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118 watt CFL Stealth cab grow! (1st timer)


Hey everyone, Thanks for stopping by. So here's the deal, I'm sick of paying outrageous prices for shitty weed. I know the space im growing in is too small to supply me without ever having to buy again. But, I will save a good amount of money IMO. I don't know the exact dimensions of the cab, but it's pretty freakin small. Stealth is the key here tho. Below are a few pics, they;re all 7 days old (pics were taken yesterday). They were germinated using the papertowel method, then all EXCEPT the biggest one were put into jiffy pellets. I'll never use jiffy pellets again. Pics will explain why. Anyhow, Enjoy the pics and leave me some questions/comments/feedback :)

also, next friday im getting a 75w HPS from menards.


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I'm gonna ghetto rig up some kind of cool tube... or get another 80mm pc fan and mount the light right infront on the 2 exhaust fans so it sucks all the hot air right out.. ??Unfortunately i broke my 120mm fan the other night :( I have a desk i don't really use that i'd like to turn into a grow box.. so I could just use this current cab to veg one lucky lady, and take clones from her, then flower them in the desk..But i really don;t know how to go about taking the faces off of the droors and turning it all into a working door... Any suggestions? I might be able to get some pics up here in a little bit to show you guys what im working with here.


potential cab pics...

potential cab pics...

Ok guys. here's the pics of my desk I wanna turn into a grow box. The only thing holding me up is taking the faces off the droors and attaching them to the outside so they could be easily removed.. I need some ideas!

and the plant that is doing the best! idk whats wrong with the other ones. i'm th inking its because i started them in jiffy pellets.


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hope it's a girl...


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I would glue the drawers on and put a door on the back of the dresser. Put castor wheels on the bottom for easy access. There are several stealth dresser grows around-do a search.

good luck!




hey guys! I couldn;t wait to do an update, so here it is.....
So i went to menards today and got a 60w cool white cfl and put it in there, and i went to best buy and got a 80mm pc fan for another exhaust. the temps in the box were about 85. this additional exhaust should cool it down a bit. I'm still doing some brainstorming about my desk... thinking of the best way to turn it into the stealthest grow box ever. If i can succesfully do that, i've decided i'm gonna order a 250w hps from 1000.bulbs.com. and gonna pick up a pack of seeds online. Below are pics of the biggest plant, (the other ones are still relatively small and not worth taking pics of yet, we've all seen seedlings). She (hopefuly) is growing so fast. as i mentioned above, i;m gonna transplant her in the next couple of days. I just figure, the bigger she is, the better she'll take the move. I'll also put up a pic of the desk, maybe you guys can gimme some tips on how to go about doing this. Other than that, how does my baby look??
hey adam tha seedling is looking very healthy cfls will still grow some great bud i got over half ounce from three small plants with no fans nutes and cold nights !! under 120 watts of mixed cfls with a little bit of work an affert could have made it alot more #

in a cab like that just remeber the size of the plant most will doulble in size in flower a scrog of some sort may be good in such a small place




Hey guys, ben a few since my last update. Plants are now 16 days old from seed. Those other seedlings just spruted yesterday. I re-potted the 2 medium sized plants cuz they were getting rootbound, one got it worse than the other. thats what i get for procrastonating. lol. I plan on starting them on Schultz 10-15-10 next week. I also got a new cab! My buddy kicked his lazy ass room mate out and said if I wanted that cab it was mine. score! I'll give you guys the dimensions in the next update, but compared to my last cab, it's huge! I'm also gonna order a HPS online within the next week. I'm thinking a 250w will be sufficient. I still have some work to do to th is box, gotta light proof it still and figure out how i'm gonna lightprooof the vents. any advice would be appreciated..



OK, so I fugured it's time for an update. Last week I decided to put all the plants I have into flower. I'm gonna be orderding some seeds online and i gotta make room in the cab for them. :) So far, I think I have 2 females and 1 male. I've had to tie the biggest one down several times, she grows like over an inch a day. its crazy! I started feeding them schultz 10-15-10. gonna give it to em every other watering. enjoy the pics!




here they are.. i experimented with supercroping on the one I think is a male. I think I forgot to mention. it's day 5 of flowering.

sorry the the shitty quality of the pics!