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Republicans and marijuana

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weed fiend
The division shoe was on your foot when the last admin was in, so why the phony shit now?

Because you misrepresent the current admin. I brought a little historical perspective to swat your misinformation and you bounce to more distraction.

I want to be divided as much as possible from the progressive socialist agenda. And the majority of the Nation agrees with me.

Listen as the majority applauds your comment. Then rest in your assumption. Calling out statistics shows your bias to fact.

You won't get any preemptive distractions. I might respond to misinformation and I might not. It's still a distraction.



weed fiend
Anyone reading this entire thread would have to be struck by the fact that DiscoBiscuit's use of pejoratives is without end. Yet, two pages ago he reads one single post of mine that he finds objectionable because it was ostensibly a pejorative directed personally at him (which I have since disproven) and he therefore feels justified in self-rightously slinging negative rep my way. Does this strike anyone else as the height of hypocrisy?

Respond again with class-wide pejorative and insults over something I happen to be the only one advocating atm. You'll get more negative rep. I don't care if you type a member name or not. You can't deny the association. You're just splitting hairs.

You're infighting just like the hoosier


Respond again with class-wide pejorative and insults over something I happen to be the only one advocating atm. You'll get more negative rep. I don't care if you type a member name or not. You can't deny the association. You're just splitting hairs.

You're infighting just like the hoosier

I'll respond with "class-wide" pejoratives anytime I please. Thuggery and intimidation won't work with me Bozo. Not here on this forum and not face-to-face. Your negative rep threats are a form of attempted censorship. This is typical Marxist behavior right out the Trotsky playbook. Don't cross DiscoBiscuit or say anything that offends him or he will negative rep you. What a thin-skinned buffoon! I would hope that the mods would take note.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Because you misrepresent the current admin.
No, I haven't misrepresented the current admin. Their resume's suck. And the President has lied on several occasions. You know it and I know it, but you only cherry pick, as you put it.
I might respond to misinformation and I might not.
Thing is...who gives a fuck what you respond to or don't? A joke at best.
The division shoe was on your foot when the last admin was in, so why the phony shit now?
I want to be divided as much as possible from the progressive socialist agenda. And the majority of the Nation agrees with me.

I'm proud to be the liberal you hate on. You live in a state that's feeding at the federal tax dollar trough. Over 20 cents of every tax dollar I send in is spent in another state. I've seen more social change for the positive and live in less fear in my state than you ever will in yours. Even though I'll never see 20% of my federal tax dollar I'm not the one throwing a tantrum or complaining about socialistic policies.

In about 300 days we'll be voting to make marijuana legal in California. I'm proud my state takes a liberal stance on these issues and I will benefit from the fear of not living in jail because I use marijuana for recreation.


weed fiend
Be my guest BerndV. Push it to the max. Say whatever you want. At least with me you'll know what to expect. I guess you'll say your negatives go toward Trotsky and Marx. The next time you're passing out wholesale insults, don't be surprised if your nearest audience hears your diatribe and makes the personal association for you. If you were "face-to-face" as opposed to tapping keys, you'd be less comfortable and recognize your foot in mouth moment a little better.

I guess it's hoosier's turn to distract further.


Active member
ICMag Donor
If you were "face-to-face" as opposed to tapping keys, you'd be less comfortable and recognize your foot in mouth moment a little better.
That is pretty fucking bold. Do you talk to all veteran Marines that way? I'm certain they don't talk to much you at all.

Milton, you have only christened mj reform as a liberal stance. It is not a part of the liberal agenda.
And my state is the way it is because of liberal social policy, of which I disagree with.
It is not the Republicans hoarding in welfare money to buy votes with. Get some ejukashun man.


weed fiend
No, I haven't misrepresented the current admin.

Yeah you do. You always comment about current spending and never acknowledge the largest debt in history with a big #43 on the box, lol. If you think "fair and balanced" is a mantra I express, you're wrong. If I have an opinion, I might express. To peeps that spout like they're in charge of something, (you) I take particular attention to your incorrect statements because of you're personal style.

There's no flip-side to truth and you won't get any flip from me. You'll have to depend on Glen Beck for that.

Their resume's suck. And the President has lied on several occasions.
Then exercise your vote like you prolifically tap keys. You lost chump.



presidential election

That's 3 in a row. Next! Oh? You still here?

You know it and I know it, but you only cherry pick, as you put it.
There's one thing I will never cherry pick, your perspective. It's all messed up, ever bit of it.

Thing is...who gives a fuck what you respond to or don't?
Well duh!!!! You! You're compelled.

A joke at best
You're right, you're the butt of frequent jokes. What's really funny is your idea that fact has a sympathetic side and all we have to do is wait for you to flip the coin to see if the outcome bodes well for your current take.
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weed fiend
That is pretty fucking bold. Do you talk to all veteran Marines that way? I'm certain they don't talk to much you at all.

They probably don't talk to you when you can't make a coherent comment, lol. "...they don't talk to much you at all." The banjo plays on.

Read what you tap and you'll make a better public impression.

Read closely, I'll only type this once. You conveniently ignored Bernd's example of the same phrase. You too have made the up close and personal distinction before but you hide it in private messages and hide behind the "mod" skirt.

Milton, you have only christened mj reform as a liberal stance. It is not a part of the liberal agenda.
And my state is the way it is because of liberal social policy, of which I disagree with.
It is not the Republicans hoarding in welfare money to buy votes with. Get some ejukashun man.
Careful, before you go dissing other peeps' smarts, remember this is a little close to the glass house you call home. If you don't want him pointing out fallacies of perception in your own state, leave that one alone. You'll just be crying all over again about the repercussions.


I just ran across this while surfing around this evening
and thought of this thread.:chin:
If it has already been posted I apologize for the redundancy.

Elections Have Consequences
While NORML is nonpartisan, it would be hard to dispute the numerous positive (albeit minor) changes to America’s War on Some Drugs that have been made in Obama’s first year as president. While unfortunately dismissive of legalizing cannabis for non-medical purposes, his administration has undertaken a number of dramatic and positive policy reforms, notably recognizing both medical cannabis’s acceptance by state voters and the need to cease committing federal law-enforcement resources against state-compliant medical-cannabis cultivators and providers.

But this is as it should be. During the 2008 presidential campaign, every single Democratic candidate pledged to end the federal raids on state medical-cannabis providers. In contrast, every Republican candidate – with the notable exception of Ron Paul – opposed patient access to medical cannabis. This is a major political distinction between our duopolistic political parties. The Democratic Party, from this point forward, should be recognized as the party that supports patient access to cannabis products.

For medical-cannabis-law reforms to continue at their rapid pace, reform organizations and stakeholders in this important issue need to do a better job of reaching out and educating Republicans about the safety, efficacy and economic savings derived from patient access to medical cannabis. When the Republicans start supporting access to the same degree or greater than their opponents, we’ll all know that a major corner has been turned toward the total liberation of the cannabis plant from the clutches of this continuously failing and expensive 73-year-old government prohibition.

Allen St. Pierre is the executive director of NORML in Washington, DC
Milton, you have only christened mj reform as a liberal stance. It is not a part of the liberal agenda.
And my state is the way it is because of liberal social policy, of which I disagree with.
It is not the Republicans hoarding in welfare money to buy votes with. Get some ejukashun man.

Naw, your state is the way it is because of the way you vote and the actions you take. Take responsibility and be aware you're an instrument that can bring about social change.

Like first CBS said they would not run a pro marijuana ad from NORML. Enough of us wrote in CBS has decided to run the ad anyway.

from the link...
Was it Margaret Mead who said, "Never underestimate the power of 8,809 readers who care about criminal justice?" Okay, maybe not quite that. But I'm excited to announce that one story we've closely tracked here at Change.org -- CBS's refusal to accept a pro-marijuana legalization ad -- resulted in a victory this afternoon.

Last month, NORML reported that CBS had denied the group's request to place an ad in Times Square that touted the potential billions in taxes that would result from legalizing marijuana. Remember, this is a network that boasts marijuana-infused advertisements for their Showtime Network show, Weeds. It's also the network that was perfectly willing to air a controversial anti-abortion ad aimed at peak viewership during the Super Bowl. But still, somehow CBS decided that NORML's message (“Legalize Marijuana – Billions in Taxes”) would ruffle the network's too-delicate sensibilities.

In a Feb. 3 rejection email, NORML was told, "If CBS changes their morals we will let you know."

Well, it turns out that a month later, the network has decided to stop censoring NORML's message. This afternoon, our organizing director here at Change.org spoke with CBS's communication vice president, Shannon Jacobs. Jacobs told us that the network "communicated to the people who wanted to place the ad that they will accept the ad if they still want to run it."

Congratulations to NORML for winning this well-deserved turnaround -- and thanks to all the Change.org readers who helped rout CBS's decision.

Now imagine 8 states the size of Kentucky that didn't have health care, none. What if healthcare cost doubled last decade and will double in the next decade if we do nothing. What if healthcare cost caused 60% of all bankruptcies.

Would you try to help these people, your fellow Americans?


weed fiend
miltonchilton, has there been any news on Perdue's veto position? I know she's a social conservative, maybe she'll have to change her affiliation to R or go along with the 80%.

Great post. As late as the end of the 2009 session, the bill allows for 100 square feet of plant space. I don't know if that means all flower but it's pretty damn progressive. :)


Game Bred
I'm proud to be the liberal you hate on. You live in a state that's feeding at the federal tax dollar trough. Over 20 cents of every tax dollar I send in is spent in another state. I've seen more social change for the positive and live in less fear in my state than you ever will in yours. Even though I'll never see 20% of my federal tax dollar I'm not the one throwing a tantrum or complaining about socialistic policies.

In about 300 days we'll be voting to make marijuana legal in California. I'm proud my state takes a liberal stance on these issues and I will benefit from the fear of not living in jail because I use marijuana for recreation.

your state is bankrupt....

as for the "2 parties"

on fundamentals they are the same...

notice obama has not mentioned the repeal of u.s.a.p.a.t.r.i.o.t.

once the gov. takes power they do not return it...

that being said..its repubs. i hear banding about legalization recently...

its obama who laughs at any mention of the idea (literally)
My state isn't bankrupt, it just has budget woes. Spend the 20% of our federal tax here and look at the budget then. It's like Texas boasting an 11 billion dollar surplus, but they took in an additional 14 billion in federal taxes, so where does that leave them really?

You don't have to take my word for it that liberal democrats are promoting marijuana legalization. You can get the same line from non-partisan NORML, MPP and Americans For Safe Access.

The only thing I've heard about vetoes lately was Pawlenty in MN. He's already vetoed the concept once and they are waiting for the end of his term to continue.

The only Republican I've seen co-sign a national legalization bill was Dana Roenbacher and perhaps Ron Paul. You can try to muddy the water but what's clear is clear.
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