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purple-bastard & jackhammer


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
and here are some of mine ....i have to say i had a minor setback
and i must admit jaws you where right for 85 % ......
at least i made shure for some followups :joint:

the followups i referd to...
cut in 24/24

cut in 12/12


looking good bro! jackhammer has now got my interest for sure!

core-be patient with that cut that was flowering. it will take a little longer, but it'll root. ive had good results taking cuts in early flowering. :)
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Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
yes they tend to get more bushy imo dus more buds :)

WW cut in flower and veged again.....i'm running them now


hello friends :joint:

jonny, ya bro i'm hitting them decent right now and getting heavyer each time, i need to get some pics up soon i need you to see something and let me know what you think...

killa, well buddy i had a couple hundread of those seeds but i have sence given pretty much all of them away to friends and newer growers....i can only hope some one keeps a male and makes some f2's of them, hahaha its funny now but if i had known they were going to turn out so good i would have kept a few more for myself...

teresa, thank you for fielding that one for me...

core, damn brother now thats a nice looking clone dude, thats the kina work i want to see you pulling up very very nice man.....sorry but i gotta laugh at your cut in 12/12 are you going to let that cola fill in all the way HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ohhh i kill me some times hehehehehe......
sweet work dude :joint:


hello high..
ya man you need to get a few of these your Gfriend would really like this one...i have no more on hand but i think jonny is working to get some to seed-bay so you might want to try there they will be worth growing out this much i know for sure...
peace bro..


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
ohw shit heavy...and great news BTW !!!!! :yoinks:....i looks like i got me a heads up on this 1 :woohoo: :woohoo:

:bow: :bow: :bow:


jaws said:
hello friends :joint:

core, damn brother now thats a nice looking clone dude, thats the kina work i want to see you pulling up very very nice man.....sorry but i gotta laugh at your cut in 12/12 are you going to let that cola fill in all the way HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ohhh i kill me some times hehehehehe......
sweet work dude :joint:

thank you thank you ....i gonne try and keep this up :D

ohw yea thats the idea ...did you try this cutting in 12/12?
with the PB i mean...
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My girls are getting the blues outside....no deep purps yet..stay safe and happy turkey day tomorrow...

Father Time

High Jaws,
Looking good mate,i have chopped all bar one Jackhammer down now,thay finished up fat and thick as JonnyB advised thay would. :woohoo:

i have,however left one to re-vege,it is already over 4 foot tall and is getting tied down today to be trained out into a huge fan as she will be popping over the fence in another 2 weeks at the rate shes growing, so i figured i best get her into bondage for the summer run.

i'll keep you posted on here progress as im loking foward to seeing just how big i can get her outdoors.

i must say,that out of ALL JonnyB's genetics i have grown out,i have never not once been dissapointed with just how good thay are good big plants with great return and amazing flowers,so very big and thick! :joint:

Kindest Regards,FT :wave:



twisted passion said:
ha ha ha i dont think so :bat: :dueling:

:moon: There goes TP again posting pics of that same old tired purple bud!!!!! :yoinks: :moon: I wonder if i'll get any purple off the F-1 clone he gave me? :chin: I think that's a pic of the bud from the mother? :confused:J/K Bro.



hello friends :joint:

hurricane, man i'm sure those blues will turn into purps for ya, if they dont notning wrong with the blues :chin: :chin: ...

father time, ahhh man great to hear from you again my friend, crap revegging a 4footer huhhh i bet thats a sight for sure....ya jonny is starting to get into the grove of breeding hes been making some great calls on what to match up and i know its paying off big time.....i'm very happy with the Jhammers i have going and there still lots of time to fatten up even more, i'm getting close to that 2litter behind the bud shot :yoinks: :yoinks: :chin: ....

garlic, well buddy i think i know whats going on here i think TP has been useing "PURPLE MAXX" all along and JUST SAYING its his magic GREEN finger :yoinks: ahhhh hahahahahaha thats was good rightthere....

just ribbing you TP my friend, OHHHH and just for the record i did not start the mines purpler then yours callenge... that was that trouble making pain in the coors light assssss GARLIC :bat: :bat: :confused: :confused:
heheh peace :joint:


:confused: Come on Jaws don't be a wimp!!! tell it like it is!!!! :yoinks:

Smart :moon: Garlic is at it again!!! :bat:

Just kidding


hahaha Garlic the pain in the purple coors light ass :biglaugh: Can't wait to see the purple show-down! :woohoo: :dueling:

Nice work on the PB everyone :sasmokin:


thanks for the props ft my friend. it always glad to hear that people like what you make!

jaws man i kept warning you all along that this one get big and heavy, like a baseball bat!
hey jaws i think gcg is just mad at me,i started a keger at his house when he wan't look'n :badday: :dueling: man what are best buds for if you can't evan threw a little keger at your bro place whiles he not there :bat:

maybe this will encurage you as i know it's your fav pic i have :moon:


Nice shot TP... and I love the healthy set of lungs on your avatar...stay safe


hello there :joint:
just some quick pic's.....

purple bastard.....

jonny's jackhammer.....awesome plant wish you all had a few of these seeds...

peace :joint: