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Republicans and marijuana

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Active member
ICMag Donor
Yes, it was uncalled for and I am sorry.
What you are describing is common perception, and assumption...not knowledge.
Every swinging dick in Washington DC could be on one side of the issue, and it still wouldn't reflect the will of the majority. You are only fooling yourself to think that there aren't just as many democrats that are against anything and everything pot. Thinking otherwise is only continuing the problem we have.

Head, I see you pop in with little to add.


Active member
ICMag Donor
I challenge ANYONE to watch the clip from the link I provided a page back and tell me that Gatewood is wrong on anything he states.
And yes, he runs on the Independent ticket for the simple reason he is actually trying to win, and could give a rats ass about political affiliations. He has ran as reform party, democrat, republican, and ind. He is not about these labels, but they are a necessity in our political arena.
But Gatewood is a conservative American, and will tell you that. He feels, like I do, that the democrat party has fell victim to progressive fascism, as has a large sector of the republican party.

I can already tell that sandawg didn't watch it...and why would he? He is all stuck up with pointing fingers and playing victim.

You know...if folks could learn that it is not a political party or group of people that is the enemy...it is an ideology that is the enemy. Now, if folks learn about the progressive movement, and about conservatism, they will start to more clearly see what ideology actually does back the free will of men and the rights we have as Americans and free people.
Until folks get educated, things won't heal.
Hell you may find you prefer the rule of state control over the will of free men, and that is fine. But not here. Not now. Not ever.
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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
I see name calling anywhere in this thread anymore and i will give someone some time outside to think about why they should be nicer and show each other respect.


Game Bred

democrat sheep are convinced by the media its all the republicans!

republican sheep are convinced by the media its all the democrats!

divide and conquer.....check

both oppose your rights at the federal level!

the president actually fucking LAUGHS when asked about mj!!!!!
it bears repeating he laughed the question off!!!!

federal democrats are silent on the issue unless to condemn it.

republicans are the same way.

its local politics that matter most currently in this issue.

and thats a 50-50 split

in my state the dems. are blocking dispensaries and have a stranglehold on who can get a prescription!

in other states its the repubs.

stop allowing yourself to be divided by them...your being conquered..


Boot out all incumbents. Grass roots referendums is where change starts . Most politicians are owned, meat puppets.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
The FED, the banksters (the gangsters), own the Federal government. Obama looks just like Bush for a reason. It's one party dog and pony show.

They are playing war games with you and your kids.

Frank Asks Bernanke to Probe Fed on Watergate, Iraq

March 3 (Bloomberg) -- House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank asked Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke to investigate allegations of Fed involvement in the Watergate scandal and Iraqi weapons purchases in the 1970s and 1980s.

Representative Ron Paul asked questions about “inappropriate political interference” and “hidden transfers of resources” during a Feb. 24 hearing with Bernanke, and the allegations “must be fully investigated,” Frank said in a letter today to Bernanke and obtained by Bloomberg News.

Frank, 69, said the Fed must address the charges because “continued concern about political interference” with the Fed and “allegations about a lack of transparency.” Bernanke and other Fed officials are trying to fend off a measure offered by Paul, which passed the House in December, that would open the Fed to audits of interest-rate decisions.
This is a long standing generational problem manifesting itself.


I don't understand how anyone who has smoked enough cannabis to open up your mind could identify themselves with a label like Republican, Democrat, Conservative, Liberal, Right, Left, etc.

Right and Left refer to cheeks of the ass of the american taxpayer that are being spread by politicians and raped by corporations.

Isn't the whole point of getting high to strip away all the BullShit of this world? I'll suggest that any stoner who calls themselves a "Republican" or a "Democrat" is simply not doing it right.

I can't believe that the power of TV is greater than the power of cannabis, but maybe it is?


weed fiend
With all due respect, the power of math supports the op that almost every measure to stop and/or turn back decriminalization and legalization is Republican.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
With all due respect, the power of math supports the op that almost every measure to stop and/or turn back decriminalization and legalization is Republican.

I completely agree, but if the parties are too sides of the same coin, does it really matter?

The population at large wants MJ legal, but the Federal government's grip on power ensures that even if it is legalized they and their cronies will be the only ones legally able to produce it.

The power has to go back the states and away from the media manufactured two party narrative that controls the discussion of politics in this country. We are just going to keep chasing own our tails if we don't.

The states that are legal these days are essentially revolting against the Federal government's death grip. We need more of that if we want to progress towards real freedom of choice.


weed fiend
Well said, Gramps. I think I failed to mention additional context and didn't give the op enough credit. IMO it's not finger pointing when the op is active in reform, (to what degree I don't know) recognizes islands of roadblock and also recognizes dominance of the single party involved.

For the average American that doesn't care about mj reform, I wouldn't suggest they bother considering which side of the reform issue their respective Republican officials hold. If you're interested in seeing mj reform advance, know the positions of your elected officials. If you don't like their stance on mj reform, you might want to consider it before the next election.

It's also my opinion this isn't intended to bash elected Republican prohibition advocates. They're exercising their rights. It's the peoples' right to recognize where their policies are being directed and vote in accordance with their beliefs. Focusing attention on predominantly local officials doesn't resonate national-level. However, if I'm active in a community that progresses on mj reform and a single elected official stands in the way, it's time to reconsider my vote for the incumbent.

I'll try to practice what I preach with my own situation. My state has a mmj bill to consider in the upcoming assembly. My governor, a Democrat has said they'll veto. I'll have to take that into consideration before my governor gets my vote next time around.

I won't disagree the two major parties have a problem with looking too similar. On this issue, I think roadblocks in the form of elected officials fall heavily on one side and it's worth attention and consideration in the voting booth.


Active member
ICMag Donor
You seem to think the Democrats are on the side of legalizing mj. Post up all those dems in congress that have actively taken that stance. We will then see this is only more of your perception.
Again, you are still finger pointing and don't recognize what the real problem is. It isn't republicans. It's society.

"There are two more republicans that hate mj than democrats..so it is obvious that the problem is with the republicans"

"Three board members in my one horse town voted against our little bitty berg having a mj dispensary...and two of those council members were republicans, so it is obvious to me..as I have figured it all out...the republicans are hampering the legalization of MJ! It is clear to all that care to look at the evidence. It's those damn privileged republicans that are causing all the trouble because they are afraid that smoking pot will turn them into mind numb liberals. See, I have it all figured out!"

Examples of this flawed finger pointing logic. More divisive crap from the kings of divisiveness.
Well the barney Frank bill is on the floor again this year, again Dana Rohrabacher and Ron Paul cosigned with the republicans. When they vote and you take a look at the votes prepare for a lesson is partisan politics. There is another thread on the bill in this forum. In previous years the support has been over 90% democrats. We'll see this year. I expect more of the same.


weed fiend
You seem to think the Democrats are on the side of legalizing mj.

More precisely, I see more Republicans thwarting reform. A clear read of my last post indicates nothing close to your conclusion. Classic make your own argument.

Post up all those dems in congress that have actively taken that stance. We will then see this is only more of your perception.
I only defend the argument I make, not the ones you make up. I don't have to chase that distraction because the news does a good enough job of reporting the facts and we're all able to see who the non-reform players are.

Again, you are still finger pointing and don't recognize what the real problem is. It isn't republicans. It's society.
That argument is good for another debate topic but we all know you'll make it here anyway.

Examples of this flawed finger pointing logic.
Call it finger pointing if you wish, I call it reading the news and drawing the R distinction when comparing the available information.

Flawed? No. One would have to prove the news articles are flawed to draw that conclusion.

More divisive crap from the kings of divisiveness.
You got on the divisiveness wagon when called out for getting personal with other members. Now you're just using that term for members you disagree with on politics.

You make a much better argument defending nonreformers than you do drawing personal-opinion distinctions over news reports that by all appearances are fact. Besides, most of us are more than capable of distinguishing opinion from fact and some of us are pretty good at noting it.


Active member
ICMag Donor
You got on the divisiveness wagon when called out for getting personal with other members.
Oh, so any and all name calling is all on me, huh? Should we quote all the name calling you have done? I suggest you get a much firmer grip.


weed fiend
Oh, so any and all name calling is all on me, huh? Should we quote all the name calling you have done? I suggest you get a much firmer grip.

You're welcome to influence thought. I suggest you get a grip you can't influence after-the-fact "fact" with a political opinion.

It's not so much name calling, you call out others for their own choices. If it doesn't match yours, they're wrong. If facts don't convenience your take, they're fact no more. I don't draw distinction with you personally unless it applies, lol.
Roll Call Vote 333 on the Hinchey-Rohrabacher Amendment, 2006

for 144
Against 53
201 total voters 71% voted for legalizing pot

for 18
against 206
230 total voters 89% against legalizing pot

What do you republicans think of your poor voting record? Do you have any questions? Some present didn't vote.
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