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Quick question (PICS) On if my 3 plants are Males.


Active member
I cant grow anything other than a beard :muahaha:

Hell,for all i know you probably found those pics on the net.:dunno:
anyway,i hear you on the beard.ive have mine going too.when i was younger it use to ich the shit out of me.:cuss:

You can believe what you want mate and keep calling me names and throwing insults but at the end of the day i have nothing to prove to you or anyone else and as for being a non grower or any other kind of bullshitter i dont mind or care what you think as i am used to that when people cant avoid or dispute the facts i post and then when they get beat they just start with insults/name calling and cussing rather than sticking to the thread but thats ok to and now you accuse me of stealing the pics from the net as a last resort while still going on after being proven wrong. I wouldent be entering a topic and post if i did not know i was right so carry on at lets see what you have to say. I know its sad for you thinking i was a newbie you could pick on and preach to but sorry if my appearance seems deceptive.



New member
Thanks Ludacris and everyone else that posted, i'm going to grow the little bastards for awhile and see what happens, if and when I get my hands on some healthy females then I'll ditch these things and clean my enclosure out well.

Figure might as well learn from them, I have them on 12/12 now since I only have 16" of vertical room, I'm doing a little LST on one for fun.


Active member
Now your Chilled out Lud, Nice to see BTW, life too short n all that, What you think about my earlier Q, concerning the False Pollen Sacks that never produce any pollen. If that was a hermie, it is my solid experience that Nanners will be seen before any sort of polination, i cant see any open male flowers, so whsats your opinion, id rather not post well known breeders, but i will if i have to buddy, i'd just like to know if you think that is shite aswell?,,I dont want any bother ok man!
Peace & Love .............Scroger!
Pick them off Matt & make improvements and see if they return dude! Still inconclusive Matt imo, if they are there pick'em off, they could well be faulsey's!


Active member
Thanks Ludacris and everyone else that posted, i'm going to grow the little bastards for awhile and see what happens, if and when I get my hands on some healthy females then I'll ditch these things and clean my enclosure out well.

Figure might as well learn from them, I have them on 12/12 now since I only have 16" of vertical room, I'm doing a little LST on one for fun.

Thank you and i am glad to have helped you out.



Active member
Now your Chilled out Lud, Nice to see BTW, life too short n all that, What you think about my earlier Q, concerning the False Pollen Sacks that never produce any pollen. If that was a hermie, it is my solid experience that Nanners will be seen before any sort of polination, i cant see any open male flowers, so whsats your opinion, id rather not post well known breeders, but i will if i have to buddy, i'd just like to know if you think that is shite aswell?,,I dont want any bother ok man!
Peace & Love .............Scroger!
Pick them off Matt & make improvements and see if they return dude! Still inconclusive Matt imo, if they are there pick'em off, they could well be faulsey's!

Thanks an i am totally cool but nanners are not the first sign of pollination as the shriveling and dying of pistils is.
I shall post more of MY pics of a hermie i had before and some more i have pics of.




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Active member
Thanks an i am totally cool but nanners are not the first sign of pollination as the shriveling and dying of pistils is.
I shall post more of MY pics of a hermie i had before and some more i have pics of.

(the pistils will always go brown on the lower buds first as the pollen drops and starts from the upper colas first).




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Active member
You shouldn't act all arrogant and an ass.maybe all this bullshit wouldn't have started.you need to work on that shit.:2cents: :biggrin:

Yes i agree i do come across as a prick at times with an attitude and i appologise but thats how i am sometimes when i know what i am talking about and people call me a liar. I dont venture in to threads or debates unless i am 100% sure i am right and nobody knows everything but if i join a discussion then its only the truth i tell and will keep pushing the issue untill i am proved wrong and that tends not to happen and i have still to learn more but i can only teach what i know from my experience and what i know and wont post anything i am unsure about.

Thank you.



Active member
Ludi a pollen sack has to open to release its pollen, or how can it pollinate, jesus , mary might know lol! What you got o n this issue then bud, but you still aint awnsered my Q on false pollen sacks dude! I never called you a liar dude, i did say you were uneducated though as i was defending myself, of course! Anwser-question! If you got nanners that means the sack has opened and has released its pollen - no!???


Active member
Ludi a pollen sack has to open to release its pollen, or how can it pollinate, jesus , mary might know lol! What you got o n this issue then bud, but you still aint awnsered my Q on false pollen sacks dude! I never called you a liar dude, i did say you were uneducated though as i was defending myself, of course! Anwser-question!

No such thing as a fake pollen sack.
Its a fem or a male and thats it and in this case its a hermie.
Abnormal flowers yes but no fake pollen sacks.

(prove it).


Active member
Sorry Lud but there's a load of reasons why pistils will die off/turn brown, it dont JUST mean itsa been polinated every time you see a load of browning pistils does it!


Active member
No such thing as a fake pollen sack.
Its a fem or a male and thats it and in this case its a hermie.

(prove it).

Look LUD YES THERE IS! I thought you may have known a little on the subject, obviously not. I will be back with the info.. I thought it was funny as you keep avoiding my Q, bit the bullet and made the wrong choice. I'll be back!!!!!!!!!
Ive seen all sorts of false abnormalities, like Phantom Seeds/ etc!


Active member
Look LUD YES THERE IS! I thought you may have known a little on the subject, obviously not. I will be back with the info.. I thought it was funny as you keep avoiding my Q, bit the bullet and made the wrong choice. I'll be back!!!!!!!!!
Ive seen all sorts of false abnormalities, like Phantom Seeds/ etc!

You will never convince me so dont waste your time.
I answered you and said NO i have never heard of a fake pollen sack as there is no such thing. Show me a fake pollen sack,prove it and be done with it as you cant.
So what is it 50/50 ???.
Phone a friend ???.
Or ask somebody else ????.


Active member
Dont you worrie Lud buddy, with respect, you will eat your words, btw i hate arguing with a fellow celtic brother!


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Dont you worrie Lud buddy, with respect, you will eat your words, btw i hate arguing with a fellow celtic brother!

Why where are you going ??????. Just answer the question now or do you need to ask your dad for a second opinion. Now you are really wasting your time and wrecking this thread in a bid to prove me wrong and you never will so just take it like a man and accept the fact you are out smarted and under educated and no matter how many people you ask you will never prove me wrong and tommorow i might just take the pics from th O.P and start a new post asking everyone to give their opinion and i really dont want to do that as they will just laugh at me asking if its a hermie but if i look like a silly ass asking about the pics then at least i have the satisfaction of many members that will say i am right 100% but i am not that bad of a person to lower myself that far but if needs must i shall just to shut you up.
You lost and so what it does not mean i think less of you for trying but you would be better giving up now and dropping the hatchet. And i dont need to ask anyone for an opinion as i KNOW but you cant answer the question other than saying i will be back and relying on some kind of back up you aint going to get.



Active member
I gonna do what you do 24/7, quote documents & books, ok man!
Look Bud i'm not asshamed, if im wrong then im wrong, its no big deal, but im gonna ask the IC community, i fuckin read it somewhere! it was DNA or SERIOUS Seeds's breeders that mentioned it ok bud!

LUDICRIS- Read this page from serious seed's website, then tell me what you think they mean by the pollen sacks never released any pollen, oh i suppose fukin serious seeds dont know what the fuck they are on about either! Read this page-link: http://www.seriousseeds.com/england_flash/index_eng.htm
"YOU will have to click latest news, then its on page 2 ok buddy! Concerning the seeds of their new release 'Serious 6' ..........Get back in your basket!!!!!!!.
Ive read somewhere that a plant can produce sterile male pollen sacks.
Now Animals fire blanks, it is not so far fetched that plants also can fire blanks.
BTW, I have started a thread to ask the IC community, knowledge is power, lets not fall out & start being abusive again, i thought you were over that! there's no need for it ok dude! we're all here to learn and pass on to others what we have learnt over the years!

Peace & Respect............Scroger'

BTW- I always graciously admit defeat, on this occasion i'm telling you what i have read somewhere, so why should i admit defeat? we're here to learn not chat shit!

A simple SORRY will do, i'm no mug like you thought i was ok buddy!

Do you want me to contact seriousseeds to see what they say on the issue dude?


Active member
Yip, I thought i was not cracking up & the general concensus is Cannabis can and will produce sterile male pollen sacks, so eat those fukin words Lud, i told you you would!

I'd just like to appoligise to the original poster for mine and Lud's argument, but if something needs pointing out it needs pointing out. As it may be relevent to your issue dude!
Check my thread out and im sure more positive responses will follow!


Peace & G'Luck.............Scroger


Active member
It still says they are male pollen sacks (nanners) and thats a hermie so well done for wasting your time as a true 100% female wont have any nanners.


(still no FAKE pollen sacks)
It looks exactely like the hermie i have posted the picture of that is mine and did not show nanners until around the 6 week mark of a female in full bloom and thats a hermie.
females never have nanners only hermies grow nanners so you are still wrong.
Give up before you embarass yourself any further.
Why dont we wait untill the O.P comes back and says i am right and you are wrong shall we as i am sick of beating a dead horse and i aint even trying.

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