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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
almostoverit said:
i was going to write that there are times i feel this thread is as much if not more about improving ourselves, as it is our grows. And then i read on, and it became even more clear;)
he he...............:smoke:

Well.......see.....now that's how it works, isn't it....:smoke:...

Few seem to realize on the surface, that to improve and/or accomplish one major thing, that it actually first requires addressing and changing 10 other minor ones first :smoke:...

And in trying to explain one thing, I get to work in during the process the importance of many others :smoke:...

Ya liked that eh?.......

if we can't muster an hour's worth of solid work out of ourselves-what's the point?
Few people will realize that maybe.....just maybe.:smoke:....sometimes the solid work on ones self is what enables and makes possible everything else...

he he..........:smoke:....

There's an I Ching passage regarding the universe not allowing one to proceed to the next level until prepared to do so....

That they remain what and where they are until they put forth the effort to prepare themselves for the next level to come.....

Now........I don't know about anyone else.:smoke:...but I'm always dying to find out what the next one is......so.........:smoke:


New member
I don't mean to be a pest, but you didn't answer my question. I guess you didn't see it. :)

I'l go into some more detail. I'm going to have 25 10-20 gallon trash bags filled with a soil mixture. how many pounds of water crystals would you estimate I need for a good mixture. Thanks in advance!


I don't mean to be a pest, but you didn't answer my question. I guess you didn't see it. :)

I'l go into some more detail. I'm going to have 25 10-20 gallon trash bags filled with a soil mixture. how many pounds of water crystals would you estimate I need for a good mixture. Thanks in advance!

I don't mean to be a dick but your question has been answered atleast 5 times in the thread. If you read the first 20 pages I doubt youy would be asking the same question over and over... peace

p.s. Id add about 1-2 tablespoons of crystals per bag


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
And of course what is also earlier on is recommendation to any first time user to expand a small amount to "get a feel" for amounts and rates of expansion so that they then might decide for themselves what amount is most appropriate for their specific application and situation.......

Or one could do a search and find everything they want to know.....

.......one could realize what they just interrupted was of infinitely greater value......

Last I checked
, each manufacturer had entire web sites dedicated to methods and application of their products.......

But none of that's my real response.....


New member
ouch, I appreciate the advice but I'm not looking for a whip lashing, just wondering how much I should buy cause I couldn't find any local retailers.

I wasn't interrupting anyone. It's a forum... Not like I blurted out a question while you were saying something. If you choose you help, then you can answer whenever you want. If someone wanted to comment on your post they could completely ignore my question and do so.

For some tokers, you guys sure are aggressive... everyone needs take a chill pill:joint:


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Try page 4.....

Or maybe better yet, page 1.

Yes....extremely aggressive, and yes, you did interrupt....

What you asked can be readily found countless places......in mere seconds...but you chose not to.............the resources of the entire planet at your fingertips as we speak......but not utilizing them.....(certainly not what thread is about.....)

You choose not to give me, or anyone else your time (by reading what you can first)...but then ask for others time.....

Not to mention you saw fit to post when I expressed a desire to wind thread down...which would be completely ignoring my post...yet twice wanting yours be addressed....

That's simple courtesy.....

This is about about accomplishing greater things......this is about what is required to do so........this is about always moving forward....not addressing things which are essentially Growing 101 when you have the means and resources to be well versed on any subject without having to ask....

Actually, my post was pretty reasonable, and what I would see as the best answer......

But you didn't see that.....
J, when I read your thread I always have a better outlook on the things i am trying to accomplish. Its been awhile and took me a bit to catch up but man great advice all around. I took your advice and picked up some AF's, I think for my first outdoor i will feel better doing it that way. I also have a friend that has fallen on hard times and i am directing him to your thread, he wants to grow and i said i'd help him only after he has read every page here. This person has had a garden there entire life and I see them loving it. I am concerned with them actually trying to sell it. gotta work that part out as they have no contacts to sell to, that part scares me a little. But I know you have helped folks so I am truying to pass on some of the knowledge i have gained here. Hope you have a great 09.


New member
lol, okay mister "Extremely Aggressive" The point I was getting at is that it is IMPOSSIBLE to interrupt someone when they have already wrote what they wanted to say. How am I supposed to know when everyone would be done commenting on what you said???

I looked through this and other threads for at least an hour without finding my answer. It would take all day to read this Enormous thread, which I admit has a vast amount of knowledge. I saw your willingness to answer people's questions so I asked one. Who is that hurting? Does It really frustrate you that much? If it does then just completely ignore me.

I bet It took you longer to get all worked up and write that then it would just to gimme a rough estimate, which is all I wanted because I have NEVER seen the crystals work in person. I wanted to know how much I needed before ordering to much or little.

I didn't know you wanted to "wind the thread down" whatever the hell that means or I wouldn't have even asked. I don't want to look for help from people who don't want to give it.

I'm sorry your such an angry person or maybe I caught you in a bad mood, but I won't post on your thread anymore.


Active member
lol, okay mister "Extremely Aggressive" The point I was getting at is that it is IMPOSSIBLE to interrupt someone when they have already wrote what they wanted to say. How am I supposed to know when everyone would be done commenting on what you said???

I looked through this and other threads for at least an hour without finding my answer. It would take all day to read this Enormous thread, which I admit has a vast amount of knowledge. I saw your willingness to answer people's questions so I asked one. Who is that hurting? Does It really frustrate you that much? If it does then just completely ignore me.

I bet It took you longer to get all worked up and write that then it would just to gimme a rough estimate, which is all I wanted because I have NEVER seen the crystals work in person. I wanted to know how much I needed before ordering to much or little.

I didn't know you wanted to "wind the thread down" whatever the hell that means or I wouldn't have even asked. I don't want to look for help from people who don't want to give it.

I'm sorry your such an angry person or maybe I caught you in a bad mood, but I won't post on your thread anymore.

Its a good idea to read the entire thread before asking questions, it took me weeks to read through it a bit at a time, but I never commented until I read it fully and even then it wasn't to ask questions just to try and help a little, its hard to ask questions when everything has already been covered.


Active member
it takes a while to read but there is also the search button.
i have used it a few times and usually was able to answer my own question.
also, julian has been talking about winding this down for a few pages now.
hence why so many of us went ahead and archived this thread.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
RoarLikeAROOR said:
lol, okay mister "Extremely Aggressive" The point I was getting at is that it is IMPOSSIBLE to interrupt someone when they have already wrote what they wanted to say. How am I supposed to know when everyone would be done commenting on what you said???

I looked through this and other threads for at least an hour without finding my answer. It would take all day to read this Enormous thread, which I admit has a vast amount of knowledge. I saw your willingness to answer people's questions so I asked one. Who is that hurting? Does It really frustrate you that much? If it does then just completely ignore me.

I bet It took you longer to get all worked up and write that then it would just to gimme a rough estimate, which is all I wanted because I have NEVER seen the crystals work in person. I wanted to know how much I needed before ordering to much or little.

I didn't know you wanted to "wind the thread down" whatever the hell that means or I wouldn't have even asked. I don't want to look for help from people who don't want to give it.

I'm sorry your such an angry person or maybe I caught you in a bad mood, but I won't post on your thread anymore.
Don't even try to give me any grief......

I know I am not alone when I say that it is common courtesy to read a thread before posting in it.......or do you do that in every thread, in every forum......just don't bother to read anything and post whatever occurs to you?.....

Yes, those were such angry posts......such rage and fury......Ohhhhhhh the horror...:biglaugh:

More disappointment and surprise than annoyance...

Winding down?.....well, you know....the post right before yours? :biglaugh: (Not only didn't you read thread and post....you didn't even read the post before yours before posting.....

My time?........well, you can waste all you want.....either I humor or not....but your also wasting everyone else's.....and that I don't take as lightly....

Richard Gozinya said:
J, when I read your thread I always have a better outlook on the things i am trying to accomplish. Its been awhile and took me a bit to catch up but man great advice all around.
Yeah, sorry.....think has gotten a little lengthy and of course distractions of no help either....last page or so alone maybe 10 posts that are of no benefit to anyone.....Thanks though man, kind of you to say.....

Outlook, viewpoints, perception.......I know first hand man a slight adjustment can make many things much more palatable........and enable a little more patience sometimes.........and......sometimes.....some situations...for some people?....that little bit can make quite a difference.......
I took your advice and picked up some AF's, I think for my first outdoor i will feel better doing it that way.
Just be aware of all the nuances when doing smaller things...(more vulnerable from the start to environmental, predators, etc)...I might end up going completely mini this year......aside from few experiments also.....don't think going to be doing any large ones...(but that could change tomorrow, so, what's the point anyway.......) I've always liked the smaller ones for all reasons discussed earlier, so......talking to someone about a run somewhere with minimal rainfall, great sun, so...really interested to see how that plays out on the yields and quality (and will match that against others in different conditions, etc......I like doing same things in many different settings.....if only just to observe minor nuances, etc.....
I also have a friend that has fallen on hard times and i am directing him to your thread, he wants to grow and i said i'd help him only after he has read every page here. This person has had a garden there entire life and I see them loving it. I am concerned with them actually trying to sell it. gotta work that part out as they have no contacts to sell to, that part scares me a little. But I know you have helped folks so I am trying to pass on some of the knowledge i have gained here. Hope you have a great 09.
So take care of it for him.....(dumping it...could do 100 different things......)

Patience an issue......everyone wants things gone, etc.....will go in it's own time......dumping things....works in "cycles".....(people flush, people out, etc....you pop up in the middle....no surprise not a need........and then people start to lower prices, when in actuality just needed to be patient and wait a little bit....).....

Thanks.....you too.......feeling like going to be a good year.....we'll see.....(I think weather will be......hope I'm right....) Looking forward to doing a couple things myself....

antimatter said:
Its a good idea to read the entire thread before asking questions, it took me weeks to read through it a bit at a time, but I never commented until I read it fully and even then it wasn't to ask questions just to try and help a little, its hard to ask questions when everything has already been covered.

RudolfTheRed said:
it takes a while to read but there is also the search button.
i have used it a few times and usually was able to answer my own question.
also, julian has been talking about winding this down for a few pages now.
hence why so many of us went ahead and archived this thread.
I think in this place, at this time.....having to inform anyone of such is far from objective of almost all.......

No one should have to tell anyone to put in the work....(I just finished reading a 90-100 page thread somewhere myself actually)

Posting without reading thread occurs all the time, every forum, every site, and I think in poor taste.......but as people say a while to finish, and a lot of material......here we have who knows how many posts on last couple pages for what?......of no use to anyone...of no interest to anyone....etc.....


Active member
I started to save this thread page by page into PDF forum
but it was just taking to god damn long. i really don't have that kind
of patience. although i do have the website saved in website forum.
so it looks like your looking exactly at the website. just open the files
with firefox or IE.
maybe i will slowly convert it into pdf form,
because i would really love to have this thread in that format.


you can just archive it yourself. i don't know how others did it,
but i made a file and saved it as "MASSIVE OUTDOOR GROW"
then i went and adjusted my settings so there were 40 posts per page.
its the highest it'll let you go. at this point it should condense the thread
into about 60 pages. then i went through page by page and saved it.
i just saved it as page 1, page 2, page 3..... and so on. you get the point.
it really only took me about 10-15 minutes. i got images and all.

but if your REAL lazy i spose i could just sent it do you some how.
like i said if people really want it i got it i guess.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Well, my preference not saved....anywhere, anytime, by anyone....for several reasons on several levels, but, fuck.....I mean....can't prevent it I suppose...and am humbled that it has that consideration by anyone.......

(I figure even if gone....some point, some time, will do it again, so :smoke:...:biglaugh:..)

Humbled it's considered.......hope someone finds it of use......of benefit.....glad to be of help...


Active member
I saved the first 60 or so pages in a text file. The file resides on my old computer, which no longer starts up. Gah!

Julian, thanks for the thread. It's been a big eye-opener in so many ways. Much appreciation. :smoke:


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Your welcome.....glad of interest, of use....can make a difference.....

Just doing what I do brother....:smoke:

john cutter


Im just wondering if I could get some advice on the upcoming season.
This will be my first "big" outdoor season. 200-250 out, stock on hand now, most supplies on hand as well. I feel like I am as prepared as I can be for never doing this before, and hope I have researched enough to be able to adapt to the season as it happens. Have been doing perpetual harvest indoors for awhile, and a few small OD's as well.

Heres my problem. If you remember my first post in this thread I said I was involved in this because of overwhelming medical bills and the subsequent loss of financial aid for school. Im less than a year from graduation with a high paying degree, plenty of doors open to me after graduation. Unfortunately I cant get anymore edu. loans because of the economic problems combined with my now damaged credit and being behind on my federal loans already. So, I have been doing indoor runs, learning about the plant, getting some confidence and supplementing my 9-5 income.

I raised the money for this semester and am back in school. Got the majority of my loans caught up and now that I am back in school I dont have to make any payments on them at the moment. Have also made a sizeable dent in the med. bill pile and don't feel like I am drowning anymore. So now without getting too specific, Im asking from advice from you, and any of the other experienced guys in here:

If you were me, and you were getting by on small indoor runs combined with a straight job, in school about to graduate with a degree that pays well to start and has great earning potential(assuming I can get a job in this economy). Would you even bother with an outdoor run? It would help me immensely, and I have prepared for it, but is what I am risking too big?

If I were to get popped, I'd have to repay my federal loans, lose all the headway I have made on my debt, be kicked out of school, and probably not let back in to any others. And of course I would be locked up on top of all that. Even if not convicted, a court case would drain all my reserves and Id have to drop out of school a second time.

Basically, would you go for the 20lbs that is my goal? I know it is safer to keep my head down, keep doing small ID runs, and just keep being a worker like I am now, chipping away at the pile. On the flip side, if I make it through, and I honestly think I can. I can use the money to pay my bills off little by little, pay the interest on my loans so they arent growing so fast, use my job money for everyday expenses, and use my indoor money for grad school rather then entering the job market at this point. Investing in myself is the plan.

Im just asking for some advice, Im having trouble seeing the bigger picture lately. Am I trying to end this all to soon? Should I just keep busting ass and doing it little by little? Im not well off right now, but as a student I dont need to be, my tuition and rent is paid for and i have enough money to eat.

Dont think I am talking myself out of it, or doubting myself, Im just looking for some input from people that have been there before.


Active member
Uhm.. you might wanna think about what your priorities are, do you wanna grow pot or do you wanna be straight and go on with your career, im sorry but I can't see any moral in telling you to grow with prohibition and being so close to getting this degree for a good job, sounds like you got alot to loose and 20lbs isn't really worth it, you know what the worst case scenario is and its very real, don't let anybody tell you otherwise.
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