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Operation Retirement - $nype Style!

Backyard Farmer

Active member
You'll have an easier time getting 400 lbs not growing 10 different strains.

Grow in the biggest pot you can afford to fill.

Doing a blackout is a great idea.


Señor Member
I never knew your personal story but reading that little introduction makes me wanna go back and read all of your old grow threads.

I'll be along for this ride.

That pretty much says exactly what I'm thinking right now. Snype, I've seen you around the boards forever, and I've read quite a few of your threads, but never really subscribed to them or made it a point to read all of them. Now after that first post up above, that will probably change. I like open books. It's the only way to be, and I don't trust people who hide too much of themselves. :tiphat:

Subscribed, and looking forward to it. I hope you achieve retirement, man. Especially since, it seems you are close to my age, so I'm rooting for you. Best of luck to you!


if it smells like fish
good luck man....I bought a lot of farmtek stuff in the past.. 4 greenhouses and all the goodies...quality stuff....maine rules I miss it a lot....


Active member
I will be rooting for your success snype.

Just so I can gauge the degree of difficulty of your endeavor i have a few questions.

Are you in a state that it is legal to grow?

Will the plants that you will be growing outside all be on your own land and get daily care? or will some be guerilla growing in the wilds with minimal care.

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
I like your GO hard attitude. Heh I love the idea of following a manic grower trying to make a milli~ sounds like you may need a reality show?

Snypes I like u n your girl , My advice would be as follows

just do your thing don't put it online till after you finished , free, and clear,..... posting as you roll , bad idea IMO ,
good luck B safe


GreeeeN GRassss

duppy conqueror
Snype congrats first of all:)

will this big outdoor grow are you not bringing massive heat on your indoor shit?
Last edited:


Active member
Thanks for the support! I'll respond to the rest later.


Good to have you back Snype :tiphat:

Thanks tleaf, it's good to be back!

Snype, I remember reading your old grow journals when I first came to IC. I haven't followed you exclusively over the years, but I've dropped in from time to time to check it out. I've always admired your skills as a grower, and enjoyed watching you improve over the years.

I never knew your personal story but reading that little introduction makes me wanna go back and read all of your old grow threads.

I'll be along for this ride.

Thanks for the kind words! I hope it's a long ride.

i hope you make it to retirement snype :)
the other two options seem pretty shitty
all the best from the other side of the pond .ww

I hope I make it too willy. Only time will tell. Enjoy the show.

I second the motion.......Best of luck...

Thanks J.V!

go get em snype....hope you have happy and heavy harvests...

If things go right, I'll really be swimming in trees!

I can't wait to see this shit....its gonna be epic!!!!

I can't wait to see this shit too! Time seems to just be ticking so slow.

Nice of you to pull up a chair.

Wouldn't it be a beautiful world...

I've thought about communal living for many (10+ years) and have always run into the same issue...
How to be truly,self sustaining...
Yeah it seems pretty tough. Lots of learning ahead.

I've gone to a few Music and 420 festivals ran into my fair share of "hippies" living off the land as a group...
They were not what I had expected and for the most part
talked of hand outs and odd jobs.
To each his own,I say...
Yeah I wasn't impressed as well. That's guys I saw like that were all fucked up on horse tranquilizers looking like crack heads.

The Amish have a good idea with the furniture and products they make and sell..
Now those are my peoples. I love the ideas that they are doing. I'm trying to be more in luxury at the same time though.

Your thread here just turned on a light bulb for me...
I'm glad that some of my views got into your head.

Hope ya dont mind if I smoke a bowl here...
Spark it up and don't forget to pass! Me and Snypette are burning a joint of Illuminati at the moment.

You got me thinking 2020...
You never know, could be much sooner!

300 acres would be perfect...
Build a whole community based on REC/MMJ... Legally...
Even with the laws in place in may states this could be possible... Lets play this out a second...
Each person is allows (?) many plants with 2 or more people per
family growing their own plants...
Now you have the right idea!

Take 1 family/couple and have them focus on bringing/hunting
new and old flavors from around the world. Hunters...
Sounds cool to me!

A couple families would focus on pheno hunting and testing of strains.
A couple would take the keepers and handle the
growing for products and a separate group would work seeds...

With this core group in place you could expand,
bring in families to produce all the 420 edibles,oils,concentrates,flower,etc,etc...
Next thing you know the system has you categorized as a cult.

Then you could bring in the techie hippies and take things Online.
Offering how many 1000s of products,some legal and some soon to be less illegal for shipping across the states...

Being which ever laws you live under 215 or recreation you would have a communal name brand
on all products offered and I would think could
support yourselves by supplying products within your state
that can not be shipped quite yet. (Seeds-Flowers-edibles)

Meanwhile online you could make a killing making
products/soils/worm farms for this or that, and so many
more families join in... lol

Everyone working under a common understanding and shared outcome... Interesting concepts given it's 2014 and all...

All products sold would be handled by one group with another handling the money and yet another the budget...lol

Money would be the biggest cause of issue and the downfall of so many good intentions..
There would be bumps along the way,that's for sure but every
reality starts as a dream and a glimmer in an eye...

I wish you and yours all the best of times and luck on your journey Snype...
Wouldn't it be a beautiful world if people like yourself set the trends to come in the 420 revolution we find ourselves living through...
Sounds like my kind of world! Lets all build it together piece by piece.

They say...
The only way to immortality is to be remembered
by friends and loved ones,once your gone from this world...
For those loved ones share stories of your life with the next generation and so you live in their memories...
Imagine a community of loved ones that will forever speak of the person that made it possible/viable to live a chosen life...
Wow, sounds just like the things that I speak of!

Not that this would/should be a goal in ones life,yet,sure is something to think
about as we live the life we want to be remembered for..

Anyways.. Puff,puff...
Hope this is something like what your speaking
of and would love to here more of what your
chewing on for future plans...

That was a fun...Thanks...D.U.D.E...
[URL=http://i.imgur.com/ImRbPdG.jpg]View Image[/URL]

Answered above in bold

I'm definitely watching this go down. GL Snype

Thanks Coba.

Subscribed and hope to see the 'retirement' plan, win! jpt

I really think it's meant to be. There's just too many things falling into place and I can't remember any time in life that is was like this. We shall see though.

Sounds like a plan!


Good Luck Snype :respect:


good luck man hope things run the way you want them to.

how hot are you really ?

Things will never run the way that I want them to. That would be too easy. It's all about what you do when obstacles occur.


Active member
this is awesome man! good luck with everything! hopefully retirement in 3 years ;) but you seem like you have a passion for this and will continue to grow the ganja for many years :)

mojave green

rockin in the free world
years ago i knew a gentleman that became afflicted with bipolar disorder. started kinda slow and then picked up steam. in hindsight i wish i had talked with him the moment i noticed something was off. i regret that i didn't. snype, seek medical attention for your disease. take care of yourself so you can continue to peacefully & happily do what you obviously do so well.


Active member
Hellz Ya, Snype. I cant wait to see You KILL it. Your living a dream Brother.
For now I'll live vicariously through You.
Thanx 4 sharing Your journey.

Peace; 1TT


Hmm...I enjoyd the first post, but the partner talk threw me a bit off and made me a bit paranoid....we all need partners but in the end its usually the ones that point the finger when the hammer comes down.

Oh well - you are you're girl kick ass Snype...did she read the first post? haha.

Good luck soldier. The sun is shinning bright this summer it seems..


Active member
Watch those highs man. Wishing you the best Snype. Hope your roller coaster stays up all the time. Cuz ya sure got alot this country boy can learn from and I'd hate to see another crash bro.. Stay safe and informative maing!


Active member
best of luck bro


all the very best snype,,hope it works out buddy,,
peace and regards 944s2

If it's meant to be, it'll work out just fine.

Retirement would be boring.

I would just keep growing 1,000 plants every year until I can't physically do it.

"Giant balls this one has," he said in his best yoda voice. :)

I'll most likely keep growing if I make it to retirement. It'll just be nice knowing that I don't have to.

Nice,, I got to subscribe, good luck,

Nice of you to pull up a chair.

You'll have an easier time getting 400 lbs not growing 10 different strains.

Grow in the biggest pot you can afford to fill.

Doing a blackout is a great idea.

Your advise is always appreciated! I know you're an expert at this outdoor.

Congrats keep her man I'm trying to get my lady to get into the game not going well.:tiphat:

Snypette is a great girl! I'm glad that we found each other. That really sucks that your lady isn't into this type of stuff but maybe if you showed her enough money, she may change her way of thinking. Good luck with that one. Common sense should win in the end.

That pretty much says exactly what I'm thinking right now. Snype, I've seen you around the boards forever, and I've read quite a few of your threads, but never really subscribed to them or made it a point to read all of them. Now after that first post up above, that will probably change. I like open books. It's the only way to be, and I don't trust people who hide too much of themselves. :tiphat:

Subscribed, and looking forward to it. I hope you achieve retirement, man. Especially since, it seems you are close to my age, so I'm rooting for you. Best of luck to you!

Being an open book causes me many problems but I know it's the right thing to do. People around me don't like it though but I have to live for myself and not others.

good luck man....I bought a lot of farmtek stuff in the past.. 4 greenhouses and all the goodies...quality stuff....maine rules I miss it a lot....

If you could advise me to the 2 farmtek options that I posted for the LightDep, that would be great since you have the experience. I'd like to go with the EZ one because it's cheaper but the pipes are smaller than the other one that I listed and I don't know if I'll end up with problems. Check out that post in here with those links and tell me what you think.

I will be rooting for your success snype.

Just so I can gauge the degree of difficulty of your endeavor i have a few questions.

Are you in a state that it is legal to grow?

Will the plants that you will be growing outside all be on your own land and get daily care? or will some be guerilla growing in the wilds with minimal care.

In my state some people can grow and some people can't. If you have a card, you are allowed 6 plants. I believe no one really knows anything because the laws seem to change all the time. I've been meeting other growers in my area who seem to think that this isn't a big deal but each individual situation seems to be different. It's like a big grey area right now in my head.

I like your GO hard attitude. Heh I love the idea of following a manic grower trying to make a milli~ sounds like you may need a reality show?

Snypes I like u n your girl , My advice would be as follows

just do your thing don't put it online till after you finished , free, and clear,..... posting as you roll , bad idea IMO ,
good luck B safe

I guess this is kind of my reality show. I'll probably also have some Youtube video's to coordinate with this thread. As far as not posting this in real time, that doesn't seem fun to me. I can't live my life in fear.

Good Luck brother... I wish you nothing but the best. Be safe.
Happy Anniversary!!!

Thanks dreaded! Good luck with your grows as well!

Snype congrats first of all:)

will this big outdoor grow are you not bringing massive heat on your indoor shit?

Of course this grow will bring heat on my indoor! I'm not really trying to worry about those kind of things though. It's not like I'm running a meth lab.


Active member
Nice man! subbd to see the experience. You got this!


this is awesome man! good luck with everything! hopefully retirement in 3 years ;) but you seem like you have a passion for this and will continue to grow the ganja for many years :)


years ago i knew a gentleman that became afflicted with bipolar disorder. started kinda slow and then picked up steam. in hindsight i wish i had talked with him the moment i noticed something was off. i regret that i didn't. snype, seek medical attention for your disease. take care of yourself so you can continue to peacefully & happily do what you obviously do so well.

We are all humans and are all individuals sharing the same planet together. We are all supposed to be different. I don't need medical attention but thanks for your concern.

Hellz Ya, Snype. I cant wait to see You KILL it. Your living a dream Brother.
For now I'll live vicariously through You.
Thanx 4 sharing Your journey.

Peace; 1TT

I am only living my dreams because I planned it this way. All of you can also live your dreams if you plan it and take risk. I am not special. Thanks for stopping by!

Hmm...I enjoyd the first post, but the partner talk threw me a bit off and made me a bit paranoid....we all need partners but in the end its usually the ones that point the finger when the hammer comes down.

Oh well - you are you're girl kick ass Snype...did she read the first post? haha.

Good luck soldier. The sun is shinning bright this summer it seems..

Let me explain. My partners are in other states as well as my other grows. These partners have nothing to do with the farm and don't even know where the farm is. I enjoy indoor partnerships. In some of them I'll get fucked as usual but in the ones that work out I'll do well. I always tell people that you can do much more as a team than by yourself in secret. For every 5 partnerships that fail, it only takes 1 to work to make a profit. Remember that we are talking about East Coast prices. I've been robbed by past partners many times in the past but it doesn't change how I do things. I'm not sure if Snypette read anything.

Watch those highs man. Wishing you the best Snype. Hope your roller coaster stays up all the time. Cuz ya sure got alot this country boy can learn from and I'd hate to see another crash bro.. Stay safe and informative maing!

I'm guaranteed to crash, it's just life. Destroy and rebuild is my motto. I've taken thousands of dollars in the past and set it on fire for no reason. I enjoy going back to the bottom sometimes and doing it all over again because I enjoy challenges. I'd never burn money like that again though. I was young. Now, instead of burning, I just gamble it away.


classy grass
Good luck Snype. This should be interesting. I'd go with the taller and wider coldframe..and take Backyard Farmer's advice.

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