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Micro CFL Grow - Inspired by DrBudGreengenes


Georgia Green said:
Have you tried the paper towel zip lock bad deal// I germinate in a paper towel then cover up the little root sometimes after 3 days in a paper towel they have already came out of the little shell so I just cover every thing but the tiny little leaf things and they stand up in around 12 hours

Sounds interesting. I just germinate my seeds in a little bowl with a damp paper towel in it covered with saran wrap and once the white root pops out i plant it in a little dixie cup.

Are there any benefits to doing it your way? Generally when i plant germinated seeds they pop out the soil within a day or two.


I don't know about any benefits but I cant stand waiting for the little seed to pop up and I have done it that way and they still come up but it just seams to take longer the way I look at it seeds fall on the ground they may be under some dead leaves or something but they are not buried they are just wet on the ground the tap root grows down not the seed shell growing up but when I do it like that I only fill my cup about 3/4 the way full with compost that way after they stand up I can put more to help support them and when they get a little bigger maybe 3-4 days I have a little fan on them and I bring the fan closer or put more volts to it as they get stronger


just planted 10 more germinated seeds today. they're still under just that one 27 watt 2700k cfl but i think that should suffice. Hopefully i can find time this weekend to get more lights. more pics are coming soon.



Hey man! Gunna be a good show FOR SURE!

I just wanted to let you know thou as Im sure you already do but- DRbud uses his own strain that he has perfected for his specific setup. I just dont want you thinkin your gunna be gettin 21g's per plant because he does. Im sure youll get a lot. Any is better than none just dont be expecting EVERYTHING to be that same as drbuds.

Anyways man I cant wait to see pics and I hope all works well with you! I cant wait to see this throu buddy!

KEep up the good work my man!!!~~ :)


I now have a total of 21 planted seeds. All the seeds were germinated and most were planted this morning. pics:

here's the oldest seedling. i think its about 5 days old



Bigtimer7 said:
Hey man! Gunna be a good show FOR SURE!

I just wanted to let you know thou as Im sure you already do but- DRbud uses his own strain that he has perfected for his specific setup. I just dont want you thinkin your gunna be gettin 21g's per plant because he does. Im sure youll get a lot. Any is better than none just dont be expecting EVERYTHING to be that same as drbuds.

Anyways man I cant wait to see pics and I hope all works well with you! I cant wait to see this throu buddy!

KEep up the good work my man!!!~~ :)

Thanks for the reply. I am aware that DrBud uses his own strain but im still looking forward to a pretty decent yield and im not gonna be selling it or anything so 10 grams each week would be really good.

I'll be posting more pictures again when more seedlings pop. Also im going in and getting more lights tomorrow. I'm grabbing 2 more 23 watt 4100k cfl for the veg chamber and im getting 5 40 watt 2100k cfl for the flower chamber. I will begin flowering the little seedlings when they grow to about 2 or 3 inches.



4 are now sprouted. My friend picked up the lights for me over the weekend so ill have more lights on them tomorrow. For now here's some picks of the newly sprouted plants:

A shot of them all in the cabinet. (note temp and humidity :rasta:)



here's a picture of my biggest little guy. i think she's about 4 days old out of the ground today.

comments and advice are much appreciated :wave:

:wave: Great job man!
I love cfl's and seeing drbuds pics always make me think of new projects too:)
looks like you have a good start on it what strain are you running?
best of luck to ya. JS


hey thanks man. Right now im using bagseed but when i get my set up situated im probably gonna get some seeds from that pick n mix seed shop.


another one sprouted today so i now have a total of 5 sprouts. I'm hoping that at least 10 more of them will sprout so ill have a good chance of getting a nice mother plant. Out of the 15 potential seedlings ill hopefully get at least 8 females and from that group ill choose the 2 best females and create clones out of them during the flowering phase to make into mothers. (to be kept in the veg chamber you see in the above pics)

then i will plant another 10 seeds and begin cloning from the mothers so i can establish a perpetual set up. My goal is to have a perpetual harvest harvesting weekly by december. we'll see though.



Georgia Green said:
How are you gonna go about sexing them? 12/12 ?

Yeah im gonna throw them into 12/12 and after they're sexed i will clone the 2 strongest females while they are flowering to make mother plants.


I just got burnt on some seedlings is the reason I asked
I have some more seed I just germinated and some more seedlings and I think I am gonna go the 12/12 deal as soon as I have the 3 leaf leaves to keep from wasting so much time and energy on a male plant these have been 12/12 for the past couple of weeks

I won't be wasting all that work on male's anymore
good luck with your grow!


I just added some more lights to it. I now have 2 x 18 watt 4100k cfls and 1 x 27 watt 4100k cfl. Is that too much light or can they handle it? I will post pictures later.



I have some seedlings that have just germinated in a little small box with two 27 watts CFL's and they love it it's hard to give pot plant seedlings to much light you should be fine they may stretch looking for more? depends on how close you got them ? here is mine they love it

sorry about the cheap cam it take shit pic.s I tried to take one of the seedlings but you can't make it out. but yeah you should be fine with that and addind more probably won't hurt peace


ok so some bad news. today it was in the 70s and when i got back from work and checked on the little buggers it was 113 degrees in there. my fan was not working so that was prolly why it was so hot (i have a passive ventilation system with a computer fan to circulate air in the room)

Needless to say a lot of seeds and seedlings got cooked but one stayed strong. The others looked pretty bad but there's a chance i might be able to bring some back. I watered all of them and im going to put a new fan in there. I'll post pics when i get back from working on the set up.



I added 6 more vent holes to the top of the cabinet. I put 2 1/2 inch elbows direclty above each light bulb. i also replaced my old 40mm pc fan with a nice new 80 mm pc fan (to circulate air inside the cabinet.)

I also added a timer that gives the seedlings 18 hours of light and 6 hours of dark. I programed the timer to turn the lights off during the hottest part of the day.

Here's the only seedling that survived todays baking:

Top of my cabinet:

Entire Ventilation of Cabinet:

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So i think i may have saved the majority of the plants that got baked yesterday in that 113 degree heat wave. Here's the three that look like they're gonna make it.

my oldest seedling:

looks about 100% better compared to yesterday it's leaves were all curled in and it wasn't even standing up right:

this one isnt looking as good but it may still have a chance:

Here's a bubbler for all the seedlings that got cooked yesterday:

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