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Jack 47 Auto ® grow Sweet Seeds


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Cracking little diary here mate,
looks like your going to have some very tasty flavors soon :)
Thanks for updating!


Active member
Today is day 28 since putting the young seedlings into the tent under lights.

1 full week of 24hr 250 hps followed by
1 full week of 20/4 on 600 hps
1 full week of 18/6 on 600 hps
1 full week of 18/6 on 600 hps

Ok, here I am on day 28 of tent growth with sweet seeds Jack 47 auto.

I would/could have possibly should have given this update last Friday due to the first sign of buddage forming was noticed, however, I left it until now to keep everything asymmetrical. I do my posts on this grow on a Wednesday and would not have been able to sleep if I had done it too early lol, ok maybe I am a touch OCD aswell ;)

As mentioned on the last update my intentions were to run 1 week with Ph'd water only. I soon changed my mind and gave feed as I felt the plants needed it. I am currently battling what may not seem a big thing to others but to me it is pissing me off a touch. I think I may have bleached a few leaves due to the light being too close during the growth to date. I have since read a lot of debates and reasoning's and have at least started to raise the lights this past 5 days or so. Almost every time I look in, I raise another couple of inches. I now currently have the lights approx 12" from canopy.

Problem solved? Not quite lol The bloody plants must be growing an inch a day at least, they have took off.

I did have a fair share of stumpy looking growth plants feeling very inferior to the lanky girls that are/were mixed among the grow. There is a battle on now, stumpys are threatening and chasing the big girls and I for one will not be standing in their way.

I have fed with 27ml A+B with 20 rhizo 25 zym & 20 boost. I am feeding every 3 days and only just managing a slight run off so all is good. Ph has been kept around 5-7-5-8. Today I have let that drift to 6-1 just to see if that helps with the yellowness.

I have top dressed again with chicken shit but still held back on the seaweed.

All sweet seeds and the 1 un named are doing what they are supposed to so far, I think.

I will update again next Wednesday and then there will be a bit of a delay for a couple of weeks so I expect that update to be further advanced. I know this diary has been a long one with starting it from the very early stages but hopefully it will help both myself and others in the future.

If anybody has some pointers towards the yellowness then please pipe up.



Active member
Hi fella!
Thanks for updating ;)
Seems like they need some of CAL MAG. The plants eat lots of it in this stage of the grow.
I'll keep passing by, sweet smokes!


Hello matey. Your light is (has been) too close, that is what the issue is, seen it many times recently as my friend had same issue with his 600w. You can lower it more later.. Also are you using straight tap water? My tap water is quite hard and I never have to use calmag with my sweet seed autos at all!

If these were mine I would give them a real good flush with just A&B at 1.3EC. Raise that light a lot (double what it is), feed them daily now to run off. They look too dry, they can take daily feeds easy now, and never feed plain water to coco until the flush..

Keep pH 5.8-6.1 and your plants will be healthy within days if your temps are good ;)
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Active member
Hi doob thanks for your input mate, much appreciated. I had suspected bleaching so had already been raising lights on a regular basis. As mentioned in all posts my Ph has been kept pretty constant between 5.8-6.2. My tap water rests at 6.5 after a 24hr stand so not much alteration being done. I have ran a feed through with a bit calnesium added and will try an A+B flush if I think it necessary. :tiphat:


Active member
i think i need some calmg too, i thought i was bleaching also but m are 24in. Away, im on day 35 nowi, ive got some GH micro for soft water, more cal mag in it, good
luck, looking good.


Active member
Sorry for not updating this last night, just pretend today is Wednesday :tiphat:

Today is day 35 since putting the young seedlings into the tent under lights.

1 full week of 24hr 250 hps followed by
1 full week of 20/4 on 600 hps
1 full week of 18/6 on 600 hps
1 full week of 18/6 on 600 hps
1 full week of 18/6 on 600 hps

Ok, here I am on day 35 of tent growth with sweet seeds Jack 47 auto.

As mentioned during last weeks diary I had been struggling with a bit too much yellowness. I had suspected the lights and had already started raising them when it was also suggested a bit calmag would not go amiss. Calnesium was added to the mix along with a further rise on the lighting.

This past week the feed has been 31ml A 31mL B. 5ml Rhizo 25ml Zym 25ml Boost and 20ml Calnesium with a constant Ph of 5.8.

I think this has broke the back of the slight deficiency. Everything is looking and smelling and growing lovely.

Plenty of budding going on now. Stretch seems to be continuing at a great rate.

I rearranged the tent a few days ago putting the taller girls around the sides and back and the few stumpies into the middle and front to try and keep any shadowing to a minimum. A constant airflow recirculating from the 4"intake is keeping things on point.

This week the feed will be increased to 41ml of A=
+B with a rise to 30ml of Boost. This feed strength will be kept like that for the next 2 n hlf weeks. Starting Sunday for 1 week only I will be adding some PK 13/14. I have not bothered with any seaweed tea purely as I reckon the nutes are high enough and so far no nute burn whatsoever, I do not want to spoil that now. That will more or less take me up to where the next update will be given as I have to step away from the forum for a little bit. :biggrin: By then I am sure the pictures will be even more awesome.

Not a bad little garden even if I say so myself.



Yeah very nice turn around :)

They have filled out nicely, looking healthy, and this is when the fun begins, woohoo. I cant stop sticking my face in the J47 jar, and taking nice deep breaths haha, so nice


Active member
Yeah very nice turn around :)

They have filled out nicely, looking healthy, and this is when the fun begins, woohoo. I cant stop sticking my face in the J47 jar, and taking nice deep breaths haha, so nice

Cheers doob, how is the smoke from your J47?


Cheers doob, how is the smoke from your J47?

Its decent, probably my fave auto i have smoked so far, really nice after the cure :woohoo:

The bud is super shiny, sticky, fruity/citrusy smell which is just lovely. It is a creeper for sure, I can almost finish a joint and not feel that high, but then it makes up for it 10 minutes later when I am off my head :D


Active member
First, an apology for not updating for a couple of weeks, I did say that I needed to go missing so far through this grow. ;) I am now back :) What a difference a couple of weeks make.

Today is day 56 since putting the young seedlings into the tent under lights.

1 full week of 24hr 250 hps followed by
1 full week of 20/4 on 600 hps
1 full week of 18/6 on 600 hps
1 full week of 18/6 on 600 hps
1 full week of 18/6 on 600 hps
1 full week of 18/6 on 600 hps
1 full week of 18/6 on 600 hps
1 full week of 18/6 on 600 hps

Ok, here I am on day 56 of tent growth with sweet seeds Jack 47 auto.

Whilst missing in action 1 weeks worth of PK has been added, along with a reduced dose of Calnesium.

A + B was kept constant at 40 mil per 10 litre along with the previously mentioned dosages of Rhizo and Zym.

30mil of Boost was also given during this period.

Today, now that I am back, I have knocked the A+B down to 30 mil each. done away with the calnesium and PK and have increased the boost to 40 mil per 10 litre.

The difference in the last couple of weeks has been nothing short of immense. I am very pleased with the results thus far.

I had slightly hoped for a Crimbo tear down with these plants and I reckon that the guidelines will not be that far out. Maybe an extra week, we will see.

I will let the pictures tell you more, which leads me to my second apology....I have tried and tried but obviously too tired to clart on any more with trying to rotate the pictures :(

Please just tilt your head if they come through skewwiff :)