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I joined the police academy

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terry the trich

Active member
I think even scenery in photos of outdoor grows could be a risk. Only takes some FBI/cop or whatever to recognise some trees on a hill or something stupid like that.


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
I honestly don't like cops and I live too far out in the country for them to help [I protect myself with dog and firepower], but I would like you guys to tell me how to run a society without law enforcement. Don't we need them for some situations?

Exactly like you do... Let's face it; 90% of laws in America exist for no other reason than to make something illegal. Most laws serve absolutely no other purpose.
Who cares if a person who has driven for 40 years without an accident or even a ticket has never had a legel drivers license? Who cares if a 17 yr old has a drink or even gets drunk with his parents?
The truth of it is that Americans are more terrified of law enforcement than they are of being a victim of criminals.

My father was a sheriff in a small ranch community in the mid-west, I was raised to respect the law and LEO. My father was fired for giving 3 drunk teenage boys a ride home instead of jail, just because they were drunk and 1 of them had a little pot. His superiors figured that it didn't matter that they were good kids and hadn't done anything wrong.

If/when legalization happens at a Federal level I'm curious how people will view the police then? Will they still hold them in a negative light or will things soften up? Only time will tell I guess

MJ is only a small issue in the larger scheme of things. I have only used MJ for the last 18 months. But I have seen the corruption and bullying in law enforcement most of my 46 years.

It's easy to be a cop.. Basically all you need is to be smart enough to do the job, but dumb enough not to find something honest to do for a living.
I'm sort-of of the opinion that anyone who comes on here and identifies themselves right off the bat as a cop is way less to worry about than the potentially thousands of cops who are lurking on this forum at any time.

I have buddies I've grown up with who've become cops - I've leaned on their patrol cars smoking blunts - they've never given a fuck. I've been arrested by all types of cops (the good, the bad, and the ugly [thanks for the black eye and the ribs, Officer Sandvik, Portland PD, you asshole]) - and I'll always remember what my "favorite" arresting officer said: "Man, the day they make the stuff legal, I'll be right out there burning a joint with you, but until then, I feed my family by enforcing what they put on the books, whether or not I agree."

I can sympathize - if I buy a pair of Nikes, I don't say fuck you to the guy at foot locker because little kids are in a sweatshop somewhere making the shoes - there *is* definitely someone whose fault that is, but it's not the bottom-of-the-ladder grunt who interacts with me.


New member
yank that dickfaces head off!


Game Bred
people always hate 'em till they need 'em.

l.e.a.p. is an example..

everyone who just blasted this cat on the first page is just wrong...

cops have their place and do deserve a modicum of respect.

and ive been in their cars,cells,prisons and had my ass whooped and stuff stolen by them.


New member
cops r just robots, dumb little piggy robots. doing big daddys work, cuz they cant think for themselves. dumb little piggys.


i posted a link to a song called cop killer. its a song

True it's the one by ICE-T right? And there is a lot of police that take serious offense to it.
Your new dude and may have the same feelings as us but please don't throw gas on the fire with that saying and the pics your posting. We already have enough against us as it is.


Active member
The main point being missed by Frozenguy (bless his little heart) is that we are not saying we don't want cops to exist, we just don't want known cops here on ICMAG. :)

Unless we are turning this CANNABIS website into a new haven for them to hang out and chat with "criminals" as they put it. Sure they are lurking, nothing you can do about that but we don't need to condone it or rub peckers with them. I won't help support that. ;)
Well, some are saying they dont want to by generally calling all cops filth, scum, pigs, etc. I agree though, I dont really think a cop has a place on here unless he truely just wants to grow cannabis. And in that place, dont mention you're a cop!

"When it's seconds that count...The cops are just a few minutes away."...that's what I think about calling 911. If I call them, it'll be to request a coroner to come clean some dumbass off my floor. Sure as hell not because I need their help.
And by the way...we are part of society you ass. The part that works, raises children to be productive people, pays it's taxes, and then gets shunned, looked down upon, ostracized, then imprisoned for choosing not to conform to societal "norms". ...all you cop lovers need to quit riding the fucking fence...you sound like a bunch of politicians. Just choose a side already cause like it or not...until it's legal, it's us against them.
??? Lol.. Every part of society raises kids and pays taxes lol.. (with maybe a few exceptions in government)..

And I have a gun, I protect myself. If I need to call the cops for something I will. But anyone who badmouths the cops and calls them names, then begs for their helps, is being childish and naive.

If you break the law you break the law. We are trying to change it, but dont be surprised when you break the law and have to pay the price. Move to a legal state if you have to.

So will you feel the same way if your number comes up?
I live in a legal state. I have presented cannabis to officers many times and have only had a problem once. It was for 15 grams, I had to go to court, but it got dismissed. It was annoying, but whatever. It is what it is.

One of the reasons I dont grow huge and go sell to states with bullshit weed is because its against the law. There is a lot of benefit in it, its morally ok, but it breaks the law and has consequences I dont want to experience. I choose not to break the law, some do; and then whine about getting consequences.

I wouldn't because by the time the cops showed up, the seven armed men will have my baby up for auction in Bangladesh or some such place. Not only that but if 7 armed men break in to steal my baby they'll probably kill me anyway because I'm sure not going to hand over my child willingly just because they have guns.

Plus how is it hypocritical to use a service for the purpose it's meant for? Just because I choose to ignore the laws making weed illegal doesn't mean I have to ignore all laws to remain unhypocritical. Just because I grow weed for my own personal consumption because I feel capable of judging what's okay and not okay for me to put in my body doesn't translate to I should not call the cops when I'm been victimized at gunpoint. See that's the difference, there are no victims when I break the marijuana laws. The only person suffering is the dealer no longer making a buck off of me.

Now if I were saying it's okay for me to grow weed for my own personal use but you can't grow opium for your own personal use then maybe I could see your point about being hypocritical?

All that being said, I do agree that it's stupid to hate cops across the board. One should not hate the players, they should hate the game. They should hate the laws that are unjust and the people that put unjust laws into place, usually to satisfy some corporate interest rather then the interests of the people they're supposed to serve. We have some good allies within the ranks of the police. Many cops are just as tired of busting good people not really harming anyone as much as those people are tired of being busted. They have formed groups that join in the call to end prohibition on marijuana.

Right right. A lot of the time (most of the time?), cops are there too late, but not always. I have a gun to protect my life, but you can be sure I'm calling the cops too. Who knows, maybe you hold the seven guys off with your gun for three minutes but they keep trying. Finally cops get there and help you out. It was just an example situation as there are 10's of thousands of others.

I was sayings its hypocritical to use a service after you bash the service. I'm not sayings its hypocritical to break the law then ask for help, because really, everyone makes mistakes, everyone breaks the law to some degree. They should/do still offer help to everyone, even those that bash the very service that may possible save their lives and/or their loved ones.

Just in case anyone missed it: I'm not standing up for all cops.. I hate bad cops, more than I hate regular criminals. Cops need to be held to a higher standard when they are in trouble, and need more checks and balances. I'm just standing up for law enforcement agency in general as a concept, and the good men and women (however many there are) that are employed.


Freedom Fighter
people always hate 'em till they need 'em.

l.e.a.p. is an example..

everyone who just blasted this cat on the first page is just wrong...

cops have their place and do deserve a modicum of respect.

and ive been in their cars,cells,prisons and had my ass whooped and stuff stolen by them.

As much as I hate much of what they do...I have to agree with this--
If anybodies Mother was having her house broken into, and she called the Police to help her...I would think most would be thankful when they did--
If this guy was trying to fuck with ppl...he would not have made this Thread!!
I personally don't like or trust cops...but I don't see how him being here is a Security issue...as any cop can come here in stealth, if they choose--
"Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer."


New member
why would i have respect for them. i never will. i look at one and i instantly feel hatred and want to attack. illegallly searched repeatedly, arrested, assaulted, hmm next.

they dont get my respect. theyve never helped me, someone attacked my house they didnt give a shit. 'oh well we cant do anything' thanks.
cops r just robots, dumb little piggy robots. doing big daddys work, cuz they cant think for themselves. dumb little piggys.

In an ideal world, we'd all pack heat and be the first in the door if we hear the neighbor's wife scream... But we live in a country where they teach women to yell "Fire!" instead of "Help!" or "Rape!" because they know a crowd will come to watch the fire, but avoid the confrontation of danger.

In theory, I can agree that police are extraneous, and the same can be said of laws in general: if someone intends to break a law, they'll do it whether it's illegal or not. And the opposite is true: if they made rape legal tomorrow, most people wouldn't go on a rape spree just because there aren't any consequences anymore. What that means to me is that it's not the laws that are allowing or permitting things to happen, but social mores.

So with that as the context, who *should* be going after the members of society that we can agree are "bad guys" - or at least "contrary to our common understanding of what's right and what's fucked up"? Honestly, I think Huey P Newton had it right when he had the Panthers patrolling their own communities, but unless we as individuals step up to this obligation, the institution of a police force is something like a necessary evil.

Now, as the fact that a cop can't "think for himself" - the dude at Subway isn't allowed to make you a slice of pizza - that shit's just not on the menu - the bossman would have his ass for it. I'm sure enough of the people on here do dirt of some kind or another specifically because they don't want the constraints of a day job, but I'll tell you what - my parents fed and clothed my ass busting their humps for an asshole boss who told them what they could and couldn't do, and I have plenty of respect for the citizens who knowingly eat shit on a daily basis to do right by the people who count on them.


New member
In an ideal world, we'd all pack heat and be the first in the door if we hear the neighbor's wife scream... But we live in a country where they teach women to yell "Fire!" instead of "Help!" or "Rape!" because they know a crowd will come to watch the fire, but avoid the confrontation of danger.

In theory, I can agree that police are extraneous, and the same can be said of laws in general: if someone intends to break a law, they'll do it whether it's illegal or not. And the opposite is true: if they made rape legal tomorrow, most people wouldn't go on a rape spree just because there aren't any consequences anymore. What that means to me is that it's not the laws that are allowing or permitting things to happen, but social mores.

So with that as the context, who *should* be going after the members of society that we can agree are "bad guys" - or at least "contrary to our common understanding of what's right and what's fucked up"? Honestly, I think Huey P Newton had it right when he had the Panthers patrolling their own communities, but unless we as individuals step up to this obligation, the institution of a police force is something like a necessary evil.

Now, as the fact that a cop can't "think for himself" - the dude at Subway isn't allowed to make you a slice of pizza - that shit's just not on the menu - the bossman would have his ass for it. I'm sure enough of the people on here do dirt of some kind or another specifically because they don't want the constraints of a day job, but I'll tell you what - my parents fed and clothed my ass busting their humps for an asshole boss who told them what they could and couldn't do, and I have plenty of respect for the citizens who knowingly eat shit on a daily basis to do right by the people who count on them.

im glad someone can convey the message without insane rage like me, thanks. i just hate cops and everything about that, sorry. they have went out of their way to destroy my and my familys lives many years ago and im still suffering. not everyones situation is the same but i do not respect someone who is supposed to uphold the law and that person does illegal activities to you, i was assaulted by police, i was illegally searched and seized with a felony stop, guns at my head, thrown around like a bum, it really destroyed all credibility for any police for me, ever.
Just in case anyone missed it: I'm not standing up for all cops.. I hate bad cops, more than I hate regular criminals. Cops need to be held to a higher standard when they are in trouble, and need more checks and balances. I'm just standing up for law enforcement agency in general as a concept, and the good men and women (however many there are) that are employed.

I really like the point of a higher standard - to put it in perspective, you have an individual whose job it is to enforce a law that they have little-to-no training in interpreting (because, technically, this is the job of the courts). They have virtually no training at the officer level on psychology, on emotional sensitivity, on morals and ethics, or on a human dynamics. If every cop had to do a social science degree before they signed on - if they were required to be men and women of upright character, hell, even if they were given a psychological exam (as many people are given entering corporate jobs) to evaluate what's important to them ethically and how much respect they hold for fellow human beings, I think it would make a difference.

As it is, though, if you hire the juicers from the high school football team after they earn a bullshit associates degree, how can you expect them to just stop being bullies for the first time in their lives?


Active member
You people are missing the whole fucking point why would this dumb fuck come to a weed growing site and post this garbage. Who fucking cares if this guy wants to be a cop but why announce it on ICMAG...:moon::laughing:


I really like the point of a higher standard - to put it in perspective, you have an individual whose job it is to enforce a law that they have little-to-no training in interpreting (because, technically, this is the job of the courts). They have virtually no training at the officer level on psychology, on emotional sensitivity, on morals and ethics, or on a human dynamics. If every cop had to do a social science degree before they signed on - if they were required to be men and women of upright character, hell, even if they were given a psychological exam (as many people are given entering corporate jobs) to evaluate what's important to them ethically and how much respect they hold for fellow human beings, I think it would make a difference.

As it is, though, if you hire the juicers from the high school football team after they earn a bullshit associates degree, how can you expect them to just stop being bullies for the first time in their lives?
I just wish we could have citizen over-sight commissions that could discipline them and any other public servant accused of abuse of office or hypocrisy.

There Aint No Justice.


Active member
I really like the point of a higher standard - to put it in perspective, you have an individual whose job it is to enforce a law that they have little-to-no training in interpreting (because, technically, this is the job of the courts). They have virtually no training at the officer level on psychology, on emotional sensitivity, on morals and ethics, or on a human dynamics. If every cop had to do a social science degree before they signed on - if they were required to be men and women of upright character, hell, even if they were given a psychological exam (as many people are given entering corporate jobs) to evaluate what's important to them ethically and how much respect they hold for fellow human beings, I think it would make a difference.

As it is, though, if you hire the juicers from the high school football team after they earn a bullshit associates degree, how can you expect them to just stop being bullies for the first time in their lives?

Yes I agree. I find it obnoxious that officers only need a GED in most departments. Not many have a degree. Some do, but its not common. I think it should be require to have a least an AA. I suppose I would prefer they have a BA/BS but I haven't thought of it too much.

You learn a lot more in upper education then what classes you're taking. Its kind of an indirect thing. And I feel officers need this. It also shows that they have more commitment to themselves and others. It would just be good overall.


16 pages in one day. A record?
Anyway, I have plants that are thirsty and a bowl to smoke so I'm out.
Later and please as much as some of us loathe the ideal of a cop as a known member, lets keep it civil.
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