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First go around with Blood meal, Bone meal, Kelp meal, Greensand, Dolomite, mycopro and my newly acquired blumats. Forgot the peat and perlite, lol.
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Active member
aquarium water (180l of guppies plus two bristlenosecatfish, fully grown) usually pumped straight out of the filter, cleaning the filter somewhat in the process

occasional urine dab or two ;)

sometimes i use seaweed extract too.

though occasionally i use inorganic ferts, but rarely, just when the plants need something i dont have organically. but im more happy about the organic stuff.


Alchemical Botanist
built from scratch mix, added a few teas, added/ing mulches of various sorts from seaweed to chlorella, comfrey, dandelion, lambsquarters after this week, and some other odds and ends. Water also sometimes :) It's been blessed by the swami himself ;)

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
Not much of a lurker, but I'm organic too.

Starting with recycled soil next round, it'll be my first go at recycled soil hope they get enough food.


Hiya Mad,

I kinda lurk, am a loyalist to Swami's organic pricinples both at the Ashram and in real life. Home constructed living soil, EWC, thermal compost, A few AACT's... comfrey, nettle, horsetail FPE's, a lil fish hydrolysate, some kelp, alfalfa,crab, neem, fish, and fish bone meal. And lots of love and TLC:jump:




I started to grow organic first because I can't get anything here(Cambodia) Got all kind of ph problems with chems and no ph meter or strips.
Now I grow organic because I can source evrything I need locally and the weed tastes as good as it gets, still coulkd improve yields but not a priority.
I'm still learning and perfecting my soil mix which consists of riverbed soil, burned rice hulls coco peat, compost, wormcastings, bat guano, sticky rice meal.
My mix is getting there in time
I feed teas with kelp and sticky rice meal and molasses
I foliar feed kelp with aloe vera sometimes.
I quote Ed from Delta9 labs"Cambodia can make a master grower look like a newbie"
I enjoy the challenge.

heady blunts

prescription blunts
haha i just got it! mad, you nerdy jokester...



mad librettist

Active member
me too. definitely still in, even though someone said organics is not as good the other day. I really had to concentrate, but I managed to stay in.


Active member
Organic all tha way brotha mad librettist :D IM IN!

Sadly bottled nutes(biobizz) atm, but im buildin my organic setup in my mind right this second :D