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SIRSMOKALOT's Casa del Mota!


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
whats up yall.... been busy lately . well lazy too.... drama in the grow room. i tried to fix my 220 timer again and it is still broken. 1 light was on all day yesterday and today it was on for like 4 hours to long when i decided to check it. shit. looks like i am back to flip floppin the lights til finish and i can get a new timer. hope i dont get any nanners. i found 1 on the purp, but it was on a bud that had been roughed up several time floppin over and gettin burried from the light in foliage. there coulod be more, but the plants are so massive i cant see all sites. and plus nearing 40 days so nanners wont bother any way. i will just have to scrub the room down after for safety. i still have the clones in the bubbler. trying to make the tray correctly before i fill it with plants again.

a lil update 9- 03-08 pics


Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey man, great update. Nice room of nugs too, some great looking tops there, pack'n some frost too...



Registered Medical Patient
What up bro..good to see u back, thought i lost u there for a few!!!LOL..The room and girls look great as always man...Im just gonna go see how long itll take me to drive to you...Catch ya later!!!!Peace

- Z

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
ahh you needs a timer bro

You know you are gonna pass out one night and forget to do the lights. I tried one run without a timer, that lasted about a week.

Plants are looking good man, nice buddage


Registered Pothead
What up brotha sir! Looking damn good man. Sorry to hear about the timer and the nanner. Dude dog might have a point there. Might need to set two alarms to go off when you need to turn the lights on and off. What they got four more weeks or so?


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
black- thanks man always a pleasure to see you following along :rasta:

zeus- lost n found. simple...... follow the light lol

drdog- yes sir. i have 2 timers. i have forgotten 2 times for a few hours. like they got 14-15 hours once from 1 light. there are 2 lights. 1 on 220, 1 on 110. my 220 timer was broke, and i was doing it manually for a while, and thought i fixed it the other day, i thought it came off the gearing and thats why it wasnt keeping time, but it still dont work. new timer after this run, just havent wanted to mess with my setup til run overwith. for now i rather run 1 ballast and switch light cords every other day. flip flop bulbs on the ballast w/ timer. thanks for the advise, ya know i gottz it.

chubnuggzzz - just 1 nanner. keepin my eyes peeled now. should be ok, the bitch got messed up in the corner. some have 3 weeks some have 4


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
timerrs are realy needed....i have a small closet somewhere where i also did't use a timer...but manually...ohw man how i F'd up on that one..,trew away the males coz they where not looking that good...lol...yea yea i messed up once and a while with them males.....and that is one of the things you just can't efford to do with a whole gro....mess things up
go buy a timer Bro ...lol :smile:


heya sirsmoke-aside from the timer problem shit is lookin A1 in here yo.those plants are nice and full ,many budsites on there bruh.too bad about the nanner but it sounds like you got ur game face on so u'll be aight...i feel for ya though bro havin to turn the lights urself...hope you dont have plans for a minute.
keep up the bomb growin yo.peace -Y-


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
hey you two.
y and core. thanks for chimin in
i must not be clear, i am using a timer. i switch the cord around every other day. the ballast running the cord is on a timer. the ballast with broken timer sits there, unless i feel like flickin it on also, which i did a few times but after 1 or 2 mistakes i figured better to just do 1 bulb at a time. i dont have $80 for the 220 timer i want. i currently have a rotary timer, that wont rotate lol. it wont catch the gears. my buddy gave me a suggestion to fix, i tried and tested, didnt work and grow got 24 hours of light. i realized it didnt shut off by like 18 hours, said fuck it let it run til other light comes on and then kill it. prob be ok. i could run the 220 ballast back to 110 on timer. it is switchable, but havent felt the need to run both lights with the heat and power consumption. flip floppin gives me the light coverage i want for cheaper ATM, but when i can kill the house AC 2k is on all day. my power bill was 700 july, 600 aug hopegfully 450 this month. and still decreasing from here. wish me luck dudes for a cheap power bill.


oh,ok i see what you mean.i though you had to turn it on and off and that was that.now i see thast just for if you want both lights runnin...why didnt you just say so....;) LOL
yeah these temps are crazy,veg room gets warm for me flower is cool.
peace -Y-


Active member
I feel ya on the power bill Sir. That's life in the desert, takes some serious AC to keep out the killer heat of the sun.
Buds are starting to look mighty good btw. Looks like those clones will be nice sized by the time you're ready to toss them in.


Registered Pothead
Damn just got me bill today and it was 865 for just electricity for two months. Imagine what it would be without using that 220 plug man. My electrician buddy said it will save you half the money as opposed to running a 110. I dont think it will save you fifty percent but it is damn close. If you got central air that is why your bill is so high. My girl used to pay the bill until it hit the eight hundreds LOL. Ima get to blowin some glass soon so expect a pm.

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya Sir :wave:
Man, you run a luminous garden fer sure!!! Here ya on the heat - glad fall is comin up myself... :biglaugh: Your garden sure is full of healthy green ladies - looks sweet! :yes:

Be by later... -MGJ


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
hey friends. back with responces and pics in a bit. just bumping for later on when i update lol. back to page 4 again lol


go on .. pull my finger
ICMag Donor
hey sir hows it growin
ladies are filling up nice mate
weather still blazing over there ? been rain here for past 2 wks
looking good.. what 3wks now ...not long now:joint:


Active member
Bumping this thread with a pic of my Sugar Shack. Got this one's mom in 12/12 now. It's taken a while, because the original plant got a bad deficiency as you can see by the lower leaves, this cut had it tough but it rooted and now is going strong in coco and I will have lots more soon. The mom looks pretty good for the trouble it's seen. As it grows out in 12/12 it'll shape up pretty nice I think.
Anyway, thanks SirSmokalot, couldn't have done it without you bro.:friends:
Last edited:


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
hey m@rg sorry i took so long.

hey hazy- sending you another card buddy. glad your shack made it. should grow up fine..... thanks for bumpin my ass up

yo maj... howz it growin?

ok wow guys sorry for skippin out like that... should never neglect fam... my pc broke and then i got lazy for 2 weeks now. i lost a mem card with most of harvest.... got a few pics on my cannon.... here are those

a decap- BUBBAxWM
2L in coco and very neglected

here is the blue GDP. i chopped about 2 weeks early IMO, yeilded 4.5 oz in 5 gal FFOF/coco/ perlite

and now i am rockin 100% coco. i have 7 2L bottles 3 6in square pots and 4 gal grow bags. two black plastic multi purpose trays from lowes 2 x 3 ft each for trays and i built a table with cynder block, and dry wall, topped with a shower curtain to water proof. all on a watering mainifold. they get watered 3x a day for 30 sec. and drain a bit each. run to waste set up. just evaporates. using flora nova for my base nute at the moment... its what i had around and of course some other thing incorperated in there. will list my res mixes each week,
here are some pics to bring up to date
10/16 day 1 of flower

here is the table


to water them

see in that pic the space for my bucket system i want. i could fit 3 comfy in there


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me

pollen chuck

blue and purp side x side

under carriage nice and thinned

all that behind

my clone and veg area

and more fresh cuts for bubbler. yay :jump:

took plenty of back ups, my last 2 cloning attempts have harvested a bacteria and were poisoned i think by glue from tape contacting water constantly. temps were fine so i feel that was it. i changed the lids and i am fine so far. getting roots this time. good sign lol.

well glad to be sharing again and look for my updates here on out if any one cares lol . missed ya fam.