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ways to pass a drug test


hi crew

ive been offered a new job yay :D
i have a problem though
i need to pass a drug test in 48 hours
besides substituting my urine with a mates that is clean
are there any other methods for a fast detox of my system
i dont have access to any urine clear type products as
there isnt enough time to order them in

so far i have urals and berocca
8 litres of cranberry juice and a whole lot of water

any methods or advice would be appreciated crew


"easy growing type"
hi crew

ive been offered a new job yay :D
i have a problem though
i need to pass a drug test in 48 hours
besides substituting my urine with a mates that is clean
are there any other methods for a fast detox of my system
i dont have access to any urine clear type products as
there isnt enough time to order them in

so far i have urals and berocca
8 litres of cranberry juice and a whole lot of water

any methods or advice would be appreciated crew

Not in 48 hours bro. The substitution will be a sure deal. Make sure the substitution urine is at body temperature. THC is fat-soluble so even if you drink cranberry juice in excess you will still urinate fatty by-products in your urine which undoubtedly will be contaminated. Use the sub and don't risk the new job :). Good luck.


In a crunch time, I bought piss off my USAF buddy for a six pack of kind brew. The key was to keep it at body temperature. Hopefully you are allowed to pee in a bathroom, in which case you can bring in any container, or triple ziplocked baggies in my case. I taped a shit ton of hand warmers to the baggie. Dumped the pee into the cup, DID NOT dispose of the baggies in the restroom and got the job. The dude did take the temperature reading 2x which made me sweat a little, but he sent it off for testing so, that was that.

If some dude has to watch you pull out your scholong and actually pee, you may want to look into one of those pee-pump-prosthetic-penis'

good luck


Active member
It can be done in 48 hrs with just water.But ya gotta drink it consistantly for a few hours before you go piss in da cup.

I'll tell you now if this is what you end up doin it is not going to be a fun ride.It actually hurts and if you ain't either hurtin or extremely uncomfortable you have not drank enough water in the 2-3 hours before you test.

It's actually quite simple......
What you want to accomplish is making your body HAVE TO piss by just drinkin around 10-12 oz of water instantly.

For me it use to take around between 2-3 gallons of water in about a 2 hr time frame.You will get to the point were if you drink a glass of water you should have to put it down and RUN to go piss.If you don't have yourself to this point you need to keep drinkin water.

What your doin is makin it to were the water goes through you so fast it doesn't pic up any THC from you system.

I did this for almost 12 yrs bro so i can tell you this works %100 if done right.



I am who I am coz I is who I is.
MMMM GL squiggles i had 4 days to prepare started flushing my system with lots of juice and water and berocca and urals, was pissing like a mad man i think i had like 6 pissed in 20 mins at one point, still failed, then again my sample got sent to a lab and not just a dipstick right there and then.
but by the sounds of wat FD did i dont think i drunk quite that much lol.

i wish you luck squiggles, i ended up quitting and havn't smoked for 10 days now while im searching for a job still. god dam aussies and there drug tests! never ever had one back in nz haha.


Active member
Dude, you're going to have to go the substitution route. It's not hard, as long as they're not watching you. I've done it twice, successfully both times. In my case, I double-bagged and then microwaved the clean piss until it felt warm enough, but not too hot. Then I tucked it into my underwear so it would maintain my body temperature. It totally worked both times.


thats for the replys crew

i went the subby route placed the sample in a balloon stuck a piece of tube about 6inches long ito it whacked a lacky band around it to seal and place a small plastic tap on the end(black retic type)

the lab assistant was whatching while i did it
passed all the tests
temperature, creatine(for freshness)
and another test im not sure on which checks for masking agents

all good



May your race always be in your favor
500-1000mg of Niacin, take a few hours before the test. The niacin will likely make you flush real red, get somewhat warm and itch. It only lasts for 30 to 45 min while the flush is going on start drinking water, juice, coffee or what ever, pee twice keep drinking and go pee for the test. Used this a number of times in the military while in Alaska. Every one that smoked did it as we would get a heads up the day before the surprise test from the nco that ran the tests. Everyone always passed, one huy was on a no notice UA as he got busted, but he would stall for an hour or so and do the Niacin and never failed. He was tested unannounced weekly.

rick shaw

Cheers,I hope your job is more glamorous then the lab assistant that looked at your weiner and got to hold your warm piss.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Who says it's not like a POLICE STATE ffs??? give me your urine and blood and we shall see if you quailify??!! I'm glad they don't get away with that shit here . They should be SUED for invasion of privacy then asked if they can submit urine tests aswell for any diseases they may or may not have as this might imped their preformace in the future ?LOL what tools ..When will they see the light?peace out Headband707


Active member
good job mate! and congrats for the new job!

lucky you got away with it while they were watching! couldnt have gotten away with that one too easily


Active member
yeah the best way 2 pass a urine is 2 flush with heaps of water n creatine powder. coz if u just flush ur body's creatine levels will b extremely low, so they kno u flushed. the key is the creatine. trust me on this ive done heaps of urines.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
A women was pulled over here in BC and she was drinking and driving and she couldn't blow into the breathalizer because she had just had botox injections and you can't blow into a straw for 6 months after and she just got back from Playa del Carmen and she got off!!! The cop knew she was drinking!! I guess money really does talk...LOL botalk...lol peace out Headband707