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4 Strain 180w DWC


Active member
Eek. I was just getting ready to tag up and I saw that ur lady ruined ur beans..

God damn :( that sucks.


Re-started 8 beans - they soaked overnite, and are into pellets. A few of them had cracked and were showing starts of tails. Not bad for less than 24 hours.

Wife was kissin' my ass today - I'm pretty sure she realized how mad I was.

Hidden them, on warm surface - we'll see how quick they come up.

Same strains, same number (4 x 2).

Sorry for the drama, folks - I'm not normally that volatile, and my wife, tho' anti weed, isn't normally that psycho.

So, back to start - let's see how these babies do...

Thanks to everyone for their encouragement - I'm flattered y'all want to follow this old farts grow.
Restart! Great! sounds like the vibes are better now at home, always good:)
will be checkin in from time to time, good luck, i know how much this matters to you.
herb helps makes life a lot more tolorable.



The 2 PPP are up - some of the others are starting to dome the peat, and make cracks.

Sweet - gotta get the hidey hole done.


Active member
If she did that to beans ,what do you think she'll do with plants 8 weeks into flower?I would'nt want to be there for that.I'll tag along though I gotta feeling theres gonna be some drama.Good luck,Should start a poll though My votes unfortunately wife finds them before flower ,Any takers


New member
hey dude, any chance you could post some pics of your DWC system for us? I am planning on growing my own soon and DWC seems to be a great way to go.

btw when you've stealthily grown you should definately bake some brownies for the misses, i'm sure she'll enjoy them ;).
Good luck and good grow


Just ordered a new 430w hps ballast and socket, wired, for $99 plus shipping from Canadian company.

This is to replace last 430w I lost when ex-grow partner declined to return it (even when I asked nicely, several times).

Building a secret grow spot (under back porch, shhhhhh), and have a 24" cooltube w/ reflector that will be the bees knees.

Still only the 2 beans up - will post more as they show.


1 Godbud x Dreamweaver came up

One of the PPP's seems to have runted - just stopped. Not gonna cull until the vultures circle overhead.

1 of the C99 x Grapefruit and 1 of the White Ladies have broken the soil, but haven't moved.

5 of 8 have erupted (more or less)