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The Official Hempy Bucket Thread


New member
Any of you hempy experts know how this hempy perpetual would work? I was thinking of having just 4 plants in flower at a time under a 250W HPS, pulling one every to weeks. How much would it help/hurt to let a plant veg for 2 weeks (from clone) before going in to the flower chamber? Maybe LST a little bit before putting it in flower? Any input on this idea would be great, just looking for a little personal grow.


Any of you hempy experts know how this hempy perpetual would work? I was thinking of having just 4 plants in flower at a time under a 250W HPS, pulling one every to weeks. How much would it help/hurt to let a plant veg for 2 weeks (from clone) before going in to the flower chamber? Maybe LST a little bit before putting it in flower? Any input on this idea would be great, just looking for a little personal grow.

It would work...but I would suggest a longer veg time, as two weeks ain't gonna get too big. If that's the case...you could get away with 1G containers.
Do you feed the plants every other day in vegging & flowering ( newbie here ) as i will be also growing Hempy Buckets, also if you feed every other day on the off day feedings can you feed them molasses?? or do you feed them Molasses only when their vegging??

help needed with the feeding in veg & flowering phases and when to use molasses? thx All.


Do you feed the plants every other day in vegging & flowering..., also if you feed every other day on the off day feedings can you feed them molasses?? or do you feed them Molasses only when their vegging?...

Depends on the plants. Some might need feedings every day, some every other day, some every three days. I've never had to go longer than 3 days though.

As far as molasses, I know some use all the way through, while others stop a few weeks in to flower. As far as feeding, you could either way - every other day or mixed in with nutes.

The beauty of Hempy buckets are their simplicity. Don't overcomplicate it. Just feed your plants. Watch for signs of stress/deficiencies, then correct for those. But pretty much as long as you don't overnute, you should be golden.


Active member
I have no experience with molasses in Hempys, but as far as we are dealing with passive hydro i wold be careful.

Quote from another forum

"I've used molasses in hydro and it definately worked OK, with noriceable differences when tried on two clones, one with and one without.
I've got to say I just used the Lyles Black Treacle from my local convience store for 99p. The way I mix it up is to get roughly 1/2 a tsp of treacle into a cup of boiling water, then I added that at a ratio of 1:250 into my water. I've done this once per week for the last 4 weeks of flower and never had any problems. The only thing is in hydro it fucks up the ph reading so I just get it right, add the treacle dilution and water it once per week anyway.

It seems to be very super-safe and I'd just use it like a boost product (Canna's for instance, I now use it in place of that).
It's a by-product of sugar-beet refining so 100% organic and natural...and sweet!

BTW: What I noticed most was the speed of development of the calyx's swelling and the trichs turning amber in comparison to the identical clone that didn't have it."

Some more info about molasses you can find here


Use the link at the bottom of the post.




in the thick of it
Any of you hempy experts know how this hempy perpetual would work? I was thinking of having just 4 plants in flower at a time under a 250W HPS, pulling one every to weeks. How much would it help/hurt to let a plant veg for 2 weeks (from clone) before going in to the flower chamber? Maybe LST a little bit before putting it in flower? Any input on this idea would be great, just looking for a little personal grow.

Hey man, perpetual is great! We run some of our girls in 2gal and some in 5 gal, we veg for about five to eight weeks and flip a couple each time, harvesting as well. Last year we had a few mothers that gave tons of clones and they all got flipped once a week while harvesting at the same rate. There comes a time with the perpetual and space concerns on how long a plants is vegging for where the return is not as great as the investment. Once you find that balance of how much weight you require v/ how much time & money you've put in to it. Typically, we have great success with a plant that has vegged out for 8 weeks and then on to flower. This plant usually has a 10-12 cuttings taken off while in veg, and then the lower popcorn sites removed prior to flip. It can be a lot of work if you want to harvest a nice amount or it can be a slow perpetual where you're only vegging out and floweing a lower count for a higher weight (in the long run)....but under a 250...I'd keep the veg time short and the plants moving in and out of the system frequently. Not to mention....if you're growing your own and you don't have to buy from anyone...you're doing great things.


Do you feed the plants every other day in vegging & flowering ( newbie here ) as i will be also growing Hempy Buckets, also if you feed every other day on the off day feedings can you feed them molasses?? or do you feed them Molasses only when their vegging??

help needed with the feeding in veg & flowering phases and when to use molasses? thx All.

Rule of thumb in hempy: Water with full nutes every 2nd day till runoff starts to emerge from drain hole. If the plant was freshly transplanted into the hempy...water every day a small amount around the base of the stem until the tap root hit the rez. You will know when...cause your plant will explode. Then water every 2nd day till harvest.

As far as molasses....why not leave it on the shelf until you are dialed in. The less variables the better when you are doing something for the first time. I have started using agave in place of molasses lately....as it's much easier to work with.


hi all..these hempys look great..im just about to make the switch from soil..is it best to put my rooted clone in a small hempy for veg or just straight into its final 10l bucket??


hi all..these hempys look great..im just about to make the switch from soil..is it best to put my rooted clone in a small hempy for veg or just straight into its final 10l bucket??

I like to get them in the final hempy A.S.A.P.


same here. Once my clones have at least 6" root length, I put them into their final 3.5 gal buckets. I feed lightly every other day. After about a week or so, the rez is close to full, and the ladies will start explode. Once they explode, I water Sun, Tues, Thurs. Each time feeding until there's a dribble. They seem to really like, and I've had no problems at all.


hey hempy, hi. how often should i use cal mag if im using ro water? im using the three part gh nutes and want to start using cal mag and liquid karma but am not sure how often i should use them. i feed every three days. i used the cal mag to fix a def. but think i should use it before i get one. what do you think?


in the thick of it
tinman-FWIW, I eased off the magi-cal and bumped up the liquid karma and it made things nice and easier.
hey hempy, hi. how often should i use cal mag if im using ro water? im using the three part gh nutes and want to start using cal mag and liquid karma but am not sure how often i should use them. i feed every three days. i used the cal mag to fix a def. but think i should use it before i get one. what do you think?

I'm not Hempy but,

If you are using GH 3 Part you should not need Cal Mag with RO Water as GH 3 Part has enough Cal and Mag out of the bottle, for the vast majority of phenos. That said, with GH Nutes, RO'ed water, and hempy's you should Google CannaStats and read the section on nutrient profiling, as well as, searching this site for the Lucus Formula threads.

As far as Liquid Karma goes I used it for three cycles and discontinued its use as it really wasn't improving anything. Not that it caused any harm, I just couldn't see paying for it when it really wasn't causing any clearly definable gains.

Last but not least in your efforts to Magic 8 Ball nutrient deficiencies
before they happen, will most likely cause a different problem such as a nutrient burn that will be hard to pen down and have you back tracking a 100 miles an hour to correct. Remember, you can totally reset the chemistry in your hempy's with very little effort. Therefor, IMHO it is more prudent to correct deficiencies as you see them in a hempy set up.

TFD's hempy usage has come full circle.

TFD's hempy usage has come full circle.

About two years ago I switched from soil to Hempy's. Naturally, I began to apply my own experience in an effort to get more out of the method before I ever fully realized how well it works right out of the box. I messed with the medium, I spent tons of money and effort maximizing the nutrients and feeding methods. I used all kinds of products and even went as far as using actively aerated compost and manure teas as part of my regiment. Lacto bacilli culture and mycorrhizae as well. My results were fine in fact pretty damn good.

Then on day while I was hustling hard to mix nutes and change buckets over and what not I had the thought that I bet Hempy doesn't do all this shit. I went back to the first post in this thread and went back to basic's. This resulted in three things. One, My results are actually better than before. Two, I don't chase my tail keeping track of what my nutrient and supplement programs are anymore. Three, I spend way less money and time for the same amount and quality of weed.



in the thick of it
tinman-yes I use LK from clone on through flower. I started with Olivia's for cloning and it worked well, but one day I ran out and used LK in lieu and the root growth was incredible. The LK also will bring down the ph a little bit, so in my case, GH 3 part w/ LK gives me great results!

@thefalsediviner-I too went through a time where I kept messing with things to bump up my output, but alas I've found that the simple, tried and true methods are much easier and work just as well. Great post!
About two years ago I switched from soil to Hempy's. Naturally, I began to apply my own experience in an effort to get more out of the method before I ever fully realized how well it works right out of the box. I messed with the medium, I spent tons of money and effort maximizing the nutrients and feeding methods. I used all kinds of products and even went as far as using actively aerated compost and manure teas as part of my regiment. Lacto bacilli culture and mycorrhizae as well. My results were fine in fact pretty damn good.

Then on day while I was hustling hard to mix nutes and change buckets over and what not I had the thought that I bet Hempy doesn't do all this shit. I went back to the first post in this thread and went back to basic's. This resulted in three things. One, My results are actually better than before. Two, I don't chase my tail keeping track of what my nutrient and supplement programs are anymore. Three, I spend way less money and time for the same amount and quality of weed.


The theory of Hempy's all summed up:

K . I . S . S .



@falsediviner..i also have tried many things and ended goin back to hempys way with the gh three part. however...i kept getting a cal mag def and hempy hisself told me i must use calmag if i was using ro water. i have had calmag def on every grow and was tired of "fixin" it as i went. so this grow i have been using calmag and liquid karma and have no def and have three weeks befor they get flipped.
@dubwise..... im gettin ready to take some clones and i will be usin lk from then till finish. i dont normally use anything like olivias or other rooting solutions and i have only lost ONE clone. however,after reading yer post im gonna try it. i usually put the clones in theyre permanant home 7 days after i cut them for clones. and they are never yellow or wilting. roots are good but i think they could be better so we'll see!
@ secret...kiss is exactly why i went bak to hempys way!! i am into the 4th week of flowering a super skunk crossed with big bud and its off the hook! the buds popped in a week! havent had one pop that fast! all with gh three part and mollasses a few times!!
tinman - Try it for a cycle if its working, Mag-Cal Def with R/O seems to be more of a problem with some coir mediums. I suppliment with MagiCal at 5ml per gal because Pure Blend Pro products are short on it as compaired to GH 3 Part. In any event you probable won't need more than 5ml per gallon or so.



hey hempy, hi. how often should i use cal mag if im using ro water? im using the three part gh nutes and want to start using cal mag and liquid karma but am not sure how often i should use them. i feed every three days. i used the cal mag to fix a def. but think i should use it before i get one. what do you think?

Hi mate i cant say as i have never used cal mag i tried to get hold of it threw a few hydro stores when i first use an RO filter oddly these hydro stores did not even know you needed to use it when running an RO filter which they had for sale.

To be honest i did not ethir i noticed the plants look a little bleached basically a liter green they looked great apart from the liter green they showed no leaf tip burn even later in flower were with out the filter there would of been but the harvested flowers seamed to lack still smoked great but the potency seamed to be less so i researched and relised that using a filter removes all the bad but also the good so why you need to re add the cal mag so i basically stop using the filter and at worse get a little leaf tip burn on some sativas.

Trying running a search on Google i am sure lots of info will be available sorry i cant be of use mate.