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Will stop smoking products deter me from weed?


Registered Cannabis User
I'm thinking bout quitting smokin cigs soon. I've read about a product that is called smoke deter and it seems to be amongst the top stop smoking products in the consumer reviews. All natural and no side effects from the stuff. I was just wondering if this stuff will make me not want to smoke weed also. If anyone has used this product please share results.


Active member
I used chantix to quit smoking. It didn't affect weed at all. Neither my desire to smoke it nor its effects were diminished. Can't say for that particular product though.


Devil's Advocate
I'm sorry if my input is irrelevant due to my inexperience with smoking addiction or using the product, but I imagine the product is designed to temper the nicotine urge, which should have no impact on your desire for cannabis.
Again, this is pure speculation


I would agree with ItsAllOver. I've no experience myself with these products, but all of the products I've seen are designed to relax the urge for nicotine. So I should imagine you'll be fine.


Active member
Hey, I just made the decision to stop smoking too, congrats on that! Sorry, but I don't have an answer for your question, it seems more likely that it would NOT have an effect on your weed smoking. From my previous attempts at quitting smoking I can say for sure that weed has helped my tremendously, especially getting through those first 3 days. Let us know how it goes, best wishes!


Hey there smurfin'! The hubby and I quit smokin almost a year ago, and the MJ definitely helped to "ease the pain" of quiting. As for the stop smokin stuff, I was going to try the Chantix stuff but was afraid of the same thing. I love my smoke! :)

So nothing really for sure here, but well wishes none the less!!! Here's to wishing you the best of luck!!! :joint:


lover of all things hashlike
chantix is not worth trying because of its correlation with increased suicide.. IMO


weed fiend
I smoke and would give up cigs for mj in a skinny minute. Problem is, a cig after a session is almost as good as after eating. One seems to perpetuate the other. Argh, what a vicious cycle.


Active member
I smoke and would give up cigs for mj in a skinny minute. Problem is, a cig after a session is almost as good as after eating. One seems to perpetuate the other. Argh, what a vicious cycle.

i had the same problem , so i just quit mj and tobacco at the same time , and apart from feeling a bit sick and having few withdrawal symptoms it was easy.

Now , after a month non smoking/vaping whatever , i picked u^vaporizing.

So maybe you are more addicted to smoking than to nicotine or mj i dunno , i smoked for 12 years before i quit.

So euh for me i would say what helped best was quitting them both and then starting to vape afterwards