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Killer A5 Haze goes micro


Well-known member
dark and ominous, i see that.

if petrified, it would make a pretty demented looking battle mace.

still mellow pine subtle citrus?

i always find it interesting that myrcene is always said to be the indica terp and yet some of the best sativas test really high in the myrcene dept.

like a5 and oth. and golden tiger. and some thai iirc.

That’s a great and interesting point nepalnt.... I haven’t checked ACEs terpene analysis on this strain but I’ll have to take a look. Obviously pheno defendant.

Yup.... still mild pine subtle citrus on the stem rub but I am noticing *something* else kicking up when I open the tent. I haven’t put my finger on it yet, I have several circulation fans going in there and the smell is faint enough that the fans blowing in there take it away before I can really get a lock on the scent, if that makes sense. I really need to pull the plant out and trim off some of those fading fan leaves, when I do I should be able to sit down and see if I can identify any other scents.


Well-known member
Day 74

She continues to push out white pistils and the existing buds continue to swell. I’m not entirely sure when I’m planning on harvesting at this point but I’m thinking maybe around 13 weeks. I’m open to any further suggestions on this.

Scents have changed dramatically. I still wouldn’t call her a stinky strain but terpenes have definitely increased and the previous pine with a citrus backend has turned into a gasoline/petroleum with a backend of citrus. That is extremely obvious, so much so that I thought I somehow got some gasoline on my hand from my car, but this has continued and is Now coming from direct contact with the buds.

Previously, the only significant scents were from the stem rub. Brushing the buds have a lesser scent. The buds now, if brushed, most definitely leave your hands smelling like gas.

Im conflicted on if I should keep feeding her lightly, as she continues to swell, or if I should stop and switch to plain RO and let her fade out. She’s fading out on her own regardless as it is, but not sure if I should discontinue the bio bizz at this point.







Active member
Day 74

She continues to push out white pistils and the existing buds continue to swell. I’m not entirely sure when I’m planning on harvesting at this point but I’m thinking maybe around 13 weeks. I’m open to any further suggestions on this.

Scents have changed dramatically. I still wouldn’t call her a stinky strain but retos have definitely increased and the previous pine with a citrus backend has turned into a gasoline/petroleum with a backend of citrus. That is extremely obvious, so much so that I thought I somehow got some gasoline on my hand from my car, but this has continued and is Now coming from direct contact with the buds.

Previously, the only significant scents were from the stem rub. Brushing the buds have a lesser scent. The buds now, if brushed, most definitely leave your hands smelling like gas.

Im conflicted on if I should keep feeding her lightly, as she continues to swell, or if I should stop and switch to plain RO and let her fade out. She’s fading out on her own regardless as it is, but not sure if I should discontinue the bio bizz at this point.

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Beautiful viewing OZZ
My personal opinion, agrees with that 2 week feeling you have
Her swelling reminds me a bit of the Haze A pheno,where Koon's beautiful girl,and her fox tailing,cried at this stage for 3/4? weeks more,and boy did she get it good and proper
Trust your feeling my friend,I would propably stop with her feeding, but would water for the "swelling"
Great stuff my friend :) trichrome check to your taste, then she's done


Well-known member

I took a few small “bud tufts” that were growing underneath off the bud sites that I had previously trimmed, fresh off the plant last night, and stuffed them in my PAX.

I took probably about 8 or 9 pulls off the vape, but the first three or four didn’t seem like they did anything .... the material was obviously fresh, and straight off the plant. After about four pulls I started seeing a tiny amount of vapor exiting my lungs on the exhale.

We are only at 10.5 weeks, and it wasn’t even dried, it came straight off the plant with no cure..... and it absolutely floored me. At first there wasn’t much more than a slight high. Within 15 minutes the effect came on strong, very strong. Extremely aggressive high with a feeling of being punched right between the eyes. At one point I almost felt cross eyed. This faded into a pretty heavy psychedelic effect. Similar to when I’ve been drunk at the pub and ate a bunch of mushrooms, but they have not set in yet. The high lasted about 3.5-4 hours before starting to live towards the baseline.

I have to say even this early, this weed is strong. Much stronger than the Panama I grew previously. Now.... Admittedly, I have a low tolerance. I don’t smoke every day, maybe three to four times a week.... but the character of the high: I would call it very aggressive, forward facing, and sharp. Extremely sharp.

Keep in mind, this is with no cure, not even a quick dry.... straight off the plant at 10.5 weeks.

This most definitely will change with proper cure.

Trichomes look to be about 3% amber, mostly cloudy with a small amount of clear.


Im not sure what to expect from this smoke moving forward, as it cures and ages properly. However, after that early smoke test I decided I need to make sure to keep a clone in case this turns out to be something special. Moving forward with all of ACEs strains, I realize a lot of them will most likely be special, but ultimately I’m looking for 6-8 mother plants to keep permanently, to cover all the ranges of effects. I’ll keep one that I find that fits into one category, and if I find something better than I’ll replace it. I’m starting from zero at the moment. Clean slate. It’s probably a pie in the sky Idea and most likely I’ll end up with forty lmao.

Anyway, if this ends up being a potential keeper After a cure and official smoke test I want to have backups. So I decided to test the Ease of cloning. I took four clones off my little mother plant. Two went into the fish tank filter, one into a simple glass of water in the window sill (previously dipped into rooting hormone), and one straight to soil (with rooting hormone).

I’ll update here accordingly.

Fish tank clones:



Soil clone with cheap rooting hormone. “Mother plant” to the left after four clones being taken. New clone to the right put into soil with rooting hormone:




Well-known member
Glass of water clone, previously dipped into the same rooting hormone then dropped into the glass of water and out in the window sill next to the salvia plants.



It should be mentioned that as a stress test of sorts, I’m not going to even worry about light cycle on the fish tank clones nor the window sill clone. Whatever ambient light they get at whatever hours .... that’s what they get.

The soil clone however, is in the veg box with a 18/6 light schedule.


Active member

I took a few small “tufts” that were growing underneath off the bud sites that I had previously trimmed, fresh off the plant last night, and stuffed them in my PAX.

I took probably about 8 or 9 pulls off the vape, but the first three or four didn’t seem like they did anything because the material was obviously fresh, and straight off the plant. After about four pulls I started seeing a tiny amount of vapor exiting my lungs on the exhale.

We are only at 10.5 weeks, it wasn’t even dried, it came straight off the plant with no cure..... and it absolutely floored me. At first there wasn’t much more than a slight high. Within 15 minutes the effect came in strong, very strong. Extremely aggressive high with a feeling of being punched right between the eyes. At one point I almost felt cross eyed. This faded into a pretty heavy affect. The high lasted about 3.5-4 hours.

This weed is strong. Now.... Admittedly, I have a low tolerance. I don’t smoke every day, but the character of the high I would call it very aggressive, forward and sharp. Extremely sharp.

Keep in mind, this is with no cure, not even a quick dry.... straight off the plant at 10.5 weeks.

This will change with proper cure.

Trichomes look to be about 3% amber, mostly cloudy with a small amount of clear.


Im not sure what to expect from this smoke moving forward, as it cures and ages properly. But after that early, invited, no dried smoke test I decided I need to make sure to keep a clone in case this turns out to be something special. Moving forward with all of ACEs strains, I realize a lot of them will most likely be special, but ultimately I’m looking for 6-8 mother plants to keep permanently, to cover all they ranges of effects. I’ll keep one of one type and if I find something better than I’ll replace it. I’m starting from zero at the moment. Though It’s probably a pie in the sky Idea and I’ll end up with forty lmao.

Anyway, if this ends up being a potential keeper After cure and official smoke test I want to have backups. So I decided to test the Ease of cloning. I took four clones off my little mother plant. Two went into the fish tank filter, one into a simple glass of water in the window sill (previously dipped into rioting hormone), and one out straight to soil (with rooting hormone).

I’ll update here accordingly.

Fish tank clones:

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Soil clone with cheap rooting hormone. “Mother plant” to the left after four clones being taken. New clone to the right out into soil with rooting hormone:

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Is that a Japanese "fighting" goldfish?(I think that's what they are called)


Well-known member
Beautiful viewing OZZ
My personal opinion, agrees with that 2 week feeling you have
Her swelling reminds me a bit of the Haze A pheno,where Koon's beautiful girl,and her fox tailing,cried at this stage for 3/4? weeks more,and boy did she get it good and proper
Trust your feeling my friend,I would propably stop with her feeding, but would water for the "swelling"
Great stuff my friend :) trichrome check to your taste, then she's done

Right on Red, I appreciate the insight. That’s what I’ll do then. Feeding stops today, RO water only from here on out and I’ll look for the chop in about two weeks time. Your grows are looking phenomenal btw. Beautiful selection you have going :biggrin:


Active member
Right on Red, I appreciate the insight. That’s what I’ll do then. Feeding stops today, RO water only from here on out and I’ll look for the chop in about two weeks time. Your grows are looking phenomenal btw. Beautiful selection you have going :biggrin:

I enjoy growing as much as you my friend :)
Thank you


Well-known member
Is that a Japanese "fighting" goldfish?(I think that's what they are called)

Your very welcome, like I said your plants are beautiful can’t wait to see them flowering.

The fish is a “gold base flowerhorn”, it’s a man made hybrid based on the red devil and several others. Very, very intelligent and social fish. They are like dogs, constantly paying attention and interacting to life outside of the aquarium. As a plus, sticking clones in the nítrate rich hang in back filters works well for cloning :biglaugh:


ACE Seeds Breeder
Glad to hear you managed to have an early touch of Killer A5 Haze 'kindness' OZZ :D Imagine when it is properly ripe and cured.
'Heavy psychedelic' is a good short way to describe this strain, it slap faces, even to smokers with high tolerance.


Well-known member
Glad to hear you managed to have an early touch of Killer A5 Haze 'kindness' OZZ :D Imagine when it is properly ripe and cured.
'Heavy psychedelic' is a good short way to describe this strain, it slap faces, even to smokers with high tolerance.

Lol! Thanks Dubi, Im looking forward to it! Face slapping is good from time to time :biggrin: up next I have some of DJs gear going, but after that I’ll be running some more ACE stuff. I’ll be trying to find something more gentle for daily use, possibly looking to the Honduras, Nepal Jam or Ethiopian lines :)

I upgraded my setup, I bought a 3x3 tent with a HLG 550rspec so I can run more than one plant now, it will make exploring these other lines easier with a bit more variety that waiting on a single plant.


Well-known member
Day 80 on the KA5H

I’ve been away for a minute. We had some unexpected health issues come up in our family that required our attention.

While we were away dealing with it all the plants got neglected, the KA5H went without water for three days, but I watered her heavily before we left and she’s in a huge 15 gallon smart pot. Regular waterings were every other day so really it was only about a day she was out of water. Regardless she yellowed out nearly all her fan leaves. Additionally trichomes are ripening and as it sits today I’m seeing about 5-10% amber. I’m new to these longer flowering Sativa types so I’m a bit confused. To me she looks pretty much used up, trichomes are about as amber as I want them, but the new white pistils have not shriveled up just yet and look fresh as can be.

We are just past 11 weeks, it will be 12 weeks on Saturday. I think I’ll let her go until Saturday and take her at twelve weeks. I stopped feeding at ten weeks and she pretty much immediately started eating up her fan leaves so I’m not sure if I should have kept feeding or not.

Any of you have any suggestions on what I could have done to improve this grow? Did I stop feeding too early? Maybe I didn’t feed enough during peak flowering? Or do you think I’m pretty much on point with her here? Seems a little early for the strain description. Seems like she might have been a little low on feed because within days of stopping feed and letting her dry out for a day she pretty much ate all her leaves up.

Here she is at day 80







Active member
Day 80 on the KA5H

I’ve been away for a minute. We had some unexpected health issues come up in our family that required our attention.

While we were away dealing with it all the plants got neglected, the KA5H went without water for three days, but I watered her heavily before we left and she’s in a huge 15 gallon smart pot. Regular waterings were every other day so really it was only about a day she was out of water. Regardless she yellowed out nearly all her fan leaves. Additionally trichomes are ripening and as it sits today I’m seeing about 5-10% amber. I’m new to these longer flowering Sativa types so I’m a bit confused. To me she looks pretty much used up, trichomes are about as amber as I want them, but the new white pistils have not shriveled up just yet and look fresh as can be.

We are just past 11 weeks, it will be 12 weeks on Saturday. I think I’ll let her go until Saturday and take her at twelve weeks. I stopped feeding at ten weeks and she pretty much immediately started eating up her fan leaves so I’m not sure if I should have kept feeding or not.

Any of you have any suggestions on what I could have done to improve this grow? Did I stop feeding too early? Maybe I didn’t feed enough during peak flowering? Or do you think I’m pretty much on point with her here? Seems a little early for the strain description. Seems like she might have been a little low on feed because within days of stopping feed and letting her dry out for a day she pretty much ate all her leaves up.

Here she is at day 80

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Hope all is back to normal my friend.Health comes first
In your absence, she's put on weight
At this stage I would just water disregarding leaf behaviour
They've done their job
Think you'll go past 2 weeks, and,probably end up with a more "sativa"/beautiful pheno(trichrome check)
You're nearly there OZZ


Well-known member
Hope all is back to normal my friend.Health comes first
In your absence, she's put on weight
At this stage I would just water disregarding leaf behaviour
They've done their job
Think you'll go past 2 weeks, and,probably end up with a more "sativa"/beautiful pheno(trichrome check)
You're nearly there OZZ

We are not out of the woods yet in that department but we will get there. Thank you for the kind words Red.

Im currently at around 5-10% amber trichomes right now. You still think another two weeks? I’m worried the trichomes will continue to turn on me. I usually like to keep them at around 10% for harvest, but I’m not used to longer flowering Sativas so I definitely am open to some guidance here.


ICMag Donor
Looking great even after missed watering( sorry to hear of family health))but they defo need 2 more weeks to really produce the magic of long flowering Sativa's.
If possible increase the dark period by several hours to help speed it up as they look like they want 14-16 weeks.
With these Haze's and long flowering Sativa's the harvest time dictates how special it will be.
Chop now and it might be good but the longer you go could be the best you ever had
We are not out of the woods yet in that department but we will get there. Thank you for the kind words Red.

Im currently at around 5-10% amber trichomes right now. You still think another two weeks? I’m worried the trichomes will continue to turn on me. I usually like to keep them at around 10% for harvest, but I’m not used to longer flowering Sativas so I definitely am open to some guidance here.


ACE Seeds Breeder

Sorry to hear about the health issues in the family, much love to you and yours.

Don't worry, your Killer A5 Haze is looking great in late flowering despite the latest problems with the waterings. Looks like she still has more things to say, and as ojd, Sammy and me usually recommend with these sativa hybrids of old dutch Haze hybrids from Nevil, it is better to let them flower as long as they request it, i would feed her at least one time more and see how she reacts, i have the feeling she still can produce much more resins and more weight, later she will be much more devastating as Killer A5 Haze should be.


Well-known member
Looking great even after missed watering( sorry to hear of family health))but they defo need 2 more weeks to really produce the magic of long flowering Sativa's.
If possible increase the dark period by several hours to help speed it up as they look like they want 14-16 weeks.
With these Haze's and long flowering Sativa's the harvest time dictates how special it will be.
Chop now and it might be good but the longer you go could be the best you ever had


Sorry to hear about the health issues in the family, much love to you and yours.

Don't worry, your Killer A5 Haze is looking great in late flowering despite the latest problems with the waterings. Looks like she still has more things to say, and as ojd, Sammy and me usually recommend with these sativa hybrids of old dutch Haze hybrids from Nevil, it is better to let them flower as long as they request it, i would feed her at least one time more and see how she reacts, i have the feeling she still can produce much more resins and more weight, later she will be much more devastating as Killer A5 Haze should be.

Thanks everyone for the sympathies, you all are some great people :) :tiphat:

I will give her another good feeding of biobizz, then switch to molasses every other watering for another week or so, then give her about a week of plain RO water to finish up. Thank you all for the information I’ll certainly make use of it.

I have noticed she has started putting out more trichomes over the last few weeks, and her scent profile has gotten stronger and it seems to be changing, sometimes she smells different to me from one day to another which I find rather interesting.

A week ago or so I swear I smelled a gasoline/fuel profile.

Yesterday as I was in there trimming off the dead fan leaves, it was more of a soap scent with a bit of the pine scent returning On the backend. There could be a little incense in there somewhere too, but admittedly I’m not the best at picking out scents. I would say as of now her profile is in the wares of a hand soap-pine-incense profile.


Altruistic Hazeist
Soapy like ginger? :yay: I found that usually turns into frankincense when smoked!

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