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plants smell stronger when lights go out. whaaaat?


does anyone's grow smell much stronger after lights go out? this happens to me every night at the same time and iv been asking myself why for some time now. Here are 2 reasons I have come up with. please correct me if I'm wrong.

Photosynthesis happens during the day time (lights on) and Co2 is used during photosynthesis. This is why some people only use Co2 at night time (lights off). This leads me to believe that plants "breath" more during the day time (lights on). This thought through me off at first.

On the other hand plants continue to transpire during the night time (lights off). During the time a plant transpires water vapor evaporates from the plant giving off a odor.

Around 72 degrees stomata of cannabis are open and they close at temperatures above 80 degrees. Lights can put off a lot of heat and after being on for 12 hours, some grow rooms get pretty hot (above 80 degrees) keeping stomata tight if not closed.

When your lights turn off most rooms drop in temperature. As your room cools from running hot (80 degrees/up) all day (lights on) your plants stomata are going to open. As the temperature decreases vapor pressure increases causing condensation and humidity. At this time your smelling that great natural skunk air freshener you love and others hate.

I'm very interested in other reasons why plants smell stronger after lights out.

does anyone else have this problem and how do you cover the scent?


Active member
You don't want to cover the scent, you want to eliminate the odor with a quality fan and filter. It's one of those things I wish I never fucked around with when I started growing. I tried homemade filters and jars of ona and its all a waste of time and money.


i have a 720cfm inline and a 300cfm carbon filter hooked up to it. it blows into the attic. fan is adjusted on low setting. filter is 1.5 years old. inside the grow room there is a ona jar hooked up to fan. i never smell weed until the lights go off then there is a faint odor. when lights turn on the smell goes away. i can only smell it in the last 4 to 5 weeks of flowering. is the filter too old now?


Active member
I wouldn't hesitate to replace it. After a year and a half most filters are done. If the smell is not contained after replacing it, you can always put the old one up until it konks out and you'll be all set with a new one in hand.


hey thanks. ended up getting a cheap 200 cfm filter off amazon and a little jar of ona. fitler works great so far but only one week 4 flower on a original amnesia and my last amnesia i harvested at 10-11 weeks and it still didnt look 100% done.