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Making it thru withdrawal


Just Call me Urkle!!
Shit folks I'm really in withdrawl now... I was unable to pay my methadone clinic on time so they started my fee withdrawl and when I should've been given 57mg I got 50mg and then my take homes for the weekend were a 50mg and today I went down to 45mg... I have been eating trim and smoking about a 8th a day and it has kept me from being sick!!! I feel the body aches and sweats like I should but the cannabis is keeping the nausea back I just know it! For anybody addicted to this shit (methadone or any opiates) just decrease your normal dose and smoke every time you would normally use opiates and I swear it works!!! I think eating trim here and there has helped after reading what eating cannabis does for you... I should be free of this methadone problem in a few weeks, I'm actually glad it's happened this way cuz if I pay them I can still raise my dose and stay there. That's what they WANT!! Cannabis Cures Everything!!!


Active member
I'm what's classified as a High Functioning Autistic.

For 20+ YEARS I was pretty damn sure I was addicted to cannabis.

When I ran out, life would fall apart and I would end up with gaps in my memory lasting months at a time and pretty much everyone in my world hating me.

I found out that I am Autistic at nearly 40 years of age. When I tried prescription chemicals to help me deal with the stresses I was under and the extreme anxiety I was experiencing, my desire to use cannabis all day went away like magic.

No desire.

This coming from someone who has cried over accidentally spilling a pile of laboriously scraped resin that took 30-45 minutes to accumulate.

How dare anyone make fun of someone who believes they're addicted to cannabis? Chances are their life has been full of extreme depression or anxiety and cannabis is the only thing that allows some semblance of a life.

Now that I understand that I'm addicted to the lack of stress, cannabis is an herbal medicine that is part of my life. Understanding the differences in how strains affect me has increased the clarity in my life a hundred fold.

If you really believe you're addicted to cannabis, seek professional mental help. You can get your life back. Just don't take their chemical pills for more than a few weeks. (They really do more harm than good)


Just Call me Urkle!!
This coming from someone who has cried over accidentally spilling a pile of laboriously scraped resin that took 30-45 minutes to accumulate.

Wow I did the same shit one night when me and my mom had nothing and it took me forever to get the tiny bowl of resin we had and she went and pushed her finger in it like she was packin down a bud and fucked up the whole bowl!! I was so pissed I almost cried hahaha


Freedom Fighter
Shit folks I'm really in withdrawl now... I was unable to pay my methadone clinic on time so they started my fee withdrawl and when I should've been given 57mg I got 50mg and then my take homes for the weekend were a 50mg and today I went down to 45mg... I have been eating trim and smoking about a 8th a day and it has kept me from being sick!!! I feel the body aches and sweats like I should but the cannabis is keeping the nausea back I just know it! For anybody addicted to this shit (methadone or any opiates) just decrease your normal dose and smoke every time you would normally use opiates and I swear it works!!! I think eating trim here and there has helped after reading what eating cannabis does for you... I should be free of this methadone problem in a few weeks, I'm actually glad it's happened this way cuz if I pay them I can still raise my dose and stay there. That's what they WANT!! Cannabis Cures Everything!!!

I feel ya man-- Back in the 80's I was on 60mg, in 2 clinics-- I had a bogus ID, so I went to one in my real name, and another in the bogus one-- One day a Dr transferred from one to another, and recognized me...he gave me the option of turning me in, or me walking away from both--
It almost killed me...took me a month to get over it--
Thank (something) that I have been off all that for 13 years now...gimme a "Pot Withdrawal" any day--:yeahthats


ICMag Donor
final score...2 yrs oc 1 yr mdone,,,,,,,8 days incapcitated,6 days barely functional ,not enough for work..Day 15 today ,back to physically intensive job.seemed like a never ending Baaad Trip...but today the sun has set ,and the calm ocean of sobriety,has given me the bird...So its time to ......."Light the spliff,light the chalis ,we gonna smoke it in buckingham palace"


ahahaha i just notice you dissed my rep Ooooohhhh nooooos what in the world will i do now? Oh yeah just stack up from the three others who already added right before you and the two after you; meaning in a span of about 30 minutes 5 people agreed and you (1) didn't. Your the odd, no weedtarded man out.

[FONT=&quot]UnknownProphet - You rule. You certainly say it like it is, as do I. Those attention wh*res out there just don't like to hear it how it is. Apparently they would rather sit around wallowing in self pity and pretending to go through withdrawal (from WEED lol) rather than listen to us folks who have EXPERIENCE as to what true withdrawal is like. [/FONT]


Freewoman, the grand flaw in your theory of addiction is the false assumption that everyone else is created in your image.

It is entirely possible for another person's brain to be wired in a slightly different way, and thus have the potential for addiction to any number of things that pose no risk for you.

Also keep in mind there is always someone worse off and better off than you, so telling me you've had it worse doesn't really give me much to go on.

Yes, brains are wired differently, but you are only using that as an excuse to take the responsibility off of yourself for being so stupid as to believe that you are facing withdrawal from weed. I could use that lame excuse to say that I am going through withdrawal from salad. It has long been known by doctors, scientists and EXPERIENCED weed smokers that weed (and salad) is not addictive nor does it cause withdrawal.

It isn't a matter of who has had it worse off, it is a matter of what true withdrawal really is. If you do not want to listen to the experts on the subject, then you really will NOT have very much to go on. You can continue along the stupid path if you wish.

Also, if you are truly interested in the wiring of brains, you and the people suffering from withdrawal from weed could stand to read a few books on neruoplasticity. The way your brain is wired is controlled by you and the time you spend thinking about certain thoughts. If you are continually focusing on not having weed and thinking that you are having bad side effects from that, then your brain is going to give you what you think about most. Avid readers in brain science know that any habit, knowledge, thoughts can be changed just by using continual focus and patient self control. The problem is that this brain changing becomes much harder to do when truly addictive chemicals are present in your body (Oxy's, methadone). I can tell you right now that weed is not one of those chemicals so you should have an easy time rewiring your retarded thinking. Geez. Some of the people on this thread truly have experienced withdrawal and if you don't want to listen to the people with real experience on the subject, then you are the one with the flawed thinking.


You should be ashamed of yourself.

I don't think he has that in him. Maybe the best we can do is poke at his obvious silliness until he goes away or changes names.

Sir_Nugget said:
If we want to make pot look more friendly in the eyes of our government officials and communities, the issue of weed addiction, and the ease of curing of that addiciton need to be addressed..

What? Let's reclassify cannabis as addictive (when it isn't), in order for people to treat it more liberally? How would that work again?

Weedman Herb

Your time line is fucked ... GN had already been a seed slinger since 96 and a contributor at OverGrow for some years before starting this site ... The BS that OG eventually caught a raft of when it was taken over by a seed slinging competitor sent Gypsy and crew into setting up This site ... That's The Facts ...


Who every says that there is true physical addiction/withdrawal from cannibas is spreading lies and is truly hurting our legalization efforts!

I have had horrible experiences with opiates and other hard drugs that do truly cause physical addiction and physical withdrawal symptoms. It was not until after I had grown physically dependent to opiates and felt real withdrawal did I truly understand how benign and innocent marijuana is when compared to "real" drugs.

Sure, you may be depressed or not as happy for a few days after not smoking, but you get the same experience if you eat McDonalds/fast food for a month straight and suddenly stop.

I am not trying to diminish any experiences of others, but marijana does not cause any significant physical withdrawal symptoms. I'm sorry, but it just doesn't.

Weedman Herb

In Sir Nugget it has produced a physical addiction ... He's the first documented case in fact ... He physically could not keep his hand out of his pocket after being introduced to good weed (to the tune of 75K) ... I hear he's going Public with his addiction ... just before being out of weed kills him ...


Active member
In Sir Nugget it has produced a physical addiction ... He's the first documented case in fact ... He physically could not keep his hand out of his pocket after being introduced to good weed (to the tune of 75K) ... I hear he's going Public with his addiction ... just before being out of weed kills him ...
Kinda lame but.... considering what I've been through simply because I didn't have the right info about myself, I guess I can relate.

He should be glad it wasn't heroin he favored, then he'd have a real addiction on his hands.

Edit: I'm guessing there's some joke here that I missed. Ignore me :D
Edit Edit: Seems I assumed this was another "Smoking cannabis while going through opiate/Rx withdrawl thread. Wow.
In Sir Nugget it has produced a physical addiction ... He's the first documented case in fact ... He physically could not keep his hand out of his pocket after being introduced to good weed (to the tune of 75K) ... I hear he's going Public with his addiction ... just before being out of weed kills him ...

Damn that's some funny shit!

All I know is that Gypsy is a bigger man than I am.... If this were my site and some self-appointed know-it-all came on here telling people "How it is" or why this site was created I would not think twice about banning said person....

Please remove head from ass since most of the words coming out of your mouth are bullshit. :moon:

h^2 O


J/P Homie--:nanana:
jesus, if someone walked by in a MENSA t-shirt they'd probably hurl glass bottles at em. Wonder how many in the pic have a sippy cup of jack and coke

Weedman Herb

HS-You have a condition ... one that exacerbates the minds tendency to fixate on things ... see where I'm going with that? You fixated on not having weed and that psychologically manifested itself as what you perceived as being a Physical Dependency ... Kind of like Jr Nuggets fixation with spending that cash instead of becoming his supplier for far Less $$$ ... and the need to continue this thread even though it has been sussed out as speculation based on Personal Experience and Lies ... Are you suggesting Sir Nugget is autistic too?

h^2 O

hmmm..."fixation" is a really difficult thing to figure out...it's Freud/Socrates kind of shit. I think I know the basics....like you could call someone "anal" because they're "anally fixated" - as child they didn't get to experience enough poop or play with their own butthole, so somehow that becomes part of their psyche and they are "anal" - OCD, thinking too much, stuff like that. So when we call someone "anal" that's what it's about?