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The Official Hempy Bucket Thread


Active member
You guys can do what ever you like but im honestly amazed any one would need to water more than 1 time a day the only time i water daily and with full strength nutrients if when i first put a seedling or freshly rooted clone into a hempy bucket is to avoid the top layer of the medium drying out as there roots are still to grow down and then when the plant is large and using it in short sucking the buckets rez dry and medium dry that's it.

In all the years i have used this method i have never ever seen root rot ever.

I have run my buckets dry and have had them remain wet nil probs.

The only time i ever feed my plants only water is when i start to flush or if im running a strain that hates feeding which are some sativas or heavy sativa expressive plants then i ether feed them 1/2 strength feeds or only water basically as the plant needs it and that's only as they sex or are in early flower.

If i ever watered my plants only water between feedings they would not like it only time they need flushing is if you have over feed them in short got the mix wrong but what do i know right lol fact is i have watered them only water between feeds because i had to be some were and came back the next day to see tip burn on the leaf because i didn't feed them that's what i saw from only feeding them water but you can do it as you like there your plants.

hahah funny you say that, cuz I just did and got into an argument with him and a few others over it.

No argument mate i just posted facts you got 4 oz a plant cured from 20 lt plus buckets you can improve on that yes no argument there from me or did i say you cant add an air stone i sed i had others say the same yet one of the branches on my plants had the same or more yield on it than there complete plant fact and im not here to stroke my ego im here to help those that want or need it and have since 2002 theirs a reason why i don't give to much more now days on the boards.

alright, argument was a stretch, psuedo functional discussion is more appropriate

check this out though: http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=12653

450 grams dry, under a 400whps, 1 plant, 5 week veg, 8 week flower, using a hempy like method with an air stone in the bottom, which the OP believed was a large part of the success of the grow.

no one is insulting your design man, just trying to take genius aspects of it and do other things for the sake of experimentation for myself, and for the community, that shouldn't be upsetting to you imo. but I digress..


I use all perlite, 2 gallon containers, just switched from 5 gallon containers. I came to give a shout out to Dailaihempy as he told me 5 gallon containers were to big but it was what I had at the time but rather make it an issue I went ahead with 5 gallon containers I had. I was told the plants probably would not fill it and they did not. Just wanted to say kudos on the spot on advice. I also upgraded to 600w from 400w and hempy's rock! I have researched, analyzed and debated on just about every growing means and for me, I cannot find a reason to change.
The funny thing about hempy's is that experenced soil and hydro growers kinda scratch there heads and look at me real funny when the see the massive green grow show. They usually call BS when I tell them that I water maybe every 3rd or 4th day. Then they switch when they do the math. Yield versus overhead is a win with hempy's.

Another funny thing is that most, me included, want to tinker and improve the system. Then after the inevitable problems land somewhere real close to the original instructions. I've plumbed my buckets for capturing run off and do my own thing with a lot of diy fertz. AACT and LAB being the biggies. Now that I have Champange D'Argent meat rabbits I'll soon Hydro Store Free.


New member
How long do you veg in a 2 gall bucket. I'm concerned that to get a decent yeild you have to veg for like 4 or 5 weeks, your roots will pack the bucket.


New member
And... Dalai, what do you think he could do to improve the 4o yeild. I recent started some 30 hempy's or so and the only place i saw to improve was to really pack the light on in vegg and really go hard in flower. Without going into too much detail, any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Great thread BTW
I know 2.5 OZ per 2 gal bucket is doable first hand. But that was with my old strain that was a result of pheno elimination from my stash of bag seed. The best of it was 2-3 oz per bucket over 3 cycles. Now that I'm growing a local Northern Lights and Nirvana's AK-48 and Green House's White Widow I expect to do better.


Are you supplying H2O2 to the root zone? That usually stops those kinds of things from happening. There is a in between point you do not want to be at. You either need to let the res dry or water frequently. If you water semi-frequently you can end up with rot. Organic nutrients will also cause these kinds of problems.

You spread around so much false information.... can't really blame you though, as it seems to be an epidemic around all forums these days.

edit: I don't even mean this post in particular, however not excluding this post either.


You spread around so much false information.... can't really blame you though, as it seems to be an epidemic around all forums these days.

edit: I don't even mean this post in particular, however not excluding this post either.

Please enlighten us all with the truth.


New member
before you guys take this out back, Is there any reall issues with long term use meaning a mother or revegged plant in a hempy bucket. anyone have history of getting 6 to7 perhaps 8 oz per. I've heard stories about trees in these buckets but if you have to veg for 2 months don't really know if its worth is. if so would love to hear a quiickie discription. really just how long you veg or top or....
After harvesting a 2.5 oz yield plant from a 2 gal hempy, I know I had a lot of room for root structure left. I'm speculating but given the room for maybe double the root mass, I bet with the right veg time/genetics/environment 5 oz per is not out of the question.


in the thick of it
We vegged out a bunch of girls longer then 2 months, and let me tell you that it's not necessary to go that long. IMO-waste of light/space/nutes/medium. We had huge plants going in to the bloom room with less then what we had hoped for in results. I don't know an actual weight, but I can tell you that we were not pulling what we could have with more plants and less time in veg. I don't think 5oz. is out of the question at all. We pulled a bunch that were really decent, but when you compare the time invested v/ the haul...two months will be our max from now on.


As far as yield. Their are so many factors involved in getting to a good yield that just doing hempy buckets is hardly the magic key. Any medium can perform well if done properly.

Hempys have much potential but in order to get optimum yield their are many other factors to take into consideration. I was instructing someone today at their grow on their brand new hempy set up as they did not take heed to pay strict attention to PH.

We trade buffers for explosive growth but if we fumble along the way it will likely affect overall yield. At best I think when people say what kind of yield they get it is not wholly correct to correspond that to the system but to the grower overall as the system is just piece of that large puzzle.

As a general rule I do a 2-3 week veg and shoot for 2oz a bucket. If I hit that I am happy, if I go over that I am ecstatic. I never gone below 2oz. I top, bend, and manipulated as appropriate to maximize my yield.

With that said, I am not overly experienced that those words come from my own footsteps.


New member
Well anything less than 3 or 4 oz per should be considered a hobby grow. And I understand all things even, a experienced grower can increase yeild but there are some systems that are just producers. I like that anyone can manage these buckets and i can go coco/organic without having to reinvent the wheel. But need to get productive yeild without having 50 or 60 plants per cycle.

And 2 months is a long long time to get 2 oz. 2 weeks from clone 2 months veg 2 months to flower. 4.5 months for 2 oz.

I have found that with intense lighting during veg I can get some really nice bushes for flowering. I just hope yeild reflects that size.
i get 2oz plants everytime from my 2l-5l hempys ;o straight from rooted clone.i'm on 2 week perpetual so 2oz per plant is good for me :) my autopots kick out 3 oz plant from clone but they are bigger pots ^^
Well anything less than 3 or 4 oz per should be considered a hobby grow. And I understand all things even, a experienced grower can increase yeild but there are some systems that are just producers. I like that anyone can manage these buckets and i can go coco/organic without having to reinvent the wheel. But need to get productive yeild without having 50 or 60 plants per cycle.

And 2 months is a long long time to get 2 oz. 2 weeks from clone 2 months veg 2 months to flower. 4.5 months for 2 oz.

I have found that with intense lighting during veg I can get some really nice bushes for flowering. I just hope yeild reflects that size.

Is this intended for HempyFan or someone else? I can't find someone who said they would veg for 2 months for 2oz. I agree, that is silly and completely not worth the time. But 2-3 weeks from rooted clone for 2 ounces .... not bad.


I would say if you veged for 2 months you should have a monster plants. I veg only for 2-3 weeks max because they will get to big for my environment otherwise.

I agree, 2 month veg and only get 2oz. That better some extreme weed hehe. I still stand by my words, the method is only part of the story. The most important aspect to me is the genetics, then the medium, method and proper growing care/techniques will determine the end result far more than simply what kind of system or bucket is utilized. That only offers potential, not guaranteed result.

If someone gets better yield or buds than me, I say great for them but this is not a whip it out contest. hehe. Keep in mind, not every goal is to achieve the highest yield per plant. Many ways of doing this art, some like many small plants, some like massive plants, some like medium but even plants and all the ways one can think. There are no absolutes in my opinion regarding this. We are not in sterile labs with all things equal doing the exact same thing.


mr. hempyfan, i am here to tell you that i have big plants in buckets and they are no fun at all! yield is questionable too as they get far out of control for even the best of us. and mr. brookstown et al, calling anything yielding less than 4 oscars per a hobby grow may be right on the money in the big pic, but i need to factor "growing the best shit" somewhere in my list of priorities and i confess it is near the top.

you already knew this but bottom line: strain dependent. i have 32 buckets going and not my first round with hempy buckets. can i recommend a strain for you? not yet. but ones i like and do well in buckets will get further attention. otherwise, this yield question must first be addressed according to grower priorities as earlier stated. is your garden about dollars or sense(lessness)?



New member
Wow I must have really been wasted when I wrote that. I re-read and realized I combined 2 post. Sorry.

and maybe I should explain my position, we are a local collective and part of our licensure was maintaining a pretty rigid plant count. We really didn't want to have to veg 3 weeks and definitely didn't want to increase plant counts, but we are very overwhelmed with demand and would like to supply our members. I love the hempy because we can have members tend the gardens without them having to be expert gardeners, But we have to get a system to produce more. Maybe an undercurrent in one room and hempy's in the others.

Any ideas?
Wow I must have really been wasted when I wrote that. I re-read and realized I combined 2 post. Sorry.

and maybe I should explain my position, we are a local collective and part of our licensure was maintaining a pretty rigid plant count. We really didn't want to have to veg 3 weeks and definitely didn't want to increase plant counts, but we are very overwhelmed with demand and would like to supply our members. I love the hempy because we can have members tend the gardens without them having to be expert gardeners, But we have to get a system to produce more. Maybe an undercurrent in one room and hempy's in the others.

Any ideas?

So you are saying you don't want to veg longer but you don't want to increase plant count? I'm not sure there is anything else you can do to significantly improve yields here without using one of those things. Yea, of course there is always the finely tuned hydro system, or a strong performing strain that can increase those yields, but other than that, I'm not sure you will find that huge difference. Obviously, since you need to keep your plant count down, I'd say hempy's in 5 gallon buckets grown to trees is your best plan of action.


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