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UN wants new global currency to replace dollar


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
All i have to say is not a lot of economic sense in this thread...

And one world currency ? PUHHHLEEAAASE! Not in our lifetimes..The US can only loose with a global currency. And im not saying buhbye to my forex dollers..heck no!


To me, a problem with online forums, and i have been on them for many years now, is that there is a lot of assumption. And we all know that assumptions make ass's of you and me.

I do not have a degree in economics, i have a degree in life, and what i have learned in this field tells me that money and the urges, temptations, evils, wicked ways, and manipulative things people do to get it are not good for humanity as a whole.

I have been through the system like a lot of others on IcM and not all of us are as lucky to be able to raise our voice.

The only point I am trying to convey is that age old saying which I am sure dude above me will disagree with- "Money is the root of all evil."

Now back to the real topic of this thread, which I admit I strayed from....GLOBAL CURRENCY.....

I have heard that the plan for the Amero got ditched. I think these changes are about 4-20 years off, depending on how bad global warming gets. The distibution of the earths resources is going to spark either the next phase of human enlightenment or a nuclear holocaust...... smile!


Devil's Advocate
Assumptions make asses out of who?
"Money is the root of all evil."

The distibution of the earths resources is going to spark either the next phase of human enlightenment or a nuclear holocaust...... smile!

The things I say are largely not empty assumptions but opinions based on facts. That is how all opinions are made. Some peoples' opinions are based on more facts (are more educated) than others.

Sorry man, but before you say things like "money is the root of all evil" you're going to have to validate yourself as an economist because that is an economic claim. Otherwise it's just an uneducated assumption. At least I spent a couple minutes legitimizing my statements.

Also, all arguments are based on assumptions, they are called "premises" in logic. Premises, however, must be based in fact to be accepted. This is why I spent time in my last post detailing my position and the premises upon which it was based.

Of course I could go on, write a book, maybe, but the fact is I had hoped some of the things I said would spark in you some desire for further inspection. However you have shown yourself to be less than willing to accept new information, instead rejecting it by default of emotional connection and tired old adage and clinging to your beliefs. (now that is a problem with internet forums)

I'm telling you that if you have a broader understanding of even basic economic principles that these ideas would be clearer to you. If you have not studied that which you oppose, you cannot reasonably argue against it.

I am a trained sustainability expert, if that makes you feel any better. And in that training, I encountered all of the arguments you are making. Luckily, at the same time I was in that training, I also got education in economics (both Keynesian garbage and Austrian theory) and marketing. I see from both sides of this debate. I have made it my life's mission to further the goal of creating a sustainable world, but I am convinced that an economic system like socialism is not the way in which this goal will be achieved. I've been trying to tell you why. In addition, I also have this "degree in life" that you speak of. I, however, realize that formal training and the school of the street are not mutually exclusive but are one in the same...
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Active member

Well, I guess all the dope/weapons/prostitution/war ect. money will be so much easier to launder! :woohoo:

Scary to think we're going to get the currency "Credit" someday instead of $, £, euro.... It's kinda the same, just by a different name, right? The concept and symbol "money" is no more than credit if I understand correctly?
But maybe it really is for the better? It certainly will make trades easier, and maybe even cheaper, currency-exchanges obsolete, but what will be in it's wake? What will be the cost? Socalled 3rd World countries will have no saying in this matter, plumbing them even further down the "eating-chain".

Think about it, only one major strike, attack or whatever will make this possible. "They" will push for it, stating it's for our own good, but in reality it will only enslave us more.


New member
Assumptions make asses out of who?

The things I say are largely not empty assumptions but opinions based on facts. That is how all opinions are made. Some peoples' opinions are based on more facts (are more educated) than others.

Sorry man, but before you say things like "money is the root of all evil" you're going to have to validate yourself as an economist because that is an economic claim. Otherwise it's just an uneducated assumption. At least I spent a couple minutes legitimizing my statements.

Also, all arguments are based on assumptions, they are called "premises" in logic. Premises, however, must be based in fact to be accepted. This is why I spent time in my last post detailing my position and the premises upon which it was based.

Of course I could go on, write a book, maybe, but the fact is I had hoped some of the things I said would spark in you some desire for further inspection. However you have shown yourself to be less than willing to accept new information, instead rejecting it by default of emotional connection and tired old adage and clinging to your beliefs. (now that is a problem with internet forums)

I'm telling you that if you have a broader understanding of even basic economic principles that these ideas would be clearer to you. If you have not studied that which you oppose, you cannot reasonably argue against it.

I am a trained sustainability expert, if that makes you feel any better. And in that training, I encountered all of the arguments you are making. Luckily, at the same time I was in that training, I also got education in economics (both Keynesian garbage and Austrian theory) and marketing. I see from both sides of this debate. I have made it my life's mission to further the goal of creating a sustainable world, but I am convinced that an economic system like socialism is not the way in which this goal will be achieved. I've been trying to tell you why. In addition, I also have this "degree in life" that you speak of. I, however, realize that formal training and the school of the street are not mutually exclusive but are one in the same...

When you need to prove yourself that much about knowing about something, you're pretty lost.


Devil's Advocate
The reason we are all on these forums is to learn and to teach, is that not correct?
I surely am here to do those things. I have learned A LOT on ICmag, and still have plenty to learn. I'll never finish that job, and that's the cool part.
But I also have something to teach (or simply an opinion to express), sometimes. That's all, buddy.
I'm not trying to simply prove myself. I'm trying to expand the knowledge of others. This guy wouldn't take any opinion I have, and tried to delegitimize what I was saying, so I responded in a way that is defensive of what I know. It's that simple. The difference was not in who was smarter but who was willing to listen and reasonably debate an opinion. That was my point.
So let's discuss things and try not to make it personal. I don't know why you have.
Take care, everybody



Well, I guess all the dope/weapons/prostitution/war ect. money will be so much easier to launder! :woohoo:

Scary to think we're going to get the currency "Credit" someday instead of $, £, euro.... It's kinda the same, just by a different name, right? The concept and symbol "money" is no more than credit if I understand correctly?
But maybe it really is for the better? It certainly will make trades easier, and maybe even cheaper, currency-exchanges obsolete, but what will be in it's wake? What will be the cost? Socalled 3rd World countries will have no saying in this matter, plumbing them even further down the "eating-chain".

Think about it, only one major strike, attack or whatever will make this possible. "They" will push for it, stating it's for our own good, but in reality it will only enslave us more.

you are too right. the whole idea of credit and debt blows my mind. To think there were old guys sitting around making policy that would end up fucking 99.9999999999% of the world. Those greedy bastards!

I say get a nice peice of land, and grow your own currency


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
If you still think a universal credit system is gonna make things cheaper...

If you still think a universal credit system is gonna make things cheaper...

Scary to think we're going to get the currency "Credit" someday instead of $, £, euro.... It's kinda the same, just by a different name, right? The concept and symbol "money" is no more than credit if I understand correctly?

Yeah, but the X-34 Landspeeder will still retail for roughly 10,550 credits new, and thats without the rustproofing, 5 holocron changer, HD big screen holograms, and the sound system. Not to mention the sweet ass paint job.

But maybe if I just had a saber I wouldn't need the credits...:dueling:


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
yeah,....wait a minute hover bikes are Imperial vehicles.


Unless of course you are with the rebel alliance on Yavin 4, in which case. May the force be with you.


Sorry man, but before you say things like "money is the root of all evil" you're going to have to validate yourself as an economist because that is an economic claim. Otherwise it's just an uneducated assumption. At least I spent a couple minutes legitimizing my statements.

its simple, look at the things caused due to money my friend, thats how you can tell that it is the root of all evil, without a degree.

wars for example..


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
War has been around much longer than money has. If money is truly the root of ALL evil then there wouldn't have been any evil before it existed. Money is only an extension of trade. Are you suggesting that trade is evil? That to give someone something they need in exchange for something you need is the cause of all the woes in the world? That my friend is known as a mutual benefit in my book.

Though I think you are mistaking money for power, which since the beginning of currency have been hand in hand. Though they are not the same thing. Before civilization the measure of power was force and strength. Once the world of men had been tamed and began to be shaped to our advantage, when we were no longer slaves to the wild, power began to be measured through wealth. From the dawn of man, power has been seen in many forms, in today's society we see it most often in the form of money and assets. Yet, hopefully in tomorrows we will see it in the form of knowledge.

I don't see evil as the sharing of wealth (other wise known as trade), I don't see giving a many a fish in exchange for a loaf of bread as evil by any means, as you so strongly seem to believe.

I see evil as men with an unhealthy thirst for power in what ever form it may take, weather it be through the conquest of others, the acquisition of wealth through dishonorable means (or with the goal to engage in dishonorable actions), or simply the quest for knowledge with the intention to get the 'edge' on another or perhaps to even destroy them.
Rather than use their strength to defend their land and people, to acquire wealth with the intention to help those in need, or the use of knowledge to give an advantage to ALL of humanity.

Money is only a means to gain power, it is what you do with that power that will be right or wrong....., good or evil.


War has been around much longer than money has. If money is truly the root of ALL evil then there wouldn't have been any evil before it existed. Money is only an extension of trade. Are you suggesting that trade is evil? That to give someone something they need in exchange for something you need is the cause of all the woes in the world? That my friend is known as a mutual benefit in my book.

Though I think you are mistaking money for power, which since the beginning of currency have been hand in hand. Though they are not the same thing. Before civilization the measure of power was force and strength. Once the world of men had been tamed and began to be shaped to our advantage, when we were no longer slaves to the wild, power began to be measured through wealth. From the dawn of man, power has been seen in many forms, in today's society we see it most often in the form of money and assets. Yet, hopefully in tomorrows we will see it in the form of knowledge.

I don't see evil as the sharing of wealth (other wise known as trade), I don't see giving a many a fish in exchange for a loaf of bread as evil by any means, as you so strongly seem to believe.

I see evil as men with an unhealthy thirst for power in what ever form it may take, weather it be through the conquest of others, the acquisition of wealth through dishonorable means (or with the goal to engage in dishonorable actions), or simply the quest for knowledge with the intention to get the 'edge' on another or perhaps to even destroy them.
Rather than use their strength to defend their land and people, to acquire wealth with the intention to help those in need, or the use of knowledge to give an advantage to ALL of humanity.

Money is only a means to gain power, it is what you do with that power that will be right or wrong....., good or evil.

im talking about obvious oil rushes in the middle east.

try telling me THAT isnt money driven


I don't understand why you guys are arguing over the money = power thing, it's basically common knowledge that they can and do print out all the money they want, whenever they want...

I'm pretty sure their control over me/you being put in prison or bombed to smithereens = power


Devil's Advocate
im talking about obvious oil rushes in the middle east.

try telling me THAT isnt money driven

You come up with one example, leaving out all of the positive aspects, and suddenly it is evil. You need a better argument than that.
What if I spread a reputation that you were all out evil because of one bad thing you did in your life (or several, whatever). Not fair. You aren't looking at the whole picture. That's all there is to it.


Devil's Advocate
I don't understand why you guys are arguing over the money = power thing, it's basically common knowledge that they can and do print out all the money they want, whenever they want...

I'm pretty sure their control over me/you being put in prison or bombed to smithereens = power

You are not talking about money as a whole, you are talking about a fiat monetary system in which inflation is used to build an economy, which creates instability and incentive to fleece the populace without their knowing about it. That's not the whole picture.
There are other ways. If you haven't gotten this point, you should check back into some of my other posts where I explained an alternative system of money. I agree that the current system is messed up, doesn't make money evil. That's silly


You are not talking about money as a whole, you are talking about a fiat monetary system in which inflation is used to build an economy, which creates instability and incentive to fleece the populace without their knowing about it. That's not the whole picture.
There are other ways. If you haven't gotten this point, you should check back into some of my other posts where I explained an alternative system of money. I agree that the current system is messed up, doesn't make money evil. That's silly
I'm pretty sure that has absolutely nothing to do with what I said.
Of course there are alternative systems, but that's not what this thread is about - there's a plan that's been around for a long time, and they're sticking to it.

Lots of people have called it out over the decades and have been called looney conspiracy theorists, but nowadays the powers that be are shoving it in our faces like it's the way things have to be, coming right out in the open and saying it's bound to happen soon.

Right now it's not so much a question of 'what can we think of to make it better,' but 'what can we do to stop this freight train?'


Devil's Advocate
Those questions are one in the same, if rephrased in the way I'm looking at it. But I hear you, and I'm on your side. If we are to regain our freedom, it will be through massive reform of the monetary system.
Stopping the freight train and making the economic system "better" to me are the same thing. We can't just stop the freight train without a plan to start it back up again on a better path. But you know that, we were just not on the same page. Are we now?

The only way people can have freedom is through an economic system that is not manipulated to suit the interests of those in governmental power (and of course gov't and corporate are one in the same in today's United States, and world for that matter)
Anyway, I don't have too much time today, so I'll probably chime in less than before. Some people will love that, lol.
Peace everybody, hope you're all well. Ignorance has taken over, yo, we gotta take the power back.


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
im talking about obvious oil rushes in the middle east.

try telling me THAT isnt money driven

At the root, no its not. Nothing is truly money driven. For what are you going to do with a bunch of paper or worthless pieces of metal. How does that give one the power to start war, like I had said it is only a means of gaining power.
We trade this money for something that we can use, weather that be for goods or evil. Saying that money is evil or at least that it is the cause of it is like saying gold is the devil. It is an object incapable of being either good or evil. The true root of all evil is humanity. Though we are are also the root of all good. You can not blame currency for war or any other wrong doing. In the end it comes down to human choice.

I'm sorry for the rants, I know that they are more philosophic than economic. I just got tired of people blaming objects for all that is wrong in the world. It is ridiculous, that people refuse to accept that it is not the fault of temptations but of our own will.


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
this is bullshit i hope your all buying lots of land and lots of guns the shits gonna hit the fan. nwo is here