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Obama will Prosecute Medical Marijuana Providers

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Wow. I'm actually really suprised by this.

I expected to come home, log in and find that the hammer was dropped on charlie.

This actually excites me. I really think this judge Wu is a bit of a radical. Nice to see in the usually button down fed system.

It ain't over yet.
I'm just guessing here ..

But I think you just might be able to ignore CL making money, if his case can break down the walls.:wallbash:

A good day for all of us!


The revolution will not be televised.....
If GW were still in power both of these men would be in jail for life already! No questions asked. My hope is that the judge will wait to see what happens to CL and make the decsion based on that ruling and negating the need for another letter or request for clarity from the feds. This was a good thing people.

Growtime - Lets be fair. JJ has not removed one sentence from anyone arguing the valid points. I have not seen him argue one way or the other just remove filth and racists crap from the thread. You wouldnt be one of those racists who cant argue a point other than skin color would you? I know if you wanted to tear apart my response it would not be an issue for the MODS. Again Obama has not flip-flopped on anything again!! If the guy talks about someting it doesnt mean it is law or policy. He as simply discussed the issue. Thats it! He didnt say he would or wouldnt, so where are you getting your news? Yes!! Imma a Obama supporter!! One of the few here and I have yet to see the topic of the thread proven or any of the other non-sense said proven. No need to justify his arguements either since no one in the thread has stood up and given any!!! I mean any!!! Reason for me not to continue hoping he keeps doing what he is.

The change stuff is the real topic and happening on more fronts than just weed. I have a feeling it doesnt matter who is Pres cause I suspect you would find some reason to be sour anyway.

This last bit is for "Capn" since, I know you are reading posts and giving neg rep, but not posting here yourself. You are a coward turd and now we all know you are here. Say hello and stop being shy you p*#*y!!!


gets some
If GW were still in power both of these men would be in jail for life already! No questions asked. My hope is that the judge will wait to see what happens to CL and make the decsion based on that ruling and negating the need for another letter or request for clarity from the feds. This was a good thing people.

Growtime - Lets be fair. JJ has not removed one sentence from anyone arguing the valid points. I have not seen him argue one way or the other just remove filth and racists crap from the thread. You wouldnt be one of those racists who cant argue a point other than skin color would you? I know if you wanted to tear apart my response it would not be an issue for the MODS. Again Obama has not flip-flopped on anything again!! If the guy talks about someting it doesnt mean it is law or policy. He as simply discussed the issue. Thats it! He didnt say he would or wouldnt, so where are you getting your news? Yes!! Imma a Obama supporter!! One of the few here and I have yet to see the topic of the thread proven or any of the other non-sense said proven. No need to justify his arguements either since no one in the thread has stood up and given any!!! I mean any!!! Reason for me not to continue hoping he keeps doing what he is.

The change stuff is the real topic and happening on more fronts than just weed. I have a feeling it doesnt matter who is Pres cause I suspect you would find some reason to be sour anyway.

This last bit is for "Capn" since, I know you are reading posts and giving neg rep, but not posting here yourself. You are a coward turd and now we all know you are here. Say hello and stop being shy you p*#*y!!!

Actually, JJ has done it before when I started picking apart people's delusions about Obama. Nope, nothing racist or offensive. Just the facts. It's not my fault you guys can't keep your gushing over Obama to yourselves and keep the threads on topic without injecting your "Hope and Change" nonsense. But I sure will point out when that gushing is inaccurate. Im not making it up. Here's the thread specifically:

Do you think a lot of "!!!!" make your argument sound more persuasive? I pointed out exactly how he has flip flopped. Its been pointed out on numerous Obama/weed threads here where he's flip flopped on his stance on MMJ. If you don't want to believe it or read the threads, I guess that's your problem.


ICMag Donor
If you're going to make comments as fact, back them up. Unless you were way off track on the thread or being abusive your post would have stayed. Your post was deleted because it had nothing to do with the subject. You were listing things you pretended Obama had said with no facts to back it up. One of the things you posted was Obama lied when he said he was going to legalize, which he has never said.

Did you make that up because you can't pick Rainman's post apart or whats the real story? To be honest I'd enjoy you picking his post apart with fact. Can you do that? It leads to a better discussion.....


gets some
JJ, ask and ye shall receive.

Wu was appointed by Bush so I dont know how radical that would makem but it is a good sign that the courts wont be pawns. They want Obama to clarify the law which is good cause it keeps the issue front and center.

Itsgrowtime - So Obama should be the one responsible for freeing the thousands of convicted people since he has that power right now? How long would that take? He as not made a policy change. The torture statement is a little off base since it was the congress, Condi, and Cheney who all approved the techniques the news is raging over. He isnt declining to prosecute them and not CL. Lynch's case is basically the last fuck you from the Bush days of doing things. I havent seen any busts since the LA thing that created the response from Holder also. If you have been paying attention to the thread you would see that the feds do recognize under age as being under 21, when it comes to drug sales, which is what the judge is asking for clarification on as well. Obama isnt more of the same and it is already better right now than you have ever had it on the issue so that real change!! And thats why we know it has!

Yes, Obama is the President now so he can free every last Marijuana prisoner in the country with a flick of his pen. He can publicly state that he will pardon immediately any and all MMJ cases currently on trial (like the case this thread is based on) after sentencing. Does it matter "how long it would take"? Does that really matter to you? If that's a concern for you then I doubt you really care about the guys sitting in jail right now for growing a plant. Sounds like you're more concerned with supporting Obama's politics than supporting any real "Change".

Wait, so he hasn't made a policy change? Im confused now.
WHAT EXACTLY IS OBAMA'S MMJ POLICY THEN? Seems I can't ever get a straight answer on that one from anyone. There have been so many conflicting statements about all things MJ related by Obama and his staff over the last few years that I guess no one really does know what his policy is. If you can state in specifics what his policy is then that would help a lot. Odds are, whatever you post it is Ill be able to find a policy statement that contradicts it. But go for it, I want to see this.

The torture statement is completely accurate. Bush, Condi, etc are GONE. Get over it. Obama is in charge now. Obama said he wouldn't prosecute anyone over the torture at first. Then he said he wouldn't prosecute the CIA agents that did it. Now hes saying that Holder will decide whether to prosecute high level officials. Either Obama can decide who is prosecuted or he can't. Which is it? Why are his decisions on prosecuting torture any different than his decisions on prosecuting MMJ? He can put a stop to any and all MMJ prosecutions if he can stop torture(!) prosecutions. Whether they were started under Bush means nothing. Bush isn't in charge anymore.

Please explain what exactly is "better than Ive ever had it". I would still go to prison today if my house was raided. That sure hasn't "Changed". And in broader terms Im wondering what else is better than Ive ever had it. My gov't is now $3trillion in debt for just 2009. My grandkids will be paying for today's absurd federal spending and bank bailouts. More of my neighbors lose their jobs every day and have to sell their houses. So really, what is "better" exactly? :wallbash:

Btw, at your request I did just read the whole thread. First, there's nothing in this thread about "underage sales" and the Feds. Title 18 does not address underage sales of MJ because all sales are deemed illegal. Not sure what your point is. Second, seeing that you work for CPS your angle makes a lot more sense. You feed from the tit of the government so its not surprising you support bigger and more intrusive government. Your existence appears to depend on it. And I won't venture into the issue of how CPS removes kids from homes because the parents smoke weed yet YOU are on a cannabis forum. You would make a great politician. Lots of words, very little substance and a hypocrite to boot.


ICMag Donor
JJ, ask and ye shall receive.

Yes, Obama is the President now so he can free every last Marijuana prisoner in the country with a flick of his pen. He can publicly state that he will pardon immediately any and all MMJ cases currently on trial (like the case this thread is based on) after sentencing. Does it matter "how long it would take"? Does that really matter to you? If that's a concern for you then I doubt you really care about the guys sitting in jail right now for growing a plant. Sounds like you're more concerned with supporting Obama's politics than supporting any real "Change".

Wait, so he hasn't made a policy change? Im confused now.
WHAT EXACTLY IS OBAMA'S MMJ POLICY THEN? Seems I can't ever get a straight answer on that one from anyone. There have been so many conflicting statements about all things MJ related by Obama and his staff over the last few years that I guess no one really does know what his policy is. If you can state in specifics what his policy is then that would help a lot. Odds are, whatever you post it is Ill be able to find a policy statement that contradicts it. But go for it, I want to see this.

The torture statement is completely accurate. Bush, Condi, etc are GONE. Get over it. Obama is in charge now. Obama said he wouldn't prosecute anyone over the torture at first. Then he said he wouldn't prosecute the CIA agents that did it. Now hes saying that Holder will decide whether to prosecute high level officials. Either Obama can decide who is prosecuted or he can't. Which is it? Why are his decisions on prosecuting torture any different than his decisions on prosecuting MMJ? He can put a stop to any and all MMJ prosecutions if he can stop torture(!) prosecutions. Whether they were started under Bush means nothing. Bush isn't in charge anymore.

Please explain what exactly is "better than Ive ever had it". I would still go to prison today if my house was raided. That sure hasn't "Changed". And in broader terms Im wondering what else is better than Ive ever had it. My gov't is now $3trillion in debt for just 2009. My grandkids will be paying for today's absurd federal spending and bank bailouts. More of my neighbors lose their jobs every day and have to sell their houses. So really, what is "better" exactly? :wallbash:

Btw, at your request I did just read the whole thread. First, there's nothing in this thread about "underage sales" and the Feds. Title 18 does not address underage sales of MJ because all sales are deemed illegal. Not sure what your point is. Second, seeing that you work for CPS your angle makes a lot more sense. You feed from the tit of the government so its not surprising you support bigger and more intrusive government. Your existence appears to depend on it. And I won't venture into the issue of how CPS removes kids from homes because the parents smoke weed yet YOU are on a cannabis forum. You would make a great politician. Lots of words, very little substance and a hypocrite to boot.

Let me get you straightened out regarding Obamas comments.

Obama has never said he was going to legalize anything. What he did say was he would leave it up to the individual states regarding MMJ, and he would keep the Federal Govt out of it. Holder has stated the same thing but nothing has been put in writing.

As for saying he should free evryone that's in prison, do you have any clue what kind of problems that would create? The only way to possibly do it would be to look at each case seperately and decide on it's merits. It's not as easy as to just say "free everyone with a marijuana conviction". What do you think the Republicans in the Congress and Senate are going to do if Obama starting freeing all the inmates the Bush Administration's policies put in prison?


gets some
Growtime - Lets be fair. JJ has not removed one sentence from anyone arguing the valid points. I have not seen him argue one way or the other just remove filth and racists crap from the thread. You wouldnt be one of those racists who cant argue a point other than skin color would you? I know if you wanted to tear apart my response it would not be an issue for the MODS.

Addressed above. All anyone has to do is peruse the Obama/weed threads over the last couple years here on IC to see what Im talking about regarding selective moderation of political posts.

Again Obama has not flip-flopped on anything again!! If the guy talks about someting it doesnt mean it is law or policy. He as simply discussed the issue. Thats it! He didnt say he would or wouldnt, so where are you getting your news?

Say what? Did you really just say that even if Obama says different contradictory things at different times its still not flip-flopping? It's just discussing the issue? Scraping the bottom of the excuse barrel I think.

Yes!! Imma a Obama supporter!! One of the few here and I have yet to see the topic of the thread proven or any of the other non-sense said proven. No need to justify his arguements either since no one in the thread has stood up and given any!!! I mean any!!! Reason for me not to continue hoping he keeps doing what he is.

Actually people are just getting tired of the circular arguments. Here's a paraphrase of this entire thread:
ME: Water is wet.
YOU: Prove it!
ME: OK, go turn on the sink.
YOU: I dont have a sink. You still havent proved it!
ME: OK, Ill go get some water myself and show you.
YOU: You're racist against water!

That's pretty much what it's like trying to discuss anything Obama related with those that have drank his Kool-aid.

The change stuff is the real topic and happening on more fronts than just weed. I have a feeling it doesnt matter who is Pres cause I suspect you would find some reason to be sour anyway.

Here's where JJ deletes my post but Ill type it out anyway.
1. Troops still in Iraq with no plans for withdrawal. 50K committed forever.
2. More troops now going in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Anti-war president eh?
3. No pork in Obama's stimulus bill. The entire thing was nothing but pork.
4. Expanding Bush's warrantless wiretapping. Same one Obama promised to "filibuster" when he was a Senator. Then he voted for it.
5. Anybody seen Habeus Corpus around here lately? Obama said he would restore it immediately.

Want more examples? There's no change going on. Better yet, instead of making me prove a negative why don't you explain exactly what has changed?


gets some
Let me get you straightened out regarding Obamas comments.

Obama has never said he was going to legalize anything. What he did say was he would leave it up to the individual states regarding MMJ, and he would keep the Federal Govt out of it. Holder has stated the same thing but nothing has been put in writing.

As for saying he should free evryone that's in prison, do you have any clue what kind of problems that would create? The only way to possibly do it would be to look at each case seperately and decide on it's merits. It's not as easy as to just say "free everyone with a marijuana conviction". What do you think the Republicans in the Congress and Senate are going to do if Obama starting freeing all the inmates the Bush Administration's policies put in prison?

When did I ever say Obama said he would legalize marijuana? Never did though you tried to insinuate that I did. So how is his "leaving it up to the states" approach working so far? Oh yeah, the DEA raided a dispensary the next day, calling it a tax issue. Like the DEA really investigates tax fraud or something. Im not stupid. And what good is stating ANYTHING as President if you don't put it in writing to enforce it? It's worth about as much as words from a politician's mouth. Which is ZERO.

You don't support releasing people incarcerated for marijuana charges JJ? How about people incarcerated for MMJ charges? I'd hate to have to overburden those super busy and productive government officials with chores like that when they have more important things to do like give my tax money to bankers. /sarcasm


ICMag Donor
Do you even know what Habeus Corpus is?

And as I said earlier, all of those things have nothing to do with the thread topc. It's nothing but a rant from someone obviously upset with Obama being President. If every mod left that garbage on the boards everyone and their brother would be going back years and years and a thread would be so cluttered and people would be threatening each other.

I don't know if you're stupid, or just pretend to be, but what do any of those things you posted have to do with this thread title? I'll let you answer the question before I delete them....

And I'm all for realeasing people who are in prison simply for growing weed. I personally don't know how many people that would entail but hopefully their Attorneys can petition for an early release if Obama does put anything on the books regarding MMJ in States?

Funny but I don't recall you dumping on Bush......Oh,,, and all these people are in Prison because of Bush and his ordering the DEA to arrest them all....


gets some
Do you even know what Habeus Corpus is?

And as I said earlier, all of those things have nothing to do with the thread topc. It's nothing but a rant from someone obviously upset with Obama being President. If every mod left that garbage on the boards everyone and their brother would be going back years and years and a thread would be so cluttered and people would be threatening each other.

I don't know if you're stupid, or just pretend to be, but what do any of those things you posted have to do with this thread title? I'll let you answer the question before I delete them....

Yes Im well aware. It is the right to petition the court to determine whether your detention is constitutional. The Military Commissions Act of 2006 wiped out Habeus Corpus. Obama commented on it several times during the campaign while talking about restoring people's civil liberties that were eroded during GWB's terms.

Ah, and there ya go right back to telling me Im off topic when it was the Obama supporters hijacking the thread into an off topic Hope and Change-fest and YOU told me to shred his post. Funny how I saw that coming in advance. I guess if I keep everything really vague and unspecific like Rainman then maybe my posts can stay some day.

jj said:
And I'm all for realeasing people who are in prison simply for growing weed. I personally don't know how many people that would entail but hopefully their Attorneys can petition for an early release if Obama does put anything on the books regarding MMJ in States?

Funny but I don't recall you dumping on Bush......Oh,,, and all these people are in Prison because of Bush and his ordering the DEA to arrest them all....

How can you recall me dumping on Bush? Political threads were immediately deleted.


Obama isn't going to prosecute anyone...

The DEA will arrest them, and federal courts will throw them in prison... Obama will do the same as every other talking figure head we've had for president since Cannabis Prohibition started... and that's continue it.


ICMag Donor
Just so you know your posts sound like you are nit picking anything because you are angry. No matter the subject, you go off on Iraq, afghanistan or anything else you can think of to take the thread off topic. And the funny part is the things you whine about are things Bush implemented. A little messed up wouldn't you say?

And I didn't say I recalled you dumping on Bush. I said I didn't recall you doing that...


gets some
Just so you know your posts sound like you are nit picking anything because you are angry. No matter the subject, you go off on Iraq, afghanistan or anything else you can think of to take the thread off topic. And the funny part is the things you whine about are things Bush implemented. A little messed up wouldn't you say?

And I didn't say I recalled you dumping on Bush. I said I didn't recall you doing that...

Let's make a deal then. Everytime an Obama supporter like Rainman comes into Obama/weed threads and starts raining "Hope and Change is here! Things are better than ever!" garbage like he has through this entire thread, you go ahead and remove it. That's the type of stuff that gets me involved in these threads in the first place. Problem solved right?

That's actually what I meant. Practically all political threads unrelated to Obama during the campaign (hmm...) were deleted so how could I ever dump on Bush? Discussions of GWB were never allowed on IC in the first place.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor


omfg, this thread is still going. Obama is not a prosecutor. he has many other pressing issues on his plate that are much more life or death. People gotta chill. Obama is one guy, who has been in office less than onehundred days, and no human on the planet has seen enough time pass to deliver any accurate criticism, positive or negative. So everthing thing that anyone is saying about him bad or good is pure speculation and sometimes just bullshit.:wallbash::jerkit::smoke:

P.S. those smiley faces also represent the order of my day pretty much..... ... hahahaha

Blue Dot

TRANSLATION:So basically, I'm going to ignore all evidence pointing to the contrary and just cover my ears, refusing to admit that the kool-aid which I have consumed was tainted and I have indeed been smitten by the Obama bug, which has clouded my judgement, impaired my sanity and squashed all reasonable debate. Anything that anybody says is just speculation.

I admit it, I was fooled.

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

I still think obama is good in many ways but this whole MJ issue has really turned me off from him.

It's kind of ironic though, because with the mess that he inherited from Bush, Obama wasn't going to be able to please ANYBODY anytime soon so why not just just totally legalize pot and please the potheads.

We get it obama, potheads aren't a big part of your constituency but since your just going to piss off everyone no matter what you do (inevitable given the situation) why not just legalize pot and piss off a bunch of old republicans who are gonna be pissed at you anyway and hey, help out a fellow stoner like yourself.

It's the hypocrisy that kills me. Always the same in politics.


omfg, this thread is still going. Obama is not a prosecutor. he has many other pressing issues on his plate that are much more life or death. People gotta chill. Obama is one guy, who has been in office less than onehundred days, and no human on the planet has seen enough time pass to deliver any accurate criticism, positive or negative. So everthing thing that anyone is saying about him bad or good is pure speculation and sometimes just bullshit.:wallbash::jerkit::smoke:

P.S. those smiley faces also represent the order of my day pretty much..... ... hahahaha

Totally not true dude... he said no lobbyists, he said we'd be out of Iraq by March 31st (when in fact were adding troops to the middle east), he said no wiretapping... and there are more lies I can't remember right now... will look em up again if you like though :nanana:

Look man... I just want to make this point.. Obama is a politician... politicians are career liars... I won't go all politicky but I will say you're better off to ignore anything a politician ever says or does and live your life to the fullest... I wouldn't waste another second of your life standing up for a politician, a political party, or our current government. Now if there were to be a revolt... wellll.... that is worth fighting for... but unfortunately (sorry for this dude) people really believe the game that they play, like you're doing, and a charming dude like BO comes along and he sounds good and everything he says is right... but that's just his job dude.

Some people do get carried away, both ways, the love fest and the hate fest.... but the only thing the US gov deserves is haters dude... so save your breath in thinking Obama is different...

Which brings me on topic... he isn't going to do anything different in the cannabis department compared to any other president... his job is to keep it illegal and laugh at the idea of legalization... check and check...


I hate both parties. No matter who is in power, NOTHING EVER GETS BETTER. You'll understand this when you're older.


There is no sense in arguing about politics unless you're trying to figure out how to stop what's been going on since at least 1913.

In this representative form of government we have... nothing changes, unless its for the worse... end of story. ItsGrowTime gets +K because he hit everything on the head.

I do want to make one more little mention... I find it easiest to spot a truly wise mind by simply bringing up politics... if they don't give a rats ass, they COULD be wise... but if they point out the sham that IS our political system altogether or even mention the Fed, they ARE wise. If they are backing up one side or the other, Repubs or Dems, I run the other way usually haha ... 'cause they just haven't figured it out yet...


Active member
Anarchist - Rarely do I come across anyone as childish and small as you so I hope this doesnt come across as harsh. You dont know me and you dont know what motivates me. I work for CPS proudly because people like you think it is ok to beat and maim children and I think my understanding of what we are talking about is a bit more than you would give me credit for. As far as my sleep, its best when I have gone into a home and told the parents you will no longer be beating the shit out of your kids, molesting them, or allowing your boyfriend to sleep with them. People like you think it is ok to put out cigs on their backs, sale them for meth and sex, probe their parts with objects like broom handles and hammers. You see I live in the real world were I hope to put people like you in jail for very long periods of time. If you think its stealing you are a fool since I place most with their extended family anyways. My testimony/investigations have sent people like you to jail for life and I enjoyed every second of it. You see, you can say its about money (65k a yr with overtime is nada in Cali.!!) or protecting my master but really its just about kids. When you hit puberty and start making babies with your sister you will see how important they are. Until then you are just in the way here.

Rainman - Good rant!!! Thank you very much for doing your job with passion! I wish you were around when I was a kid. Abuse is a hell that never goes away. I'm 59 and I still have nightmares.

Now I understand why you think you are in charge.

You're from the government and you're here to help us think properly.

got it.

Dude, you have every right to disagree with Rainman about his views, I know I sure do sometimes. But when you tell him shit like this, all I can say is go fuck yourself you ignorant piece of shit. You have no idea what it is like to spend the first 18 years of your life in a state of constant fear. Right now, if I got drunk, tied you to a pole, pulled down your pants, held your balls in one hand and a butcher knife in the other and made you really believe that I was going to castrate you, you'd spend the next five years in therapy for PTSD. Well, asshole, try that on when you're 14-years-old, the drunk with the knife is your father and your mother is sitting there watching the whole thing without saying a word. You really don't know what the fuck you are talking about! Rainman is doing God's work and your criticism of it just shows what an ignorant ass you really are.

OH man! What a fun read.

As much as I love to pontificate on politics on these boards, I think this has to be one of the best ones I've been to in a while. YAY for kool aid. Believing in something and reaching out to other people is inherently rewarding for me. Cynicism is so passe.

I find it ironic that so many members on a marijuana related discussion board would be such staunch right wingers. Does that mean you guys are fundamentalists too? I'm Christian also, but I'm working on it lol. It's ironic that people bitch and whine so much about Obama's stimulus package when Bush's was just as big, but only targeted to the yacht owning (read: rich asshole) SOBs who got us into the economic crisis in the first place. One of the funniest complaints is the whole "big government" argument. It's a common one from people who are ignorant to the huge government expansions that have taken place in the past 8 years. The taxes on my sub-poverty line paychecks have only grown as the money I'm paid is worth less and less. Supply side economics has been shown to fail numerous times. It only makes sense in theory. Most money never makes it down from the top. If money is spent on improving infrastructure and services though, what happens is the Keynesian government multiplier effect. Plus, more jobs are available and services for those who need them. There's enough elitism in our world already; the rich don't need any more help. they're the ones who really "took our jobs".

I'm optimistic that Lynch might be a pivotal face in the struggle if he forces a presidential gesture or even becomes a point of national dialogue on news shows and whatnot. Most likely, he'll end up going down like so many poor souls before him, but hopefully this will initiate a change in policy.

I have to commend Rainman for some good posts. You seem to get under some posters skin, and that's always nice. I think it's good you feel righteous about your job. I know there have been some issues w/ CPS in my own extended family, and I think it sounds like really hard work. Noone can hate as well as conservatives; they fail to see the big picture. Going at your job is truly below the belt. I'd like to know the kind of shit they do to throw it in their face.

I'm going to get a real job soon & move out of my parents house. Till then I'll just be working at your neighborhood Starbucks, shitting in your coffee.
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