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Kyg's Outdoor Trichapalooza

Team Microbe

Active member
Nice set up! I like the mulching too! I just popped 10 dela's myself, Deb shot me out a pack to test for her so that should be fun. I'm stoked because of all the good you have to say about that strain...

Cages sound like they were a life saver already, huh? Good move, those seedlings may have been toast if you didn't bring those babies in.


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
Nice set up! I like the mulching too! I just popped 10 dela's myself, Deb shot me out a pack to test for her so that should be fun. I'm stoked because of all the good you have to say about that strain...

Cages sound like they were a life saver already, huh? Good move, those seedlings may have been toast if you didn't bring those babies in.

Hell ya man i know u will fkn love this strain!! i found another spot that i put 1 single church in it. it on the main top of the hill and i was there this morning and at 7:50am it starts getting full sun. im pretty sure this spot will get the most sun of all the spots i have bc there is no trees that block the sun path from time it comes up till the time it goes down.
I had critical jack,heriebi,incredible bulk and purple maroc to choose from so i choose the church. it was a toss up between church and CJ which i was gonna put there bc i know both are huge producers and the reason i went with church is bc its more mold resistant. i wont be able to tend this spot except about 1 time ever 10-12 days so i wanted something that was really resistant. im pretty sure that this church will be giving a massive harvest bc of the amount of sun it will get.
The cages are a life saver! last year i didnt put one around one of my 2 delahaze i had out and it cost me a Dela. i didnt really think it was a big loss at the time but once i got down to harvest time i knew i missed it alot bc i lost quite a few entire plants to bud rot and as u already know it was the only plant that was still thriving in the super wet fall we had.
I had to go back to my plot #3 today to get a knife i had left there. this is one the plots that got the neem,protkt and aloe folair and soil drench. So i checked on the plants and im serious man they grew at least 1inche since yesterday morning. idk if the folair and soil drench was the cause of it or its just the good sun with hot temps we been having or a combo of all 3 lol all i know know is they are super green right now and i could tell a big growth from the time they got the drenching and this morning when i went to get that knife and stash a couple gallons of water. really loving this stuff so far! dad tried to get me to not put the neem and stuff on them said they are to little for that u are gonna kill them lol when we was there this morning he said hmm they did seem to grow since u did that LOL hes gonna be realizing very soon that my plants are gonna out perform his lol he's still got his here at the house :faint:


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
Not much better than showing up your old man hehe. Been kicking my pop pops ass at arm wrestling ever since his stroke.


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
Not much better than showing up your old man hehe. Been kicking my pop pops ass at arm wrestling ever since his stroke.

lol ya brother! me and dad been growing together for years now. hes 67 and set in his ways so i set out this year to prove him wrong with my organic plot. hes a avid user of miracle gro products but i talked him out that this year and went on and bought him some maxi gro & bloom bc i know at least that the plant will grow better with that nute then MG. he was really surprised to see that the plants i used that drench and folair on was greener with new growth and has now passed up his plants lol hes still not convinced yet though. he blamed the growth on the hot temps and gave me no credit for the neem,protekt and aloe. I said just wait and see at the end of this season if we get them thur and u can thank me afterwards lol all i do know though that my plants are looking great and really happy with how they have been responding so far to this new way of growing to me.

gorilla ganja

Well-known member
Sounds like things are moving along nicely.
Have you used the neem,protekt and aloe before ?
What rate do you mix them ?


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
Sounds like things are moving along nicely.
Have you used the neem,protekt and aloe before ?
What rate do you mix them ?

no i hadnt used this combo before. the recipe i have wrote down was 5ml of neem to 1 liter,2.5-5ml of protekt and 1/8th of a tsp of Aloe vera powder. i used 3.5ml of neem, 2.5ml of protekt and 1/8th tsp of aloe and it worked very well. i think i will up the neem to 5ml and protekt to 5ml with 1/8th of a tsp of aloe. these 3 things together will make ur plant incredibly healthy with new green growth,no bugs and also will help aid in the prevention of fungi like powdery mildew and botrytis cinerna aka bud rot. Bud rot is the one word that strikes fear in me after what i went thur last year so im gonna be going balls out on prevention measures this year.

im going to water in the morning at plot #1 & 2. plot#1 is a dela,serious 6 and biddy. plot#2 is the church,biddy and sweet purple. i will grab some pics! im sure plot 1 biddy has grew since the last time i was there.


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
i went to plot#1 today things are looking sweet! pic#1 is the biddy,#2 Dela #3 serious6. the plants are moving along nicely. i went and gave the ladys a neem,protekt and aloe folair and soil drench. im really loving this soil mix i got this year. im so looking foward to harvest this year!


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
Check out this growth in a span of 7 days on this biddy early. The first pic was the day of transplant on May 2nd, the 2nd pic was on May 6 and the 3rd pic just a few minutes ago. I can without a doubt say that insect frass lives up to the hype so far.

The English Cut

Well-known member
Steroids aren't organic, but what's body building have to do with guerrilla growing? :laughing:

The growth waas so spectacular, i was implying the plant had been fed steroids. It was just a joke. A bit too subtle i suppose.

In case you missed it, the other hidden joke was my use of 'fly shit', which in hip hop terms means something really rather good but fly shit is also insect frass. Too funny. No, really.

I'll warn you in advance if I make any more jokes. Sorry to confuse you. :)


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
I'm not sure if steroids are strictly organic, mate, but that's some fly shit right there lol!
lol hell ya man it would seem they are on something hardcore huh :laughing: i think my ladys are saying "thank god u didnt put us in miracle gro this year,so well show u what we got :dance013:" thanks brother
In my book that's the sign of a good plot. A spot that doesn't induce pain and sweat is a bad one.

Nice job brother. :tiphat:

so true bro! i got all my plots sorted,watered and neem'ed so now im healing up a few days:yay: thanks for popping in hamstring!


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
Hey guys i found a cool little frost data thingy that will tell u on average when your first frost is and how long the growing season is. i have never checked one of these LOL pretty cool to find out the growing seasons of different places in usa. this is what mine says:

Each winter, on average, your risk of frost is from October 7 through May 5.
Almost certainly, however, you will receive frost from October 19 through April 18.

You are almost guaranteed that you will not get frost from May 22 through September 25.

Your frost-free growing season is around 155 days."


Team Microbe

Active member
The growth waas so spectacular, i was implying the plant had been fed steroids. It was just a joke. A bit too subtle i suppose.

In case you missed it, the other hidden joke was my use of 'fly shit', which in hip hop terms means something really rather good but fly shit is also insect frass. Too funny. No, really.

I'll warn you in advance if I make any more jokes. Sorry to confuse you. :)

:laughing: I'm a bit slow sometimes... wow. I didn't even pick up on those lol. Please, bring em on! We love organic jokes around here....


Speaking of - much respect for going all organic this year Ky! You've put in a ton of research over the winter (that I've seen with my two eyes) and it's about to pay off big time!


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
:laughing: I'm a bit slow sometimes... wow. I didn't even pick up on those lol. Please, bring em on! We love organic jokes around here....

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Speaking of - much respect for going all organic this year Ky! You've put in a ton of research over the winter (that I've seen with my two eyes) and it's about to pay off big time!

thx brother! i think my dad is starting to have a open mind now. he told me today "damn those plants are growing at a incredible speed" i think i will have him converted by end of season


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
I bet you will too! The results simply aren't comparable...

im definalty seeing something different then the previous years grow so far. i was just doing some reading on another fourm about insect frass. Some guy had it sent to a lab to test the microbe life in it and it was in the billions which is very impressive to me.

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