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Kyg's Outdoor Trichapalooza


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
Well I know what I'm including in my tea for drenching my holes for the first time this yr! BOO YA :dance013:

lol ya bro! its just got to many benefits not to use it. is it pricey? u bet it is,but the way i see it if it helps my plant to become alot more healthy,kill botrytis spores then its worth it to me. im gonna buy a 25lb bag soon so i can mix in the soil around the stalk and also in my sprays. another benefit of the frass is it is better then bud factor x. all bud factor x is chitosan 33%. thats why the ppl that have used it say that it stacks the trichomes alot harder bc the chitosan actiovates the plants SAR and the trichomes are part of the defense system. jsut "google insect frass on cannabis" and read all the reviews.


Kyg, did you ever figure out what application rate for soil drenching and foliage spray to use with Regalia?

I found people who use 10ml of Regalia per gallon H2O for soil and 7ml/gal for foliar spray, others use 20ml/gal for both soil and foliar and some people run 37.5ml/gal for both soil and foliar.

What do you find out or decide to go with and are you applying weekly or every two weeks?

Thanks and great to read through your thread!


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
Kyg, did you ever figure out what application rate for soil drenching and foliage spray to use with Regalia?

I found people who use 10ml of Regalia per gallon H2O for soil and 7ml/gal for foliar spray, others use 20ml/gal for both soil and foliar and some people run 37.5ml/gal for both soil and foliar.

What do you find out or decide to go with and are you applying weekly or every two weeks?

Thanks and great to read through your thread!

i spoke to a guy on thc farmer and he said he use's it at 10ml foliar and 10ml soil drench. i will use it at the same rate this year. i got a good feeling about this regalia bc everone that i have spoke to that has used it said bud rot is a thing of the past for them even with rain the last few weeks and overcast days. thanks bro for the application rates u just dropped me. im gonna write that recipe down in my book as well. your welcome and glad to have u along in this thread with me. this is actually my 1st ever journal that i have done from start to finish.


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
Thanks Kyg! I know it's going to be a good year for you.

thx brother! im hoping we all have a great year. im going to my plot #5 tomorrow its got 2 Dela's and 2 Church's. this is one my best plots that i have used for years which is why i put 4 monster producers there that is mold resistant.


⛽🦨 Kinebud and Heirloom Preservationist! 🦨 ⛽
You fellars have washed me into buying some greencure and regalia this year. Where did you get the regalia at? And from my understanding they are both suppose to be used around the same time of early and mid flower. Do you apply these together or do it a few days apart from one another?


You fellars have washed me into buying some greencure and regalia this year. Where did you get the regalia at? And from my understanding they are both suppose to be used around the same time of early and mid flower. Do you apply these together or do it a few days apart from one another?

I googled Regalia and found a place online to order it from. I just found a well respected organic cup winning farm that uses Regalia in conjunction with Actinovate, here is their recipe:

4. Preventative Pest Control

In five gallons of extract (or water) add:
1/2 tbsp Actinovate (to stop powdery mildew)
1/2 tbsp Gnatrol (to kill fungus gnat larvae)
3 liquid oz Regalia (to strengthen plant immunity)

3 oz to 5 gallons of water is the same rate as 18ml Regalia per gallon of water..


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
You fellars have washed me into buying some greencure and regalia this year. Where did you get the regalia at? And from my understanding they are both suppose to be used around the same time of early and mid flower. Do you apply these together or do it a few days apart from one another?
i got mine straight from the site bro.
I googled Regalia and found a place online to order it from. I just found a well respected organic cup winning farm that uses Regalia in conjunction with Actinovate, here is their recipe:

4. Preventative Pest Control

In five gallons of extract (or water) add:
1/2 tbsp Actinovate (to stop powdery mildew)
1/2 tbsp Gnatrol (to kill fungus gnat larvae)
3 liquid oz Regalia (to strengthen plant immunity)

3 oz to 5 gallons of water is the same rate as 18ml Regalia per gallon of water..
Hell yea bro! thats exactly how i planned on using it. i was planning on doing week 1-2 of flower with Sns244c and week3-4 start with insect frass at 2 tsp per gallon for foliar mixed with 10ml of regalia and 10ml soil drench. week 5-7 1 Tbs of actinovate foliar & 10 ml regalia and 1 TBS of insect frass soil drench. im hoping that will be enuff to coast me on out of flower with no bud rot this year. i also have green cure that i know will stop mold in its tracks that i will use for spot spraying just in case i do end up with bud rot. thanks alot for the recipe's bro its greatly appreciated. have u bought regalia? u can order it from the link above straight from the makers. it was the cheapest place i could find.


I got mine at groworganic, I had to order some other stuff at the same time. I like your idea of half doses each for soil drenching and foliar spraying (to add up to a full dose). I think I'll cut the regalia during flowering though, and use just Actinovate for the first couple weeks or so. I hope that will carry me through the season!

Botrytis sucks! Thanks for sharing all the information from your research Kyg!!!


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
I got mine at groworganic, I had to order some other stuff at the same time. I like your idea of half doses each for soil drenching and foliar spraying (to add up to a full dose). I think I'll cut the regalia during flowering though, and use just Actinovate for the first couple weeks or so. I hope that will carry me through the season!

Botrytis sucks! Thanks for sharing all the information from your research Kyg!!!

yea i agree bro it sucks ass! last year i was hit super hard with it bc i picked alot some shitty strains that had zero resistance. the reason i choose to do the half dose's like that is bc the guys i spoke to on thc farmer said that is how he did his and he had zero rot. are u gonna give them the regalia in veg as well? i thought about doing maybe 1-2 dose in veg with it bc i have been studying alot about SAR activation of our plants. im using Aloe vera to activate SAR in veg. also u should look into Chitosan for bud rot prevention. im using insect frass for the chitosan on it. i have read a bunch of university studies on it. it prevents botrytis cinerna spore from being able to germinate and some the studies said that when chitosan is used that it lessen the chance to get rot by up to 80%. it actually causes the plant to secerte chitianse enzyme that will burst the cell wall of fungi. chitosan makes the plant think its under attack by fungi or insects, just google chitosan prevent botrytis and u can see what im talking about. last year i never used any sort of prevention plant,no silica,miracle gro soil and nutes lol so no wonder i got bud rot. this year though is all about prevention. i think mixing chitosan,actinovate with regalia will be a pretty powerful combo. i also think that regalia works in a similar way to chitosan since its a SAR inducer. i watched the video on regalia from the website and its pretty interesting. im gonna get my lipid layers built up hopefully thur veg with the use of neem,aloe,frass and protekt. thanks for shareing with me as well bro and if u find any more info on recipe's for regalia please dont hesitate to post them here :tiphat:


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
I was just wondering is anyone has used VermiAll broad spectrum fertilizer for amending used organic soil with? my plan is to use to put about 1.5 cup in the holes as soon as i harvest my plants so it will have plenty of time to break down. i have attached the nutrients in it. What are ur guys thoughts on this stuff? i will also add a bit of neem and karanja meal to this mix as well if i do end up going this route

Vermicrop Organics is proud to introduce our new VermiAll Dry Fertilizer. This game changing mix is formulated for all stages of growth in the fast paced gardens of champion vegetable and flower growers. Just like butchers save all the best cuts of meats for the best restaurants, manufacturers of raw goods keep the highest quality products for themselves. We have gone to great lengths to acquire only the purest products and now we are sharing them with you but more importantly sharing them with your garden.


Total Nitrogen (N) 6%
0.15% Ammoniacal Nitrogen
1.50% Nitrate Nitrogen
3.20% Other Water Soluble Nitrogen
1.15% Water Insoluble Nitrogen
Available Phosphate (P2O5) 6%
Soluble Potash (K2O) 6%
Calcium (Ca) 6%
Magnesium (Mg) 1.2%
Derived from: Crustacean Meal, Kelp Meal, Fishbone Meal, Blood Meal, Feather Meal, Bat Guano, Alfalfa Meal, Rock Phosphate, Basalt, Magnesium Sulfate and Potassium Sulfate.
Last edited:


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
i went to plot # 5 today i have 2 dela's and 2 church on this plot. they are doing very good since transplant a little over a week ago. pic#1 is the Delahaze,pic#2 is the church. i only took pics of the first 2 since there was a helio that flew over and got me all spooked. After i went into freak out mode a second and coming to my sense's that it was just happen to be a random Helio and not the pigs i got out there lol i did manage to give the plants 2.5ml of protekt and 1.25ml of rapid start. i mixed these dose's into 1 gallon of water. Pic# 3 shows the church that is in pic#2 and a slight view of the Dela in pic#1 on the day of transplant,so u can see how much they have actually grown. Thanks for stopping in folks.


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
I went to it plot #3 today. It's got a biddy and serious 6. I wanted to show u guys the entrance to the plot and then a steep hill that I have to climb. The first pic is the entrace to the steep hill i gotta climb that lays about 50 yards behind the tree, the second pic is the steep hill and the third pic is right when I get to the top of the hill. The plants are about 50 foot to the left in pic #3. u can see to the left its brighter bc its a clearing there. The 4th pic the serious 6 and the 5th is the biddy. I also sprayed them down with neem,protekt and aloe. They are growing nicely now they are loving this hot temps but no rain at all since I have transplanted. It's working me to death lol

The English Cut

Well-known member
Kyg, plants r looking good n healthy, they'll outgrow the cages very soon. With all that work, you're gonna be in great shape by the end of the season, I hope you've planted something high in cbd for the muscle aches!

who dat is

Cave Dweller
You can have our rain here in CO that won't seem to go away.... please. Fuck this rain. Hope it makes its way over there for you. :yes:


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
Kyg, plants r looking good n healthy, they'll outgrow the cages very soon. With all that work, you're gonna be in great shape by the end of the season, I hope you've planted something high in cbd for the muscle aches!
thanks bro! hmm i dont think that i did but at least i got some high thc genetics so that will kill the pain for me as well :laughing:

You can have our rain here in CO that won't seem to go away.... please. Fuck this rain. Hope it makes its way over there for you. :yes:
its finally rained today :woohoo:

looking good Ky,
The serious 6 looks like it's twice as tall as the biddy.
hey GG it does appear that way in the pics but its not. the biddy is just a bit taller then the S6 so far. hows ur grow going so far? thanks for stopping in
Good looking plants man, good work for now
hey X thanks alot bro! been alot of hardwork but i know that it will pay off in the end. i wont be going back till at least tuesday now since its been raining since about 10am here thank god! :dance013:


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
I went to my organic living soil plot early this morning to water and soon as i got home it started raining..oh well i suppose they will get extra which will be fine since today is the first drop of rain we have had all month of May.. I must say that I'm super impressed with how they are doing. I'm not one those organic holy rollers either bc this is my first year ever growing anything organic. I bought the living soil from buildasoil so that I could truly experience organic growing. The plants that are in the living soil are by far the biggest ones with a incredible lush green look. I sprayed neem,aloe and protekt on them today. I forgot my damn phone but will be going back to the organic plot as soon as I get the next 4 gallons of living soil and diatomaceous earth in the mail from BAS. I need to add a bit more soil to my hole that has the Dela in it. I'm also gonna toss the DE around the plot bc I seen some Ants that is getting close to my Jackey White. I know ants wouldnt harm the plant but they like to farm aphids from all the research I have done. So I want to nip that in the bud before it ever happens. Im going hardcore on prevention measures this year! last year thought me alot about getting lazy. Its alot easier to prevent a infection from Fungi and Pests then it is to treat the infection after it has occured. i'll make sure to take my phone next week so i can show u guys how these 3 plants are doing in the living soil

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