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Horse-toothed Jackass

31 - 17 SF/Pats
you're now 0 for 3 Booey, I knew this would work.......

Haha, yes, I quite possibly am the worst prognosticator alive. Now we just have to wait for the Sanchize to invent a new way to fumble (im thinking something to do with a crotch) tomorrow and you'll be perfect as well.

Seriously, if this starts to work I need to get online to a betting site. Any reputable ones around? I know the US cracked down on the poker sites but now they came to an agreement and are back up?

Good looking bar food, Fly. I used to go for the ridiculously hot wings before but now I want to be able to taste the wing, not just heat. They all look like they came from the same place, just different lighting...

Anyway, advanced to the championship game in one league, taking out the #1 seed in the process, even though my QB was Stafford :yoinks: Managed to survive with a 30 pt game from my kicker, Blair Walsh (5/5 FG's, 3 from 50+ yds) and a 20 pt game from JJ Watt.
Unfortunately, I lost as a #1 seed in my other league. Put up a good amount of pts, but my opponent had SEA and ARI (start 2 DEF's in this league) and Russell Wilson. That was the league I got 23 pts from CIN's def on Thursday and was feeling good until today. My WRs did nothing (Demaryius, Danario, Hakeem) while his did well, and blah blah got upset in that league after a 5 game winning streak. Funny thing is the opponent had accidentally autodrafted his team and wasn't into it from the beginning, at one point midseason saying he didn't give a F anymore, until he got on a hot streak and now he's in the final.

Well, that's football for you, a lot of ups and downs.
After a dominating stretch, the Pats got outscored by the Niners, their D today looked like the Pats D of last year.
Giants got cold cocked by the Falcons, now in a 3 way tie for the NFC East. Even the Cowboys are winning games they usually lose, can't discount them from the playoff run...
Bears have no offense and no answer for legitimately good teams. Even if Lovie Smith doesn't get fired, it's looking like we'll have our 4th offensive coordinator in 4 years. Because that's a recipe for success...


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

Sanchez picked for the 4th time, what friggin' chooch.......

fuck 'em, at least we've discovered a betting system.



they fuck up AWESOME field position and a real chance to win the game w/one last turnover.



Horse-toothed Jackass
Can't believe you picked the J-E-T-S. With the way Sanchize is playing? Almost as inexcusable as my Bears bet...

But we seem to have a system that WORKS. So far.
Now I have to find an online sportsbook. Anyone know anything about bovada. lv or bookmaker. eu ?
Cmon man, we still got 2 weeks left in the regular season, plus playoffs. Baby needs a new pair of shoes...


seahawks for dinner

seahawks for dinner

gona eat some bird this sunday night
thank you new york and sandiego for sucking so much my game was moved to prime time:peacock:


I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
Lol, you're just rubbing it in now, aren't ya? You can do that with the greatest QB of his generation under center. Unfortunately, I have to stick with smokin' Jay:


Who? MOI? Poor salt on a wound? For JC? welll if I can! lol

I like a lotta QB's - heck - I'm even a Tebow fan. Pretty sure, we won't see Timmy T in a Superbowl , tho. (As a player, anyways.)

Jay isn't much of a leader.

I can see some of it - he - and ALL QB's are expected to produce even if the rest of the team falls flat. Media always interviews the QB. After getting pummeled for 3 hours it's sometimes hard to be - congenial when reporters ask stupid questions but for TEN FREAKIN MILLION a year, one should be,,,, less of a punk. ( I think.)

And he pouts too much to be worth 10 mil


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
OK guys there's Week 16's offerings.......

Booey, I'll post my picks later today/tonight.



Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
I want a piece if your betting on Cutler again.

you've missed the premise of our wagering here.

I SUCK @ making good football picks.

Booey SUCKS @ making good fb picks.

So! I make 3 picks (bets) that I'm NOT going to bet and Booey has to take those picks and bet the opposite way.

Booey will do exactly the same and I'll bet against his actual picks.

We are not betting with each other at all, we're just acknowledging that each others pigskin prognostication skills are @ zero and we'll have to find outside sources to gamble with.

Note to Booey:
I never trust anyone w/my card #s and in my caution in regards to trying online gambling for the first time ever I'm going to offer this advice. Go to Wal-Mart or Target and buy a throw away Visa card, do not use it as a 'rechargeable' card because then you'd need to give birth/ss/address/etc info to activate. Used as a throw away they get none of that info, activate it at the stores service counter.

2nd Note to Booey:
Do NOT be tempted to put some of your own side money on the Bears; you're seeking some action for the 'ICM 2012 NFL' system, you will jinx, JINX & Treble Jinx the whole dang thing, you don't wanna go n' throw a Sanchez @ the whole plan do ya?

I'm going to wager $50 spread against your 3 picks as I see fit. I'll make/take no other bets either. I'm fairly sure we can bet football 'Vegas lines' online easily enough.

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Horse-toothed Jackass
Understood and acknowledged, Stoner.
So are you saying i shouldnt bet on the Bears in the ICM2012 challenge, or just shouldn't do any side bets on the Bears? Cause betting on the Bears will mean betting with my heart, which in all likelihood will work out better for you...

Also, the spreads and over/unders move throughout the week, don't they, or not enough to matter in most cases?


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Understood and acknowledged, Stoner.
So are you saying i shouldnt bet on the Bears in the ICM2012 challenge, or just shouldn't do any side bets on the Bears? Cause betting on the Bears will mean betting with my heart, which in all likelihood will work out better for you...

Also, the spreads and over/unders move throughout the week, don't they, or not enough to matter in most cases?

No, I'm saying that you should pick 3, you know I'm compelled to go the other way; and I'll pick my 3 for you to go against. But in the meanwhile as you lay bets against my 3 picks that you shouldn't decide to put a little action of your own on the Bears with your new online bookie. so yeah, no side bets.

if a huge player is lost in practice it might make a discernible difference but wait until the last hours to bet if you think it might help somehow.

I'm taking New Orleans (+3) @ Dallas
Taking the Washington (-4.5) @ Philadelphia
Taking the Jets (-2.5) @ home against San Diego
only because they're benching Sanchez
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Horse-toothed Jackass
No, not too bad. I understand football teams tend to ebb and flow, unless you're the Cleveland Browns. I'm not looking forward to the 4 year, $55 million contract the Bears sign Cutler to in the offseason, which means I have 4 more years to watch of inconsistent performances.
But just know that Manning has another 2-3 years tops left in him, and then it's back to Jake the Snake for Broncs fans.

Dang it, Stoner, those are all defensible picks. You better not be getting good at this.
Understood about the side bet action, and will abide, don't want to anger the spirits. I'm not much of a gambler anyway, but i'm obsessed with football, and fantasy football, which is sort of like gambling (trying to predict performances), so why not put some money into my hobby? Plus it might enhance my enjoyment of the game. Cue gambling flop sweat...

I will take:
Atlanta over Detroit.
Green Bay over Tennessee and
Chicago over Arizona.

Let the suckitude begin!


Just Say Grow
az phucked me real good last week...how do they just totally blow up the lions?....damn! g-men really didnt show up either...I'd have made a killing if not for those two games...on different parlays of course(missed 6- 6 teamers by one pick with those two)


Horse-toothed Jackass
When Stafford throws 3 picks, and 2 get returned for td's, thats when the score gets lopsided (14 pt swing? or 28?).
Stafford has definitely regressed this season. Does anyone trust him at home against Atlanta? I picked up Bradford off the wire and am starting him over Stafford in my championship game. Tell me if that's a mistake: Bradford going against the worst pass D (seriously, they stopped no one this year) in the Bucs and he has Amendola back. Vs Stafford who gets his yards but is as likely to throw for 3 ints as he is 3 tds..


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

OK, called a friend whose son attends BSU (Bemidji St Univ) who placed my bets w/one of their on campus bookies.

Took Detroit for $25
Took Tennessee for $10
And Arizona for $15

I hope your picks bite as bad as last week.......



I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
But just know that Manning has another 2-3 years tops left in him,

3 years with Peyton at the helm, - I think I can deal with that! lol

Don't forget, Elway is the front man, he can talk the talk AND walk the walk.
He started off booting McDimwitt to the curb, and convinced McMorris he should handel personel. Then did it!

Is he a one hit wonder?????

Me thinks not.
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