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The Colombian Krippy Origin Thread


Well-known member
You did it earlier in the thread as well .
1st time I thought typo .no prob . 2 nd time I thought guy needs correcting .He`s spreading incorrect info .

Now if Sam went by his given name and you consistently spelled it wrong I would be doing the same .

I think if you wanna talk like an authority you gotta get the basics like peoples names straight .

Fair enough, although contrary to what my form of writing may come off as, I see myself as no authority, or no different, special, or less special than anyone else on this earth. At the end of the day we're all here for the same thing and we're all here having to deal with what we know as "reality".

I must apologize however for my sarcasm in my response to you. I hadn't smoked yet that day, and found the whole correction of a middle name/initial to be a little petty and useless to the thread, but now that I see your intentions were good, it's a non issue.

I was under the impression your comment was an attempt to bait me into an argument I didn't want to have, and as I stated and still stand by, clearly you and what I imagine to be a majority of people here know exactly who I'm talking about.

Peace and Love,


Well-known member
Remember that shit?
Each and everyone of those people that supplied that shit to market should be hung by their toenails.


Yes, it was fucking horrible and pointless. Especially the mass grown M-39 clone. It was like non alcoholic beer and complete shit. To the untrained eye though it was Grade A, lmao.

With that said, beasters has been discussed in this thread many times, and this is not beasters by any means, and has nothing in common with beasters except for being mass grown for export.


Well-known member
I'm not going to post anything else about crippy, as I've clearly stated before it's a mass produced export. It comes from imported seed and in Colombia it is looked at as cartel weed and buying it is supporting them. My opinion and those of my Colombian associates is crippy sucks.

rider out

Red Rider, my friend, I too have clearly stated many times that I have discovered Crippy and it's various spelling variations to be nothing more than an umbrella term for imported (primarily seeds from Holland) strains mass grown.

Talking to mis parceros Colombianos aqui en Santiago, Chile helped quite a bit, as did the investigations I had to do on my own, online with Colombian news reports, and interviews with some of the growers of "Creepy".

The purpose of this thread was to discover the particular strain of Krippy that I've come to love, which you've lead me to believe is Blue Satellite. My goal behind finding what strain it was, is so people can grow it themselves and NOT support a criminal organizations, but with that said, it seems you are on a bit of a high horse, because when you were in Florida and Texas, unless you were growing your own (illegally), or buying it (illegally), and by your own admission in previous threads would purchase Mexican weed and Colombian weed, you yourself were "supporting cartel weed" or the black market in general as weed is still HIGHLY illegal in Florida. One of the states with the worst penalties as well.

As far as your latest statement that crippy sucks, are you saying White Widow, Skunk 1, AK-47, Blue Satellite, and those other strains suck? Perhaps to you, as you've made it well known you're a sativa lover.

Also worth mentioning is the fact that the sad reality of "Krippy" and the area in general, is that the people there would be just as happy growing coffee, bananas, and other crops, but it simply doesn't pay any of the bills. Similar to Albania. To me, the saddest part is the fact that the growers get paid the least, an extremely low ammount which to them is pretty good, but nothing compared to what the various and distinct criminal organizations in Colombia are making off of the sale.

I'm also a bit confused by your statement that "crippy sucks", as you have contradicted yourself many times throughout this thread.

My old connection George stopped by my house with a few grams of what he called "crippy skunk" and it was super expensive compared to the regs I usually bought. Five thousand a gram I bought all he had on him.

If I was a person that didn't smoke much or liked to party hard, crippy would be the weed.

As far as the crippy, I always have some around, in fact I found some and smoked it right after reading this thread. It has a nice taste and since it's been awhile a really delightful effect. My buddy the grower (he only grows indoor too) loves the crippy, he's also in a band. I went to go see him play once and was like the oldest person there. Everyone was smoking blunts and hitting dabs, kind of rap music. Wasn't my thing at all so I split pretty quick but not before smoking some better than average crippy.

I can add that in 2015 I grew a crippy seed I found in a bag. It was really a nice plant but with no supplemental lighting it yielded nothing in it's 90 day life. What i did try from the plant had a really good taste and a nice FX, I could have grown it better.

With that said, as I'VE clearly stated, case closed, but anyone else can feel free to add their own questions or experiences.

Regarding your statement about not posting anything more about Crippy, that is your choice and I respect that, as it's clear to anyone who reads this thread and your posts which jump around from positive comments to negative comments regarding it, and you yourself stating you have mixed feelings about it, I still would appreciate if you could get pictures of the Blue Satellite plants as you stated you would try to do.

Peace and Love,
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Well-known member
Very informative video. It's in Español, but fortunately you really don't need to listen to the audio, as the visuals do the talking. One thing I'd like to mention/translate that is important, is that again it's confirmed that Krippy/Creepy/Kripi/Cripi/etc... is a Colombian umbrella term for high potency hybrids primarily from Dutch Genetics. In this video, you see how the Krippy is trimmed. It is also said that a pound goes for $1.54 USD. The growers aren't making shit off of this. The traffickers are. It's also worth mentioning that while she is interviewing one of the growers, he said he started out with the strain Super Skunk. It is also said that is takes 3 days to dry.

Perhaps you could select from a batch of the ideal “Krippy” you like and get it tested for genetic markers.
Phylos is of course one such company, and there are others, too.
(I don’t wish to promote any specific company on that issue.)

I’d say good luck, but I think science can likely eliminate the luck factor of finding the info you’re looking for.

(Apologies if genetic testing has already been brought up in this thread. I haven’t read the whole thing, but the “Search this Thread” feature turned up nothing.)

Best regards.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
I love the lit up hillsides! May have to learn espanol and move south for the winters...

" In this video, you see how the Krippy is trimmed. It is also said that a pound goes for $1.54 USD. " Hand trimmed creepy for under $2 /lb


Well-known member
I got nothing against hybrids or imported genetics in Colombia, nor do I only like "long flowering sativa". I've grown and enjoyed 100s of BLD and hybrids here over the years and most of my Colombian friends grow imported BLD genetics. I grow and enjoy genetics from all over the world just like anyone else.
But crippy (when spelled with a "K" I confuse it with another variety Kriptonite(?) is a narco product and every peso it earns is like putting a bullet in a gun here. I'm not Colombian but my family is and I care about the people, not to mention I live here. We are trying to change things here a little so please don't glamorize or promote a produce that puts money in the hands of killers. Don't mean to offend anyone but crippy regardless of what it is (genetics) is not good for anyone. Stay away from crippy, grow your own.

red rider

That was the whole point of the thread. To find out what strain and/or strains they are growing, so people can grow it their own. With your help, you've lead me to believe it's Blue Satellite, but even if it's not, I have a seed, and hopefully it's a female and doesn't hermie, and I will be taking clones.

You are right RR. Here in Chile, a gram of cripi goes for more than a kilo than if it was purchased in that location, so the criminal organizations and traffickers are obviously making insane profit off of this, and I'm sure that funds bad things, and lots of violence, and what not.

From my own research, it goes for around 5k COP more than cocaine, which isn't that much of a difference, but it's still a difference.

It's also worth mentioning that most of these people in Colombia who live in the Cauca region aren't the bad guys. It's their only way to make any sort of living, through illicit crops. They grow other amazing crops too, such as coffee and bananas, but the cost of that is a joke and no one can live on such a low wage, so the only real way to make money is to grow coca, cripi, and opium poppies.

This is then sold to the traffickers for an extremely low price (but still good money for them) and then that's where all the bad shit that happens with any criminal organization trafficking drugs on an international scale.

The whole point as I've stated time and time again for those who might not have read the whole thread, or paid close attention, was to find the strain I've been getting that is consistant in flavor, high, and effect for the past few years. Even if it's not blue satellite, I have the seed.

In reality, any dutch or spanish seed companies feminized seeds could be grown with care, and considered cripi/krippy/kreepy/creepy/etc... I was joking with my neighbor yesterday about how any quality bud can be considered cripi and that for a more authentic experience, simply compress it till it's all rock hard, lol.

Peace and Love,


P.S. RR, I'm glad that you cleared it up for people who may be under the impression you are some Colombian authority and expert, when that clearly isn't the case. As you stated you aren't Colombian, nor latino, and chances are, since everything is so cheap and everyone is dirt poor compared to the western world, your "family" is only with you because of your money and perhaps charisma. If people are struggling to get by and pounds are so cheap, everything else is just as cheap so you are a gold mind to your wife and her family. You still haven't addressed your blatant hypocricy. Oh shit, I bet you'd hate living in all the legal states now, with weed not properly cured, and grown by people for pure profit and charging insane prices and taxing it as well. I bet you must hate yourself for all the times you've bought from the black market, all of the Mexican weed you've smoked living in Texas. Or are the Mexican cartels nice and friendly?

Colombia is a beautiful country, but clearly the government as most governments are, is complete shit, otherwise why are all these Colombians coming in droves here to Chile? I don't mind, I like the cuisine, and every Colombian I've met has been friendlier than the locals, my Dra. is Colombiana. But like I said, why are they all coming here if it's so great where you live? Because you have money that the others don't, so you are getting used and don't even realize it, or are aware and comfortable with it. Some men don't mind being used as long as they have nice eye candy and the outside world will give you "rep points". If you are one of those, I respect your lifestyle.

I am waiting for you to address your hypocricy regarding these commercial strains, especially how it "sucks" and your "colombian associates" also hate it. Oh, but what about your friend from the band? What about your delightful experiencing smoking it, after reading this thread? What about your statement that you always have some around? lol... man, I'm not even being an ass, I find it hilarious, and it's free entertainment. Your location you have listed must be right because you might be smoking some great shit to constantly make conflicting statements.

Apart from your entertaining hypocricy and contradicting yourself, you brought nothing to the thread except "blue satellite", and entertainment, when I had to conduct my own research and get answers much faster. It's really easy to simply go on IG, find people who are in Cauca, and post their grows, and ask them questions. Colombians are very friendly in my experience. It's also easy to simply go to YouTube and use search terms such as "marihuana en cauca" or "colombia cripi" and other spelling variations and find a gold mind of not just news segments, but grows, and videos showing the various types of herb available in Colombia. Strange that everyone in Colombia, including the news, except for you thinks that "Creepy" which is an umbrella term for imported hybrids are of the best quality available.

The problem you have is not with Creepy, or the strains grown. The problem you have is the fact that cartels are involved in it's export.
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Well-known member
Peace and love and passive aggression .

Ouch !

I am all about peace and love, I also have no time for BS in my life, and I call things out, especially when I notice hypocricy and contradiction. I doubt there are many people who have mixed feelings about me, online or in real life. It's usually you love me or you hate me. I am transparent about my life and admit when I make mistakes and correct them, I also admit when I'm wrong when it comes to things.

I just simply find RR's posts in this thread to be very bizarre. Almost as if it's a different person each post. From what I understand multiple personality disorder is a real thing, so perhaps he could be suffering from that in which case I should just respect his illness and wish him the best. But hopefully the answer is much simpler and he's just really high off of what I'm sure is some very nice homegrown sinsemilla and it has him so confused.

Writing for me, while easy for me, is very difficult for the reader, because you can't tell my tone, and from what I've been told, some people are prone to take it the wrong way, because you can't detect tone through text.

I hold no hatred or ill will towards RR. I am just pointing out the fact that unlike the crippy that I know and love, RR's posts regarding his views on crippy are the opposite of consistant. Make up your mind RR.

But let's give him a chance to reply if he chooses to do so, no need to fight his battles. He's a grown man. Nor do I see this as a battle or pissing match. I just simply find it hilarious that one day he has positive things to say about said herb, and then the next day it's the devil. He clearly is morally against crippy. That is fine, that's his choice and I respect it. Yet he clearly stated that he has recently enjoyed it, that a plant grown from a seed was good, that he's smoked it multiple times, that he's bought all his friend had him at the time, and the next day got 20 more grams, he stated he always keeps some crippy around, that he used to buy mexican weed, whose cartels are just as ruthless and violent as the colombian cartels, so I just see a lot of hypocricy and contradiction, which I feel we should give him a chance to address, but I have learned to take anything he says with a grain of salt, because of the way he changes his opinions so quick.

Peace and Love and no time for BS,

EDIT: A good analogy would be someone who advocates to grind your own beef that you obtain by slaughtering your own cattle and make the best burger, claiming that fast food burgers are unhealthy and evil, while making posts about how enjoyable their Big Mac is and how they always have some frozen burgers in their refrigerator. Someone who makes statements claiming that fast food burgers suck and that their aquaintences agree with them as well, while also making a post about how one of their friends is "all about" Big Macs and Whoppers. Someone who lives in the country in question who doesn't even know what the hell he is talking about which can be proven by reading his posts in this thread, as well as researching on your own as I did.

For what it's worth, I actually don't eat fast food aside from Subway on the rare occasion. I've been that way for over a year, so no way will you see me making positive comments about fast food burgers, and then making negative comments, and then making positive comments, and then negative, etc... etc...
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Brother Nature

Well-known member
I've followed this thread for a bit, it's been illuminating in some ways. I remember growing up in California and getting imported Mexican brick weed and it was so much better than what I could get locally at the time. Then I remember getting introduced to local growers on the coast (Humboldt, Trinity County, etc...) and realizing I knew shit about 'good weed'. I took it in my stride and learned what I could. I've also had a relationship with a lovely Colombian woman recently and during that time, I had to adapt to the fact English was not her first language and it could be easy to misinterpret what she was meaning in our conversations. I took that in stride and learned what I could.

Mr. Ryders posts seem to be pretty informative and logical from my view. Seems weird to attack someone who has a differing viewpoint, especially if you hold being opinionated as a strong quality. I appreciate the quest to find something you've enjoyed, that's what we're all here for, but the fact is most criminally produced bulk weed is going to be pretty good because that's how it sells. But, a local producer who puts care and love into his harvest will always be a better option. Maybe try to be that guy, not the guy defending practices our community has been working very hard to get away from.


Well-known member
I've followed this thread for a bit, it's been illuminating in some ways. I remember growing up in California and getting imported Mexican brick weed and it was so much better than what I could get locally at the time. Then I remember getting introduced to local growers on the coast (Humboldt, Trinity County, etc...) and realizing I knew shit about 'good weed'. I took it in my stride and learned what I could. I've also had a relationship with a lovely Colombian woman recently and during that time, I had to adapt to the fact English was not her first language and it could be easy to misinterpret what she was meaning in our conversations. I took that in stride and learned what I could.

Mr. Ryders posts seem to be pretty informative and logical from my view. Seems weird to attack someone who has a differing viewpoint, especially if you hold being opinionated as a strong quality. I appreciate the quest to find something you've enjoyed, that's what we're all here for, but the fact is most criminally produced bulk weed is going to be pretty good because that's how it sells. But, a local producer who puts care and love into his harvest will always be a better option. Maybe try to be that guy, not the guy defending practices our community has been working very hard to get away from.

Well if you've truly followed this thread, then you would know that I have stated time and time again, countless times, that the purpose of creating this thread was to find out what "strain" of creepy that has been coming here, so I could grow it myself, as well as others can grow it themselves. I've said that countless times. I found my seed. I said case closed. I found the information I was seeking. I'm not attacking RR. I'm asking him to explain his hypocricy and the countless times he's contradicted himself. I am not advocating for people to buy creepy, I'm advocating for people to grow dope strains that are super potent, which is why I wanted to know what strain that I have known and loved. There are many types of "creepy" here but the one that I know and love is truly unique and amazing. Again, I found my seed. Contrary to what RR has contradicted himself on, from "enjoying this thread" to not wanting to take part in it because it "romantasizes" "sub par" "NARCO weed" makes no sense to me as I don't know why I keep having to repeat the same thing time and time again. The purpose was to find out what it was, and I learned that and much more.

Other than that, I agree with everything you said. As I said, creepy and it's various spelling variations are just strains we can all purchase and grow, and it will be much better and cleaner, and no crime involved. How people keep forgetting that baffles me.


it's just decent weed, pressed for transport/preservation purposes; so it shows on density. some crippy pieces can break a cheap scissor. potency is gained from density, not from genetics. and it is heavily reflected on price, which is very cheap at the point of sale.

as mentioned before, this postharvest process allows the final product to 1) have higher potency through density and 2) be more uniform throughout the production. then you can mix several growers in one facility, go on economies of scale, get trucks, but i won't go into details of such petty subjects.

anyways, i share red ryder's opinion on crippy as it supports that wicked narco shit, but not because of the product's own characteristics/quality.

too much fuss for 21st century paraguayan brickweed =)


Well-known member
just bought a gram of crippy through an app XD
wonderful times we live in

anyways, i share red ryder's opinion on crippy as it supports that wicked narco shit, but not because of the product's own characteristics/quality.

Wow, what wonderful times we live in full of hypocrites.

Seems like Brother Nature and flylowgethigh are the only sane ones who have contributed to this thread.

It also appears that clearly many of you people don't know how to read, or can't read at a fast pace, or have dyslexia, or some sort of disorder that prevents you from seeing how time and time and time and time I've explained, even in the OP that I wanted to know what they were growing so I can grow my own as well as anyone else.

It's so hilarious and hypocritical. 90% if not more of us here have had to purchase cannabis on the black market, be it from the mexican or colombian cartels, or from criminal organizations in the states such as the bloods, crips, aryan brotherhood, vicelords, etc... Unless you have grown your own your whole life, or got it for free from a grower, anyone who bitches about how it gets to them is a hypcorite plain and simple.


Wow, what wonderful times we live in full of hypocrites.

Seems like Brother Nature and flylowgethigh are the only sane ones who have contributed to this thread.

It also appears that clearly many of you people don't know how to read, or can't read at a fast pace, or have dyslexia, or some sort of disorder that prevents you from seeing how time and time and time and time I've explained, even in the OP that I wanted to know what they were growing so I can grow my own as well as anyone else.

It's so hilarious and hypocritical. 90% if not more of us here have had to purchase cannabis on the black market, be it from the mexican or colombian cartels, or from criminal organizations in the states such as the bloods, crips, aryan brotherhood, vicelords, etc... Unless you have grown your own your whole life, or got it for free from a grower, anyone who bitches about how it gets to them is a hypcorite plain and simple.

hey man, obviously i was talking about buying drugs over an app; not buying crippy itself... i cant grow for my yearly needs so obviously i buy on the black market, where else...

anyways, i share red ryder's opinion on crippy as it supports that wicked narco shit, but not because of the product's own characteristics/quality

i am one to separate the art from the artist when analyzing, but if it comes to buy everyday smoke, i won't be supporting it... f*ck me right?

kind of a dick move you are doing; not cool dude, not cool...

maybe you are smoking too much crippy hehehehe joking dude, take it with a light smile =) cheers


Well-known member
kind of a dick move you are doing; not cool dude, not cool...

No pongster, I don't have anything against you, nor am I attacking you. I'm simply pointing out more the prevailant hypocricy. You stated you bought a gram of crippy, (I'm not accusing you of smoking only crippy, or buying only crippy), but then went ahead to agree with RR that it's "wicked narco weed".

I am simply waiting for people to explain their contradictions. Obviously the point of this forum in general is so people can grow their own. The point of this post was to find out what was being grown. Mission accomplished. Seed found. Done.

Then, Mr. RR comes in, and contradicts himself time after time, as I quoted and pointed out, and am still waiting for a response.

As far as Crippy, I told you, and I told the entire thread that I have no interest in it anymore now that I've aquired a seed of the best crippy I've had, and realized that it's just an umbrella term for strains anyone can buy, grown in Colombia.

I am not a member of any criminal organization or mafia, so I have no desire for them to make money and create violence and harm others. Hence the purpose of this thread. It could have ended pages ago when I said case closed, but Mr. RR who has icmag fooled into thinking he is the authority on Colombian herb comes in and just makes statement after statement that doesn't add up. At all.

If it "sucks", and it's "narco weed" and he's trying to fight against that, why did he make the statement that he "always has some around"? Why did he say that after reading this thread he smoked some and it was a "delightful" experience?

It's your personal lives, you can smoke whatever you want, or grow whatever you want. I have no issue with that.

My issue is the blatant hypocricy and contradictions. I doubt they will be addressed, at best, probably some half assed "justification".

If you think being transparent and real, is a dick move, then that's on you. I personally don't make conflicting statements, I remain true to what I say unless we're talking about facts. If I state something as fact and it turns out to be untrue I am the first to admit I was wrong, and the first to seek out the true knowledge.

I have no issue with anyone here, especially not you Pongster. I don't even have an issue with RR. I just find it hilarious. As I said, free entertainment. It's like watching a clown without having to pay for tickets to the circus.
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