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I joined the police academy

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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Some of you guys are funny..

I bet all of you would call 911 if you needed it. Bunch of hypocrites.

Like you're not going to call the police when seven armed men break in and grab your baby.. You're going to handle it yourself? Watch out, they may take your weed!!!

Lol.. All you cop haters need to wake up and become part of society.

I wouldn't because by the time the cops showed up, the seven armed men will have my baby up for auction in Bangladesh or some such place. Not only that but if 7 armed men break in to steal my baby they'll probably kill me anyway because I'm sure not going to hand over my child willingly just because they have guns.

Plus how is it hypocritical to use a service for the purpose it's meant for? Just because I choose to ignore the laws making weed illegal doesn't mean I have to ignore all laws to remain unhypocritical. Just because I grow weed for my own personal consumption because I feel capable of judging what's okay and not okay for me to put in my body doesn't translate to I should not call the cops when I'm been victimized at gunpoint. See that's the difference, there are no victims when I break the marijuana laws. The only person suffering is the dealer no longer making a buck off of me.

Now if I were saying it's okay for me to grow weed for my own personal use but you can't grow opium for your own personal use then maybe I could see your point about being hypocritical?

All that being said, I do agree that it's stupid to hate cops across the board. One should not hate the players, they should hate the game. They should hate the laws that are unjust and the people that put unjust laws into place, usually to satisfy some corporate interest rather then the interests of the people they're supposed to serve. We have some good allies within the ranks of the police. Many cops are just as tired of busting good people not really harming anyone as much as those people are tired of being busted. They have formed groups that join in the call to end prohibition on marijuana.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I think the main point is being missed here:
Yes LEO does watch these sites and God only knows how many are on here. With that being said I don't want that BS thrown in my face.
I also wonder how it would/will affect membership and people supporting the site with $$$$ if folks know a KNOWN LEO is a member.

Are there really that many? I mean how good of a resource would such a site be for a cop? A DEA level cop maybe as they wouldn't be as constrained by jurisdiction but the average cop in a given town, how useful would a site like this be to them? An international site with members from all over the world. The answer, not very useful at all. The best they could hope to do with it is get clues on what to look for to identify a person is growing indoors. Chances are slim that a cop limited by jurisdiction is going to come to an international site hoping to bust someone on the site that happens to also be in their jurisdiction. If they suspect someone that much to track their online activity they don't need this site to bust them.

As for membership and money why should that be affected? I mean if it can be proven that the site was responsible for recruiting police and then someone got busted as a result then okay, that would probably affect money but otherwise it's not the sites fault. It's not like there is some unique code that is transmitted by cops surfing the net which identifies them as cops such that a site could easily block them. Nor do I think the site or it's users would be interested in having the site invade everyone's privacy just to make sure no cops ever join.


ICMag Donor

Things are not what they seem!! ...I wanna listen to it right now,but i gotta go to work..Thanks reminder,ill be singing all night at work....:tiphat:
Some of you guys are funny..

I bet all of you would call 911 if you needed it. Bunch of hypocrites.

Like you're not going to call the police when seven armed men break in and grab your baby.. You're going to handle it yourself? Watch out, they may take your weed!!!

Lol.. All you cop haters need to wake up and become part of society.

"When it's seconds that count...The cops are just a few minutes away."...that's what I think about calling 911. If I call them, it'll be to request a coroner to come clean some dumbass off my floor. Sure as hell not because I need their help.
And by the way...we are part of society you ass. The part that works, raises children to be productive people, pays it's taxes, and then gets shunned, looked down upon, ostracized, then imprisoned for choosing not to conform to societal "norms". ...all you cop lovers need to quit riding the fucking fence...you sound like a bunch of politicians. Just choose a side already cause like it or not...until it's legal, it's us against them.


All that being said, I do agree that it's stupid to hate cops across the board. One should not hate the players, they should hate the game. They should hate the laws that are unjust and the people that put unjust laws into place, usually to satisfy some corporate interest rather then the interests of the people they're supposed to serve. We have some good allies within the ranks of the police. Many cops are just as tired of busting good people not really harming anyone as much as those people are tired of being busted. They have formed groups that join in the call to end prohibition on marijuana.

That makes them gutless. If they continue to enforce laws that take away peoples basic rights, but are against those laws in the first place then they are cowards plain and simple. For me there's only one step below hate and that is disgust. Those people disgust me. I can hate a man, but still respect him. In this case I do not respect those men.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Happy Haole said:
The part that works, raises children to be productive people, pays it's taxes, and then gets shunned, looked down upon, ostracized, then imprisoned for choosing not to conform to societal "norms". ...all you cop lovers need to quit riding the fucking fence...you sound like a bunch of politicians. Just choose a side already cause like it or not...until it's legal, it's us against them.

:respect: quote worthy post here :respect:


Are there really that many? I mean how good of a resource would such a site be for a cop? A DEA level cop maybe as they wouldn't be as constrained by jurisdiction but the average cop in a given town, how useful would a site like this be to them? An international site with members from all over the world. The answer, not very useful at all. The best they could hope to do with it is get clues on what to look for to identify a person is growing indoors. Chances are slim that a cop limited by jurisdiction is going to come to an international site hoping to bust someone on the site that happens to also be in their jurisdiction. If they suspect someone that much to track their online activity they don't need this site to bust them.

As for membership and money why should that be affected? I mean if it can be proven that the site was responsible for recruiting police and then someone got busted as a result then okay, that would probably affect money but otherwise it's not the sites fault. It's not like there is some unique code that is transmitted by cops surfing the net which identifies them as cops such that a site could easily block them. Nor do I think the site or it's users would be interested in having the site invade everyone's privacy just to make sure no cops ever join.

It's called the mental aspect. Sure LEO is on here but I think that mentally it would bother someone more if they knew that Joe Member was a LEO and posting on their threads, esp. if their in a non med state. Sure more than likely nothing legal will ever happen, BUT! Never say never.
secondly and most important:
PRINCIPLES!!!! I have them. I've been the victim of their abuses of the badge and because of that most cops in my eyes are scum. Sure I want them to protect me and my kids from the violent offenders but that does not mean I want them around me. Esp. if I was someone who donated to a site that in essence is promoting illegal activity.
I think most people don't understand that just because your in a med state DOES NOT make you legal in the eyes of the law. Also people think that by using a proxy server your safe...Far from it. As far as IP address's there easy to get if you have the program on your computer to get them. I have a friend who can track IP's just as easy as looking in a phone book. Take a look at smartphones, if you visit this site from one the police can have all the info they need by contacting the phone companies. A few companies a couple months ago went public on how some of the apps. on those phones are used to COLLECT ALL your personal data including phone number, who you call and what sites you visit and then SELL that data mainly to marketing companies that target what you surf on your phones. Come on, how many of you have surfed porn sites on your phones then all of a sudden started getting porn spam in your e-mails? That ain't no fucking coincidence. The more advanced we've become the more we've screwed ourselves and our freedom. Talk about invasion of privacy and Orwell's Big Brother is watching YOU aspect.
For a large portion of folks on here we are small fish and not worth the bait ($$$) for LEO to use to catch us, which is why you won't see LEO busting people, but as stated above never say never.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
That makes them gutless. If they continue to enforce laws that take away peoples basic rights, but are against those laws in the first place then they are cowards plain and simple. For me there's only one step below hate and that is disgust. Those people disgust me. I can hate a man, but still respect him. In this case I do not respect those men.

Actually no they would be gutless if they felt what they felt but said nothing. They are allies because they join in the call to end prohibition.


I used to be a dishwasher when I first started out, I didn't mind washing the plates and glasses and silverware because that was relatively easy. I hated washing the pots and pans because they were harder and had to be hand scrubbed as opposed to being run thru a dishwashing machine. If I had refused to wash the pots and pans though, I would have been fired. It's the same with the cops, they can't just selectively not enforce laws they don't persoanlly believe in. They can only stand against them if there is solidarity in the ranks against those laws.


Active member
if prop 19 goes into effect we'll probably have more than a handful of officers trying to learn ways of configuring their new grow room...


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
It's called the mental aspect. Sure LEO is on here but I think that mentally it would bother someone more if they knew that Joe Member was a LEO and posting on their threads, esp. if their in a non med state. Sure more than likely nothing legal will ever happen, BUT! Never say never.
secondly and most important:
PRINCIPLES!!!! I have them. I've been the victim of their abuses of the badge and because of that most cops in my eyes are scum. Sure I want them to protect me and my kids from the violent offenders but that does not mean I want them around me. Esp. if I was someone who donated to a site that in essence is promoting illegal activity.
I think most people don't understand that just because your in a med state DOES NOT make you legal in the eyes of the law. Also people think that by using a proxy server your safe...Far from it. As far as IP address's there easy to get if you have the program on your computer to get them. I have a friend who can track IP's just as easy as looking in a phone book. Take a look at smartphones, if you visit this site from one the police can have all the info they need by contacting the phone companies. A few companies a couple months ago went public on how some of the apps. on those phones are used to COLLECT ALL your personal data including phone number, who you call and what sites you visit and then SELL that data mainly to marketing companies that target what you surf on your phones. Come on, how many of you have surfed porn sites on your phones then all of a sudden started getting porn spam in your e-mails? That ain't no fucking coincidence. The more advanced we've become the more we've screwed ourselves and our freedom. Talk about invasion of privacy and Orwell's Big Brother is watching YOU aspect.
For a large portion of folks on here we are small fish and not worth the bait ($$$) for LEO to use to catch us, which is why you won't see LEO busting people, but as stated above never say never.

What most people don't understand, or so it seems to me is this site is not an American site and it doesn't promote illegal activity because where it is and the business it represents it's not an illegal activity.

As for never saying never, the only time I say it is when I'm saying never say never. For all the other times relating to marijuana I take it upon myself to be responsible for my security and so if I get busted it's because I did something careless or stupid and not because the site allowed a cop to become a member.

As for IP's well first of all there are sites anyone can go to an enter an IP and it will tell you down to the city www.IP2Location.com beyond that you need to have a court order to get the exact location and who that IP address is assigned to. The only exception to that has been the Federal Government with the Patriot act and claiming National Security. Even then ISP's didn't want to cooperate because they know if they give up their customers too easy they won't be in business long.

As for the apps well sure they collect and sell that stuff so do all those nifty toolbars like Goggle and Yahoo and many others put out there. That's why I never use them.


Are there really that many? I mean how good of a resource would such a site be for a cop? A DEA level cop maybe as they wouldn't be as constrained by jurisdiction but the average cop in a given town, how useful would a site like this be to them?
Local cops befriends someone in another area, gets some good 411, contacts the po-po in that jurisdiction and lets them know. Not hard at all.
Example; yesterday I had to PM a member to ask them to remove some pics from his post because he had his harvest laid out on a newspaper. No big deal right? Well with what little information I could read from the newspapers I was able to tell him the general area he lived in and what fucking University he goes to because it was his school's paper. Boom In a matter of less than 5 minutes I had this guys general area locked down from a few pics and a little bit of internet search from the tidbits of info that I could read on his papers even though I couldn't deduct what school it was until AFTER I internet searched. Basically I was able to do this by tracking 2 names I saw in print on the newspaper.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Local cops befriends someone in another area, gets some good 411, contacts the po-po in that jurisdiction and lets them know. Not hard at all.
Example; yesterday I had to PM a member to ask them to remove some pics from his post because he had his harvest laid out on a newspaper. No big deal right? Well with what little information I could read from the newspapers I was able to tell him the general area he lived in and what fucking University he goes to because it was his school's paper. Boom In a matter of less than 5 minutes I had this guys general area locked down.

Well I guess the difference is I don't see the need to protect the user from themselves. I mean no more then to make them aware they need to be careful and offer effective strategies to being careful. If however they ignore the warnings and/or can't be bothered to learn how to secure themselves, then they deserve what they get. I definately take care with my pictures, I even go as far as checking for where my fingerprints might show up on a piece of tape or something and blurring them out before I post a picture.

To take it further when asked where I am I don't mention my state, I mention my region. So any cop befriending me wouldn't know what agency to refer the info to because I wouldn't give him that, even though I don't know he's a cop. If he wants my location he's going to have to get my ip and track it like anyone else. This is where the sites can and usually do help, they can keep ips within a site away from the cops. One site I know of makes all the ips within a server appear as local ip's (ie Of course that's easy to work around. Just send a pm with a picture in it that you've posted on a site you run and watch for the ip that accesses it. Since you only sent the picture to one person, it'll be their ip accessing it. Of course if they're a cop and you can prove that they only learned of your illegal activities thru violating your right to privacy then any charges they bring against you that way would be thrown out of court. So would the tip from a cop in on a site. Remember it's not as simple as one cop calling another and saying "this guy is growing weed because I befriended him on a site and he told me so go bust him." The cop wanting to make the arrest would get laughed out of the judges chambers while trying to get a warrant. The judge would probably say, "How about rather then depending on tips from friends about people on websites you actually go do some police work and find evidence and then come see me."

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
No matter how hard you try.....you WILL end up fucking up people's lives bro. You will HAVE to so you can keep that badge. It's the whole mess that made me say face palm bud....you have this ideal that's not going to work out the way you think it will. You will end up a cop...just like the rest of them. You WILL have to arrest people for shit you do yourself and that my friend, is hypocricy. That is all. SO, you do not have to post in my rep box that you are not worthy....I never said that. All I was implying, was that you'll end up hurting people that don't deserve it whether you think so or not. SO, again....rep message unnecessary....and never did I claim to be a master grower homeboy. All I said was face palm. Maybe you're reaction to my comment is an indication you aren't fully satisfied or in tune with what you are about to do with your life. And it is your life...it's just that opening up a thread saying you're joining the academy is like a slap in the face to some awesome folks here. We come here to not feel oppressed, bro. Sorry if that all f*cks with ya....YOU opened up the discussion and opportunity for other's opinions. Think about the irony of what you're doing here.
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