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Just had to share this gem.....*True Story*


My younger brother, who has severe autism, has caused me a few problems with his honesty. One time I walked into a chip shop with him, was queuing up, and a group of pikeys walked in. They were all wearing Burberry baseballs caps, were being typically loud and smelt of alcohol. What seemed to be the alpha pikey had a shaved head, a long face, big eyes and quite prominent ears from where his baseball cap was pushing them outwards. My brother pointed right at this guy and shouted "Look, an alien!", followed by a loud giggle. Everyone looked around, the pikeys fell silent, and I was stood there with my brother wondering how on earth I should handle the situation. I told him to be quiet, got the food and got out of there pretty quickly. It was embarrassing to say the least, but funny as hell now I look back on it. I don't think anybody really knew how to react to such an incident. :biglaugh:


After reading the first post I visualized that kid being the double of the character 'Ronnie' out of the movie Role Models. Has anyone seen that movie? most movies lately have all been lacking I think, except this one.

When i was a child, on the bus with my mother, I repeated something rather loudly that i must have picked up from my father; "Bite the headboard and be quiet" or something similar. Needless to say i wasn't getting any chocolate at the shop that day.


After reading the first post I visualized that kid being the double of the character 'Ronnie' out of the movie Role Models. Has anyone seen that movie? most movies lately have all been lacking I think, except this one.

When i was a child, on the bus with my mother, I repeated something rather loudly that i must have picked up from my father; "Bite the headboard and be quiet" or something similar. Needless to say i wasn't getting any chocolate at the shop that day.

holy tits that movie is funny!


....ya and ur whispering eye

haha it means vagina


it means..it means vagina

that made my week

Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
ok i was raised in a (VERY) white (kinda redneck) neighborhood
it was very common to throw around the N word, because hell.... everyone meant it
so anyhow we go and visit my aunt/cousins in South Carolina
i am so young i don't even remember this
but we are in a store, and i say (in a loud kid voice too)

"MOMMY why are there all these N&%%@&@ around here ?"

my mom was scared shitless, and we exited the store very quickly needless to say

~ note to trolls ~
don't even try it !!

Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
indeed brother i am NOT that kind of man
but i am not worried about telling the story
peeps here know who and how i am
however we do not choose how we grow up or where we grow up


P.S. my mother never fell into that BS either :joint:

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