just looked up the colombia strain hunters, one of the strains they were after was called limon verde
Facts. And like in all the strain hunter videos, you see Arjan showing the growers his catalog and his cannabis cups, and letting it be known that he's the king of cannabis by throwing money and genetics their way, as well as pictures of him posing with celebrities for them to allow them access to such strains like Limon Verde. That's what he does.
To what the western world would consider "poor" growers, the offer of feminized high quality seeds of award winning potent strains is an obvious "yes" to them. They don't realize that now their landraces are now endangered, but I'm not a Greenhouse or Arjan hater, quite the contrary.
While some might disagree with his tactics, he's done a lot to bring great genetics all over the world with his crosses, and it's undeniable his success. I hope he stays true to his word and eventually all of these "strain hunts" and their end goal will come to fruition and he will stabalize and release these landrace strains such as Limon Verde, and not just use it, and other strains he's "captured" for crosses, even though I'm sure crosses with landrace genetics would be nice.
I also really miss Franco. His death was tragic, and dkmonk (RIP) and I would spend hours watching not just strain hunters, but all of the early GHS videos they'd release on their strains and what not. Everything we could read online and books by Jorge Cervantes, Rob Clarke, Ed Rosethnal, the Cannabible series, etc... we'd also watch everything on YouTube regarding Cannabis Cultivation, and Franco really inspired me, as did Steve Tuck, who I am blessed to have as a friend and mentor, even with cannabis aside, Steve is a solid individual and friend.
Brings back good memories, I'm sure if dkmonk was still alive, he'd be here, experiencing the krippy and wanting to get to the bottom to it as well.