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New Grower..need some help

Blazn X 420

New member
This is my first time ever attempting to grow and so far its been pretty successful. I found out that it is a female judging by the white hairs that started to appear a week ago. I attached some pictures for you all to see as well. At this point i still have it on a 18/6 cycle and i was wondering if it was the right time to switch it over to 12/12 now. Also, i noticed that the second set of leaves, one of the earliest to sprout, are now becoming yellow and im not sure what kind of nutrients i should be giving it. I was considering some fertilizer my friend has to give the plant some more nitrogen. Thanks to all who give some feedback.
-Blazn X:joint:


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For nutes I would go with General Hydroponics.. Bloom formula with a little of grow, they have feeding charts online.


Active member
That's an interesting plant you have, going into full blown flowering under 18/6. I've never grown an autoflowering variety but looks like you may have one. Do you know what it is?

Anyway, the yellowing you notice on the lower leaves is very slight and normal. Usually if planted in good potting soil plants don't need nutes for a while but given they've started flowering I'd jump into that routine. There's a ton of different nute schedules out there from Miricle Grow to custom mixes of imported bat guano. If you ask 100 people you'd probably get 150 suggestions. For your first grow keep it simple. In flowering I use Pure Blend Pro Bloom for soil, instead of mixing different things together it is a single product that seems to work good. Search and read through others posts to see what they're doing and follow what is comfortable for you.

Blazn X 420

New member
Thanks for the information guys! I made a mistake however, i meant to say that i had it on a 18/6 during veg and i switched it over to a 14/10 now so that will probably make more sense as to why its flowering. My apologies.


jeezus christ.

where do you 14/10 from. no one does that. why would you.

trim off those tiny yellow leaves and go get some nutes jebus


New member
I know this kid and he is doing out of an attic window.... so 14/10 is the normal light cycle that its getting from the sun with the way the window is facing so its not really controlled grrow atm.

Blazn X 420

New member
We're currently in the process of making our own grow box which is why i was asking would this be the right time to switch or should i wait to put it in the box.

Blazn X 420

New member
ok...as of right now the sun is its only light source. Like i said im making the grow box now with its own set of lights and im wondering if the plant is at the right stage in its life to switch to a 12/12 cycle instead of the cycle its on now.


wow you are certainly helpful Alphaguru

Blazn you should build your space. You are fine to switch it to 12/12 when you are done and your space has been tested for a day or two so you know the temps and have that in control. then put your plant in.

what are you growing in? medium?



its just a silly question.

like no dude you should probably put it back in to veg. even though its already flowering.uhhh. . haha

I mean c'mon really

Blazn X 420

New member
Thanks a lot john. Alpha you have been nothing but rude and hardly informative. If you have nothing helpful to say then just ignore my posts and threads all together. THANKS. I was only asking for re-assurance. Like i said this is my FIRST ever attempt at all this.

Anyways, the grow box is being made in this metal cabinet/night stand that is 3' long x2' wide x3' tall, which my friend owns. We already cut out all the drawers and etc. I expect to be done with the box by this weekend so ill have her on the 12/12 cycle in no time.


New member
Alpha not all of us are experienced growers with years under our belt, so we ask questions that is what this forum is for is it not? so just try to be helpful huh thats all we ask.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training

Ignore alph, he's jerking your chain and doesn't deserve your attention.

The right time to flip is whenever you please. Some do 12/12 from start, some after 6 months. Because of your height limitations, I'd do it when the plants are 6 inches tall. See what they do and adjust the next time.

Patient 957

At this point i still have it on a 18/6 cycle and i was wondering if it was the right time to switch it over to 12/12 now. Also, i noticed that the second set of leaves, one of the earliest to sprout, are now becoming yellow and im not sure what kind of nutrients i should be giving it. I was considering some fertilizer my friend has to give the plant some more nitrogen. Thanks to all who give some feedback.
-Blazn X:joint:

Hey there,

While I'm new to cannabis gardening as a patient, hopefully my following general horticultural info may help you...

First, what is the strain you are growing? It looks like an autoflower structure very similar to an auto-flower (Roadrunner by Dinafem) I have going on the balcony right now:


As you can see, the genetics of the Ruderalis causes a similar structure along the main stem. If that strain is indeed an auto-flowering strain, you won't need 12/12. If you bought your seed from a vendor, you should have received lighting instructions for bringing the plant to its optimal performance...but that is something we can't tell you unless there are other gardeners here familiar with the particular hybrid you're growing (again, if that is an auto-flower).

And as far as yellowing of leaves this far along is nothing to freak out over...but if you post a picture of the leaves we'll get a better chance of observing and commenting on it.

Have you done any research or study for cultivating cannabis? I only grow organically, so can offer no hydro-specific info if that's how you're growing...again, more info would generate more specific responses.

But back to the "yellowing of the leaves"...this can be several things...depends on where on the plant, leaf, and intensity as to what will help clue us in as to whether or not it is a nute deficiency, nute burn, or just plain-old genetics. Whenever you grow vegetables or plants (again, remember...I'm new to cannabis, not vegetables/plants) you will always see some genetic deficiency in leaf/flower structure and formation - it's just how evolution continues improving the species' genetics.

If you only have some yellowing towards the main stem and/or from the center of the shoot outwards towards the leaf edges, that's normal plant growth; it's new growth. But if the yellowing is occuring in an older fan leaf, there is a good chance that the fan leaves above it on the main stem are generating more chlorophyl than it, thus they're receiving more of the plant's nutrients, thus it's dying a "natural death" in the plant's utilization of sunlight vs. nutrients. The following picture shows how "yellowing" is just variations of normal/healthy nitrogen levels in a vegging plant...as you'll see, it will always yellow when there is some deficiency or minor stress (thus the centralized focus on a supercrop I added last week):


From the posted pictures, you've got a lot of stretching going on, but with the pre-flowers showing so well, since you know it's a female you may want to supercrop or prune a little. Which brings me to my final bit of advice: do NOT fear pruning. If you have only one or two leaves starting to turn necrotic (especially at the lower 3rd of the growing plant/stem) you can just cut them off and allow the plant's hormonal energy to focus on growing new leaves at the top of the branches, instead of healing a damaged or sickly leaf. Remember...sometimes genetics will cause leaves to grow in funny ways, especially if you're growing seed from an unstabilized strain or hybrid.

Hope this helps. And don't worry about smart-ass posters: every forum has a crew of posers. Don't let them spoil your experience here. There are far more legitimate gardeners and patients here than there are street dealers/cash-croppers.



PS - Sorry...as far as nutes, knowing your strain's needs will make it easier to feed. But at the very minimum, if you're growing organically, I'd strongly suggest you use a basic vegging solution/mix, and once buds have begun to form, switch over to Budswel and a good kelp/B1 nute. Kelp/B1 given in a weekly watering (as a booster, not a substitute to the Budswel) makes a HUGE difference in growth rate and overall plant health...especially in the older, larger fan leaves.

Blazn X 420

New member
Hey guys, first i would like to thank you for your information and time. However, im unaware of what kind of strain this plant may be since i just collected seeds from my own various buds that i smoke without labeling them. :wallbash: The yellow leaves were basically all the way at the bottom of the plant and i already removed them without taking any pictures =[. The two leaves were almost entirely yellow with some patches of brown. They were the only set of leaves that looked like this on the plant so i just simply removed them. Im debating if i should remove some more smaller branches at this point or just leave it be. I'll be running to the local store today to purchase some nutrients for the plants and ill be looking for what you suggested 957. Thanks so much for your help!

-Blazn :joint:

Patient 957

However, I'm unaware of what kind of strain this plant may be since i just collected seeds from my own various buds...

No worries friend. Knowing the strain will help you "tweak" optimal conditions for that specific set of genetics, but not essential for still growing quality medicine. My Hindu Kush I have growing at the moment is the same type of source: seed from some bud I bought at a dispensory. :)

The yellow leaves were basically all the way at the bottom of the plant and i already removed them without taking any pictures

That definitely sounds like natural necrotization to me. If it was nutrient burn or deficiency, more leaves would have been affected simultaneously. If it's the lowest set...that's just the plant "giving up" on those leaves and putting more of the hormonal energy into creating new leaves at the shoots.

Im debating if i should remove some more smaller branches at this point or just leave it be.

I follow Soma's guidelines as far as pruning goes. While I will do "maintenance" pruning throughout the entire life cycle of the plant (sometimes I remove a large fan leaf after a supercrop if the branch/leaf never turns back up to give balance/strength to the elbow), he suggests leaving all growth on the plant until you start the 3rd week of flowering. That's when he suggests pruning the lower 3rd of the plant (since most of those shoots will only result in popcorn buds or trash anyway). If you could post a picture of the entire plant...that would be helpful too...but from the looks of your original pictures, you're still definitely in vegetative growth...so just prune as you see necrotic/dying leaves...but leave the rest til you prune in flowering. Remo (aka The Urban Grower) suggests pruning and thinning larger/bushier plants during both the 1st and 3rd weeks of flowering to help keep airflow to the canopy, as well as light, evenly distributed. You probably won't have to worry about that since your previous pictures showed a lot of stretching.

I'll be running to the local store today to purchase some nutrients for the plants and ill be looking for what you suggested 957. Thanks so much for your help!

Any time...we're all here to learn from each other and I'm glad my own first grow experience is helpful to you. :) As far as nutrients go, I'm a big fan of Foxfarm nutrients (and soils). But definitely make sure you pick up a kelp-based, B1 fortified solution. Soma suggests boosting your regular feeding schedule once a week with kelp/B1...and it makes a HUGE difference in all the right ways! :) I think the brand I have is called Thrive Alive or Super Thrive...you get the idea. It's 100% organic, and cannabis definitely soaks it up!



Blazn X 420

New member
Hey guys, quick question. I have my plant in a 4" pot and judging by its size i was wondering if i should transplant it by now. Any suggestions to what size pot i should grab this time around?