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Republicans and marijuana

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The Voice of Reason
Your avatar is ? Your company logo id presume. Creator of the product I had considered buying under your name is also a reference to what your selling. I think you are actually here marketing.. both your political agenda as well as your products. Im starting to think your trying to corner the liberal market ...:wave:

PS: this has gone on long enough and off topic long enough was a reasonable debate no reason to get it derailed by heads ego


Funny shit, bro...

I've never had a pack of seeds go unsold, why would I bother?

You make a lot of assumptions.

Like I said... buy and grow whatever makes you happiest.


The Voice of Reason



Based on your answers to the questionnaire, you most closely resemble survey respondents within the Liberal typology group. This does not mean that you necessarily fit every group characteristic or agree with the group on all issues.

Liberals represent 17 percent of the American public, and 19 percent of registered voters.

Basic Description
This group has nearly doubled in proportion since 1999, Liberals now comprise the largest share of Democrats and is the single largest of the nine Typology groups. They are the most opposed to an assertive foreign policy, the most secular, and take the most liberal views on social issues such as homosexuality, abortion, and censorship. They differ from other Democratic groups in that they are strongly pro-environment and pro-immigration, issues which are more controversial among Conservative and Disadvantaged Democrats.

Defining Values
Strongest preference for diplomacy over use of military force. Pro-choice, supportive of gay marriage and strongly favor environmental protection. Low participation in religious activities. Most sympathetic of any group to immigrants as well as labor unions, and most opposed to the anti-terrorism Patriot Act.

Who They Are
Most (62%) identify themselves as liberal. Predominantly white (83%), most highly educated group (49% have a college degree or more), and youngest group after Bystanders. Least religious group in typology: 43% report they seldom or never attend religious services; nearly a quarter (22%) are seculars. More than one-third never married (36%). Largest group residing in urban areas (42%) and in the western half the country (34%). Wealthiest Democratic group (41% earn at least $75,000).

Lifestyle Notes
Largest group to have been born (or whose parents were born) outside of the U.S. or Canada (20%). Least likely to report having a gun at home (23%) or attending bible study or prayer group meetings (13%).

2004 Election
Bush 2%, Kerry 81%

Party ID
59% Democrat; 40% Independent/No Preference, 1% Republican (92% Dem/Lean Dem)

Media Use
Liberals are second only to Enterprisers in following news about government and public affairs most of the time (60%). Liberals’ use of the internet to get news is the highest among all groups (37%).

Note: All descriptions and percentages are based on the national sample of adults surveyed by telephone in December. Based on your answers to the survey questions, you most closely resemble survey respondents within this group, even though you may differ significantly on one or more issues or traits.

In the overall typology there is a ninth group called “Bystanders” who are defined as adults who are not registered, who do not follow news about government and public affairs, and who say they rarely or never vote.
These tea baggers are a democrats best friend. They'll steal votes from republicans like the libertarian candidates stole away democrat votes. The divide and conquer is from within, from a marriage that can't last between the tea baggers and normal republicans.

Been a good week for Obama and this country. Health care has been addressed, how students pay for college and a arsenal reduction treaty with Russia. More than Bush did in 8 years, unless you consider driving the country off a cliff as an accomplishment.


weed fiend
RNC played the wrong game. They attempted to cast Obama as a socialist, communist, marxist, fascist nazi, never mind they're all different things. They embraced the birthers before they ignored them. They took Nancy Reagan's "just say no" and made it national, governing policy.

Now they know "hell no you can't" isn't policy you can win with. It's just a campaign soundbite to rally the base. In the meantime, Republican lawmakers know that the minority always wins most when compromise is achieved. To the base it'll look like compromise with the devil. It's the RNC's fault this perception exists.


as is all-too-common in my life, I succumbed to my
RNC played the wrong game. They attempted to cast Obama as a socialist, communist, marxist, fascist nazi, never mind they're all different things. They embraced the birthers before they ignored them. They took Nancy Reagan's "just say no" and made it national, governing policy.

Now they know "hell no you can't" isn't policy you can win with. It's just a campaign soundbite to rally the base. In the meantime, Republican lawmakers know that the minority always wins most when compromise is achieved. To the base it'll look like compromise with the devil. It's the RNC's fault this perception exists.

good read gentleman and ladies...


Active member
ICMag Donor
Thing is, Obama is a socialist. Both his voting record and his record while in office reflect this. His administration is also filled with Maoists, Marxists, and all around losers.
So, don't even go there.
I sense a high degree of desperation coming from you libs. And it is highly warranted.
And your labels (which is yet another reflection of your fucked up way of looking at other people) really suck. Birthers, tea baggers, etc.
You folks just don't grasp what the TEA Party thing is all about. But don't worry, you will know soon.

Good read my ass....more liberal drivel.

Head, there is damn good reason why the folks like you are in such a minority. And it aint because you are so special either, Chuck. Put that in your intellectual pipe and figure out why it may be.


I am a Die-hard Conservative and registered as a Republican since they are the lesser of 2 evils and I believe in state Govt run by the people for the people and think the Fed needs to stop raiding places where the people have legalized it, after all their job is to protect and serve, not harrass, entrap, fine, fee and fuck andyway they can.

However I will be taking a different stand from now on and I suggest you do the same. The Constitution was obviously meant as an unchanging reference from which all other laws must align. In 1803 Marbury vs Madison the Supreme Court ruled that any laws that violate the Constitutional Rights of the people are deemed null and void from their conception. So you need to support whoever supports the Constitution. Both current parties are both to blame, GWB for the patriot act but the Democrats are to blame for the Govt being sidelined with special interest groups and pushing imorality on everyone....whatever happened to keep your business private?

Anyway we need to vote in Constitutional Governors and thenif need be, declare sovereignty from the corrupt FED and stand against them...but til we vote in people who believe in the Constitution we risk police state status as Obamma works to sneak marshall law in under the public eye. They already took ALL Legal firearms from EVERY American in Louisiainna after Katrina. I watched a video of a cop beat up an old woman when she asked if an unloaded revolver was ok, he punched her right in the face..they also went through cars and houses in good neighborhoods, they took EVERY gun in the state, what about their 2nd ammendment rights, especially during a disaster.


I am a Die-hard Conservative and registered as a Republican since they are the lesser of 2 evils and I believe in state Govt run by the people for the people and think the Fed needs to stop raiding places where the people have legalized it, after all their job is to protect and serve, not harrass, entrap, fine, fee and fuck andyway they can.

However I will be taking a different stand from now on and I suggest you do the same. The Constitution was obviously meant as an unchanging reference from which all other laws must align. In 1803 Marbury vs Madison the Supreme Court ruled that any laws that violate the Constitutional Rights of the people are deemed null and void from their conception. So you need to support whoever supports the Constitution. Both current parties are both to blame, GWB for the patriot act but the Democrats are to blame for the Govt being sidelined with special interest groups and pushing imorality on everyone....whatever happened to keep your business private?

Anyway we need to vote in Constitutional Governors and thenif need be, declare sovereignty from the corrupt FED and stand against them...but til we vote in people who believe in the Constitution we risk police state status as Obamma works to sneak marshall law in under the public eye. They already took ALL Legal firearms from EVERY American in Louisiainna after Katrina. I watched a video of a cop beat up an old woman when she asked if an unloaded revolver was ok, he punched her right in the face..they also went through cars and houses in good neighborhoods, they took EVERY gun in the state, what about their 2nd ammendment rights, especially during a disaster.

Excellent post , blindly following only leads you off cliffs.


The Voice of Reason
no desperation, liberals are in power, and finally have grown balls enough to shuck the bi-partisan b.s. and get some agenda accomplished.


To go beyond is as wrong as to fall short. ~Confucius, Analects

Moderation in all things. I just can't ever see the extremes like other people do. I'm not conservative, I'm not liberal, I'm no more Democrat than I am Republican. I'm a FREE MAN to do as I see fit and to suffer the consequences, be them fair or not. As a Moderate with a college education I find the extremes to be ignorant of any side.

It is better to rise from life as from a banquet - neither thirsty nor drunken. ~Aristotle

Find out where you really fit in Political Compass Test


The Voice of Reason


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Active member
ICMag Donor
Yeah, shuck the bi-partisan bullshit. See, this is exactly what I am talking about. Your view of things sucks, Mr. This country was not founded on the shit that is running through your skull, such as fuck the other side...damn the torpedoes...shove our agenda through no matter if there is a majority against it or not.
That sort of shit will not last. It will be stopped very soon. Actually, before it all begins really...because Obama has really gotten ziltch done yet. And once the fact that his bill is unconstitutional is revealed, it will be repealed. Even if it isn't repealed, when the public sees how fucked up this cobbled together piece of shit legislation is, there will be outrage.
You just don't govern that way unless you are a fucked up idiot with fucked up idiots helping the charge. It is just that simple.


The Voice of Reason
Yeah, shuck the bi-partisan bullshit. See, this is exactly what I am talking about. Your view of things sucks, Mr. This country was not founded on the shit that is running through your skull, such as fuck the other side...damn the torpedoes...shove our agenda through no matter if there is a majority against it or not.
That sort of shit will not last. It will be stopped very soon. Actually, before it all begins really...because Obama has really gotten ziltch done yet. And once the fact that his bill is unconstitutional is revealed, it will be repealed. Even if it isn't repealed, when the public sees how fucked up this cobbled together piece of shit legislation is, there will be outrage.
You just don't govern that way unless you are a fucked up idiot with fucked up idiots helping the charge. It is just that simple.
Really... And how many times during the last administration did republicans shove partisan crap through?

LMAO at the pot calling the kettle black... It's fine for your party to think that way, but when it is the other guy's party does it you yell for the waaaaaambulance.


Yeah... I'm glad as hell they're shucking the bi-partisan b.s.... good for the goose is good for the gander.

BTW... isn't it time for Rush L. to find a new country of residence like he promised?
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You mean stuff like the bi partisan patriot act that the democrats chose to remove the sunsets from recently? .. Bush had the advantage of a national disaster to pull the parties together. Obama ran as a uniter yet he has divided this country more than any time in my life.

You guys calling folks demonstrating teabaggers are being programmed. The same way conservatives was programmed to call demonstrators in the 60s hippies.. maybe one day it will be kinda cool to be called a teabagger. Hippies got made into a bad joke as they are trying to do the current demonstrators. You guys are just letting them pull your strings. Step back and think about what those people are pushing for agree or not there is no reason to insult fellow countrymen.

Id love to see examples of policy like the healthcare bill that was passed without a single democratic vote (oh wait there was no bills passed that large). There was no majorities by the republicans like the democrats recently had. They had to use the reconcilliation process because they couldnt get around filibusters. There is a big difference in that and the current parties use of the process. The Democrats couldnt pass there bill with a super majority. Once Brown was elected they had to use reconcilliation I know often it sounds like I am a fan of republicans I couldnt be farther from the truth both parties are way to far from there founding principles for me to consider myself apart of.

The parties swap places all the time. 50 years ago it was the conservatives with the power and the liberals in the streets and now its reversed. Why continue a never ending partisan debate?


Active member
Thats not true at all.. George Washington ordered troops to fire on confused people who saw it same as you do...WE NEED a Central Government bro.. The only question that was ever debated was which Government would be stronger the Federal or State..... Government....

Like it or not this IS a Government of the People by the People ... Thus its the PEOPLE that are fcked up not the Governmental system they operate.....

The Constitution your fixin to start yappin bout was intended to be a LIVING DOCUMENT... which is to say it was supposed to change with the times as needed....
today we have confused people crying bout us not going by the constitution as it was written in 1776... HEll man.. it was originally writen WITHOUT the Bill of RiGHTs bro-- so ? be glad it changes as it has from the get go.

Americans are on their way out.. make no mistake about it.. we are bout to whine n cry n complain ourselves into oblivion... YOU ME -- none of us is Owed a fckin thing We got no Birthright.... n dont deserve what we have already...
Travel brotha-- Go native in another country..n you will return to this one beggin to pay taxes n happy for the excellent services they provide.


weed fiend
Call it what you want, it's difficult to accept the aspect of folks that don't accept election outcomes. I didn't like it when operatives were successful in stalling a legal recount in Florida through intimidation. And the SCOTUS decision was unprecedented. When I recognized the machine was headed in a particular direction, I educated myself and exercised my right to vote the next election.

In the following 6 years, much legislation was passed that went against my political interests. As a voter, I have a right to complain and vote my conscience. I exercise my right to vote and attempt to call out comments I see as factually incorrect or hypocritical. I attempt to do it without getting personal but insults go both ways in this thread.

Folks that don't vote don't have a say in the process. If the current administration goes against the will of the majority, they'll be voted out of office. All this talk about secession, tea parties and the like are just a noisy distraction.

You mean stuff like the bi partisan patriot act that the democrats chose to remove the sunsets from recently? .. Bush had the advantage of a national disaster to pull the parties together. Obama ran as a uniter yet he has divided this country more than any time in my life.

Then vote your wish next election.

You guys calling folks demonstrating teabaggers are being programmed. The same way conservatives was programmed to call demonstrators in the 60s hippies.. maybe one day it will be kinda cool to be called a teabagger. Hippies got made into a bad joke as they are trying to do the current demonstrators. You guys are just letting them pull your strings. Step back and think about what those people are pushing for agree or not there is no reason to insult fellow countrymen.

No problem with that. From here on out it will be tea partiers.

Id love to see examples of policy like the healthcare bill that was passed without a single democratic vote (oh wait there was no bills passed that large).

Law doesn't have to be bipartisan to be constitutional. If a bill passes both houses of congress and the president signs, it's law.

There was no majorities by the republicans like the democrats recently had. They had to use the reconcilliation process because they couldnt get around filibusters. There is a big difference in that and the current parties use of the process. The Democrats couldnt pass there bill with a super majority. Once Brown was elected they had to use reconcilliation I know often it sounds like I am a fan of republicans I couldnt be farther from the truth both parties are way to far from there founding principles for me to consider myself apart of.

Opponents will have their day in court, if they take it that far.

The parties swap places all the time. 50 years ago it was the conservatives with the power and the liberals in the streets and now its reversed. Why continue a never ending partisan debate?

Let's see, 50 years ago. That would be 1960. Eisenhower was prez but dems held the majority in the house with 283 seats. In the senate dems held a commanding 64/36 majority. A new dem prez would be elected in `62 and dems would hold the administration until Jan 20, 1969.

Conservatives with the power and Liberals in the streets? I love it when peeps bring factual commentary to the discussion.


The Voice of Reason
Ok, fine... 'tea partiers', then.

Teabaggers is just more fun to say... after all they made their mark by buying millions of teabags to protest wasteful spending... and the double entendre is too good to pass up.

Answer this question, Texicannibus..... How many times did the republican led legislature use the reconciliation process to pass partisan measures during the bush era? How many times did Dick Cheney cast the tie breaking vote?

Despite their howls against Obama, Republicans employed the same procedure to pass major Bush agenda items:

– The 2001 Bush Tax Cuts [HR 1836, 3/26/01]
– The 2003 Bush Tax Cuts [HR 2, 3/23/03]
– Tax Increase Prevention and Reconciliation Act of 2005 [HR 4297, 5/11/06]
– The Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 [H. Con Res. 95, 12/21/05]

Gregg defended using the reconciliation procedure to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for domestic drilling in 2005, arguing, “The president asked for it, and we’re trying to do what the president asked for.” Evidently, Gregg has lost the same sense of patriotic duty.

While Republicans seem to be experiencing a particular form of political amnesia from the Bush years, they ought to be reminded that budget reconciliation has been used by several other presidents, including Clinton and Reagan. In fact, Republicans — with Bond and Gregg among the leaders of the charge — were instrumental in pushing through key provisions of their signature legislative agenda, the Contract with America, using budget reconciliation.

Dick Cheney cast 8 (EIGHT) tie breaking votes in the senate pushing through partisan measures.
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As usual you guys can only see in blind partisan terms. I am not answering any questions Im simply giving my view and opinion take it for what you will. I do not claim to know it all.

What you guys are neglecting is that your products of your enviroment. The experiences throughout your life make you who you are. We are all different because we all have different experiences. I was raised to be independant and self reliant. Im quite proud of that. Im glad that I had that experience as I feel it has made my life much better.

They are turning us into slaves unfortunately most people cant see nor understand that. You no longer have the right to smoke what you want , die when you want, eat what you want , drink what you want , ect.. The govt has taken over the right to tell you what to do with your body extending now to insuring it. I think its quite ironic. You are a cattle and a investment (by you I mean all of us Americans).


The Voice of Reason
I was raised to be independent and self reliant, too.

I was also raised to be willing to help those who need help.
I was raised to look at my neighbor with empathy, not resentment or suspicion.

Governments making laws restricting the activities of it's citizenry is as old a reality as the idea civilization itself... You act like we used to be free and not we're not. The US hasn't ever been free according to your standards.
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