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Active member
he has proven a great talent and music visionary which you seem to be denying due to personal opinions
He had talent, could play guitar very well, but it seems to me that younger generations are so taken with his talent, that they don't see how derivative he was, taking so much from those who came before him. He literally stole parts of the stage show from other performers from previous generations. Sure everyone is influenced by what came before. But in my eyes, as well as many of my generation he was not a "music visionary" as you say (and so do many others), just someone copying Hendrix, Little Richard, James Brown, David Bowie etc., which he did very well, but to me that is the limit of his "vision". And by copying those performers I mentioned, each with outstanding, innovative, visionary stage shows, how could he go wrong? But to call him the visionary?

If he broke new ground musically, I'm not hearing it.
If he broke new ground on stage, well I just explained that.
If he broke new ground lyrically or making music to protest society, well I honestly haven't read all his lyrics, but partying like it's 1999 doesn't quite cut new ground for me, after all I lived thru the disco era... I hear he did donate a lot, and I can respect that, but again, that's a rich private person vs musical "genius".

I've heard ppl say he broke new ground because suddenly it was OK for a black man to wear mascarra and not be so macho. Does no one remember Little Richard?

Believe it or not, I find Weird Al Yankovich to have more talent (and he's a lot funnier!), as he doesn't pretend to be some visionary, just a humorist copying the music and satirizing the lyrics of others (better than anyone else has ever done to so many songs!)

Perhaps someone can explain to me what exactly was Prince's unique visionary contribution to music.
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ICMag Donor
Maybe not a "genius", but he made his mark as other musicians artists pale in comparison.

He had amazing albums, but be also had some very mediocre, even bad albums. Prince's music was not always for everyone (I only knowing some of his hits), and neither was his outlandish sexuality, nor were his unusual spiritual and political beliefs.

By now, it seems like everyone has seen him play "While My Guitar Gently Weeps", and it's excellent, but it has unfortunately overshadowed the other set he played that same night - a sensational, otherworldly performance of his own original songs, backed by his band The New Power Generation. Watch all of this. The first 3:30 minutes is damn good, and the rest of it is insane. Thanks to BudGreen Sr. and his comment, I did look up some of his works on You Tube.


He could command a crowd with the confidence and charisma of Freddie Mercury.He could play bass like Flea. He could play drums like Questlove. He was also extremely good at piano. From what I hear, the list doesn't end there - he mastered many other instruments as well. He produced many of his own records, especially in his early career, where he often played every instrument and sang every vocal on the album. Nobody does this, especially not with a funk album.

When I say "Musician, purple", you immediately think "Prince", right. How many musicians have the balls to make themselves synonymous with a fucking color? The only other one I know of is Johnny Cash - and I love the man in black, but he sure as hell couldn't play guitar or dance like Prince.

He didn't just play guitar, he shredded on guitar, a-la Hendrix, Page, Clapton.

Anyway, no matter the details, sordid or otherwise regarding his untimely death, the world was touched somehow by his music and presence.


Active member
Just trying to set the record straight, now that the "Prince" is gone.
As far as I can see, Well Wishes are for those who are sick or in prison.
It don't help those who are dead. Get real.

I wish all those who are sad because Prince died, get soaked by Purple Rain.

OK now?
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You are not setting any "record" straight, just voicing your own opinion. There is no need for quotes around his name. Prince was his birth name.

Oliver Pantsoff

Active member
I woke up to Skips comments..lol...I died laughing when he said Weird Al Yancovich has more talent than Prince. That's hilarious man..:D

RIP Prince



He had talent, could play guitar very well, but it seems to me that younger generations are so taken with his talent, that they don't see how derivative he was, taking so much from those who came before him. He literally stole parts of the stage show from other performers from previous generations. Sure everyone is influenced by what came before. But in my eyes, as well as many of my generation he was not a "music visionary" as you say (and so do many others), just someone copying Hendrix, Little Richard, James Brown, David Bowie etc., which he did very well, but to me that is the limit of his "vision". And by copying those performers I mentioned, each with outstanding, innovative, visionary stage shows, how could he go wrong? But to call him the visionary?

If he broke new ground musically, I'm not hearing it.
If he broke new ground on stage, well I just explained that.
If he broke new ground lyrically or making music to protest society, well I honestly haven't read all his lyrics, but partying like it's 1999 doesn't quite cut new ground for me, after all I lived thru the disco era... I hear he did donate a lot, and I can respect that, but again, that's a rich private person vs musical "genius".

I've heard ppl say he broke new ground because suddenly it was OK for a black man to wear mascarra and not be so macho. Does no one remember Little Richard?

Believe it or not, I find Weird Al Yankovich to have more talent (and he's a lot funnier!), as he doesn't pretend to be some visionary, just a humorist copying the music and satirizing the lyrics of others (better than anyone else has ever done to so many songs!)

Perhaps someone can explain to me what exactly was Prince's unique visionary contribution to music.

It's so hard to be original !!!!!!
As the old saying goes "follow as I say, not as I do." A lot of users preach against the dangers of drugs because they experience the negative effects firsthand and don't want others to have to suffer their misery. I've never met a happy addict, it's a terrible disease that shows its face in many ways. He knew the drugs were bad and didn't want his purple people following his lead. He has a lot of fans worldwide. I think that was pretty righteous of him to play the role of the clean guy
Hopefully he didn't experience too much pain his final days..


Soooooo it wasn't the ILLUMINATI that murdered Prince because he was publicly complaining about chem trails??????


Active member
From what I heard, his urge to detox by calling in the Doctor from California, was actually a cover to get more opiates. The doctor never visited Prince before he died, but the doctor's son (who apparently isn't a doctor) was one of those who "found" him. He came not to detox Prince, but with a bag full of opiates for him. Don't know if it's true, as it's only what i heard. Sounds like a cover up to me.

So who is going to get his estate? Will they all get dna tests?


Rubbing my glands together
SO if I'm older than Prince was and take a dna test and they trace it back to a common ancestor from a few hundred thousand years ago, ya think I'd have a shot at an inheritance too?


if it smells like fish
there are a bunch of people getting a share..that guy wrote a lot of songs for others and had a lot of saved stuff...the real money might be in the songs unreleased...they will all be rich..yeehaw... I haven't listened to his stuff since I wore roller skates but he was talented..that album where he played all the instruments showed his skill

Oliver Pantsoff

Active member
The media is full of shit like always. He was gonna get control of all of his masters, so they knocked him off! He's worth more dead than alive. My personal theory...




Active member
the real money might be in the songs unreleased
From what I've heard all the "unreleased" songs were "unreleased" for a reason. They suck!
So don't hold your breath for a new Prince release, unless his ghost is gonna record something new.


Active member
I wasn't really a Prince fan, but now that I know he OD'ed, I have even less love for the guy. All that talent and threw it away because of his own personal needs. People mourned across the globe because this selfish asshole killed himself with drugs. Shame.

Even more sad is people still idolize this guy. He should be shunned.

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
I wasn't really a Prince fan, but now that I know he OD'ed, I have even less love for the guy. All that talent and threw it away because of his own personal needs. People mourned across the globe because this selfish asshole killed himself with drugs. Shame.

Even more sad is people still idolize this guy. He should be shunned.

...what about us?.. fans of the 27 club?
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