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Ron Paul 2012!!! Your thoughts on who we should pick for our "Cause"?

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Active member
between the NDAA allowing arbitrary detention, and the bill classifying discussing things overseas(icmag) which are illegal here(weed), we should all wake the fuck up and see what is going on.

The only way to protect any of us from mariajuana related problems is to elect Ron Paul, the ONLY candidate who wants to end this drug war.

excellent point we should all now be very concerned for the sake of the site and its members.

heres the voter info for every state



Active member
Since when does the popular vote even count? Its all the electoral college. as carlin said "we dont have any rights,its an illusion".


weed fiend
you have such a funny way of writing these artificially elongated post to make your self appear more knowledgable, while dropping in your sly little asides, mentioning extremists in every aspect. it is especially funny to use these correlations to relate an OB/GYN with someone who kills pregnant women and chlidren and doctors. your off-base statements are irresposible.

Are you leading by example? McVeigh considered innocents as acceptable collateral. The target was gub employees.

And if ANYONE should know about sketchy assocites, its you and your pres.

I get it, you're smoking sativa.

Bringing up alex jones

Ron's a guest on the show for christ sakes.

is tantamount to your pres and Jeremiah wright who says our kids should be singing "God Damn America" and that 9/11 is our fault.


wow, see how easy spin flies?

There's something flying alright but I wouldn't call it spin.

Did you forget our country was founded by a militia of the people revolting against a corrupt and bloated government only interested in preserving the status quo?

Sounds like the Sarah Palin version. I haven't forgotten that taxation without representation was our pretext to revolt. I haven't forgotten that "freedom of expression" goes to some folks heads. Check out Ben Franklin's warnings about folks ideas of "freedom" and the idea it would be our downfall.

Actually the big bucks were in global war and oil silly.

So much for staying on point, there MBA. Global war and oil have nothing to do with soliciting donations to a newsletter where the participants acknowledged the wilder it got, the more money flowed in. $900 thousand in '93 alone ain't chump change for a 20-year newsletter.

Do you really think for a second there was more money in a pamphlet then there was in the Iraq war, which we were led into by a CIA director/oil mogul?

I think your reasoning is flippant.

Besides money needs to be raised to run for president and congress.

From fear and loathing?

you dont say anything when these millions come pouring in from pharmacuetical industry, banking sector, and general "lobbyists".

Yes I do and in their proper context. I don't typically resort to rolling up everything I see into one giant enchilada in order to retort, "Vote for Ron Paul!".

When someone lets his team write up some newsletter and sell it, its evil.

More like you making it up as you go along.

But when someone sells out the American people to the literal highest bidder (our groups of bidders, when one big bank, big pharm, or big oil wins they all win.) Selling out the rights and interests of the people is the real crime I am worried about.

Then vote for whoever.

Why would you even bring it up?

Because it's relevant.

do you think Obama or holder will be prosecuted for Selling guns to cartels that KILLED AMERICANS? or for laundering all that money? Or for war crimes?

How about Bush, Clinton, Bush, Nixon, Johnson.....?

prob not, He deserves another Nobel Prize just cuz.

Yeah, I think the declaration that we'll no longer preempt sovereign nations or torture others deserves mention.

Oh ok, that makes sense. Let's just kind of wait around till everyone else votes in people who ACTUALLY care. This same sad apathy has led us into this hole we are in and will forever keep us there.

If you're feeling froggy then take you a big ol' jump there, pal.

Obama is on the way out, and if you are hoping that the democrats somehow win back both houses and he gets re-elected so he could actually get anything accomplished is ludicrous.

That's about the first sense you've made and it's highly probable. But just remember, that's your argument not mine.

Oh wait, that bailout worked right? our money should have gone to banks and failing car companies..

I tend to ignore Joe the plumber perspectives on loans.

So what if you cant afford your medicine this month grandma?

Ronnie says take it to da church, mama.

The executives at pfizer needed new jets.

Ronnie would let em feed you monkey balls.

We needed to buy some guns for the mexican cartels ya know? Hope you understand. Oh hey, you could always try that medical marijuana over in california, its much cheaper than those drugs, wont leave you addicted to opiates, will make you happier and able to eat and have less pain.................Oh wait, I know I said I would protect that, but I changed my mind. Im going to go shut down all the stores now.



But doesn't he want to basically reduce the size of Government drastically. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, for me anyway, but others wouldn't stand for it, I'd imagine?
He wants to cut 6 major programs out, along with removing bases in Korea, Mid East etc...
That would go against a lot of agendas, set by powerful people, & groups.

Myself, don't have an opinion on his person, or political views. Other than I think most are just doublespeaking liars.


Wanting to end the drug war is a very refreshing thought. Too many people are dying down on the border & beyond. That's a whole other story though.


weed fiend
Good points, Phate. I wouldn't mind seeing smaller government but I'm not sure any corporate executive would slash first and ask few/ answer fewer questions later. I'd much rather see a managed approach, including economic assessments of what to expect. Kind of like decelerating a giant locomotive before pulling the emergency brake.

I'm all for pairing international military installations. We still have a hot war in Korea and I'm not sure I'd leave our S. Korean and Japanese allies in the cross hairs of Kim Jong Un. We defend Japan because WWII armistice says they can't militarize. We defend S. Korea because we never signed an armistice with N. Korea.

We might pull troops from Germany and Poland as we're not likely to have to defend them against Russian invasion. However, Nato has legal obligations to free countries and European forces are strategically located. Nato has helped mitigate US involvement in areas we're not playing big cheese.

And then you get to how will Dr. Paul manage such degrees of change. He's spent many years advocating his ideas from the house chamber with few followers. Dr. Paul will have to lead Congress as much or more than he'll be able to unilaterally affect the broad changes advocated.

IMO, would be interesting to at least see what one man might accomplish from the office of the president.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Yeah, I think the declaration that we'll no longer preempt sovereign nations or torture others deserves mention.
No longer preempting strikes on sovereign nations? What about Yemen? Pakistan? Libya? Expanding the drone war?

Rationalize all you want, but those are acts of war. Preemptive acts of war.

If he couldn't close Gitmo I doubt he closed our "black sites" where we outsource the torture.

Ron Paul > Status Quo.


weed fiend
No longer preempting strikes on sovereign nations? What about Yemen? Pakistan? Libya? Expanding the drone war?

Rationalize all you want, but those are acts of war. Preemptive acts of war.

I think the idea of preemptive invasion suggests the overthrow of government, occupation and insurgency - typical aspects of imperialism. Maybe it's just me but I don't consider drone attacks on so-called enemy combatants (aka self-defense or defending native operations) as preemptive war. I wonder how a world of militaristic spies would see a CIA-less America? We could run around and shoot people but covert intelligence might be lacking.

If he couldn't close Gitmo I doubt he closed our "black sites" where we outsource the torture.

Ron Paul > Status Quo.
If our apparatus continues to demand tribunals, we may never return to civilian trials for non-sanctioned criminals/terrorists, including US civilians.

I'd like to see us return to civilian trails for terrorists, both international and domestic. But I never expect to see us risk our own forces when battling non-sanctioned criminals, unless public opinion demands it. It's just unfortunate that putting the toothpaste back in the tube ain't very easy.


Active member
The fits paragraph of your response sheds great light on the source of your delusional thinking. You are completely spoon fed by corporate whore media its not Even funny
I think the idea of preemptive invasion suggests the overthrow of government, occupation and insurgency - typical aspects of imperialism. Maybe it's just me but I don't consider drone attacks on so-called enemy combatants (aka self-defense or defending native operations) as preemptive war. I wonder how a world of militaristic spies would see a CIA-less America? We could run around and shoot people but covert intelligence might be lacking.

If our apparatus continues to demand tribunals, we may never return to civilian trials for non-sanctioned criminals/terrorists, including US civilians.

I'd like to see us return to civilian trails for terrorists, both international and domestic. But I never expect to see us risk our own forces when battling non-sanctioned criminals, unless public opinion demands it. It's just unfortunate that putting the toothpaste back in the tube ain't very easy.


weed fiend
You know what's funny? Choosing to personally gum bump as opposed to taking the opportunity to promote the OP or rebuke [opposing] opinion. Make sure you don't express what you're talking about so nobody else can clarify.

At least you won't get negative repped for expressing your thoughts.:bigeye:

You might get a higher sense of gratification from influencing different opinions than you will preaching to the choir.


the media needs to stop trying to assinate his character and start dealing with his stand on the issues that we as a nation are dealing with , he has already answered those allegations peace


Enormous Member
the media needs to stop trying to assinate his character and start dealing with his stand on the issues that we as a nation are dealing with , he has already answered those allegations peace

It goes waaaaaay beyond that, the media needs to stop trying to dictate our opinions. If the narative gets too aggressive, their affiliations and bias become more obvious. I don't want to be spoon fed my opinions anymore!

A vote for anyone but Ron Paul is a vote for the war machine to continue forward into Iran. And possibly WWIII.

master shake

Active member
Ron Paul I have noticed is different than back in 08. You can see there is a spark, more attitude, he is "fed" up! Along with a decent run and enough exposure, this rejuvenated RP should legitimately take this election. But then the pessimistic side of me comes out. I would be shocked to see Ron Paul win. I know he can/will be able to get majority of votes. But voting fraud will most likely take place. The machines being used are rigged to allow editing of the numbers. Look up Diebold voting machines. Any other manufacturer I assume is just as corrupt.


weed fiend
I was just getting ready to say I don't personally feel "spoon fed" until I read something like, "vote for Ron or it's yer ass."

What we're actually seeing nationally is numbers from ~25% of the 20% of folks who identify themselves as Republicans and are active in early primaries/caucuses.

Dr Paul stands to gain more support as more Republican voters enter the primary fray. However Iowa is open participation, meaning Independents may vote in both republican and democratic primaries. Other states are closed and Independents are restricted to the general election.

Win or close-second Iowa, Dr Paul will be a bigger fish. He'll also be in a bigger pond.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I think the idea of preemptive invasion suggests the overthrow of government, occupation and insurgency - typical aspects of imperialism. Maybe it's just me but I don't consider drone attacks on so-called enemy combatants (aka self-defense or defending native operations) as preemptive war.
Crossing into a sovereign nation's air space and dropping bombs is an act of war. If that sovereign nation hasn't attacked you then it is an per-empitive act of war. Lots of people in the US don't know or consider embargos acts of war. To be perfectly honest I find Americans are especially good at rationalizing our war state as not being at war when we are perpetually at war.

A common trait found in imperial war states I assume.
yea, well since ron paul thinks everything should be privatized...then he probably agrees with a private company counting the votes. i think it's fucking retarded that a private company is in charge of counting the votes. fucking ridiculous. fuck privatization!
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