" He also answers, "Four," and is also asked to leave. The third and final applicant is called in, and yet again asked, "What is two plus two?" He answers, "What do you want it to be?"

that must have been the accountant for Enron


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The horse radish lasted over a year in a cloth pot. Till Ribeye found it and munched every leaf that came up this year. Had to move it into the garden in its own raised bed. It can take over this corner of the garden....

horse radish.jpg


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user

The horse radish lasted over a year in a cloth pot. Till Ribeye found it and munched every leaf that came up this year. Had to move it into the garden in its own raised bed. It can take over this corner of the garden....

View attachment 18991336
Here is my horseradish...just coming up. All the way around the whole perimeter. The far back is chives.


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One to
This telly show 'Steptoe and Son' - was started off in the early 1960' s in the UK - then was nicked by the yanks over the pond and renamed and remade as 'Sanford and Son' -

Lemont...oh Lemont, it's the big one

Favorite show ever. Red Fox a man before his time and breaking barriers.

Thanks for that info @Gypsy Nirvana I will see if I can find that original

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