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Another Sad Story of Injustice..


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
This was reported by John Stossel.. ABC
10 Years Later, Medical Marijuana Grower Still Being Harassed
07/01/2009 5:26 PM

Back in 1998, for a 20/20 special titled "Sex, Drugs and Consenting Adults," I interviewed Will Foster, who had been sentenced to 93 years in jail for growing marijuana to treat his arthritis.

After his case got attention, Foster's sentence was reduced to 20 years, and after several years in prison he was given parole. But now he's being hounded again, the Drug War Chronicles reports:

Although Foster settled into a law-abiding life in Northern California, picking up a new family along the way, and successfully completed what the state of California considered an adequate parole period, that wasn't good enough for the state of Oklahoma. Upset that California officials hadn't kept him on parole as long as they would have, Oklahoma parole officials demanded that he return to that benighted state to finish his parole. And when he, perhaps understandably, declined, [Oklahoma] issued a warrant for his arrest.

Foster has been sitting in a California prison for the last 16 months - apparently at a cost of $100,000 to taxpayers - while governor Schwarzenegger decides whether to extradite him to Oklahoma.

Why do we persecute people for a victimless crime?


Um, why the hell does OK have a say? Was his parole transferred from OK to CA? If so, tough shit. Why not go after a rapist/murderer/molester? Isn't this double jeopardy? And yes, this happens because americans (I'm one myself) are by majority dumb sheep. We know nothing about our rights, and never question authority. We thank fat cats and politicians for the crumbs on their plate. The land of the free jails more of its populace than any other nation. People need to wake up. In all my 26 years on this planet, not once has my government fixed anything. Nothing. Just made things worse. Poor guy. I hope Arnold pardons him and tells OK to mind its own business. Douchebaggery to the 3rd power right there.

Storm Crow

Active member


Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
State Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: 916-445-2841
Fax: 916-558-3160 ( new number )

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
omg is this story real? wtf? if he is off perole then he is off. this is double jeopardy. Fucking crazy piece of shit judge and d.a. man fuck Oklahoma, that backwards ass 3% max alcohol content in your beer state. These people are fucking petty scum bags.

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
Tut tut

Tut tut

Hash just said it, it's double jeopardy, Arnold has nothing to consider, save for how ineffectual he is as Gov', he can't have much on his desk more important than releasing this poor man, can he?.


omg is this story real? wtf? if he is off perole then he is off. this is double jeopardy. Fucking crazy piece of shit judge and d.a. man fuck Oklahoma, that backwards ass 3% max alcohol content in your beer state. These people are fucking petty scum bags.
wow 3% alcohol?
And I already thought there was no reason to ever visit midwest america.
Why do people move there? cost of living? work? purgatory?


Active member
Feel bad for the guy. So many dumbasses in this country. Oklahoma probably treats DUI's better, or guys caught smuggling guns and whatnot.

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
Theres no doubt this is double jeopardy. Im convinced that people live in Ok because they're in the military, or are born there, and just dont know better.
i say full pardon & compensation for double jeopardy served but not even (some how) been through due process (again)

no property taxes for 10 years rteansfeerable to mediate kin/ designe.


Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
State Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: 916-445-2841
Fax: 916-558-3160 ( new number )

Calling tommorow and people in Cali should pay attention to this. Sets a dangerous legal precedent to anyone on parole/probation/ever arrested. Was he originally charged and convicted in OK? Even if he was, somebody in OK approved the parole transfer. This is really more like a police states actions. Like the type of thing we invaded Iraq to oppose. We might be through the looking glass if they extradite him.

Blue Dot

Why do we persecute people for a victimless crime?

WE don't persecute anyone. The "leaders" persecute them and they are indeed not WE. That whole "for the people BY the people" forget that shit.

It's US vs them and they have the power.

Turn on the boob tube and tune out. They don't care about you. Speak up and you're squashed.

"We", hahaha!


Oklahoma is a place where black and white live peacefully and often together.
It is however a very hateful place towards California and rightly so. We have a higher standard of living then the average Oklahoman.

I noticed while I was there that many homes such as three bedroom houses sold in the range of $60,000. I also noticed that there were home that sold in the $200,000+ range. I also noticed that there was little in between for home prices.
But a Cannabis hating law enforcement? Yep big time. I think one plant is what Life?

Oklahoma is a scary place to me since it seems to be so very poor with a serious law enforcement presence.

I too will call the Governors office tomorrow. Perhaps Oklahoma is not happy that we are California and we have better things to spend money on besides peaceful Cannabis people.
They seem to have money to spend so lets let our man free and have Oklahoma cover the cost of his detention.

I wouldn't want the State of Oklahoma to care for my cat that is for sure.



Patient Grower
"off" probation probably meant released from supervision.

There's an Interstate Compact that makes the rules in these thing. I'm sure what they did is perfectly 'legal'....

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