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Serious Seeds Females


Well-known member
damn, that was a really, really fast response..I apologize for my harshness. To be honest the last 48 hours have been something on the order of 3 powers beyond what a buzzkill could possibly be.

The intersex traits could have been caused by stress, hence the raging on my part, but having grown a lot of plants over my life and this one more than once, these plants in particular just seemed to flounder.

I guess what everyone meant by stable was that you were gonna get similar phenos, but here I was thinking it related to the 1:1 ratio thing. They looked beautiful up until they became seed bearing plants and not much else...it all happened (all 4 showing intersex traits) within a week, during which conditions seemingly were closer than optimal than other times, so I guess the only possible stress would be slightly too much water, but nothing over the top...but for the size of the plants this seems strange....

No matter please give to us your info and Simon will take care of you personally.



Active member


when serious seeds do bring out a range of fem seeds cause they will sooner or later cause demand now merits it. lets hope there in packs of 3 seeds as well as 5. as i find seeds of £50.00 and over a bit pricey :dance013:

good luck too everyone at serious.:huggg:


New member
Ho sorry I mist read those were regular then get back to us at [email protected] with all info (serial onthe card methode etc...) and we will probably replace them at no cost.


with any luck future attempts at the strain will go better. wish I could go back and tone down that first post, but I suppose that's a true mark of how I felt at the time and it is quoted anyway.

really great customer service though. thanks again.



Well-known member
when serious seeds do bring out a range of fem seeds cause they will sooner or later cause demand now merits it. lets hope there in packs of 3 seeds as well as 5. as i find seeds of £50.00 and over a bit pricey :dance013:

good luck too everyone at serious.:huggg:

Hi Mick,

Thanks for the cheer and same to you.

Female seeds are sold by 6 seeds at the same price as the regular.



Well-known member
with any luck future attempts at the strain will go better. wish I could go back and tone down that first post, but I suppose that's a true mark of how I felt at the time and it is quoted anyway.

really great customer service though. thanks again.


Anytime bro!



ICMag Donor
hay claude,,,,

il be honest with you bro,,,it seems you need to stepup and take some of the responcability from simon,,,:),,,

i can tell its your vishon of serious.seeds that will be the future now,,,,


Oh man, I'm not on-line for a few days and this thread like grows ten pages. Guess that I have some reading to do.


Active member
hay claude,,,,

il be honest with you bro,,,it seems you need to stepup and take some of the responcability from simon,,,:),,,

i can tell its your vishon of serious.seeds that will be the future now,,,,

Are you serious? Of all the members on this site you are by far the funniest.



ICMag Donor
Are you serious? Of all the members on this site you are by far the funniest.


thanks man,,,:)

im sure ya know what im sayin tho,,,:)

seems to me serious6 would not have been possible without claud

i cant help but think claude is the 1 with the future concepts


Active member
No offense to Claude (and I'm sure he would agree) but Simon IS Serious Seeds. Not saying that others haven't contributed to the products made through the years but at the end of the day it's Simons baby.

Not sure what you mean by "future concepts"

Take Care


ICMag Donor
feminization was a concept,,,now its a reality!!!,,,,,M/F seeds are now falling-out-ot-fashion almost compleetly..... most cannabis seed sold in todays wastern market is now feminized!!!,,we cant argue with this!!

i wish serious,seeds to continue producing seeds forever.....but "future concepts" as with feminization will change the face of things again ,,,,,i just hope serious seeds are able to role with the times....ya know what im sayin

thank god claude has the patance to sit an use the internet,,,thats all im sayin:)


ICMag Donor
i did the data input and heled fit epos systems in 5 of the uks leading headshops,,,,ive checked,,,all 5 sell more fems than anything else, greenhouse tookover long ago,,,,its almost 80% fem and id bet the fem figures only get higher


THEN,,once i have forund [lets say 3 fem inderviduals] together they hold ALL the desired traits,,,,

then,,,after i have aquired the inderviduals who hold quantitivly ALL the desired traits,,,,,to speed things up to a rate faster than fullsib mating i would start selfing,,,,,,,,an i dont mean selfpolinating in the classic way,,,,,,,,,,,,,,im talking about selfing each clone an dusting another,, i call it [reverced incrossing].......

hay el........what do you think is better????,,,,,,,,,,,,,outcrossing with XY polen,,,,,,,or outcrossing with XX polen,,,,,,,,,,,,

imo the XX polen carries more genetic info than the XY,,,,,is this correct????

I would take outcrossing with XY instead of XX, because the male prevents irreversible bad mutations and another thing is that the male gives the taste to the offspring and probably also the potency.
There is still not much info about the Y chromosome and its function of Cannabis, but like i said earlier you need a male to prevent irreversible bad mutations in the next generations.

There is a thread of Sam about male transforming to female to judge the smoking quality.

Namaste :smoweed: :canabis:



Active member
Yet the Reservoir Seeds release in the next few hours will possibly crash the server...seems to me like they are still very much IN fashion and not likely to go anywhere anytime soon. Can you name any female seeds that get that kind of attention when they're released?

I guess we'll have to wait another 5 or 10 years and see if it was all just a fad. And untill someone is working with 1000's of plants for selection (which seems to be getting harder and harder to do) it'll be nothing more then theories and what if's.

Selection is always going to be the key...you can try and learn everything there is to know about growing and breeding Cannabis but if you don't have the ability to select the right plants you're fucked.

The day someone creates a female line where I can buy 100 seeds and have all surviving plants turn into 100% females and grow and look exactly identical in every way, shape and form....then I'll give them a try. Untill then I'll pick from the diversity that regular seeds has to offer...and choose a mother to clone from.

Take Care,


ICMag Donor
I would take outcrossing with XY instead of XX, because the male prevents irreversible bad mutations and another thing is that the male gives the taste to the offspring and probably also the potency.

taste is debatable:),,,,,i feel id probbly just be-able to convince you taste is not "MALE" dependant..:)

There is still not much info about the Y chromosome and its function of Cannabis, but like i said earlier you need a male to prevent irreversible bad mutations in the next generations.

are you sayin we need the Y chromozone in order to reverce bad mutations?

do you have any info on this el,,,,im very interested,,,,


Taste comes half from the female and half from the male. Or in the case of all female seeds half from the mother and half from the female turned male.
I have showed in other threads how to transform males to female to check their terpenoid content and Cannabinoid content, it is easy.
In F1's I can easily spot progeny just from a GC of the terpenoid contents of the parents, female and male or female times transformed female to male. And then look for similar terpenoids in the progeny and you find them, even if you assign them with a double blind system of sample numbering. It is so easy you could not believe it.


Well-known member

thx for the prompt answer claude :) but i have to ask about this again... so you asume that the sex of a cannabis plant depends on enviroment and not on the genetic of the seed?

because if we asume that there are genetically true females (as you can see sam also states that) which can be used to produce real female seeds, then temperature in the vegging stage is pretty irrelevant for the sex. it only might become important with genetical hermaphrodites that show mostly female flowers...

also from what you post about the new strain (that there will only be regulars when you have sent all your stock to simon) i understand that it's not simon's creation but yours or somebody else, is that true?

do you also produce the fem seeds of the 5 classic serious seed strains? or does simon himself do it?


Well-known member
rick: you are a funny guy... you admit you have problems understanding what you read on genetics, yet all you do all day long is post about genetics...

when even you yourself realise that you might not be the most capable in terms of theory why do you keep on power-posting about it (more than 20% of all posts in this thread are yours)? maybe it would be an idea to just do some practical work and report about that here, by this you would do this site much more of a favour than by what you do now :)

and maybe learn to write before that, hard to believe that english is your 1st language...