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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
Found something I wrote on a 'busted' thread a while back - about a grow that I was involved with just outside Amsterdam in 2003 -

21 years ago - me and an American lady friend set up a seed grow in her large 3 storied (including the loft) rented house out in Mydrecht in Holland - she had already been growing in the big double garage NYC Diesel from Soma for the coffee shops for a while - and had been working on breeding Nevilles Haze (directly from Neville ) with Super Silver Haze - for quite some time - and we decided to 'blow up' her home grow space to include every room in the house (and there were many) - other than the kitchen, bathroom and one bedroom - making many crosses of top bred popular varieties at the time - 20 plus 600 watt son-t-agro grow lights were a blaze in that big house every night - and all of the 200+ plants were being organically grown in good soil that I had schleped there from a grow shop in Amsterdam along with all the nutes and other stuff needed - and it was hard work - getting the whole house firing on all cylinders - as it was -

I had a shop called 'Seedboutique' close to Dam square in Amsterdam back then - and 3 other shops - a grow shop (Hydroponic Systems) - a seed shop (The Seed Gallery) - and a tattoo/piercing/head shop called 'Gypsy Nirvana' 400 miles away in suburban London, England - which I would commute to every week usually leaving around 8am on a Monday morning - to catch the channel tunnel train - under the English Channel - driving my beloved old 'S type R' Jaguar - and returning to Holland usually on the following Friday afternoon - week in and week out for many months - my American lady friend carefully looking after the grow in my absence -

One cold winters Monday morning - I decided to leave earlier for the Channel Tunnel train than usual - leaving at 4am instead of the usual 8am departure time from Mydrecht - it was an exciting time for us because all of the previous 3 weeks we had been harvesting our first bumper seed crop from the house - room by room - and it was looking like all the effort and expense invested in this large house grow - was going to finally pay off - but alas - it did not -

After driving back to London - I received an urgent and hysterical call from my lady friend telling me that she had been busted by the Dutch coppers - and they had parked a big dumpster outside the house and cleaned the place out of all the plants/pots/nutes and systems - and all but a very few of the seeds left scattered on the floor - they had arrived at 8am at the exact time that usually I would have been leaving for London - and trashed the place - while they ripped everything and anything grow related out of the house - surprisingly after just a couple of hours in custody - the coppers had let her go home - but to a home with no electricity - and all her personal stuff was strewn everywhere - my heart just bled for her as she cried and cried - and we wondered how the cops had managed to find out - and after much deliberation in thought - and due dilligence we discovered that it had been an employee manager of mine in the UK - who had informed on me - since he had taken up with my ex lady partner in life - and in business - and they were both trying to get me behind the wrong sort of bars - so that they could take over the whole business together -

Ya - I got snitched/grassed on - and how we knew was in one of the shops in London's phone records - and the fact that the manager had visited me while at the grow - when I thought I could trust him - and knew where the key was hidden for the garage many months before - (and the cops went straight to that location to get the key when they arrived ) - since he was supposedly my right hand man as a manager - and stupidly I thought that he would be the last person to make that call -

Luckily enough - the Dutch coppers never did pull me in - and the American lady was never charged - and soon left with me to live in the UK - but that huge loss - still bothers me to this day -

To the thread starter - keep your chin up - and Grow On! - never let the bastards get you down -

Great story! When I began growing 43 years ago I was taught two rules.
1. Never plant on your own property.
2. Never show your plants to anyone.
Those two simple rules have kept me out of prison for four decades. 😉

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Great story! When I began growing 43 years ago I was taught two rules.
1. Never plant on your own property.
2. Never show your plants to anyone.
Those two simple rules have kept me out of prison for four decades. 😉
Ya - good advice - with the lazzaise fair attitude we had growing there at the time in Holland - to make seeds - I did feel like we were lucky - not to even see the inside of a cell - nor have to engage a lawyer - but we did lose a huge seed crop and a whole bunch lights/nutes and systems - so would have been better to have kept SCHTUM! - and not even have mentioned it to those closest to me -

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Good morning old farts and fartesses!

A mostly cloudy day here starting at 43F and predicted to reach 61F.

The downstairs toilet valve failed yesterday morning, so I had to replace it.

Got a wedding invitation from oldest grandson who is getting married again November 1.

Breakfast out with NM this morning and then I have three pounds of beans soaking to make some 15 bean and bacon with ham hock soup.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Great story! When I began growing 43 years ago I was taught two rules.
1. Never plant on your own property.
2. Never show your plants to anyone.
Those two simple rules have kept me out of prison for four decades. 😉
Rule # 1 fight club rule is that we never talk about the fight club.

When I first got my medical marijuana card, getting information was like pulling teeth because those with that information were outlaws, as defined by those operating outside the laws. The way outlaws stay out of jail, is keep their mouths shut.
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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Ya - good advice - with the lazzaise fair attitude we had growing there at the time in Holland - to make seeds - I did feel like we were lucky - not to even see the inside of a cell - nor have to engage a lawyer - but we did lose a huge seed crop and a whole bunch lights/nutes and systems - so would have been better to have kept SCHTUM! - and not even have mentioned it to those closest to me -
Jorge Cervantes even came by to photograph the grow - at one point during that year -


Well-known member
I don't know how pepto bismol would cure food poisoning/water borne illness. I think this is an interesting generational thing; I know what pepto is, however I've never used it, nor bought it, nor would think of it as a product I need.

From their website: "Pepto-Bismol provides relief from nausea, diarrhea and upset stomach due to overindulgence in food and drink, along with heartburn and indigestion."

Also induces vomiting. Also may be a case of reverting to what you know?

edit: it helps with diarrhea? I've had to take fiber supplements to help with that

edit: my parents used pepto on me as a child, so i remember the taste. served cold, such a wierd sensation/taste. also I'm pretty sure my parents were clueless
The nausea relief was the only reason we chose pepto-bismol. I did not think it would cure what ailed her. I just wanted her to feel better quickly. I am sorry your parents were clueless but I am certain they wanted the best for you.


Well-known member
So my bride had a drink or two too many last night. Had a bit of a hangover so she drank a few glasses of water this morning. Costa Rican jungle hippy hotel tap water. She was a trooper most of today not wanting to ‘ruin’ the fun but I could see she felt badly. She ran out of steam at the sloth rescue sanctuary(not so sure about the claim ‘rescue’ but it was cool to see the animals close up). I pulled her out of that tour and got her back to the room to enjoy a night of vomit. Hiked to a convenience store to get some peptol bismol(probably 500 vertical yards in the mile there and back-literally seems uphill both ways). No pepto but got her some Gatorade and saltines. She wanted pepto so I try to get a cab to ‘la pharmacia’. Front desk says they will deliver for $20. Fk it, I am on vacation, $20 for something to help her feel better is a no brainer and I don’t have to ride in a cab over what are basically cart paths to ‘la pharmacia’. Get the pepto(for $20 which at home would cost me maybe $5), pour her a dose, she drinks the dose and vomits it up in less than 30 seconds. She asks how often she would need to take it. Directions say hourly until symptoms subside. She says she feels better and vomits 15 minutes later. $20 well spent in my view. She will soldier on as long as I don’t suggest another dose of Pepto-Bismol. Off to the airport at 6 am tomorrow to hopefully get back into the US. My chances would be better if I was not a citizen who votes ‘conservative’ but fingers crossed…😁😂😎
So sorry she had a rough time of it. Hope she does alright on the plane and doesn’t need one of your wasted bags 💕🥰

Unca Walt

Well-known member
not taken the rv out yet but a shakeout overnighter is in the plans so we can test all the systems and flush everything out…

and we cancelled the senior lunch , both of us have felt yucky all day so decided to stay put at the homestead…

but yeah , sadly I do not see a garden in our plans this season , it will be weird cause we have had one for 15 consecutive years….dont know what I will do

we will have a big yard sale soon , I have a few hundred pots and grow stuff that we won’t take with us , and a 4 car garage full of stuff that we need to go through

But... But... The CHICKUMS!!!! Of course you have an enclosed rooftop thingy for them on your RV, right?

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Was weird - it's as if the Dutch Coppers/Authorities - were happy just to take the crop and the ability to grow another crop in that house - off you -

Taking the Toys 🧸 away from the Boyz (and Gals) -
Maybe those coppers - just wanted the seed crop for themselves - and not all the paperwork? - the thought did cross my mind -

Unca Walt

Well-known member
ere's a bit of something I wrote whilst 'Banged Up Abroad'....
Manila 29th August 2013...
>> Sitting amongst my Philippino captors, from the Bureau of Immigration, within that Hyundai Starex van, stuck in an early afternoon traffic jam, upon the hot and abused asphalt of Roxas Blvd, Manila, put my mind into an odd space.
>> The guards around me had not spoken much at all, and when they had emitted something vocal, then it had mostly sounded to me like they were just agreeing with whatever the swarthy, shouty and demonstratively macho sounding 'boss-man', that inhabited the front passenger seat had blurted out in guteral Tagalog. I couldn't really even guess, as to what he was getting them all to agree to. So I just stared out of a window at the other static vehicles, and the poor beggars, outside in the broiling heat and filth, that tried to eek a living out of us who sat within these metal air-conditioned boxes on wheels, and waited, and waited to be able to move again, away towards our destinations, where-ever they might be?
>> The manic kamikaze driver squirmed around in his seat in front of me, obviously stifled by his lack of motion, I could see the scowl on his face, and his blatantly nervous disposition, magnifying, the longer we sat there, jammed in by a wild assortment of motorized sardine cans, none of which you would be likely to survive in any crash over 30mph.
>> The 'boss-man' scowled too, initially towards the disheveled, pregnant woman who held the naked boys hand, as she begged amongst the stalled traffic, knocking on windows with her free hand, then if she managed to achieve eye contact with a driver or passenger, who sat behind tempered glass, in cool air, then she would extend the free hand towards that person momentarily, then bring it to her mouth, as if to pretend to feed, on invisible food.
>> Several hawkers selling small plastic bottles of cold water, cheap flannel sweat towels, wearing 3 or 4 badly made leather Stetson cowboy hats, or 4 or 5 counterfeit NFL baseball hats, busily scurried thru the static traffic, trying to make the most of their captive, potential consumers, before it all started to move again.
>> Gypsy Nirvana was in an odd time-space-head-space. He was so bewildered by his current situation, not knowing exactly why he had been so politely taken from outside his home, away from his family, the night before. The suspense of it all was crippling him. And now the traffic jam was delaying not only all of the travelers around him. It was delaying Gypsy from discovering why he had been detained and brought to this place, under armed guard.
* more of it here
That is excellent writing, Gypsy. A quickly-painted panorama of the grim, gritty life of Manila -- and with something deeply scary overshadowing all the rest.

I am just now finishing editing a novel for a distant cousin. As I read the above vignette, I realized you should have an editor.

A good story needs a certain kind of light-touch editing. As a f'rinstinks, you have a homonym with "eek a living" <-- S/B "eke".

Paragraphs are good. They are mental breaths to a reader. Lookit this word-for-word "edit" of the original draft above for ease of reading:

Gypsy Nirvana was in an odd time-space-head-space; he was so bewildered by his current situation of not knowing exactly why he had been so politely taken from outside his home, away from his familyx the night before.

The suspense of it all was crippling him. And now the traffic jam was delaying not only all of the travelers around him, it was delaying Gypsy from discovering why he had been detained and brought to this placex under armed guard.

I do not have much I can do to give back to this community for the life-changing largess they have shown towards me.

I can offer to edit your story gratis if you'd like.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Rule # 1 fight club rule is that we never talk about the fight club.

When I first got my medical marijuana card, getting information was like pulling teeth because those with that information were outlaws, as defined by those operating outside the laws. The way outlaws stay out of jail, is keep their mouths shut.
Comparing information available today vis a vis when I got my medical marijuana card in 2007, we freely exchanged a great deal of information on IC Mag and as a result are information rich seventeen years later, but sadly the learning curve on public domain has again flattened out due to commercial interests that followed recreational legalization.

I feel gifted to be one of the old farts who experienced that era of enlightenment and international brotherhood, as well as being comfortable enough in retirement so that I could take advantage of it without trying to make a living at the same time.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
But... But... The CHICKUMS!!!! Of course you have an enclosed rooftop thingy for them on your RV, right?

since we are down from 27 birds to only two hens and a Roo , we have a home for them when we hit the road…

but yeah , I was gonna rent a small trailer and take them with us!..

good morning all you Cool Cats!….aint this a great place to hangout!?….of all the websites and forums , this is my No. 1 Spot…

there was a Forum a long time ago , FreeCannabis which was run by a woman in England who went by the nic of Sunshine….that is where I got my feet wet on pot forums , about 20 years ago..

I met LORAN , RockymtnBuds , Mr Mojo and a few other old timers and now here we are

Looking off our front porch this morning


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