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ICMAG Administration endorses The Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010

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Active member
you still don't get it dude! it isn't freedom you have,
it's the illusion of freedom!

and it really sounds like you are only concerned with
you and fuck everybody else!


No he defiantly doesn't get it. Like so many others here, we have shown him what that "ticket" costs. And it's not the $100 either.

I really don't get it....I mean Hammer replies to him about what happens when you get a possession ticket...

When you get busted there are numerous things that happen money in fines,possible rehab,revocation of DL. There are other things but im not a lawyer. Then you have a record that could prevent you from getting a job or getting loans. Just a bunch of bullshit hoops you have to go through that is absolutely unnecessary.

Then he says that's not happening. Like it's all make believe or something lol

Yea but that is not what is happening at oz or less. It is a ticket and with the new deal that was passed at the state level you can now mail it in, instead of going to court. It was their way of cutting court cost's for non-violent offenses.


Yea but that is not what is happening at oz or less.

No that is what happens...that is what he is talking about. You get all those "bonus" features with your 'ticket'. He left out...no student loans, no fed home loans, misdemeanor conviction that stays on your record for life! Preventing people with brains from getting the job they deserve. Were talking about people that aspire to be something other than a labeled drug user. Do you know anything a misdemeanors? What they are? They are crimes that carry jail time. In fact...marijuana possession is the only misdemeanor that is not a jail-able offense. They are not something to take light of...but hey if your a 20 year old kid..fuk it right.

But hey...I have said this to you before and look...just look! You don't get it...and I doubt you ever will. Too bad that they didn't also include in the law that if you voted no, your not covered.


Well then come to cali and you will see. Alot of my friends carry a little more than an oz because people like to share...LOL. Hell it is calif baby! people hate getting high alone.


No he defiantly doesn't get it. Like so many others here, we have shown him what that "ticket" costs. And it's not the $100 either.

I really don't get it....I mean Hammer replies to him about what happens when you get a possession ticket...

Then he says that's not happening. Like it's all make believe or something lol


No that is what happens...that is what he is talking about. You get all those "bonus" features with your 'ticket'. He left out...no student loans, no fed home loans, misdemeanor conviction that stays on your record for life! Preventing people with brains from getting the job they deserve. Were talking about people that aspire to be something other than a labeled drug user. Do you know anything a misdemeanors? What they are? They are crimes that carry jail time. In fact...marijuana possession is the only misdemeanor that is not a jail-able offense. They are not something to take light of...but hey if your a 20 year old kid..fuk it right.

But hey...I have said this to you before and look...just look! You don't get it...and I doubt you ever will. Too bad that they didn't also include in the law that if you voted no, your not covered.

Yea but what you are failing to acknowledge those are federal loans and federal aid which will not be covered under prop19.

Food stamps are federal aid as well.

Not to mention that prop 19 only covers 21 and over so 20 years and younger are still out of luck.

Also if they are so concerned and need to smoke and grow... get a rec... it is far less restrictive than prop 19 ever will be.

Guess what brother.. you will always be labled a drug user that will not change for rec users. However mmj users to be honest are looked at under a different light. Sorry but that is the way it is and is going to be.


Active member
For a minute there I had a thought




Active member
Yea but what you are failing to acknowledge those are federal loans and federal aid which will not be covered under prop19.

Food stamps are federal aid as well.

what are you taking about????

How would it even matter if you never get the conviction anyway? Dood put down the pipe!


The cat that loves cannabis
Well then come to cali and you will see. Alot of my friends carry a little more than an oz because people like to share...LOL. Hell it is calif baby! people hate getting high alone.

If they are only carrying, by your own words, "a little more then an oz" then WTF Al?
Is it really going to kill them to carry a couple grams less?
This is incredibly nit-picky now that I know were not talking about a significantly larger amount.

I wish I knew what your real reason is behind all this nonsense

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
i feel like im riding herbs jock on this thread, but if HE dont need more than an ounce to smoke at a time, NOONE does! TRUST ME!

i can vouch for that, too

i thought i smoked a lotta pot....

Honestly, I ain't trying to hype myself, but I don't know anyone that smokes as much as me. How hard is it to only carry a zip? And they don't specify of what. I could carry 20 grams of melt and 8 grams of bud. Who can smoke 20 grams of melt in one sitting?? I've smoked with thousands of people and I honestly can't say I've seen anyone who smoked that much.

And if I'm vacationing, I'm usually with a bunch of friends. So what a week camping with 6 friends. 6 oz on a trip. How much can you smoke? Even my boys blaze alot but shit even when we competition smoking we still aint smoking over a qp in a weekend.

Only people bitching bout z and under gots to be your street stompers Who just don't want to bother getting legal and paying taxes, ID have to assume there the ones who haven't gone through the court systems and have a feeling of invinciblity because if it. First time you get locked up and spend 1000s on lawyers and face time in a 8x8 your opinion on legalization might be a little acceptant....

i am coming out in favor of a two state solution.

the prohibitionists can have san jose and everything south.

I honestly expect 19 to pass in landslide numbers. I just got into a discussion with a 65 year old hardcore rush limbaugh loving republican who's 110% in favor of 19 even though she's never smoked once...


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
im in Cali we don't carry anything with us we invite our friends over to our homes where we enjoy ea others company. If we did I would never carry that much what for. If your smoking my weed you wont need anymore then a 1/8 for the day/night :)


Active member
Well then come to cali and you will see. Alot of my friends carry a little more than an oz because people like to share...LOL. Hell it is calif baby! people hate getting high alone.
what a putz! for real man, you spew shit and make
it sound like fact!

...and you keep talking about California as if it exists
in a fucking vacuum. ...or am i right in assuming that
you only give a fuck about yourself?

...and you keep telling people to get a recommendation,
which means that to be free we have to sell our integrity,
something i'm sure you lack so for you it was no big
deal but some of us refuse to become liars simply to
mollify LEO, it's a matter of principle, i don't steal cable
TV either.

If they are only carrying, by your own words, "a little more then an oz" then WTF Al?
Is it really going to kill them to carry a couple grams less?
This is incredibly nit-picky now that I know were not talking about a significantly larger amount.

I wish I knew what your real reason is behind all this nonsense

and i'd bet real money he's either a LEO plant or a
commercial grower, the only other option is he's a
complete fucking moron!



Well-known member
I honestly expect 19 to pass in landslide numbers. I just got into a discussion with a 65 year old hardcore rush limbaugh loving republican who's 110% in favor of 19 even though she's never smoked once...

i do see most of the grow sites seem to run around 50-50 with their polls of prop 19
tell you the truth, if grow sites polls were strongly in favor, then i'd be worried
for every grower/MJ purist/anti corporate MJ zealot that you loose, you'll probably get 2 regular voters


Wow insults without a rebutle... and calling people cops. I remember when some sights got busted... all the leo's were the ones pointing others out as leo's...LOL... somethings never change.


Active member
Wow insults without a rebutle... and calling people cops. I remember when some sights got busted... all the leo's were the ones pointing others out as leo's...LOL... somethings never change.

talk to the hand kid, you're the one spewing diarhea!

you've said your piece, repeatedly, without supporting
evidence, so most of us will just disregard you as the fool
you are.



Anything you say officer... LOL just remember I am a mmj patient in cali and your boss said I was off limits.

Also remember... that quote from Mr. Lincoln. It speaks out against prop19 by the mear fact of prohibitionists being in charge of taxation that it prop19.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Al, I still don't see anything about where your "facts" originate. As I told you a couple of days ago, the people who are still getting locked up for carrying "a little more than an ounce" are too stupid to help. They are obviously just breaking the law to break the law, which is pretty immature when you are playing with these kinds of stakes. For the vast majority of thinking people, this prop is a huge step forward.


NOt when you used to be an hardcore concervitive. It may in fact hinder the movement out of cali when they find out it does not work. Sorry but I was won over by the MMJ laws and the way I see it... that will only further the movement to other states. To think otherwise... well what are the motives... money is the only thing that comes to mind.

Sorry but for the most part I am done. I have said all that I can and people are still be doobt into thinking this is legalization but it is mearly taxation and control by prohibitionists.

Not to mention all the money going forth to back up this movement at all costs. There is tons of money to be made off this bill... and it looks like it is going to happen.

Make your money folks, while you can.


Yes I do chuck the fan leaves there are really not that many anyway. There is not enough thc in them for me to process them. I only keep the suger leaves and trimmings for hash/oil making.

you can make butter, and in turn make edibles. edibles are also protected in 19 btw. i wonder if they are gonna weigh out my cookie? usually edibles dont do shit to me, but holly fuck i had the trip of trips the other night off a damn sucker of all things.

looks like if the cops wanna be cool after 19, they will be cool as fuck. if they wanna be pricks, or didnt get their morning bj, or hate your smirk, or you dont know how to talk to cops.. or shit anything that makes a dick a dick...

they could hassle you, take you in, take your glass jar containing way less than an ounce for testing and so forth. will they tare your 1lb quart glass jar or will they count it in with the weight? who fucking knows? i know i wont carry anything around in heavy jars ;)


Originally Posted by localhero
what if his shitty county decides to regulate their med grows akin to 19 grows? wouldnt be hard to see that happen, canopy restrictions anyone?

what does that have to do with 19?

please stop lying?

A straw man argument is an informal fallacy based on misrepresentation of an opponent's position.<sup id="cite_ref-book_0-0" class="reference">[1]</sup> To "attack a straw man" is to create the illusion of having refuted a proposition by substituting a superficially similar yet weaker proposition (the "straw man"), and refuting it, without ever having actually refuted the original position.<sup id="cite_ref-book_0-1" class="reference">[1]</sup><sup id="cite_ref-files_1-0" class="reference">[2]</sup>

i said clearly that local municipalities could emulate their med restrictions based off of the results of 19. i didnt say that 19 would change med laws.


and please stop trying to create straw man arguments off of what i say. its like youve been watching too much sean hannity or something.
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