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The Official Hempy Bucket Thread


Wow I must have really been wasted when I wrote that. I re-read and realized I combined 2 post. Sorry.

and maybe I should explain my position, we are a local collective and part of our licensure was maintaining a pretty rigid plant count. We really didn't want to have to veg 3 weeks and definitely didn't want to increase plant counts, but we are very overwhelmed with demand and would like to supply our members. I love the hempy because we can have members tend the gardens without them having to be expert gardeners, But we have to get a system to produce more. Maybe an undercurrent in one room and hempy's in the others.

Any ideas?

I would first look at is your genetics to get an idea what they are capable of. I have seen people cry foul when their low yield Kush plants or similar does not yield as they would like. Once you establish good yielding mothers or clone in rotation you it should be easier to reach regular goals.

Then look to your grow environment. Are the temps stable, is lighting optimum, PH and nutes in check, do you clean your bulbs regularly, ventilation and airflow sufficient, humidity in check, nutrients dialed in, and the like.

Then I would look at the method of training the plant. Do you do sog, scrog, lst, combination there of and/or other techniques.

Right now I am doing 2 week veg but will soon be forced to go to 3 week veg due to flower room needing the extra week.

I have previously ran a small grow of 4 plants at 4 different sizes and I chose the 2 gallon containers over the 5 gallon containers. Its cheaper and thus far I am getting the same results as I got from the 5 gallon buckets, though the 2 gallon containers are in flower now I have not yet harvest these as of yet and have 7 weeks about to go but thus far they are identical to the 5 gallon containers. I recommend that you do similar. Just run a small test side by side to see what works best for your setup. Their are simply so many variables from grow to grow their is no magic answer I believe but lots of sound advice but use that as a guide to find what best suits your grow conditions and setup.

You will likely never be able to fully address demand, do the best you can and dont let the demand push you faster than you are prepared or you the results may not come as expected. I wholly recommend planning it out as best you can.


in the thick of it
What about throwing those hempy's outside? I've been thinking of throwing some 5 gal buckets outdoors this season and seeing what we can come up with. I bet the sun could push a little harder then the thousand watter.


Active member
What about throwing those hempy's outside?

My mini Hempy´s outside.

One liter containers. Double containers (inside clear to watch
roots). Outside container painted white.

Two month from seed,
Topped one time for cloning.

If you go outside use white containers (or bury them?).
Sun will heat up unburied containers and plants dont like hot roots.

By the way can anybody help me out? IMHO The flowers in the attached pics
are no preflowers. What causes the plants to start flowering in the beginning of summer
(sunrise 7.30 sundown 20.45). And with all the 4 different (no autoflowring) strains?
Sorry if that sounds stupid to you but i have not much outside
experience. B4 did mixed grows and went outside later in the year.

:tiphat: Saludos


...By the way can anybody help me out? IMHO The flowers in the attached pics are no preflowers. What causes the plants to start flowering in the beginning of summer (sunrise 7.30 sundown 20.45). And with all the 4 different (no autoflowring) strains?

I'm not sure but I'm wondering if possible it's your strains. Are they strains that were bred for indoor? If so, it's possible that they are just loving the UV rays from natural sunlight. But I could totally be off-base! Been enjoying some good stuff today... :jump:


Do you have supplemental lighting after sundown? If they aren't autoflower's, then too long of a dark cycle triggered them. This early in the season there may be too much of a night, still. But, I suspect that pretty soon (if not already), they will revert to veg until the summer solstice.


Active member
I'm not sure but I'm wondering if possible it's your strains. Are they strains that were bred for indoor? If so, it's possible that they are just loving the UV rays from natural sunlight. But I could totally be off-base! Been enjoying some good stuff today... :jump:

THX 4 your answer: These are indoor strains which I brought from Central Europe near to the Equator. But 4 different strains originally not autoflowering? We will see.


Active member
Do you have supplemental lighting after sundown? If they aren't autoflower's, then too long of a dark cycle triggered them. This early in the season there may be too much of a night, still. But, I suspect that pretty soon (if not already), they will revert to veg until the summer solstice.

Supplemental lightning only the first two weeks when they were "born".
After that natural Day/MoonLight. Nothing else.
I Hope that "revegetation" will take place.
Do You know in which season a seed naturally starts growing?
PLZ note that "Early season" is relativ to Your Growing PoSition (GPS :laughing: )
Muchas Gracias & KISS


THX 4 your answer: These are indoor strains which I brought from Central Europe near to the Equator. But 4 different strains originally not autoflowering? We will see.

Are you growing near the equator too? Is it possible for you to move them somewhere outside near a light at night or put a light out at night? Maybe for the next couple of weeks, bring them in at night and place them under a cfl or other light. It does seem a little early for an outside grow, that is unless you are near the equator then it doesn't really matter.


Supplemental lightning only the first two weeks when they were "born".
After that natural Day/MoonLight. Nothing else.
I Hope that "revegetation" will take place.
Do You know in which season a seed naturally starts growing?
PLZ note that "Early season" is relativ to Your Growing PoSition (GPS :laughing: )
Muchas Gracias & KISS
My apologies, it sounded like I grow outdoors, I never have. But, i do know that it is the number of hours of dark for cannabis to go from veg to flower. If they started out from two weeks veg and there is insufficient light period, they will start to flower. Usually after less than 14 hours of light and more than 10 hours of dark, a few varieties will start to flower. That is why, mostly, 12/12 is the "standard". Although some require even more dark to flower (sativa-dominant comes to mind).



New member
Hi all, this is my first post on ICmag as I just got into the fine art of growing. Dont know where I should post so as I grow hempy and have a few questions about it I'll post this here. Decided to go with hempy buckets because of their simplicity and great results I've seen achieved by you guys here. I've just started flushing my first grow ever, and just wanted to know how long do you usually flush your hempys for? Is it enough to flush until the runoff is completely clear or should I give it a few more waterings after that? I've been flushin for 2 days now, once/day with a good amount of runoff. I grow in 2.5gal. buckets.

Here's the view at day 70

2 x Matanuska Tundra (excl.front buds)


2 x Barney's Sweet Tooth (top colas)

Sorry for the hps. But as you can see the leaves are already quite yellowish, Im wondering If this will become a problem in the coming days. Buds yellowing or dying before flush is over or something? This is my first flush so dont really know what to expect, I just dont want my babies to taste like crap.


Ps. I know the wiring is horrible. will fix that for next grow.


Flushing causes the fans to yellow as the plants move mobile nutrients from the fans to the flowers. Looking great Cannamon!
Flush for a minimum of 10 days, ideally you should be doing it every 2-3 days not every day...you can cause root rot by having your rootzone over-saturated all the time, MJ LOVES to dry out....then get wet again, even in flush.

My hempy's are 5 gallons, but even then my girls drink all thats in the res in 3 days, I water every 4th day, So on Thursday, Then Again On Monday, Then Friday....and so on and so on. This is only for 5 gallons once they have hit the res.


With the 2.5 gallon buckets, I'm guessing his plants are lapping up that water quick. Though everyday does seem a bit much. Depending on the medium being used, I guess.

Cannamon - sounds like you're on the right track. What you're seeing is typical. The plants are flushing themselves of nutrients, moving everything it can into the bud. What medium are you using? I've found that vermiculite seems to take a little longer. Most people typically flush anywhere from 5-14 days. A lot depends on strain, nutes used, medium, etc... A little overwhelming but from your description of what you're seeing, things are going well. Leaves should start to fall off soon. Watch your humidity levels as you want to avoid mold.


New member
I use 3/4 perlite 1/4 vermiculite and GH 3 part nutes. When I was feeding with nutes I watered them every 2 days. The reason for watering everyday when flushing is because I was planning to only flush for a week and wanted to get as much water through as possible, but I'm gonna let them dry out in between waterings from now on and gonna move the harvest a few days later. I wanted to take them down earlier because I dont want TOO much of a couchlock stone but Im already seeing quite a lot of amber trichomes. Guess a few days wont hurt, otherwise I wouldnt even mind but as summer is getting closer I was thinking of harvesting for a clearer high so I wont spend most of my summer locked in my lazyboy.

Thanks all for your advice.


Plain & simple...you flush till your plants are ready to be harvested. When the trichs are where you want....chop!

The term flush is used rather loosely. The end of grow flush is to let the plant use up its last remaining nutes, and then the plant will supposedly have a cleaner, smoother burn. Extra runoff is not needed at this stage. Just watering like you normally would(but without nutes) in a hempy is all that is required.


...I'm gonna let them dry out in between waterings from now on and gonna move the harvest a few days later. I wanted to take them down earlier because I dont want TOO much of a couchlock stone but Im already seeing quite a lot of amber trichomes. ...

Depending on the strain, if you're seeing a lot of amber and have already been flushing for a few days - I would chop. No need to let the plants "dry out" between waterings, just stick with your regular schedule but with plain water. I personally flush with regular tap (low ppm so you might be different) and then the last 1-2 waterings are either with RO or Distilled - really forces them to use up that last bit of nutes in the plant.

But like I said, if you're seeing a lot of amber and already have been flushing a few days - it's chopper time!