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What are the laws like in E Europe and elsewhere?

Red Fang

Active member
Everyone knows the laws are more lenient in Spain and Portugal, the Netherlands are getting worse but still better than a lot of places. But where can I find specifics about the laws in each country (and how well enforced it is) that is up to date and easy to comprehend? What are the laws like in Eastern Europe? Do people still cook with it in Cambodia? Exactly what is the situation in Nepal these days? India? Is there anywhere in Asia or South/central America with more lenient laws? And what are the general living conditions in these places (if someone wanted to relocate, they wouldn't want to do so to a place that is much worse for all but cannabis then where they left)? I am mainly thinking for a trip, but even relocation isn't out of the question. Right now funds are not great so this is still in the dreamer stage. thanks for any info in advance


ICMag Donor
In eastern Europe,, for personal use, cannabis is decriminalized in Czech Republic,,, still illegal in Poland,,, not sure about Romania but they love it,, :D In some Slovak places there are no rules about cannabis what so ever,, :canabis:

This might help ,, the info. is twisted ,, but it still gives a rough idea of what's happening out there in the world.


source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legality_of_cannabis

peace dLeaf :joint:

small Note : "No Information = may they not give a **** " , so research there first!

BIG Note: legalization and decriminalization are NOT the same thing !


webehigh.com Isn't a half bad website. like most wiki's its somewhat vague and often unreliable. Nice browse none the less.

Red Fang

Active member
Thanks DocLeaf, that was helpful! Any idea on where to get more specific info, like this much time for possesion and that much time for growing and so on?
That is helpful though!
and Ironeek, that site does not seem to be functioning yet.


Romania here, all I know is that the law officially states it's a mandatory minimum 6 month sentence for possession, but then again cops here can be really corrupt, so I guess it's mostly an issue of how lucky you get if you get caught.

May I never try out my luck firsthand, I have nightmares about that stuff.


AK=Alaska USA. most of those places that Red Fang mentioned are still backwoods most are still on the money tip, why do you think the worlds largest supply of drugs come from there? but as for where can you go and produce mj on a money scale try mexico although you'll have to pay off all those mexican gangster and the after that you'll have to deal with them.