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OPOP...One Pound..One Plant V


Active member

Hey, this thread is supposed to be called One Pound One Plant, not OPOT (One Pound One Tree) :D


Very impressive anyway!!

h :ying:

dirt farmer

These are my first large plants like this. I have no clue what they will give up. I was hoping for a OPOP. I wonder about 20 times a day what they will yield. Any guesses?

The plant in the middle is choke out. But she has large colas. Just no sides. I have 4 in the ground and 2 in 17g totes.

Here is a side shot. This pic is about week old.





Active member
If the same sized plants were in 40-75 gallon pots, i would say you were looking at a pound to two for sure, but the small size of the containers makes it hard for me to guess...

I think that a pound is not out of the question. what is the strain?

dirt farmer

If the same sized plants were in 40-75 gallon pots, i would say you were looking at a pound to two for sure, but the small size of the containers makes it hard for me to guess...

I think that a pound is not out of the question. what is the strain?

Only 2 plants are in pots. The other 4 are in the ground.

The strain is five G-13's and one no name.


Active member
oh nice. you'll do well. a lot depends on competition in the root and foliar zone. you will do better if you make some room between the plants.

dirt farmer

oh nice. you'll do well. a lot depends on competition in the root and foliar zone. you will do better if you make some room between the plants.

to be honest I had no clue they would get this big. It just happend :)

Next year they will be all in the gound and 6 feet apart.

dirt farmer

if you want to see the pics when they wer smaller go check out my thread called dirtfarmers back yard giants.

I also have a full grow thread on another forum. I will post that link if it is within the rules. Lots and lots of pics amd my struggles not knowing my plants would be this big.

I ghave grew indoors for like 6 years. But I had no clue this would be the outcome.

everything is cool but trying to explain to my wife why I am living in the backyard was not easy.

Hey SonOfGunder667,
ya might want to edit or delete reply #287, I think it has your name in the iphoto link.

Plants are lookin' good, I might have at least one contender- a C99 X GF. I will have to get a pic next time I am out. Peace all, stay safe!


yo mrgunder you might want to edit those 2 posts, your identity is compromized. if mod sees this he should mby fix it!

your plants are fkn awesome tho, and id be living int he backyard too haha

dirt farmer

sorry to tell you this.. but they arent even budding yet, ITS GONNA GET EVEN BIGGER LOL

Oh they are budding. If they want to get bigger than so be it. I already got them on 2 tires. I was not kidding about adding more if need be. :)
I am in the Pac NW so lots of rain to come.

These are pics at about chest high.




Active member
I would clean out them insides... you should be able to see thru your plants and air should move freely thru. You're still at the stage where if you trim out all the future popcorn you're not losing much of anything.

seriously... Cousin It over there is a fungus' wet dream... specially in the PNW.