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250w hps 12/12 from seed in 12oz cans in c13 cabinet.

Hi guys, I started my own grow in a c13 cabinet under a 250w econo HPS ($80 from insidesun.com). The cabinet is 5 feet tall and i have it split into 2 flowering chambers which are each 2 1/2 feet tall. So far i only have 1 hps light but i plan on buying another for the other chamber asap. Since i have such limited space to grow in, i plan on keeping my plants in 12oz cans during the entire grow, to resrict their height. I will also be starting my plants on a 12/12 light schedule from seed to restrict height. The strain is unknown its just some bagseeds that ive been saving from some cheap skunky mids that ive been buying around here. I also cannot afford to buy any fertilizer this grow but the scotts potting soil im using says it feed for up to 4 months, will this be ok?

In the box there is no exit ventilation hole, but there is a fan in there blowing directly on the plants on its lowest power setting. The fan alone seems to keep the box plenty cool enough so i doubt ill be putting in any exit vent holes at all. I started 80 plants in my chamber and figure on getting about 40 females. My thought is that the 12 oz cans will restrict the size of the plants enough to be able to fit 40 females in there. I realise it will be very cramped but all i really care is that the main growth point on top is getting light(Sea of Green). Im counting on 40 big colas, and hoping each will dry out to at least 7 grams. Here is what im hoping the 40 females will look like when done. These are in 16oz cups.

Pictures of my setup coming soon!
Here is my c13 cabinet. It still need some work as far as being lightproofed and few other minor things but its still not bad. The empty chamber has some germinated seeds i just planted today, should be popping soon. They are going under my bed to the flouro grow until i can afford another 250w hps for the top chamber.







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Here is a closer look at all of them.


Here is the top chamber that is empty until i get another 250w hps


This one is my favoirte out of them all. If i was to clone one this would be it.



More pics of the flouro setup under my bed coming soon!


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Hey MicroGrower420!

Nice pics! setup looks good!

are there holes in the bottom of those cans?

Careful of the no exhaust. Air circulation is good, but air exchange is vital.

With the door closed, you can see light leaking out, which means light can leak in during the dark hours. I would suggest putting some weather stripping or something to block the light leaks.

good to see ya!


good drown

i think the first thing is space, you are going to run out sooo fast
another thing is without nutes, its another strike against the setup. with that cheap soil, your gonna have to add stuff, a bottle of fox farm is like $15 and will last a while
heat must be another, throw a thermometer in there.
i used a similar size cabinet years ago. 2 plants, 1 400w cooltube hooked to a vortex 6". 2 plants filled that thing.
they will also need to be in much bigger containers to produce much bud

you should get some pc fans at least and cut some holes up top for ventilation. throw those suckers in the holes blowing out and it should help alot, especially when you add another light, thats gonna be alot of heat in that top section, as hot air rises. also, het some pvc 90 degree bends, like 2" holes, and cut some holes in the back for the pvc pipe, the 90 degree bend will allow light to stay out if pointed down. also, add a filter of some sort so dust/hair dont go in, but without an exhaust i doubt theres any issue with that
Thanks for the advice. I already have a computer fan spliced into a 12v dc adapter from a previous grow. The thing is... with the fan circulating the air in the box it stays plenty cool enough, i dont have a thermometer but im guessing the temp in there is in the 70's, which is fine. I may need to get an exaust fan in the top when i get my 2nd hps. im gonna wait until then to see if its needed, but if it is, i have the computer fan all ready to go!.

As far as the nutes, i dont think i can afford more than 1 bottle of Fox Farm because im unemployed, which would be the best one to get, there is grow big, tiger bloom, then big bloom. My friends swears by the tiger bloom and says the big bloom isnt really needed. Should i just let the scotts potting soil fert the veg stage, then just start adding tiger bloom once i start seeing pistils?

Ive also been thinking maybe the reason its so cool in there is b/c it isnt light proof and it just happens to be right next to my AC :) so air can seep in through the corners and through the door. Im thinking when i lightproof it it may get alot hotter and i will prolly then need to install my computer fan as an exhaust. We will see.

As far as space goes, i dunno i think they will be able to squeeze into to chamber for the fact is, theyre only in 12oz cans, and i keep the light like 8 inches away to prevent ANY stretching. As u can see the nodes are VERY close together.

Also, i am concerned about the amout of bud i get off each plants. In my first post in this thread the picture shows what you can do with 16oz cups. He said he got 7 grams from each plant after it was manicured and dried. Im hoping to get 5-7 grams per plant and squeeze 40 per chamber.

To fifth: yes i know light does leak in during the off hours but i have my light set to turn off at night, if i have the room light on i usually throw a blanket over the door to prevent the room light from going in. And yes there are 5 holes in the bottom of each can. Also how did u know that i am microgrower420?

Coming soon is pics of under my bed where i plan on doing a sweet flouro grow.


Also how did u know that i am microgrower420?

Cuz i read all your posts the other day and saw the conversation about the beer cans, c13 cab, and 250w HPS 12/12 from seed.

Light leaks cause delayed/poor flowering and hermies. You're gonna need to fix it if you want any bud.

keep rockin'


good drown

im not sure the difference between the 2 but yea, just get one for flowering.
thats awesome if its in the 70's. even 82 is good enough.
good luck with everything!
growing weed in keystone light cans--you might be a redneck

dirtbike in the house---you might be a red neck

lol i had to do it

haha yea I totally am. If your living room looks like a machine shop(like mine), you might be a redneck :) We drink HELLA keystone round here, 3-4 of us go through 2-3 30 packs almost daily. As for the bike, its an 80cc which me an my brother are completely redoing and putting a 125cc motor in it :) Its gonna tear shit up.





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Under my bed

Under my bed

As promised, i took some pictures of under my bed where i plan on seeting up a massive flouro grow. I already have 2, 20w 24'' flouros that i got from walmart that i used to veg my last grow. This time i plan on using them to veg and flower. Im gonna do 12/12 from seed under the flouros and keep the lights like 1 inch away from the top of the plants the entire grow. If i get some money im gonna buy a 48" flourescent fixture with 2 60w bulbs in it and throw that under the bed too :). Eventually the entire space under my bed will be full and i plan on experimenting. Here a few of the different things i want to try to see which is the most efficiant.
Top 1 plant once
Top 1 plant twice
Fim 1 plant
supercrop 1 plant
tie down 1 plant topped
tie down 1 plant untopped

Im sure ill be doing much more experiments than that. Ill keep everyone updated





PS. When the blanket is down the bed is completely lightproof, there is no way u can see light coming from any part of the bed! The space underneath is 22'' high.


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I can just imagine bringing a girl home to fuck, getting at it, and then your bed falling the full 22" and smashing the lights and cups. LOL be careful with that.

good drown

I can just imagine bringing a girl home to fuck, getting at it, and then your bed falling the full 22" and smashing the lights and cups. LOL be careful with that.
that was funny as hell, i definitely thought about the bed falling down and having to get on it like someone who broke their tailbone
Yea, im actually very handy with building stuff and fixing stuff. I do have chicks over so ive definitely thought about the bed falling down while fucking but trust me it pretty much impossible. I have 6 legs holding it up and the back frame is screwed into the studs in the wall 2 screws per stud.


A couple of grams per plant would be realistic, say 4 grams each might be done because of the 250 HPS.

I'd go with Floranova bloom as your one bottle nutrient. Several people here have vegged and flowered with just that and had good results. It's a great all in one nute.
like the cab - love the bike -

good luck man
like work2much said... 4 grams per plant in that small of a pot its realistic - it is hard to keep those roots from binding, especially starting from seed. clone you have a smaller window and id say a little less roots - depending on veg time. mine usually will bottom out in a 16oz solo cup and ill transplant to a 2lt pop\soda bottle, and they will finish fine - depending on weather you decide to LST the plants will obviously give you a higher weight per plant rating, i did a lst in my 2lt bottle and pulled 14 grams on one plant with little veg as possible. if i had to say anything to sum this rant up it would be ...
"its not how many plants you have, its what you do with them to make it count"


Active member
You could use the one 250w ballast to light both box chambers by getting another socket, bulb and wire and adding a switch box. You just need to switch it from one to the other after 12 hours. Top on while bottom off and vice a versa. But the cab would need to be light proof between the 2 chambers.

good drown

thats a good idea, a really good one!
i think either way he is gonna be happy, i say at least get 18 0z dixie cups.
that bike does look fun fun fun