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OPOP...One Pound..One Plant V

dirt farmer

I would clean out them insides... you should be able to see thru your plants and air should move freely thru. You're still at the stage where if you trim out all the future popcorn you're not losing much of anything.

seriously... Cousin It over there is a fungus' wet dream... specially in the PNW.

It was dark when i took the above pics. I hear you though. This is why I want to keep them dry. I also have a few industrial fans on stands if need be.

Also on the back side that faces the arborvidas is not that bushy for lack of sun. The front side is pretty bushy though.

3rd I

Looking good bro...:D figured i blow em up for ya




Active member
Those look awesome for 65's... that is what I would have liked my forced flower to look like, but I just didnt have the veg time to make it happen. Those babies look like the soil volume is being used very efficiently. Well done.

3p's per would be quite an accomplishment... I would guess more like 1.5-2 per... maybe a little more.
maybe an OPOP?

maybe an OPOP?

You know, maybe I will get a pound or more off my little Huckleberry runt plant. It's not even three foot tall and maybe 5'x3' wide, but look at one of the top buds I took off her today. If they're all like this, it will definately be over a pound. (sorry for the pic quality)


classy grass
very, very nice jackel

Gotta love that age old! I'm giving mine a stronger dose of the bloom, they seem to be agreeing.


Active member
Jackel..you never fail to impress...nice plants Bro.Any problem with the moles this year?

GreenGobbler...Muy bonita too amigo.How do you like the Cherry Pez? I was hoping Apothecary seeds was going to release some Cherry Pez S1's.Never heard anymore about it though..peace