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Kyg's Outdoor Trichapalooza

gorilla ganja

Well-known member
I am in the great White north and had a late snow just a week or so ago. Plants are going in the ground starting next week. Have serious 6 and looking forward to comparing with yours.
I will try starting a journal. But am new to the site and may take awhile to figure it all out.


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
I am in the great White north and had a late snow just a week or so ago. Plants are going in the ground starting next week. Have serious 6 and looking forward to comparing with yours.
I will try starting a journal. But am new to the site and may take awhile to figure it all out.

hell ya bro! thats awesome u got the serious 6 going as well. that way we can get full range of phenos between us and see whats up:dance013:. if u need any help with the pics just shoot me a pm and i'll help u out. it is a nitemare at first then alot of the times this site causes the pic's to go sideways, so damn annoying!


⛽🦨 Kinebud and Heirloom Preservationist! 🦨 ⛽
Hey Ky, hows things going? We've finally got a drop or two of rain here lol. Literally though. You know I hope this season we get just enough rain to keep from having to give supplemental watering and hopefully towards flowering time specifically mid to late we have a hell of a drought lol. I hate rain during flowering around these parts, just a fungus webbed mess waiting to happen!


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
Hey Ky, hows things going? We've finally got a drop or two of rain here lol. Literally though. You know I hope this season we get just enough rain to keep from having to give supplemental watering and hopefully towards flowering time specifically mid to late we have a hell of a drought lol. I hate rain during flowering around these parts, just a fungus webbed mess waiting to happen!

haha i know man i been resting up after the last 2 weeks of carrying water. i was so happy to see that rain we even got another round of it yesterday which is awesome. lol i know i hope it pours the rain from june thur august 10th and then stops till oct 1 lol im ready for that damn spore this year though:biggrin:


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
i went to plot #5 today bc there was a couple tree limbs that was blocking a good hour of direct sun so i got that out the way. i also topped the Dela's today as well. Im really loving the way the church is bushing out! im not gonna top either church at this plot. i want to see what they will look like un-topped and if its a strain i keep around for next year then i will top it once i see what it can do. pic#1 is the 1st Dela, second pic is the 2nd Dela, pic 3 and 4 is the 2 church's and pic five is the water source that i dug a hole in the side of the mountian a few years ago and the water seeps out from there and this hole never goes dry. ive got as much as 4 gallon at a time out that hole. it sure saves alot of lugging water up and down hills in mid july when its smoking hot here


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
Here is my last plant ready to go out tomorrow. It's heribei from S a n n i e's shop. It's suppose to be his outdoor/guerilla strain. Good mold resistance,fast finish and potent. I just layered the top of the jiffy pot with some EWC. I mixed up some happy frog/ocean forest and filled the hole today. I'm also gonna take 1 cup of neem seed meal with me when I transplant this lady out to mix into the soil as well. I put this out by its self so that makes 4 singles that are by them self in different locations.I have spread my 6 plots of 3 each as well bc we all know rippers will be out and about. I'm hoping I can get all them harvest and are safe from rippers but I know they won't find them all..this little lady is praying hard huh? i love that look bc u know that everything is doing what it is suppose to do


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
i set the heribei out today. i gave it a little liquid seaweed and protekt once i put her into her final home. I really like the structure on this plant as of now. i also bought some 70% neem oil extract. mixing up that 100% cold pressed ever 7 days is a pain in the ass and i cant be bothered to do that 2-3 times a week. i figured i would just give my plants 20 ml soil drench once ever 3 weeks of the 100% cold pressed neem oil and use the clarified hydrophobic extract of neem ever 7 days to keep the bugs off. i did find a few articles that says even with the most active compound Azadirachtin gone that it still has fungicide and pesticide activity,even though they are many more compounds in the oil that is not known yet exactly what they do. i figured since i will be soil drenching the pure stuff that i wont get infected with pests anyways. i also have Bonides spinosad and pyrethrin concentrates if needed so i dont think bugs will have a chance to even think about fkn chewing on my ladys this year lol


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
I was doing a little strain searching and i found a strain called frencheese from french touch seeds. Has anyone heard of this or have any info on it or the breeders? i will be growing it in 2016 since i been looking for a good cheese strain that dont mold,maybe this could be the one. the fem seeds are cheap as well they are only 24$ for a 3 pack. here is the info on it?

Frencheese is a cross between Super Skunk and Master Kush that has been recognized for its effectiveness against stress and its euphoric effect. A variety selected for its high resistance to heavy rain and mildew and other diseases caused by too much moisture. Frencheese is a mostly Indica variety with fast flowering properties and has an unforgettable taste of French cheese, so intense that it is not appreciated by all palates! It is recommended to use an air filtration system, installed before growing this variety.

BREEDER French Touch Seeds
GENETICS Super skunk x Master kush
VARIETY Mostly Indica
SEX Feminised
GROWS Greenhouse, Grows indoors, Grows outdoors
EFFECT Euphoric, Relaxing


⛽🦨 Kinebud and Heirloom Preservationist! 🦨 ⛽
Strain sounds nice Ky, I just checked into it myself. I know next year will be better than this present one. As beginning in the fall throughout the winter I will have places already scouted out and dug and prepped like I used to back in the day when I was successful lol. Hey man, been wondering. Choppers started flying up your way yet? Have only seen one so far this year, but im thinking they usually start the eradication between June through October nowadays.


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
Strain sounds nice Ky, I just checked into it myself. I know next year will be better than this present one. As beginning in the fall throughout the winter I will have places already scouted out and dug and prepped like I used to back in the day when I was successful lol. Hey man, been wondering. Choppers started flying up your way yet? Have only seen one so far this year, but im thinking they usually start the eradication between June through October nowadays.

hell ya bro thats what i do as well. im just like u about checking for new spots when driving to wal-mart or anywhere like a starving chicken hawk! lol
I havent seen any yet! they usally start flying up here around end of june thur end of sept thats why i been getting everthing done so the grass and places i have stepped on will be back up and looking normal by time they fly. i have also had to cut a few limbs back out a few spots but i take brown spray paint with me and paint the stump that i cut and then i move the tree limbs and hide them under some brush so nothing will be all brown and looking fucked up.:tiphat:
Im for sure getting a few of those strains that i posted into ur thread for next year bc as u well know that humidity is a bitch here and if we pick the wrong strains then were fucked! my insurance strains this year should do good though the church,delahaze,blueberry headband,biddy early,sweet purple,purple maroc, and serious 6. all the rest are just testers to see how they do


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
I visited the organic plot. Those lady's are growing so damn well in that living soil mix I bought. I gotta go back tomorrow to trim a few limbs back with my pole cutter that I somehow missed the first time. This is a totally new plot so I wasn't familiar with the exact sun track. Pic #1 is the jackey white. This lady has already grown higher then her cage,so far I'm impressed. Pic #2 is the Dela,u can see where I topped her new growth is finally emerging. Pic# is the blueberry headband. It's got some weird look to a few of the leaves but nonetheless it's growing nicely as well. That's it for today guys. Thanks for stopping by!


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
Hey guys im thinking about adding Bat guano to my living soil mix. i was just wondering which Bat guano some u guys use? i know they have jamacian,indonesion and mexico guanos and all have different Npk vaules. im not really interested in the NPK vaules. im more interested in the microbes that they will bring into my living soil mix. i read a bunch of good things posted on here about guanos by doing a little research.


Well-known member
Hey brother glad to see things are going well. All due to the hard work you have put in.

Good luck this season


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
Hey brother glad to see things are going well. All due to the hard work you have put in.

Good luck this season
hey hamstraing thanks brother! same to you! if u are running any new strains be sure to let me know how they do. im doing a bunch of different ones this year so it will give us all a good ideal what works and what dont. if they are mold resistant and dont rot in my climate then im pretty sure anywhere on the east coast ppl can grow the same strain. i usally have 100% humidity from end of may thur mid sept. thanks for stopping in bro
Give them high n guano in veg and high p guano in flower. Those kinds u mentioned should all have microbes.
hey bigdank i ordered the variety pack from amazon for 27$ its got got a nice rank of NPK. i was reading up more on the bat guano and it seems to be one the richest shit that we can use bc it contains tons of microbes. thanks for the advice.


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
I had to go back today to the organic plot to trim some limbs back that was shading my Dela. When i got there i noticed the glassy look on the Jacky and Dela. ive never had leaves that look that glassy before so i know these ladies are super healthy right now. i also gave them a 1/8th of a Tsp of ful-humix and a scoop of plant success soluble. Check out the glassy look i love it! pic#1 is the Jw and the last 3 is the Dela.


Looking good! The guano is great. I added so much to one my od spots 3 years ago the soil lab report still shows "very high" levels of phosphorous...almost fried the girls with guano! Now after lightly amending the soil each year I give them some that goodness your using, fulvix, soluble kelp, as well as hydrolized fish powder....whewww wee the good shit :). They never stop praying

gorilla ganja

Well-known member
looking good Ky, they look healthy. Do you think the shine on those leafs is from neem oil?
And do u spray during the day?


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
Looking good! The guano is great. I added so much to one my od spots 3 years ago the soil lab report still shows "very high" levels of phosphorous...almost fried the girls with guano! Now after lightly amending the soil each year I give them some that goodness your using, fulvix, soluble kelp, as well as hydrolized fish powder....whewww wee the good shit :). They never stop praying
lol damn u must have loaded that bitch down. i also have ful-humix,ful-power and neptune harvest liq seaweed that i use as well. i dont use the fish stuff though bc i have learned my lesson on that. i used that damn Alaska fish fert and my plants that i used it on got dug up 3 differnt times till they ended up dying so its a no no for me now. i would love to use it though i know its good shit.
looking good Ky, they look healthy. Do you think the shine on those leafs is from neem oil?
And do u spray during the day?
thanks bro! im trying hard to keep them in tip top shape. i didnt spray anything on them today i just went to cut a few limbs back. i only spray either early in the morning or evening. i like evening the best so the neem and protekt has plenty of time to sit and dry on the plant.. i think that shine is on them bc they are really healthy and the potassium silica that the plant has been getting is doing it. the plant is translocating the silica to its leaves. i will make the plant alot stronger with pot silica. it will make the leaves like rubber and the stems like steel which helps against drought,insects and mold. it will also make the plant strong so i may not even have to stake them up. i just spoke with a buddy and this is what he told me that shine is from "That shine on the leaves is a wax coating (lipids) that shields it from any airborne bacterial/fungal diseases. Say goodbye to PM, botrytis, leaf spot, you name it. You basically just built a huge brick wall for any invaders to try and get through. PM spores literally can't land and germinate anymore because they can't tap into the leaf's water reserves." hell ya that sounds like a win win for the ladys for sure!
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AppAlachiAn OutLaW
I just now got back from plot #3 to spray some neem on them and found that the serious 6 is fkn flowering! Idk how the hell that is possible unless I paid 90$ for auto flowers. I'm gonna contact serious about this shit. these plants have been germed and grown outdoors since day 1. i did not pregrow them so im interested to see what serious is gonna say about this. i got another S6 in plot#1 so i will be highly pissed off if its flowering as well. plot#1 is one my best plots that i been growing at this site since 2007 so if its flowering and i wasted one my best plots space with this shit, pissed off will be a understatement! anyways here is the pic of it showing pre-flowers. do u guys think it will contiune to flower like this or will it start growing again? i have never seen nothing like this happen before so its all new to me.:wallbash:
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