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Nomaad OD:2010


Active member
I thought that there are also specific bacteria that are targeted against pathogens and pests, introduced into the soil for specific reasons. they are not meant to colonize. that's my understanding of it, anyway.


I thought that there are also specific bacteria that are targeted against pathogens and pests, introduced into the soil for specific reasons. they are not meant to colonize. that's my understanding of it, anyway.

Oh hell yeah -- we just bought a batch of specially-bred nematodes (ScanMask I think?) targeted to infest the soil and feed on fungus gnats. Worked like a charm too.

Trinity Gold

MycoStop was found on accident by Verdera ...it does stick with the root system , but can't be cultured..just like you can't grow mycorrhiza unless you grow their companion plants, grind their roots etc., ...since the spores don't germinate unless they come in to contact with roots.. Xare I was not going to post in response to you but your insistent nature and that your posts are correlating what can happen to the bacteria population in a compost tea brewer when molasses is added to "stretching out" proprietary bacteria and fungi...

FWIW if you intend to increase your hyphae mass and think molasses is a food source for your hyphae maybe you should check your sources one or three more times...


Active member
The bacteria in Mycostop is Streptomyces griseoviridis, a living organism.

Saying it cant be cultured because its proprietary does not fly with me, you cannot place a patent on things that are alive.

Any Bacteria can be cultured if you give it media and food.

Look at this microscopic view of a living compost tea. It is thriving with all kinds of microbes.

Streptomyces Bacteria reproduce by a process of Cell Division where a Daughter cell is created. Its not a Spore, and they do not need to be in contact with roots.

Iam talking about Bacterium's here not Fungus's.


Active member
Oh hell yeah -- we just bought a batch of specially-bred nematodes (ScanMask I think?) targeted to infest the soil and feed on fungus gnats. Worked like a charm too.

predator nematodes and BTi in almost every watering over here... we had a serious fungus gnat problem flashing up out of Roots Greenfields that we now have under control... inside too. Bloody Roooots.


Active member
i've never got a bag of roots 707 that didn't have fungus gnats with it. Diatomaceous earth will rip the little buggers apart if that is what you were talking about.


Active member
Next time I encounter fungus gnats, I will work a lit DE into the top layer of soil... the BTi control works, but it interrupts the cycle so that there are two weeks worth of adults left after you have taken care of the younger larvae... some DE on the top layer might shred the adults before they make it out of the soil.

I have worked with Roots before, but never had a fungus gnat problem till just now.
Hey Nomaad,

IME DE has some sodium in it and it dries the soil out quick. Just wanted to share that experience with Diatomaceous Earth. Things are lookings great, mind blowing!


predator nematodes and BTi in almost every watering over here... we had a serious fungus gnat problem flashing up out of Roots Greenfields that we now have under control... inside too. Bloody Roooots.

Hey the rhizosphere is the new blogosphere: I could set sensors to tell me what they're feeling and needing and upload it to blogspot, I could make millions. Or I need to lay off the vodka ...

Ganja D

Hey Nomad,hope this is cool?
Nomad's Blue Dream at HumboldtLocal's.


this thread is just amazing. very inspiring, those tunnel supports are turning into a godsend, nothing like a support net to keep the plant focused on fattening buds rather then supporting and trying to heal breaking stems.

what will you do with the soil and the pots? can they be reused?

Yankee Grower

Next time I encounter fungus gnats, I will work a lit DE into the top layer of soil
Just make sure you wear a dusk mask cause inhaling DE would be like sucking down a lot of micro-sized razor blades. Hard rock miners of old used to bleed out inhaling similar material over time.

This is easily one of the best threads going at IC right now :)
Thanks for the light dep consult and setup. I decided to do a 6x10 area in the hoop house (not as big as hoped) with 19 ladies in 15 gal's. pull tarp 2 weeks after transplant and then allow to space out more when the natural flowering hits to about a 8x15 area.

Waiting for Happy Frog to come in Tues to save on the pallet. Then the Dr Earth nuts you recommended.

Hortonova layers somehow inside hoop area not to affect the tarp so i get 2 lines of support...

Where should i grab the (not panda) tarp (what kind?) and what dimensions do i need for a 6x10x7?

any other recommendations?

Hope you like the WW x DP and the Alien! If you like it so much to regift, make sure you name the LAYED BACK'S Blue Alien Goo Pack ;) Hahaha... Wait till you see the yields!!!! KILLING my big blue dream cut...

I forgot my 'nomaads' BD cut! need to get one!

Again thanks for the hospitality bro!