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Ron Paul 2012!!! Your thoughts on who we should pick for our "Cause"?

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weed fiend
RP has repeatedly said he had nothing to do with that Newsletter...he never read it, and he never edited it--

Look at the newsletters themselves. Editor - Ron Paul

How can we NOT believe that?? Those Newsletters were absolute Political Suicide...if they were really from him!!

The newsletters were printed by his organization and funded by solicited donations - all in the name of Ron Paul.

He is not a stupid man...

He's crazy like a fox.

IMHO...the only thing he is guilty of, concerning that matter...is somehow he let (or was tricked into) his name being attached to it--

If Ron's not a stupid man, he won't suggest he was tricked into making millions of dollars off the stuff.

If we listen to things he himself has said over the years...they are nowhere near anything spewed in that Publication...so unless there is proof that he directly said any of that...I will continue to believe in what I KNOW he has said...because his stances have not changed over the years--

Ron has claimed that some of his quotes were taken out of context. Verbatim neither adds nor subtracts context. It's straight from the source, as it appears in the source.


Hey Disco go and vote Obama like you've been preaching (worst president in history), BUT Ron Paul WILL be our new president. You wrote to me once that Dr. Paul would never get more than 1% of the vote, and that's why libertarians would never win since they only make up 1%, utter Bull old man. Just like you have to eat those words now, you will be eating more soon, Ron Paul WILL be our new president. MARK MY WORDS.

I find it quite pathetic that you try to FORCE your beliefs on everyone, maybe that's why you have over 11,000 posts, that and you like to argue.

God Bless,

Ron Paul 2012 or Bust!!!


weed fiend
Hey Disco go and vote Obama like you've been preaching (worst president in history), BUT Ron Paul WILL be our new president. You wrote to me once that Dr. Paul would never get more than 1% of the vote, and that's why libertarians would never win since they only make up 1%, utter Bull old man. Just like you have to eat those words now, you will be eating more soon, Ron Paul WILL be our new president. MARK MY WORDS.

What? He'll hit 2%?

I find it quite pathetic that you try to FORCE your beliefs on everyone, maybe that's why you have over 11,000 posts, that and you like to argue.
Interesting choice of words from a bat-wielding knee caper.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
Ron Paul WILL be our new president. MARK MY WORDS.

nothing personal, but...

not a chance in HELL. he won't even get the GOP nomination. we can come back here in November so you can admit you were wrong...

have a good one :tiphat:


Active member
im sure theyll fight him to the end ,but he'll win cause he has truth on his side.

unless people can find a way to negate truth, im sure they'll try.

as far as MJ goes no one even comes close so i have no idea why this is up for debate. :ying:


Well-known member
why does he want to abolish the department of education? it does a pretty good job of giving better education to rich and/or white areas of the country. i.e. palo alto area vs anywhere else in the usa


poppin' outta control
If all you care about for the next 4 years is not going to prison for medical marijuana industry involvement, paul is our guy right?


Kush, Sour Diesel, Puday boys
Regarding "Our Cause", Ron Paul is by far the only candidate who will NOT continue this 70+ year old drug war backed by large business interest in oil, timber, pharmacuetical, etc.

The sitting president, who some would have us vote for cuz he smoked a couple joints and did some lines as a kid, who has PROMISED THE PEOPLE he would ease up on medical patients, while simultaneously shutting down dispensaries and leaning on the whole movement. but maybe he'll wait till his second term, and tell us all that first term shit was just a joke so he could get re-elected and give us our freedom back and let us finally get that hope and change bullshit from 4 years ago.......................yeah that will probably happen.</end sarcasm>


Active member
"If all you care about for the next 4 years is not going to prison for medical marijuana industry involvement, paul is our guy right?"

No. If what you care about is stopping ordinary citizens from being PUT in those prisons (or just taken out back and shot) for no other reason than because the government says so, and stopping the political machinery (the MILITARY-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX that Eisenhower warned us about!) that has been driving us in this direction for over a century, and especially over the last ~60 years....then you vote Ron Paul.

If you care about saving this country from the brink of collapse, you vote Ron Paul. Invading Iran is the most foolish thing we could possibly do right now. It could very possibly trigger World War III. It's that serious.

On the economy, getting rid of fiat money, getting rid of the FED, going back to the gold standard, is all pretty damn sensible. Economies lasted on the gold standard for literally thousands of years. It's a proven thing. Fiat money is a relatively new invention and one with serious flaws, as we've seen.

Contrary to popular belief, the most important challenge facing America right now isn't the collapse of our empire. That NEEDS to happen, and it's about time. It isn't our economy either. The real problem is the all-out assault on our liberty, and tyranny which now holds America in its clutches. It's like kudzu, it creeps up on you over years and if you let it get too grown up and entangled it takes drastic measures to get rid of. We let this place go to shit for far too long, but now enough is enough. We are currently embroiled in (and arguably leading) a movement that will result in greater freedom for peoples all over the world. It's a worldwide revolution, and badly needed.

For this great awakening which will be written about in history books, you can thank the Internet, Wikileaks, and especially Bradley Manning. The spark that lit the fire was Mohamed Bouazizi.

I just hope World War III isn't somehow triggered in the process. But that's a risk I'm willing to take, to get rid of these tyrants once and for good. I think a sizeable and growing number of Americans are feeling the same way. These clowns are going down one way or the other. If the ballot box don't work then I have no doubt the ammo boxes will come out.

“If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquillity of servitude than the animating contest of freedom ... go from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. May your chains sit lightly upon you....and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”

-- Samuel Adams


Kush, Sour Diesel, Puday boys
I'm not as largely focused on the so called minority-influenced rhetoric. One of the previous articles states that Dr. Paul praised the militia movement 3 months prior to the Oklahoma City bombing. I'm not suggesting that Dr. Paul was complicit. Yet McVeigh expressed he expected to ignite the 'revolution' to take back government. Around the time that Eric Rudolph was blowing up women's health clinics, Dr. Paul's newsletters expressed opposition to abortion and that life begins at conception. In and around this time is when Dr. Paul's newsletters ceased circulation.

I draw no association with Rudolph and Dr. Paul. I draw association with disparaging, irresponsible rhetoric that influences psychopaths.

you have such a funny way of writing these artificially elongated post to make your self appear more knowledgable, while dropping in your sly little asides, mentioning extremists in every aspect. it is especially funny to use these correlations to relate an OB/GYN with someone who kills pregnant women and chlidren and doctors. your off-base statements are irresposible.

Rudolphs actions were influenced by extremist RELIGIOUS beliefs.

And if ANYONE should know about sketchy assocites, its you and your pres. Bringing up alex jones is tantamount to your pres and Jeremiah wright who says our kids should be singing "God Damn America" and that 9/11 is our fault. wow, see how easy spin flies?

Not only did the militia movement substantially grow during the late-eighties and early 90s, focus of hate moved directly toward government as (not Reagan's problem but) the enemy. Government was no longer seen as something to manage but something to fight.

Did you forget our country was founded by a militia of the people revolting against a corrupt and bloated government only interested in preserving the status quo?

to find out, one of our senior members in the House of Representatives is linked to the militia movement, with all the plausible deniability and compelling incuriosity. The absence of $millions in proceeds might suggest that Dr. Paul actually believed what was published. The money only amplifies the surreptitiousness. He believes all that baloney or he's laughing all the way to the bank or both.

There's a great argument that the Patriot Act limits our rights. But 15 years before the cataclysmic event that changed our lives, the militia movement was exploding and hate rhetoric became a way to make the big bucks. Only in America.

Actually the big bucks were in global war and oil silly. Do you really think for a second there was more money in a pamphlet then there was in the Iraq war, which we were led into by a CIA director/oil mogul?

Besides money needs to be raised to run for president and congress. you dont say anything when these millions come pouring in from pharmacuetical industry, banking sector, and general "lobbyists". When someone lets his team write up some newsletter and sell it, its evil. But when someone sells out the American people to the literal highest bidder (our groups of bidders, when one big bank, big pharm, or big oil wins they all win.) Selling out the rights and interests of the people is the real crime I am worried about.
I'm not here to suggest that Dr. Paul will be investigated, much less prosecuted.

Why would you even bring it up? do you think Obama or holder will be prosecuted for Selling guns to cartels that KILLED AMERICANS? or for laundering all that money? Or for war crimes?

prob not, He deserves another Nobel Prize just cuz.

Barring further natural and or terrorist acts, the only bad shit that's going to happen is further contraction and the suffering it brings. Lawmakers aren't going to sit around with their thumbs in their ears while America tries to fight itself out of a jam. Lawmakers aren't stupid. They know that money doesn't pull the lever.

As soon as we get enough lawmakers in Washington willing to get big money out, we'll begin to see improvement. By and large these folks care about what they're doing.

Oh ok, that makes sense. Let's just kind of wait around till everyone else votes in people who ACTUALLY care. This same sad apathy has led us into this hole we are in and will forever keep us there.

Obama is on the way out, and if you are hoping that the democrats somehow win back both houses and he gets re-elected so he could actually get anything accomplished is ludicrous.

We gave him a chance and we are just deeper in a hole.

Oh wait, that bailout worked right? our money should have gone to banks and failing car companies..

So what if you cant afford your medicine this month grandma? The executives at pfizer needed new jets. We needed to buy some guns for the mexican cartels ya know? Hope you understand. Oh hey, you could always try that medical marijuana over in california, its much cheaper than those drugs, wont leave you addicted to opiates, will make you happier and able to eat and have less pain.................Oh wait, I know I said I would protect that, but I changed my mind. Im going to go shut down all the stores now. Merry christmas.
Barack Obama


Kush, Sour Diesel, Puday boys
i don't think ndaa will be used against pot growers or drug offenders. but maybe i'm wrong. i hope i'm not wrong.

The fact that you are so Naive and espousing political advice, ranting against someone who actually knows whats going on scares me. It also makes your poor political views make more sense to me.

Thats what they said about rico....


between the NDAA allowing arbitrary detention, and the bill classifying discussing things overseas(icmag) which are illegal here(weed), we should all wake the fuck up and see what is going on.

The only way to protect any of us from mariajuana related problems is to elect Ron Paul, the ONLY candidate who wants to end this drug war.


Hell, I sure wouldn't vote for Newt the Poot! He wants to execute drug dealers!
stupid crooked son of a bitch...and the rest mostly suck too...RP needs to win to shut those criminals down for a term or two at least...fuck Obunny!


nothing personal, but...

not a chance in HELL. he won't even get the GOP nomination. we can come back here in November so you can admit you were wrong...

have a good one :tiphat:

Seriously. Not gonna win. He's a businessman just like the others. He's hardly the saviour his messageboard army makes him out to be. So he's not corrupt, awesome. I just don't like a lot of his ideas. Do I have to go along with his way just because every other candidate is corrupt? No thanks. I won't be voting this time around.

At most this dude would be able to hold office for 8 years. Do you really believe that everyone in Congress is going to fall in line to Ron Paul? Or that maybe Congress will magically have uncorrupted people in it for you to pick and choose from? You're not experienced enough in this world if you think that. We don't need a Ron Paul, he's way too weak to take on Congress and especially the GOP. We need someone who will take on Congress head to head and hold their corruption accountable in front of the American people.


Seriously. Not gonna win. He's a businessman just like the others. He's hardly the saviour his messageboard army makes him out to be. So he's not corrupt, awesome. I just don't like a lot of his ideas. Do I have to go along with his way just because every other candidate is corrupt? No thanks. I won't be voting this time around.

At most this dude would be able to hold office for 8 years. Do you really believe that everyone in Congress is going to fall in line to Ron Paul? Or that maybe Congress will magically have uncorrupted people in it for you to pick and choose from? You're not experienced enough in this world if you think that. We don't need a Ron Paul, he's way too weak to take on Congress and especially the GOP. We need someone who will take on Congress head to head and hold their corruption accountable in front of the American people.

With a stroke of the pen he could eliminate ALL of the executive orders that relate to FEMA and Homeland Security going all the way back to 1964...if that was the only thing he did, it would be worth it. Nevermind defunding the DEA and Dept of Education, getting out of the UN, taking back control of our currency from foreign bankers..not one of those things is worth changing the status quo though huh? OK..
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